Revert Ultimate Weapon now that Hardened exists?

its an alternative to calm spirit and provides more value even tho there is a requirement for activation.
I like how they said "we don't like perks hard countering killer powers" meanwhile doctor has to deal with 2 now. Lol.
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What's hardened?
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Well it's not a full counter, because you still get the madness build up and are still prevented from using pallets and vaults. But Doctor really should get killer instinct when he shocks a survivor with his blast.
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Legion and Plague with No Mither and Resilience? Lets rework those perks too then
Also, Calm Spirit doesnt counter madness
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its the new lara croft perk after u unlock a chest and bless or break a totem, anytime you would scream reveal killer aura instead
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Where can I find more stuff bout the new character?
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This is exactly why I’m not buying this character on release. Out of all her perks Hardened is the only one that I would actually run and with the complaints already started, it’s gonna get nerfed into the ground. 🤣
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its out on the ptb
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Ptb's out? Didn't know I'm console.
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it’s should have never been nerfed tbh. All it needed was to remove the blindness and that was it
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Lol, this perk made to easy to find people before
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but it wasn’t overpowered. It was really the blindness part that was annoying in my opinion
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”It wasn’t overpowered” You could lose someone and just open the locker and travesse the map to find them again, this perk was overpowered
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Just because a niche perks exists that would counter a former meta perk doesn't mean that said former meta perk needs to be buffed again.
This would be like saying that the mft nerf can be reverted now because languid touch exists.
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One reason I like his restraint addons. You get aura reading whenever they tier up in madness. No scream needed.
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the blindness was definitely an issue but it definitely needed the cooldown longer if nothing else. Also the fact that it was linked to terror radius meant all the killer had to do was run around near gens and get full info.
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yeah that’s fair. It was fun to use when I played Oni but I can see why others hated it
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Just because a paid perk that removes screaming under fairly specific circumstances exists, doesn't mean we just revert UW.