DBD within the next two years

dbdjd2023 Member Posts: 4
edited June 16 in Feedback and Suggestions

The game is no longer playable for killers. The amount of jungle gyms, back to back windows, shack (stupid to begin with), pallets, looping areas, gen rush perks, and gen slowdown nerfs, is all misguided. The point of the game should be to survive and to kill. This isn’t happening anymore. I get kills because I’m a good killer (not great), but certainly good enough I get 1-2 kills usually. But it’s all too much and no fun just to get there. The gens are speeding through. The idea of the game should be that it’s HARD to survive and escape. That’s how horror movies go, most of the people die in horror movies. So of survivors manage to all escape, it should be pretty damn amazing and a celebrated accomplishment. No, in DBD it’s the other way around. So now if you can’t slow down gens as well, every year the perks get nerfed even more, what are you supposed to do? Just end game perks? To borderline get 1 kills? By the time you have hooked 1-2 survivors the first time, you have 1-2 gens done. But you need 12 hooks in total to win. The gens are done before you know it. And on bigger maps? It’s ridiculous and almost pointless. The length of time for a chas and gen being done doesn’t coincide. It’s still a 4 v 1 game. The math ain’t mathin’ 😂. This isn’t unfounded complaining. There are and will be other games to replace this, so no worries if it’s just a game that gets abandoned. Just being real here, the game is not in a good state. Clean this game up and make it fun again, I say that objectively because DBD will die within the next two years at this rate.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 965

    If that's the case it had a ten year run which is pretty stellar for a live service title. Nothing lasts forever.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,257

    The timing of that post is a bit odd, given that many maps have been reworked already to be smaller, have less connecting windows/other structures, have less safe pallets and have shack window not connect into other loops - and the other maps are scheduled to follow. I'm also a bit stumped what exactly you want to happen if looping, pallets, windows, shack, tiles and perks helping stall the killer aren't supposed to be a thing? At that point there are exactly two things left: hold W and hide at the faintest notion of terror radius (the latter being completely in line with how horror movies go… but that are generally perceived as very unhealthy for the game).

    Personally, I also haven't noticed too much of a difference with the slowdown nerf. I still see it has much as before and it still has a massive impact. While perks are supposed to have an effect, proccing two perks isn't supposed to win you the match either.

    My personal theory on why, as killer, there is a massive jump in difficulty is, that survivors have a pretty miserable time and a learning curve that's almost a vertical wall once you got to a low-mid level. There are those who climbed that wall and those who didn't. Two years ago "check spots" weren't a thing, now I get the feeling "masting check spots" has become an essential skill to break out of that low-mid level. And if one side has check spots down and the other doesn't then, well, the one who has check spots down wins. And if both have them down it's 50:50/mindgames. Thing is: as a killer you can quite easily end up in a position where the survs you face have that stuff down. Cause it's fairly easy on killer to break out of that low-mid bracket.

    And all that being said; personally I wouldn't even mind if the match for surv wasn't technically about escaping but about seeing how far you get, where escaping is the absolute exception. However, for that two things need to happen: killers should not be able to cheese through matches (e.g. via tunneling with the right killers/builds) and the ROI for survs has to be good: that means mostly a lot more BP but also probably toned down challenges (esp. of the "… and escape" kind) and emblem requirements (esp. the Unbroken category). Why tf would I spend 10+ minutes, several times, doing my best to get pretty much nothing in return in terms of game achievments? 10k BP is nothing, having to play 10+ matches for a challenge is ridiculous and hardly ever pipping because the match rarely progresses far enough to even be able to collect pips doesn't really seem like a good recipe to motivate players to play surv.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    While I think it's hard to generalise in this game because there's so much variation in skill expression and rng outcomes... the game is generally in the most killer sided state it's ever been.

    Early years were incredibly survivor sided, and I'd say (in the loosest sense possible) the needle only really just swung far enough the other way to favour killers more often than survivors, in the past 18 months.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259

    By reading post on this forum, I have feeling both sides are unplayable. Sounds balanced.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,818

    Ya know, think we've seen a post like this 2 years ago…yet it still runs.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,898

    sounds like the experience of being in too high mmr pool, I have been there, but it rebalanced after a week of losing easily.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 192

    Put it this way 0-1K is a killer Loss 2 Kills is a draw acceptable and 3 or more is Killer wins
    You shouldnt demand the game to change so you can easily get 4Ks.

  • Xyphus
    Xyphus Member Posts: 139

    Good one

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 584

    Well I'm running M1s and I still do fine with all the stuff on the Map. Maybe it's something that you need to improve at.

  • dbdjd2023
    dbdjd2023 Member Posts: 4

    yeah no, I’m saying the game doesn’t make sense quote often. I’ve run into several games now where I’m doing amazingly at downing survivors, I can tell when it is so. But the the speed at which gens get done, survivors are saving and healing, it just doesn’t make sense. So I can technically have 8 hooks across 4 survivors evenly for example in about 7 minute span… in such a scenario no one has died, but I’m seeing often at this kind of point, gens are done. Or I’m hooking 3 survivors in under 4 minutes, let’s just say for example, before the 4 minutes, quite often and quite easily, 3 gens are done. If that is supposed to make sense, then I don’t know what to tell you 😂 I think at the very least gen slowdown should at least then be automatic at some point in the game to make them tighter I suppose. Or make killer powers a little more reliable to shorten chases. But no, right at this moment, time wise, it’s broken. You shouldn’t be dominating as a killer and the gens are still getting done extremely quickly. Maybe the hooks should progress faster? Something should be done. Survs are not miserable unless you’re a newbie, period.

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 236

    so objectively your reasoning your mad for averaging 1-2 kills a game is because a killer is suppose to be scary and it should be a miracle for all 4 survivors to escape.Your high mmr, and you yourself admitted u were decent not good….. shouldn’t you be happy your mediocre yet still aren’t losing?

    Also, by the way; all maps are being reworked to be smaller, not sure why you consider that a con when that makes pallets,vaults,gens, and hexs more spread out but Okay.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 225

    Well, speaking from my experience - it's good as it is, too good even.

    I am always running 2 slowdowns and 2 chase perks and I often end the games at 4-5 gens or 1 gen 4k, rarely people escape from me at high mmr at any killer. But the thing is, my chases do not last more than 30 sec, most of the time (unless shack or good main building are chased).

    But hey, i've got 8k hours of experience, so that's different.
    And on the other hand, do we really need to make matches so much easier for new players? Shouldn't skill come with the experience? That's PvP game.

    The buffs to the killer got to the point that I almost never lose games as an experienced player.