Saying GG first, as the winner, is disrespectful
lmao you're analyzing this way too much
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Nope. I always say GG on every single match, even those I won. Most of the time I receive the reply of GG too, so I don't think many people take it as an offense.
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It's so annoying seeing GG when it was clear that the other side only reserves it for when they won.
Yesterday I spent most of my matches playing survivor and the only "gg" I got was in a match against Pinhead where my teammate DCed 30 seconds into the match after Pinhead found the box.
Played against the same person later on (they were Singularity this time) and got a 3 man out. Their only kill came from hook trading in end game. Guess what they said in chat? Absolutely nothing.
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In my experience the vast majority of ggs come from the winners
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No problem, thanks for the clarification.
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Well when bringing in personal exprerience and opinions obviously there is no way to prove/disprove that. But my point still stands. GG has nothing to do with DBD and has everything to do with gaming as a whole. Again, you can be offended, but that is your choice to be offended, not because someone actually is trying to offend you..
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As killer, I always say "gg", win or lose.
If my opponents have displayed any kind of skill, I'll add a "wp" for good measure.
And if more than one of them showed skill, I'll top it with an "all".
If anybody doesn't like it, he's free to close the chat and should probably endeavor to toughen up.
When I play survivor I seldom say "gg" as I tend to die early and I'm not about to wait for several minutes to salute my teammates and my opponent.
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In actual sports? No. People meet up before a match. Stuff gets set up. You can observe the other(s) during the match.
In DBD? Yes, exactly. Thats the point. That's why the "gg" from actual sports is lacking the context it needs in dbd.
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In chess it's the person who loses who offers the handshake. If you consider GG the gamer equivalent of a handshake, then the winner offering a GG first has this kind of energy:
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And only from them, by the way, never getting back a corresponding gg from the other side.
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I'm….very uncertain of whether or not this is legitimate or bait. Like this HAS to be 100% ironic.
Why say GG when you resort, or resorted to the big three…? And then wonder why survivors aren't so "sportsmanlike" in return?
It's almost like you used a 'Tactic' of the game that's generally considered (And OFTEN DEBATED) a scummy way to play and then expected to be treated like a good sport? And then slapped them on hook while nodding your head…?
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The problem is not the winner saying gg first but the loser being salty and taking it the wrong way. More often than not, the winner is probably genuine and they wish to express that they had fun playing against their opponent.
I know it's easy to assume the worst about people but that's not good.
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Chances are the people who think the winner saying GG first is gloating about their victory are the same people who do it in the first place.
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This is something that doesn't make sense to me. Insults are bannable as per the game rules, and when the Killer bled the last person out and types GG or the Survivor clicky clicky teabags at the exit gate and types the same, they are clearly doing it to insult/BM. At the same time, a normal match may have had annoying moments, and been ambiguous as to whether it was a 'glove touch' or insult. Waiting for the loser to say GG first makes it 100% in the clear.
Alternatively, I think we should just remove the foolish 'no insults' rule, because insults are too subjective to be a bannable cause. I find banter very enjoyable, and I don't consider banter to be actual insults, even if it may include them. At the same time you can say the meanest things under the 'kill them with kindness' guise, and you can't determine if the person is genuine or not. I personally take bleedout and tunneling at 5 gens GGs as insults, because you would have to be implying I am a complete and total idiot if you thought I would think it was a good/enjoyable match.1 -
Ill be honest, if I play killer and "win" but I feel like the survivors put up a heck of a fight, it was a gg. If someone ran me for a gen or two before I whack em? Dude, absolutely gg. If I have to work hard for a hook, definitely gg.
Saying gg as a killer is me showing respect for a game well fought.
"Gg ez" is always said by trash only, though. Just as salt in wounds. I hope those people stub their toes and burn their tongues on hot beverages.
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The people who say "GG" are just like that though. ESPECIALLY, as others have stated, if you say it wasn't for you, then they start trashing you, saying all kinds of insults. I can literally vouch for this as It's happened to me a long time ago.
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I agree. This post is basically pointing people like that out. Like how exactly was that a GG at that point?
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I don't play chess, but this is basically the way I see it. The loser should be the one saying GG first, always, otherwise, It's just rude.
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I should have said this earlier, but if I get whomped as a survivor (my main) and it was skillfully done (not a tunnel and slug) I offer a gg. If I'm a survivor and escape but it was a good game with skillful play from the killer, I'll offer a gg.
When I say it, it's genuine, otherwise I'll leave crickets in chat. Honestly I'm usually talking to myself and get no reply either way.
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It just salt farmer. Even some dbd streamers make a living off it. They will play in a unfun way, say gg in end game, than make a YouTube vib out of it when the response is negative.
It's like that in many online games but dbd especially. Side note! it really hard to respect a gg in this game sometimes because how skill-less wins can appear. This game is all about positioning. Breaking middle gens making patrolling the map impossible, standing close by hooks to camp/tunnel, etc. it almost feel like it's too easy to rush your objective in this game sometimes and just feel extremely cheesy.
Looping & chasing test your reflexes, anticipation, and map knowledge which if far more interesting. To bad many matches are just players playing boring
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Honestly I just say ggwp when it was a good game and we all played well. If they were actually toxic and not just sweaty, I don't say anything.
I do this both sides. Because I have sportsmanship, win or lose. It's meant the way you shake hands with the other side when you play a sport, win or loss, it's to show you are respectful of the other side regardless of how nasty it gets on the field.
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If they do that, then I don't say anything because they weren't a good sport. If they say ggs I assume they felt like it was a tough round and wanted to show no hard feelings. If they did it after being toxic? Then I assume they actually meant "git gud" and I ignore it as the BM it is.
