Event discourse

What are your main gripes for this event? It seems like neither side is having fun or even attempting to have fun. Everyone seems to be complaining about anything and everything and frankly, I don't get. So what seems to be the issues everyone's having?
Killer insta hooks ability making the wiggle mechanic and hook saves irrelevant or impossible.
Killers coming into what should be a fun event to tunnel people out at 5 gens, BM on hook and play like it’s a comp tournament.
Survivors getting insta heal/exposed tryk (tho this is random RNG generated so doesn’t always happen)
Survivors getting quiet mode ability.
In my personal matches, I keep getting survivors instantly DCing and or giving up on first hook against killers who are playing fair or even being chill and friendly.
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I have no complants.
Flashlight saves are still possible with remote hooking.
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People come to the event expecting something new, spectacular and joyful, as if they are coming to a Christmas party, but instead they get a mouthful of good old DbD, so they get disappointed and frustrated.
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Right now my gripe is that the killer queue is long, I have to do the killer event Tome challenges on Switch, I hate playing killer on Switch, the performance issues absolutely screw me out of getting these done, it's absolute bullshit that survivors need to hit me with a pallet and I need to be able to fight the input lag and borked fps to activate the Invitation at the right time, and I just hate BHVR for releasing this game on Switch and promising cross-progression which years later we still don't have.
I hate killer-specific event Tome challenges. I hate them. And I can't make survivors throw down pallets, they rush through gens and open the exit gates and then they're asking for a couple minutes of farming and that's way too late, the exit gates are open the Invitations are deactivated, why did you avoid me all match despite me swinging at pallets?
Yeah, I'm very frustrated at the moment. I can deal with the short matches where I get tunneled out when I play survivor, it's stupid but that's fine. This killer ######### on Switch is not fine.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
I think insta hooking is a bit much and the insta heals survivors get on occasion is a bit annoying (even as I’ve only played mostly survivor with my buddy throughout the event).
I’ve had a lot bad mates and people giving up start of the game for various reasons. Perhaps next year they’ll make the event change your perk load out every 60 seconds or something instead of having random (almost) game breaking mechanics come into play
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I wish they would stop awarding bonus BP for completing event gens. All this does is make survivors focus the gens even harder, which obviously sucks for killers. And worst of all is when:
- You get tunnelled all game while your teammates hoover up all the bonus BP
- You get a gen to 90%, the killer comes and chases you away, somebody else swoops in and takes your bonus BP
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the anniversary event definitely tests my patience between the amount of times where I’ve been remote hooked with my wiggle bar 100% oh well guess I didn’t get it
To remote pallet breaks basically being a oh well I lose moment
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Keep in mind I'm playing largely survivor lately, so my complaints are biased towards that side.
But my main complaints are:
- Killer invitation abilities are vastly superior to survivor abilities
- Killer Tryks are slightly superior to survivor Tryks
- There are far. too. many. bugs. in. this. event.
- Especially related to remote hooks
It's just so killer sided that, once I finished my archive challenges for survivor, I was actually happy to never have to play this mode for the next week as a survivor. When an event makes me actively happy I'm not playing it anymore, there's a problem in my opinion.
If you want a breakdown to point #1:
- Killer Abilities
- Remote Hook
- Guaranteed hook on survivor regardless of circumstances (hooks through flashlights and pallet stuns)
- Saves up to ~10 seconds of the killer's time; but since killer's time is 4x more valuable than survivor's time, it's essentially saving 40 seconds worth of game time PER HOOK
- Guaranteed benefit
- Remote Pallet Break
- Completely negates the distance a survivor gains from breaking a pallet
- Almost always leads to free hits or downs, depending on health state and killer power due to b.i
- Guaranteed Benefit
- On-demand stun resistance
- Completely negates the effect of Party Pallet, since you rely on it for the stun to get distance but this counteracts that
- High probability of benefit since you control when to use it
- Remote Hook
- Survivor Abilities
- Quiet Mode
- Useful for hiding, but aura reading perks can counteract this
- Useful for breaking chases, but visual elements (seeing the survivor & scratch marks) are used more in chases
- Inconsistent benefit due to aura reading and other chase ques
- Window Blocking
- Useful, but literally 80% of windows can be walked around
- Inconsistent benefit due to RNG of window placements
- Party Pallet
- Requires precise timing to get any value from, or it does literally nothing
- Requires good ping, or killers will just trade a hit for a stun, where the stun just replaces the wipe animation (so it does nothing)
- Countered by killer's stun resistance ability
- Very inconsistent benefit due to above factors
- Quiet Mode
So killers get 2 abilities with guaranteed value and one ability with a high probability for success because you can force stuns by running at people, all of which result in hits, downs, save prevention, and an enormous amount of time saved. Meanwhile survivor gets 3 abilities that are highly inconsistent and whose value is so variable based on the situation that it's hard to summarize.
