Thoughts on implementing base kit Windows Of Opportunity?

The4thMagi Member Posts: 14

I've been thinking recently about the state of solo queue which I almost exclusively play, as well as the new player experience. I recently have been playing with a friend who is new to the game. They didn't want to purchase Kate to get Windows, and tried learning the tiles without the indicators. This experience was not great for them without indicators. They just told me that they would prefer to drop pallet instantly and W key to the next tile.

I was wondering if others feel similar that having base kit Windows Of Opportunity (WOo) would be a welcome change. Feel free to leave detailed comments with your thoughts.

Thoughts on implementing base kit Windows Of Opportunity? 27 votes

WOo should be base kit but only in solo queue
0% 0 votes
WOo should be base kit in SWF as well as solo queue
0% 0 votes
WOo should be base kit but have a toggle to disable
7% 2 votes
WOo should not be base kit as it would be problematic for the game (pls explain)
22% 6 votes
WOo being base kit might be a good change but I am unsure of the possible ramifications
3% 1 vote
I don't want WOo base kit as killer (pls explain)
0% 0 votes
I don't mind WOo being base kit for survivor as a killer (pls explain)
3% 1 vote
Instead of making WOo base kit, the tutorial should teach new players the basics of looping
62% 17 votes


  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,063

    The tutorial should teach others things, too. There could be various stages - kinda like in Street Fighter where the game teaches you how to do combos not just the basics and the super moves. More tutorial could come with more BP and achievements.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Is this for perkless base kits? Imo urban Evasion should have been a baseline movement speed since the start. Im the stealthy type of player and love the perk. Adds good value at least for me anyway . :)

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,474

    I think a heavily nerfed version of windows should be basekit.

  • The4thMagi
    The4thMagi Member Posts: 14

    do elaborate on what that could look like, what did you have in mind?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,853

    Maybe the concept of it. Like sit on gens for 10s (consecutively) then it will reveal the aura of all pallets/windows within 24m of that gen only. Nothing mobile/in-chase though as a basekit.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 287

    Survivors asking for move perks basekit. When will us killers get something “basekit”?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,853

    I definitely think an 8-12m Deerstalker should be basekit, and maybe a BBQ for the least hooked Survivor would both be roughly even to the limited version of Windows I listed above your post. I also suggested a limited version of NOED here which people didn't like because they didn't read the limits. Also in general it would engender more support by not being openly tribal ("us killers").

  • The4thMagi
    The4thMagi Member Posts: 14

    Killers should get something. Frankly, if they make something basekit for one side, they should compensate the other with something if you ask me.

  • lettuchia
    lettuchia Member Posts: 129

    Like what? I'm guessing early game and general gen slowdown?

  • lettuchia
    lettuchia Member Posts: 129

    To be honest I can't help but feel like this makes sense given that killers see gen auras at basekit, it feels pretty similar to me, both are defensive objects you go to to prevent the other side from doing their objective. Still, if this were to happen then maps would need to be in a way better spot which I struggle to see ever happening

  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 51

    I think it could be good, especially for newer players, but instead of seeing practically every pallet and window on the map it should just have a range of around 10 metres. Maybe the feature could disable after you've played like 30 rounds? Because by then you'd probably know enough of where everything is.

  • The4thMagi
    The4thMagi Member Posts: 14

    That's a valid point. I don't see it happening either for the most part, I mean so many players still don't even look/know what the Hud is, and yet bhvr has the view that basekit kindred would confuse new players too much. They are already confused as is in my experience. On top of that, many just run to the 1st pallet they see and insta drop it, never look behind them, or just hide all game and not use their hook resources to spread out hooks. Feel like this would help somewhat, if they dont add a better tutorial.

  • The4thMagi
    The4thMagi Member Posts: 14

    That's maybe a good balance, then they can just buy kate if they want to. Think they'd need to explain it though, if not people would be like "#########? where did the auras go xd" Frankly, most of the time I use windows every build, it feels very essential in solo q, plus i dont use exhaustion perks at all, so if I run to used pallet i am just dead.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,732

    Nah, Im fine with it being a perk. its fine to have some skills like planning escape route to be made obsolete with a perk.