Something must be done with Skull Merchant

I know this is a 105832785328 post about her, but every match with her there is at least 1 survivor that gives up against her and kills himself on hook. Sometimes it's the entire team. This is okay when this happens like once from time, but not like almost every match with her. I know everyone complains about her, but situations like this really ruins trials and waste a time
BHVR just needs to remove the ability for survivors to kill themselves on hook. The downsides of it existing far exceed any benefits.
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To be fair, how would you propose fixing it?
As someone who'd like to play SM, I totally agree, but I don't know how you fix it when all the reasons people give for doing it aren't accurate. If the complaint isn't based in the killer's mechanics or balance, you can't fix it by changing the mechanics or balance.
I'd love to see this change, I just don't see how beyond maybe waiting for the fire to die down or something.
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That would fix nothing. I had yesterday at late night 3 SM in a row and people were just refusing to play. This is not normal. Even old Legion didn't had that many situations
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I don't know, maybe a complete rework? This is not something that must be ignored
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I agree, nurse is worse, but I've never seen such an outrage in matches against any killer
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Right, but what would that rework look like?
You could say that they could radically alter the way her power functions to promote skill expression and counterplay in chase, as well as entirely removing passive cheese strategies and obnoxious unintended interactions… but they did that already, that's what her current power is.
What would stop everyone from hating and DCing on the next power rework too?
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Btw, I'm talking about people refusing to play against her. You wouldn't be disappointed when players would ruin a match for others?
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If people are refusing to engage with the game, then report them.
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I bet devs have a lot of ideas about that. I just hope they will do something about it
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For what? This is not something that is bannable
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The situation with SM is different. When people already recognize that they're playing against skull merchant, they just run towards her and give up on purpose.
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They did already, clearly that tactic didn't work.
I agree with you that this is a problem, for the record, I just don't know what the devs could do to fix it and it's pretty provable that reworking her into an entirely fixed state won't work because it didn't work.
The only way forward I can see barring more irrational opinions that swing in the other direction would be like, community outreach that tries to change people's perception, and that call comes from inside the house. That's on us to do, not the devs.
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I don't think anyone can change people's perception, even content creators. Community here is a power role here and if they just hate the killer to the point that they completely gives up in match, then the devs must look into the issue and decide what to do
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Well, to be fair, not everyone hates her, and I don't believe everyone who does is unreachable. There are people who actually listen when it's explained why common complaints aren't accurate, after all.
Still, like I said, I agree but I think calling for a rework is shortsighted. There's no reason to assume it'd work this time.
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Either way, I hope it's not gonna be ignored, 'cause I bet this is only gonna get worse
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I don't think this will ever happen, but best solution would be to remove her from the game and give $ or shard refunds to whoever bought her. SM was a colossal failure and it's abundantly clear that a vast majority of players find her miserable to play against. Why does a majority of the player base have to suffer because we can't upset the tiny fraction of players who use SM?
This is going to keep happening unless she's removed from the game.
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If someone saves me against SM, I will just run around the map doing totems and chests, and play badly if I get chased
But I guess people like to play games that are already impossible to win by holding people who want to go next hostage
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It's only impossible to win because you're giving up, though, so the fault lays with you in that scenario.
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Yes, and I will still contribute to that until they either remove her from the game or completely change her powers
Thank you
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As long as you acknowledge you're the problem and nothing else, I guess.
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Yes, I am the problem
Not a broken a** unfun killer with no skill expression
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I personally will play against any killer and not give up, however I see it alot when I play solo and it doesn't even have to be skull merchant these people are just giving up to drank their mmr is the only thing I can think of because why even load up?
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I mean, yeah?
You just admitted you're intentionally tanking matches because you don't like a killer. Even if we assumed Skull Merchant has no skill expression - provably false as a statement - that'd just mean you're both a problem. Factoring in that you are wrong about that statement, that leaves just you being the problem.
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Well, considering you are using a SM profile picture I dont expect a different opinion lol
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I could swap profile pictures and still be right. I'd still have arguments to support my statements, too.
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no thanks especially with this killer existing and being so common in my games. Last week I got 5 skull merchants in one day one of them I just gg went next.
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Just because some Survivors irrationally hate her doesn’t mean she should be ruined for the rest of us that love to play against her.
Every player who refuses to play against her should be reported so that their account can suffer a suspension and ultimately a ban if they want to keep ruining games for people.
We should not reward bad behavior.
