Lol they nerfed flight of the damned too

They nerfed this already pretty horrible skill?
The nerf seems pretty pointless to me though. They increased the volume to increase awareness but i don't feel like this was ever an issue. Survivors are always crouching if you try to use it for a wall. It doesn't effect the only viable way to use it atm which is to spawn the skeletons on top of survivors to get an instant injure
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you can't even hit anyone with it before the nerf
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They made it slightly louder, this nerf doesn't do anything to it.
It's power-level remains the same.
29 -
I don't think it's that meaningful. Still not bad zoning tool. Stupidest Ring rework is where I had a good laugh.
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Great. Now all they need to do is remove Fly and rework the items so that they heal you when you use them. Then the cosmic forces will finally be in balance once again.
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Which is already low...
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Unless used as a bomb, in which case it's good.
Either way, this "nerf" didn't change anything.
8 -
I don't think it change anything, but action of trying to nerf already weak spell seems pathetic to me.
Why make it louder when there is magic item to see it? And it was already loud in my opinion.
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I think it had some kind of occlusion issue going on.
It was fairly quiet when cast without LoS.
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It was fairly quiet when cast without LoS.
Should be, otherwise you really can hit only by spawning skeletons inside of survivor, which doesn't work if survivor has LoS and know animation for casting spell.
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Very strange Nerf, I wonder why FotD specifically was a ln issue in the devs eyes, but Mage Hand deserved to be brought more in line with his other options imo, except the Vorpal Sword nerf, that was just kinda unnecessary.
What is that Ring rework? Like seriously, ten percent? Be real BHVR, nobody is running fun was sized Superior Anatomy.
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I find it extremely funny that even though there was video evidence that the ability to lift a pallet was completely useless as it could be immediately dropped again, they went ahead with an unjustified nerf. Obviously, they had to do the same with FotD, someone complains with some random stuff about FotD hitting at face-to-face distance… and here comes a nerf to one of the easiest powers to dodge.
Not counting the nerf to the sword addon, that's pure comedy.
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Shouldn't be, since that's not really a good interaction.
Buff FoTD some other way.
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i don't think change will do anything vs low-average looping. balance changes like this only hurt top % play for the killer. I still don't understand why they nerf Vorpal blade. I don't remember this being in the announcement. Oh well, high-average killer turns into B-tier average killer. Could be worse I guess.
I think it is suppose to make easier to preemptively crouch skeletons if Vecna spawns them on top of the survivor across the wall. BVHR is all about nerfing killer's skill so that survivors win easier.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on3 -
that skill is an amsolute joke xD
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The fact no one here knows about the insta hit tech is astounding
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Turn on your brains for half a second. You can spawn the skeletons to instantly land on survs. You can force them to crouch so they don't make it to the pallet again. You can use it to deny fast vaults. You can confirm hits with animation lock It's not a bad skill; you're welcome, stop playing the victim, learn to play. Sorry that Lich doesn't have two free hit buttons and instead only has one. What do you want next, a spell that instantly kills all 4 survivors upon loading in? lmao
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You need to chill out a bit. Mage Hand might not be a free hit anyways anymore after the nerf.
With that said, I do agree that the nerfs are completely justified and both spells will still be strong enough.
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It isn't low. Learn how to use the spell, especially with the insta tech still in tact.
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Insta tech doesn't work when I know animation. All his animation for casting are unique, so I can tell what spell he is about to use and on insta-tech range, I can easily see it.
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And….do what exactly? If you crouch it, he gets an M1, which to be fair is better than him landing the insta; but it's still a hit.
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That gets him to hit animation, which is always better than letting him injure you with skeletons. So you get more distance.
It's completely useless if I have standing pallet/window nearby. If he tried to go for insta tech, I am able to vault/drop pallet before he can hit me, because there is quite a big delay where he can't attack.7 -
i mean this isn't worth being called a nerf honestly. they should also fix huntress and nemmy's silent pulls and greatly work on sound quality/occlusion to keep consistency.
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Pretty sure you can still get skele-bombed on pallets and windows.
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Skeletons are completely useless on standing pallet. You are not able to swing faster than I drop pallet.
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I'm saying I can still instant hit you, pallet or no pallet using the skeletons. You either keep running, in which case I get a hit on any safe loop, or you get bombed at the pallet.
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I played some games of Vecna and honestly I can't really tell what changed with FotD. Survivors are still damaged when placed on top of them.
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They made it a little louder from the Survivor PoV.
That's it.
0 -
Survivors can predict that Vecna will use FoTD and duck in time, as far as I can tell. Then they drop the pallet after that, but they have to predict the move of Vecna, they can't react to it.
But I do agree that FoTD is still strong enough, it's not weak at all.
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As survivor you can predict the insta tech, but you can't react to it. That's why it's rather similar to Nemesis whip over loops. It's definitely strong.
And at loops where survivors have no line of sight on Vecna, the insta tech is particularly strong.
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im surprised they didnt fix FOTD insta spawn in hitboxes cant this be fixed if we just put the fotd spawns closer to Vecna cause for a unreactable tech it shouldnt be a thing
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It's not really instant, I can dodge it if I have LoS
2 -
frantically making notes ___φ(・ω・`)💦
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That surprised me too. I do have to say though, while it isn't reactable, it is predictable. You can dodge the insta tech by predicting the move. Which is why in my opinion the tech isn't that problematic.
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why i can react to it? I did it first try. And i have nearly zero survivor gameplay experience and 80-90 ping
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the sound cue is supposedly trying to nerf his ability such that you can dodge FOTD with no LOS. i am still getting the hits so i do not think their change worked but whatever.
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Did you react to them spawning, or to Vecna raising his hand? Because that is a key difference.
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and what exactly is the difference? He has different animations for his spells
Post edited by jokere98 on1 -
The difference is that he can hold on to the charge of FoTD. At a loop that is crucial. If you react to him charging FotTD and then crouch, he can simply not activate FoTD immediately and close distance to you. Just like Nemesis can when he pulls out his whip, but then doesn't use the whip because the survivor is crouching, gaining distance on the survivor that way.
Also, if you do not have line of sight on Vecna, you won't be able to react to FoTD when spawned on top of you as well.
0 -
just like deathslinger, nemesis as you said, huntress to some degree (although she slowed down much more), trickster(?)
So, why is Vecna suddenly becomes a problem? considering he has 38 second cooldown on his FoTD, unlike other killers listed above
As for the last - i'll need to test that one too and also test it with magic item againts FoTD0 -
"Also, if you do not have line of sight on Vecna, you won't be able to react to FoTD when spawned on top of you as well."
well… didn't even needed to pick up magic item0