Why doesn’t Huntress have the same hit box as Deathslinger?

I love playing as and against huntresses, she’s my favorite killer to go against. However, I understand some people’s frustration when her hitboxes just shouldn’t hit. With that being said, why do Deathslingers shots have to be accurate but Huntress does not? I’ve seen clips of people being 100% behind a wall (feet and all) and they still get hit. This happened to me in a customs match that I’ll post here. The blood on the left is where she “hit” me. Coldwind shot is a screenshot from a clip I saw on Twitter.
Simply put they are completely different killers, it wouldn't make sense for hatches to have the hit box of a bullet-like deathslinger. Yes, I understand that the huntress hitboxes are annoying and are compared to beach balls, but I don't think the huntress should be able to throw hatches through the same small spaces that Deathslinger can. otherwise, what would be the point of them being completely different killers?
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I think they tested at some point reducing hitbox and players were not happy.
Issue is hatchet is very slow, so it would be very easy to dodge long range shots.
I really wouldn't force her to lock animation and close range hits only, that sounds boring to me.
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Slinger kind of has an integrated cross hair, huntress does not so being more precise with shots on him is easier than on her, as well as taking into account the arc at which huntress hatchets fly makes it so that with a smaller hitbox it would be incredibly hard to hit people from longer range. In addition she has a far longer windup...
On top the reasons other people mentioned a hatchet is bigger than the spear and it got tried and people didn't like it... It should be in the chnagelogs part of the wiki, I think 2.2.1 or something like that? Like reeeeeally old.
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I guess that makes sense, but I do feel like they need to be tweaked a bit. Some shots hit that absolutely should not, ones that aren’t even due to ping as displayed in the pictures above.
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It's very simple deathslinger's gun shoots very fast with little windup. Huntress has to wind a hatchet up while slowing down a considerable amount to actually make her hatchet a speed that's hard to dodge. It being bigger also makes it harder to fit them between small gaps.
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TTechnically the actual problem is the discrepancy between survivor posture and their hitbox.