Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

A possible future with this new Rank system.

(rank 1 survivor, rank 10 killer) So i'm sure most if not all of us have either played the PTB and today with the new rank system. Most of the comments I've seen at best is that the new system is questionable/ worst is that this is the worst update Behaviour has done so far. New killer/survivor/map aside, I doubt the future of this game with the new rank system.

Killers are being forced to camp/tunnel/slug in order to get points enough to pip. Playing as a killer before I'm happy with a 3k with one survivor getting the hatch but I've seen posts where people are getting 4k and still don't pip.

Survivors are bringing in items (from what I've seen) more than ever before. I played several lobbies today where I couldn't even get close to pipping because I looped the killer for 2/3 gens. It's not my fault I couldn't escape them but I get punished for taking the killer's attention so my "team" can get gens done.

It's my opinion that this new rank system will kill the game, especially when the next rank reset happens. Killers/survivors alike will take the easier path of just depiping or not caring about the rank system anymore because it's too difficult to do everything in the game already, let alone have a super awesome game everytime in order to pip.

As a result of the new rank system/reset coming, new players will see a level of killers/survivors they weren't meant to see. Those who are tired of trying and just want to play the game. This will cause new players not to continue playing as they believe the game to be too hard and as a result will stop playing. The same goes for those who are coming back to the game after several weeks/months. They will see this new system and most will drop off again even with new content coming out.

Perhaps I'm totally off on this new system and perhaps the game will actually be better for it but I doubt it. Behaviour has decided to listen to the killers/survivors that play this game religiously and not the average/casual player.

The ultimate test will come though when DBD sales either dive or thrive, I've never seen them revert a change to the ranking system but I hope they do for the sake of the game.


  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    The update is fine I wouldn't worry to much. Things should quiet down soon:)

  • pungent_stench
    pungent_stench Member Posts: 131
    edited March 2019

    keep the tryhards (mic mavens and tunneling garbos) further away from me? no complaints here.

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    I doubt it, without being able to distance yourself from the overly toxic killers/survivors that aren't good enough to make the higher ranks, personally i don't know if I'd keep playing.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    That's your choice and that's fine.

  • Dark_Whorse
    Dark_Whorse Member Posts: 45

    I'm in agreement. We're going to start seeing, instead of people not belonging at rank 1, people that don't belong in the rank 10-15, 16, etc. area because pipping is so damn difficult. I'm talking skilled survivors and killers that will crush newbies just getting into it. Not to mention the lack of rewarding gameplay when I can do 2.5 gens, loot two crates, and run the killer in a circle using the new map and lose her quickly and still not pip. Why bother at that point? There's no progression.

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    @jackkn12 I'm not upset but I have played this game for a while now. I know that if I were new and popped into lobbies with much higher skilled killers/survivors from the start, I wouldn't keep playing.

    I don't see why there isn't a system where it makes it a bit more difficult to pip but rewards skilled players with more blood points for reaching red ranks. I've even suggested a system where the entity takes away OP perks for both survivor and killer in red ranks for the reward of higher blood points. Just making things overall harder for people to spread out will cause a bubble effect that will end up being very toxic.

  • warcrafter3001
    warcrafter3001 Member Posts: 57

    I started playing 3 months ago and was doing ok. But today I can already feel whats happening. I'm facing survivors that are way better than me. This is super frustrating, I can not enjoy the game when i cannot down a single expert player, who knows every infinite loop and plays perfectly

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  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    If you escape and still de-pip by multiple emblems, there's an issue. You dont want good survivor's in low ranks, enraging killers that have yet to get better.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,987

    It will even itself out Bc killers are depipping too so. Either way idrc Bc once I get to red ranks at least the players are going to be good on both sides and not a bunch of bad killer/survivors boosted off each other.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited March 2019

    the simple fix is put the pip at 9 points for killer and survivor. then just tie the safety pip to your rank brown ranks require 6 points to safety green ranks require 7 to safety 8 for purples and no safety at red ranks. 1 gold and 3 silver is a fair emblem score to pip at any rank for survivor or killer. just make the safety net raise up if you want to remain at higher ranks. this would do a better job at giving an actual reflection of skill then the current system. at the same time require some one to play at a higher level more consistently if they want to rank up.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The old pipping system was too easy, the new one is too hard. It's more extreme for survs than for killers. As you described it correctly, survivors split the work. You can't loop the killer for 3 gens, repair 3 gens and unhook 3 survivors in one single match. That's unrealistic. If you get 4 x Gold, you don't pip. That's not how it should be.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    I agree that is why I made the suggestion above. I feel my suggestion would resolve a lot of the problems.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @EqMonkVeeshan I feel like 2 x Gold and 2 x Silver would be okay to pip.

    Anyway, I think the pipping system will get adjusted. The devs are probably going to collect some data and see how few people are pipping. It's probably only a matter of few weeks.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,548

    I got 2k, one dc and didn't camped. I ended with -1 pip. I think killers are now forced to tunnel to get the ruby survivor chase emblem

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    I'm watching a killer right now that had two people dc in his game and he is already saying it's an auto depip.

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    I'm a low rank killer and I keep running into survivors who are mid/high rank and I just can't adapt fast enough. Not really sure what to do about it other than to stop playing for a while and let things balance out naturally.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Who wants to be the totem jockey for Noed now? You do totems so you dont get screwed endgame but enjoy your depip because you wont get enough points on other categories.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    I made a similar observation here from playing about 40 or so games between yesterday and today.

