Lobbies where one person doesn't belong

Yharwick Member Posts: 521

For people that play killer have you ever had games where you have no intent of tunneling but there's just one survivor that's just very obviously worse than the other three?

Never hides effectively, doesn't last in chase has very little game sense and does things like just stands at hook too long after being unhooked while the unhooker is long gone?

What do you do in these situations? It seems like if it's not a SWF the team never takes chase for these types of people and you know you could get them dead in record time if you wanted to but it seems mean especially now with anni going on? Lately on death hook if I down them I'll slug them once and give them one more chance but it tends not to make a difference and they still wind up dying first no matter what. I wanna play my role and actually kill but it seems like the matchmaker just doesn't work for one person in every lobby and it feels bad.


  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 725

    Well I only tunnel if I find the person randomly, means I'd probably tunnel the person you're discribing because she's hiding very badly. Sometimes I slugged people like this once too, but I had games where that costs me the game, so I typically don't do that anymore xD

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 47

    sometimes I tunel without wanting to, it's not that the player is particularly bad. But the other players stay hidden/don't do any objective.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 261

    Play how you want. I wouldnt care too much about tunneling them or not if i wanted to win. Means they need to get better and not get handheld.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    It could be a more experienced player trying to teach a newbie, much more likely a backfill due to lobby dodging. I tend to slug them if found again, and kill them last if possible.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I know the anniversary lobbies don't have matchmaking but I had someone yesterday who was obviously inexperienced. Didn't have any sort of awareness on direction I'm approaching and was running at me, didn't seem to have any clue on pathing and seemed to struggle looking behind and not running into what is in front. I felt like it was unfair so I two hooked and let everyone go.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,199

    If you're going to play as the Pig, just kill them in the game asap so they don't have to put up with her stealth. 🤗

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    3 good survivors and one awful survivor isn't -that- rare to find, and usually you'll need to tunnel the weak link because the good survivors are simply too good at looping or stealthing.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190
  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    I believe it has more to do with the other teammates not taking chase. More often than not there seems to be some who would rather play a generator repair simulator than take a hook state for their companions.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    But yeeting unsuspecting survs off of gens is a wonderful experience! 🐽🐷

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    this usually happens to me I have like 3500 hours but I’m still pretty average skilled and I stick out like a sore thumb

  • TotallyNotADocMain
    TotallyNotADocMain Member Posts: 7

    So typically what I'd do is hook them twice then show a little mercy. Now if it's blatantly obvious they watched a certain someone's "Bullying Comp" and brought that kind of attitude into the match yeah I'm putting them 6 feet under in the first three minutes. Genuinely inexperienced survivors I'll be nicer to because having a fun interaction at the gate with a Killer and getting out can make someone's day..... despite when the other survivors try to flame me for "giving them a free win".

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,892

    We see this pretty often. On the one claw it feels bad to pick on the same one even if it's by chance, on the other Everytime we've been consciously nice it has bit us on the tail and survivors have been actively trying to beat the kindness out of us lately.

  • PhantumViper
    PhantumViper Member Posts: 1

    I don't play killer often, but when I do in situations like this. I don't seek them out though. But if I see them I will chase the unskilled player and slug them. Effectively requiring one of the remaining survivors to pick them up which gets them off objectives while I try to find another chase.

    If I am able to maintain good pressure and am not losing gens I will do this a couple times. DBD is not a new player friendly game, people need time in game to learn. When I first started playing I was weak link targeted and I learned nothing from waiting 10 minutes in the lobby for my friends to get out of the game I just got tunneled out of.

    I personally want everyone to enjoy the game and not get tunneled, slugged unnecessarily, or early game camped. I stretch games out, let survivors reset if I am control, and ahead on hooks.

  • this_CouchPotato
    this_CouchPotato Member Posts: 5

    I personally play survivor a lot more, and there have been instances where this happend to me. In one instance it was frustrating, because I could see on hook that everyone was constantly hiding and crouching in areas once killer had hooked me. Once I got unhooked, it wasn't long before the killer found me again. Rinse and repeat and I died.

    Saw that the killer was a streamer, so I looked at his pov and basically saw that I was the only one actively running around the map doing things, so the killer would only ever see me. He was even apologetic about it, saying he wasn't trying to tunnel, but I really was the only one he could see.

    So ultimately, it's not just about being the "weak link" imo. You could be unlucky and happen to be found too frequently, or your teammates could also just be doing nothing but hiding.

  • Rose69
    Rose69 Member Posts: 4

    New to the game. Only started around the start of this month. I main killer because the chase can be fun and it's less pressure on me than trying to support a team. So far, I've kinda just treating it as my job to make a match more fun/interesting rather than actually to win.