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Maybe because somepeople enjoy playing against nurse more? I do personally because sometimes you can juke a nurse, however sm is just hit or be hit, she's also undetectable and hasted all with her power. A lot of map pressure on top. Nurse just teleports. She can't force you to avoid an area just to not be injured. I think the outrage is how she still gets map pressure like she does.
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"Simply ban 90% of the playerbase for an issue with the Devs design."
I'm sure that will go well.
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Unfortunately you don't need EVERYONE to hate her to ruin a match. 1 survivor running to a hook and pointing is all it takes to ruin the match.
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Sure, but if that happens one in every hundred matches (against SM, so rarer than that in reality), we wouldn't have as much of a problem. There are players who do that against any killer, and it sucks but it's not as systemic of a problem as we have with Merchant.
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I get it but... all I'm saying is the number of ppl it takes to ruin a match is 1. Currently there is no penalty for quitting if you don't like the killer character, map, perks, zodiac sign, etc. It's way too easy to bomb a match and hop into another one instantly.
Thats Not even talking about the ppl the quit because they got downed first... THAT can happen against perkless trapless Trapper.
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Until the devs “fix” SM then yes. I see that breaking the rules of the game and committing reportable offenses is a type of protest but it’s still against the rules and can be reported.
Until then the people who love to play SM and play against her are caught up in yet another Survivor-Bhvr child-parent fight. It’s old.
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Perhaps instead of blaming people from moving on from an unpleasant experience, we should instead attempt to discover why the experience is so unpleasant to so many people.
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What happens after you've done that and all the provided reasonings are unsound and inaccurate, though?
Not to say people should be banned for throwing, that's still a bad idea.
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Then people need to stop giving up against her. It's not her fault. They just can't get good, and BHVR has a track record of nerfing any killer that gets DC'd against, so they're hoping it'll happen that way this time. Balancing around this entitlement is killing the game.
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Well, here’s the thing… we do both; enforce the rules while gathering data.
Pulsar, I hope you aren’t suggesting that it’s okay to break the rules for things you personally dislike.
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Killing yourself on hook has never been bannable.
Things can change, of course. DC'ing wasn't bannable when I first played either.
Ultimately, there is no way to enforce this kind of thing. If you stop people from suiciding on hook, they'll stop playing optimally. You certainly can't ban people for being bad, or looking like they're bad.
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I have no interest in an argument that cannot be held in good faith. We have already discussed this.
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Yup, and then all those who don't want to play against her will suddenly start engaging in fun gameplay! It's not like there could be any other way to die early in this game other than kobeing. This "just ban this and block that" mentality always works well and fixes every problem it has ever been applied to, after all!
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I'm really not going to shed a tear if survivors who throw matches, because they don't like something in a video game get banned.
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A survivor glues himself to a gen and refuses to move an inch, while failing every skillcheck, until he is grabbed and hooked. After unhook he proceeds to do the same. Your move? Will you now report players for doing gens?
Another one: a survivor gets into killer's sight and predrops every pallet before moving to the next one, dying when there are no more pallets left to waste. Your move? Report for "low looping skill"? This one is even more dangerous, as not only you lose a teammate, but half of the pallets as well. But of course it's none of your concern, since you only look at the situation from the killer's perspective.
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If you're going out of your way to blew up the gen at every skill check, you are hardly "doing a gen". If you are simply griefing.
If you really can't handle facing skull merchant, then play customs with people who agree to not play her.
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How do you plan on enforcing that on a large scale?
Likewise, you are talking about banning new players and bad players.
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You dodged the questions. Will you now report players for literally doing gen? Or how else do you expect your "just remove kobe" stop the sentiment? And please, stop this strawman, Skull Merchant is not the only killer in the game.
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Thats my biggest point when I talked about harder penalties is not a good idea
Remove hook suicide and players will do that, then you are playing a match that you have 0 chance to win, whats the point? Won't you rather go next instead of wasting your time with a match that pretty much its guaranteed you are gonna lose?
Instead of punishing players for not playing a game, people need to figure out why these players don't want to play the game in the first place
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Any time I am unhooked when I don’t want to play the match, I just Alt+Tab away. If people don’t want to play a match, they won’t. Better to let them move on unless they haven’t fully given up.
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If you don't want to play against skull merchant find a group to play customs with who all agree to not play skull merchant.
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Come to think of it, NOT failing the skillchecks while focusing the gens would actually be even better, since now the killer has to choose between either putting the survivor out of their misery or letting them win. No chase points either way.
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I you want to play as skull merchant you can find a group to play customs with who all agree to play against skull merchant.