    Either they fix it before next reset or some yawn fests will drive casuals away... and you know those casuals turning into diehards for the game is the only way to keep a game like this alive where people will "eventually" burn out after the years of playing

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,955

    I think a lot of people are looking at this the wrong way. Making it harder to pip in terms of points isnt a bad thing, but there should be more points available per category to compensate.

    If you spend the entire game getting chased/tunneled (to the point where you dont get to do a single gen, yet all gens get accomplished) That should be worth a black pip at least. You obviously played exceptionally well with the circumstances you were given, and should not be faulted for something that was not possible. Same with other scenarios like escaping with zero people hooked/down.

    On the killer side, a 4k should always be a black pip. Same with multiple DCs from survivors.

    I like the idea of making it harder to pip and rank up, but making it easier to depip because of things beyond your control (especially when you actually play well) isn't a very good supplement to it.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    As for Killer I have been doing fine with pipping in red ranks. The only time you won't get a pip is if people die on hook. Most of the time that results in a safety pip if you play it right. As for survivor, it needs to go down a little bit for red definitely. Most of the time you will safety pip as a survivor. I don't think the game should punish you for going against a killer that couldn't keep any pressure all game. It can make people lose a pip since there could have been no altruism or they get chased all game, but don't do a single gen either. De pip for going against a worst killer can just pair you up more likely with worst killers.

    Right now matchmaking is weird as we have all seen pairing you up if you are a red rank killer to green rank survivors or vice versa. It is still early and will see where I am in a week, but I can say right now something needs to be changed for survivors. (Killer main)

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    I don't know what you mean by campers and tunnelers getting into the high ranks. The emblem system isn't rewarding for that playstyle. Not saying it can't be done.. but those campers need to proximity properly and then tunnel properly.

    The killer HAS to hook 9 times in the red ranks.. and I believe it will require at least 2 people dying during those hookings.

    However.... The killers can farm those ranks better knowing that survivors have to make those unhooking or they won't rank up. So killers need to use the ranking system against the survivors.

    Anyone sitting in the high ranks wants to rank up, cause anyone not interested will be in the lower ranks. So you know survivors and killers alike have to play certain ways so you'll have to use that to your advantage.

    Red ranks are gonna be a ######### show of farming styles.... Killer makes a hook.. ok survivors go make your save.. I know you aren't going to rush me or you lose... Oh.. found someone coming for the save, I'll get them... then both side play this sorta quasi friendly style until the end of the match.

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    @TheBean tunneling will definitely be an issue, as you said it "the killer HAS to hook 9 times in red ranks" which means most will proximity camp until the survivor is unhooked and the killer gets another hook quickly.

    Not only that, but certain killers especially at high ranks, were almost non existent because they couldn't down people fast enough. With the rank system being even harder, at higher ranks you will end up finding the same killers over and over again running the same perks over and over again because that's what has to be done to pip or safety. It's already bad enough in that regards, I think this just makes it worse.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @th3beardedbaron Yee.. i agree..but anyone who is camping and tunneling because they aren't good won't be there. Those campers and tunnelers in the high ranks will have to do it properly. That is why I feel there will be some weird farming style in the beginning of each match so everyone earns their points then the end game will be a grab bag everyone for themselves.

    Yeah say goodbye to all the killers who can't reach red ranks with.. only gonna be nurses, billies and huntress me thinks.

    However... maybe this could also lead to the Nurse and Billy being nerfed down to the other killers to make everyone viable for high ranks.

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    @TheBean I've only been playing since October of last year so I'm not too familiar with how the point system was but what was wrong with that system to where they needed to change it to this? I really don't see what was the problem with the current system as it at least allowed you to make a mistake once in a while and not suffer for it.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @th3beardedbaron It is a bit too easy to rank up. There isn't really any challenge to it. If you played enough you were going to rank up and eventually get to one without too much effort.

    This lead to ranking being meaningless.

    So this system being harder now, is to make it mean something to players.

    Plus also since it wasn't too hard to rank up, there is a mixture of skill sets, so everyone really isn't playing against "their" skill level. Which can lead to people having very unfun matches.

    Overall if everything works out and people are placed into their proper places and get matched correctly.. You should have more fun games, since you won't feel completely outclassed by the otherside.

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    @TheBean I'm sure a rework needed to be done but why not just affect the lower ranks i.e. 5-1? allow players to reach rank 5 and then it's set to "hardcore" mode or whatever then you can have the best of both without sacrificing.

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    I've always said the ranking system should be about skill. Not entirely but like 80%.

    What is the core aspect of this game which requires skill?

    Obviously, the chase and how one performs in it.

    Of course there are other things which are situational, like a higher skilled survivor can save a teammate from a hook that is being camped, without the hooked guy getting downed and so on. Or throwing pebbles, like a dev said in another thread.

    Leaving those aside, it's always been about the chase.

    The killers that are best at catching survivors need to face the survivors that are best at losing the killer. And so on. Only than the ranking system will do it's job.

    Do you find it normal now, that a survivor can run a killer for 5 gens and depip and go against an even weaker killer? It's absurd. That survivor needs to pip and go against a better killer that he can't run for 5 gens. It's so logical. Been saying this since forever. I can't understand why they won't do it.

  • yogabbamatta
    yogabbamatta Member Posts: 1

    i bounced between 1 and 2 as a survivor for weeks, and after the reset was down to 3. then the update comes and im back up to 8 with no signs of slowing down.. i do play for bloodpoints 1st, fun 2nd, and rank 3rd,but it is a gutshot to decline so quickly.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Your post makes perfect sense to anyone who plays the game. Absolutely shocking that its never taken into account.