    So, if I see a survivor do something which seems particularly stupid or is making a clear attempt to form a bond, I'll slow down, take it easy on them and even try to communicate that they're free to go about their business while I hunt the more "competitive" survivors… "Competitive"…

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,646

    I stopped caring about who it is, that I chase. So I always chase the first person I find and that switch targets when convenient. To a degree it's the survivor's responsibility to make themself a bad target. If they are careless enough to run into the killer again, then it's not really tunneling because no survivors were ignored to hook that person again.

    If they can't last in chase, then too bad. I'll just play the way I usually play. I don't go out of my way to target them but when they're dead, they're dead. That's already playing nice. I won't just surrender because someone plays bad. If the situation were reversed, I'd lose the match too, which is fine.

    In short, I play like normal. If I absolutely control the match, I might be in the mood to give someone an extra chance but it's not the norm. At the end of the day, it's not my responsibility to account for poor matchmaking. It doesn't fix the actual issue anyway but instead makes it worse, since MMR only cares about kills and escapes.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Not a rare find at all. I feel really bad about it, but if I keep on finding them… they kinda have to learn somehow. I'm sorry baby Meg. :( I'll give you a chance to escape a few times, but I will not give you more than three chances. You have to LEARN. The only way you can learn, unfortunately, is by failure.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    Just to be clear, nobody ever "needs" to tunnel.

    On a general note:

    Imagine this is the mindset of killers, and new players have to put up with it. Just tunnel after tunnel until they inexplicably "get good". And then people can't fathom being called toxic. "WYM I'm just playing the game" kind of stuff. No, you're ruining the game for someone. Someone who is potentially going to abandon it because it's not fun.

    The whole tee-hee I'm helping by decimating newer players schtick is ancient, but boy it never goes away.
    Neither does abysmal "matchmaking".

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    I often feel bad for them and think their cute, lol I feel bad tunnelling them when they are very obviously new to the game.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited June 19

    Blame BHVR. Tunnelling has been the biggest issue with the game and the biggest turn-off for new players for years now and the devs refuse to do anything meaningful to deal with it. It's always the strongest tactic for the killer regardless of map, regardless of perks, regardless of killer. BHVR needs to make changes to the game to greatly weaken it and to strengthen spreading out hooks but they refuse to.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,321

    When playing killer, I have had games where i didnt intend to kill anyone, and im ending up 4king because of the way some "swf's" act, its almost as if they want a "fight"

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 659

    Well, when it happens, it is easy to notice. This information comes directly from the game I guess.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,736

    i generally let them be, just enough so they don't think i'm farming or we are friends (because those can evolve into sandbagging or awkward situations). when i will kill them or if i will depends on how the match is going, but i try to make it a long-er match, overall and for them because it goes downhill once someone is dead.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 378

    I can hear the mic of the killer chasing after someone running into another dead zone after being unhooked “omg dude you gotta be new! 😆”

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 339
    edited June 19

    I'm always that person. Over 1,000 hours in this game, majority on survivor, and I'm still terrible at the role.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    I agree that it should be dealt with on a non-player level. That's the only real way to deal with the problem. But it also boils down to the killer making a conscious decision to make someone else's game suck in order to make their own game easier.

    For both sides: Who ever said a win was supposed to be easy?

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    What I usually have is half good/half bad survivors but there are several kinds of bad.

    During the event I try to play (too) nice, but good survivors often die because the bad ones aren't doing their jobs (e.g. unhooking)

    That annoys me enough to kill these bad players.

    Thankfully there are also bad players who will unhook when they should try to stay alive. I try to be pretty lenient with these ones.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    I've been known to unhook while injured and on 2nd hook state with a heavy TR. My hope is always, I get hooked, the other surv gets away. The reality is more often I get slugged, the other surv gets tunneled. I should learn, but I have infinite hope for humanity.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190

    i guess your right, since im at the mmr threshold now (13 scripted killers in 1 week) and i escape ONCE after that, it gets super random

  • RhodosGuard
    RhodosGuard Member Posts: 58

    It's not Tunneling when the survivor is just the only one constantly bumping into you and failing their chases.

    I just had a game, where there was 1 player, who didnt know you can dodge Skelebros by crouching, so of course I hit them every single time they vaulted.

    I didnt ignore the entire enemy team to focus them, they just happened to be the only one constantly walking into me.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I don't really play any different to those people, sometimes if it's blatantly obvious they're new to the game I'll give them a break and go for a different survivor so they can get a little extra time in the trial, maybe even give them hatch if im in a good mood that day.