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I literally do not see it this way. My reason for that is because literally like 90% of people only say "GGWP" when they win. I said something about the TTV"s as a little bit of proof to back up my point.
I'll say anything but GG or GGWP.0 - it's disrespectful to say gg because you won? So like every other game when someone says Good Game either physical like a bored game torment oron computer like any e-sport is disrespectful. I would more understand it if they added ez because yeah that is disrespectful but saying GG even if you win shows you enjoyed the game with the player which can give a small boost of confidence adding WP can even give a bigger one since it makes the person who lost at least feel they put up a challenge. I say GG to twitch streamers if they win or lose against me because it's a sign of respect. I shouldn't need to wait for the other person to say it first because they lost.
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For the 100000th time. The point is that people only say it when they win, which is why I find it be an issue. How exactly is it being a good sport, if you're only saying it when It's a win, and almost never when losing?
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It kind of depends on the game. There are games where saying GG first is actually seen as a form of disrespect for good reason. RTSes like StarCraft are a perfect example of this. The loser says GG in order to signify that they've lost and they have nothing left. If the opponent says it first, it's a form of BM, since it implies they're confident that they've won the game and their opponent can't possibly stop them anymore.
That being said, in the context of DBD, I think if you get offended by your opponent saying GG then you should just turn off chat because I would think you're likely to be tilted by almost anything that's said in there.
There's a youtuber named Cope who I like a lot who recommended turning off chat and usernames as a means of reducing tilt, since it makes the game seem less "personal" when you're just playing against Dwight_Fairfield instead of Hex: Creatively Suggestive Username. I tried it once and honestly it worked really well for me. I keep thinking I should just do it permanently because it made the game a lot more fun.
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This is very true.
The only thing I would mention is that this is a common problem of text based communication. There is no body language, facial expression or context clues to draw from, which is why emojis exist, as a means of helping us provide context and meaning.
E.g. Say you pull a practical joke on someone. Compare the responses:
- You jackass
- You jackass 🤣
- You jackass 🤎
- You jackass 🖕
The meaning of each is quite different, so this means without supporting emojis or properly framing your GG in a sentence, the reader of a text message has to infer intent, and likely if a person has just lost, and especially if they lost badly, they are likely not in the healthiest mindset in that moment, and thus not likely to read "GG" with the best case scenario in mind...
So my point largely is, saying "GG" is not inherently toxic... but if your intent is to genuinely convey "Good Game" to another player, this point is very much worth bearing in mind... and I would argue that failure to acknowledge/address this point once aware of it does kinda throw shade at that "GG" being genuine.
Thankfully I'm on console, so have no need to navigate this space at all... but when I used to play PC, I almost never said GG first if I was on the winning side, because I'm aware it can provoke a negative reaction. If I ever did, it was when the game was genuinely on a knife edge that could have fallen either way in the scramble that realistically noone could be mad at... and even then I actually used a whole sentence to say how good a game it was.
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Interesting take.
I mostly agree, that the absence of body language and audible cues makes it harder to identify the true intentions but there really is no way to fix that. Emojis wouldn't help, especially if you're already in a bit of a bad mood because then everything would be understood as sarcasm.
I think it is on the winner to keep in mind that their opponent might not be in the best mood after losing and the loser to try and be calm enough to understand that sometimes a gg is nothing more than a gg. Especially since sore winners tend to write gg ez instead. Meaning, when one side absolutely stomped the other, saying gg first might not convey the intended message and in a normal to close game the loser should try and understand that their opponent is actually trying to be nice.
When I lose badly in a game, I rarely respond with a gg and instead say well played. The game wasn't good for me but I can aknowledge that my opponent played well. There is no need to lie in the end game chat and logically it makes little sense for them to be spiteful when they won. Sometimes the game can be a context clue for the opposite but I view that as the exception, not the norm.
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Emojis wouldn't help, especially if you're already in a bit of a bad mood because then everything would be understood as sarcasm.
I think it is on the winner to keep in mind that their opponent might not be in the best mood after losing and the loser to try and be calm enough to understand that sometimes a gg is nothing more than a gg.
Can't argue with that. Thats really the takeaway I guess.
Losing players should endeavour to try and take a gg as just a gg. Yeah some players are problem players, but if you're hitting tilt, taking a break to ensure you don't snap tbe wrong persons head off is probably a good move.
Winning players can say gg, but should be aware and empathetic of potential high emotions that may colour it differently, and should be prepared/attempt to mitigate that implication to the best of their ability. Even giving 5 seconds before saying GG, just to give the losing player a chance to say it, or at least calm down a little would help.
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Spirit says GG after a 4K
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I say ggs regardless of what happened cus ppl are either gonna complain that you did or didn't say it lol. Not waiting for someone to say it when I could just type and go to the next match rather than staring at egc like I feel entitled to someone's response.
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I think this thread proves that there are plenty of people who don't only say it when they win. It's a bummer if that's been your experience, and I wish it wasn't that way for you, but in the grand scheme of the world, I don't think this is a large problem across the board.
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It's less to do with being disrespectful, and more an issue you have which makes you feel frustrated with the comment.
It would be much more advisable for you to work on why you react that way, because it's an unhealthy reaction to have. When sports teams such as in football win, they approach the other side to shake hands and vice versa. According to this logic, that's unsportsmanlike.
This only makes sense when you recognise that you are the one with the problem here and not the other. When you realise this, you'll probably feel and be better for it.
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[winner does literally anything after winning]
"stop bming me!"
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This has been our experience for the 7ish years here