I really feel like the anniversary didn't need to be a modifier

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,566
edited June 20 in Feedback and Suggestions

Simple it has really screwed up matchmaking like as much as I hate what matchmaking is this event as messed it up more. I die and end up with a survivor team that's even more of mix bag of characters then the killer is just nothing but slugging and tunneling mostly slugging. I do hope the next questionnaire asks how you felt about the anniversary and I'll be honest it's not bad but it doesn't need it's own modifier I will say this...if you kept it like last year I don't think people would mind because of the fact that it's a once a year game mode. Example last year's Halloween event was cool because it shook up the base game temporarily and didn't cause to much of problem since it just adding a small something and that was it. Even then the summer barbecue...just some re-skins and boom perfect event. Sometimes an event doesn't need flashlights and buzzy buzzers just some re-skins and a few little things to the base game can easily just make it nice. A modifier like the choas shuffle should remain a modifier and not in the base game but an event should be in the base game as that's what it is an event.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Oh_deer
    Oh_deer Member Posts: 17

    i don't know. i kinda like the modifier. it's only for 3 weeks and then it's gone. no big deal.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,566

    Yeah but still it's that feeling of it doesn't need to be a modifier the only thing the modifier has is just two new abilities and some stuff that happens during the match.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 508

    I think making it a modifier was a good choice, considering everyone's complaining about the abilities.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 223

    If it wasn't a modifier I wouldn' play at all. Saw enough of these abilities last time they were around.

  • Peachblow
    Peachblow Member Posts: 29

    Oh, this anniversary event was a hot pile of garbage. So I'm very glad it was made into a modifier/game mode of its own. I get my challenges done, then hope right out of that awful mode. The insta-hooking is just so incredibly strong for killers rending so much survivor counter-play useless. Coming from someone that plays both sides (and playing killer during this game mode has been so boring and quick if you just use the insta-hook).