If you want a breakdown of point #2 for Tryks:
- You're Invited
- Killer abilities are more impactful than survivor abilities (discussed above)
- Due to above fairly killer favored - pretty simple here, I think
- Move it or Lose it
- Killers have a higher base movespeed, so the +30% haste gives more movespeed than it does give survivors in a chase (1.38m/s for killers and 1.2m/s for survivors); although
- Faster killers also means they gain more distance on mindgames on tiles which is once again killer favored
- This does let survivors maneuver around via walking to not leave scratch marks and rotate to objectives faster while running, but the same is true for the killer when patrolling for people
- Due to above, fairly killer favored
- Party Totems
- These are mainly just points, but killer gets priority in approaching these due to the nature of their role
- Aura reading also benefits killer more than the survivor
- Due to above, killer favored
- Party Chest
- Instantly opens chests, which is great for survivors
- The stun for killers and scream/hindered for survivor is pretty equal in value imo
- Due to above, survivor favored
- No Invite For You
- Same logic as 'You're Invited'
- Due to above, fairly survivor favored
- Peekaboo
- Killer aura reading is more valuable than survivor, especially if undetectable
- Due to above, killer favored
- Heal You, Expose You
- The heal is a situational benefit to survivors depending on their health state
- The expose is a situational benefit to killers depending on the game state
- This not only leads to instant downs if it pops in a chase, but just overall it deters saving and doing objectives because of the fear of being taken off guard
- Due to above 7c, slightly killer favored
- Tougher call on which side benefits more though, very dependent on game state
- Wait, where…?
- The scratch marks are a situational benefit depending on who's being chased, but is also situational on killer aura reading
- The lacking terror radius is always a benefit since you catch people off guard, detach, and mind-game more effectively
- Similar to 7c, the uncertainty associated with this Tryk on survivors as a whole can lead to hesitation and a delay on objectives
- Due to above, killer favored
And then just look at the bug report section to get a glimpse into how bad it can be. I've suffered quite a few myself.
Overall it's just a bit of a frustrating event on the survivor side. Now that I'm done my archives for survivor though I'm happy to say I don't have to play this mode as survivor anymore.
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Agreed the current killer queue time is ridiculous.
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I think either splitting the player base has badly affected match making. Or the players in my usual lobbies are not feeling this event at all and have stayed away (probably a bit of both going on).
My Survivor teams are typically getting turbo stomped by Strong Killers bringing Moris and playing as efficiently as they can (Oni, Blight, Vecna etc). Two or three games of that is more than enough for me, so I switch to play Killer instead for the longest waiting times I've ever experienced. When the lobby does eventually fill up, I might get an experienced SWF clearly above my MMR or a team that's really struggling.
It's also kinda frustrating that all the cosmetics are locked behind completing the tomes. I was fine with how it worked last year with us collecting cosmetics in the trial itself (except for the requirement to escape with an invitation on the Survivor side. That wasn't fair or fun).
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It's BHVR's fault. They created an event that doesn't add new gameplay elements to have fun with for killers but instead just doubles down on their objective, and so surprise surprise the killers do their objective. Giving survivors new stuff to do isn't useful if you don't give killers new fun stuff to do as well, because if killers aren't devoting time to not killing survivors then survivors don't get to do anything but work on gens and die.
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As awesome as that would be, I think that'd end up breaking the engine. It wouldn't be able to handle all the perks switches at once
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maybe you’re right, I dont know. Perhaps instead of all at once, you would have 1 survivors perks change every 15 seconds (to help the engine not overload) so that way the survivors perks change every 60 seconds but not all at the same time.
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it's killer sided. even though i'll say quiet mode is more useful than people give it credit for, killer abilities heavily overwhelm. party pallets are cool for pallet save shenanigans but enduring completely makes them a guaranteed hit in chases (not to mention cheesing it with hubris also) but idk what to do about that because making enduring not affect party pallet stuns would be crazy. at least we have seperate queues now. tryks cards or whatever are not that bad, not that one sided surprisingly except undetectable one, but at least it lasts short.
my only ick (because of seperate ques) is bloodwebs are also killer sided: killers get more than double the cakes survivors do. anni items are cool and all but i obviously prefer cakes lol. sure it probably is better that they don't get the same amount of cakes because survivors can stack them, but less than half is, no.
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More BP, no problem
Power is actually balanced if we look at everything as a whole anyway