Holy crap man, just let survivors get up by themselves at 100% already!

Seriously ten games now, and the killer slugs, slugs, slugs, slugs. And most of the time the little greasy pig doesn't even hook us, and at the end game chat - LOL YoU GUys bLEed oUt so THat cOUntS aS Me WInniNG! Sadly they don't know that it doesn't, and this form of playstyle is boring for both parties. What is so fun about waiting for your inevitable death? Survivors need the ability to pick themselves up from the ground ONCE!!! Rework No Mither and Unbreakable to compensate for this change.
Bring Unbreakable.
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I mean, it's 4 kills. You're here crying on the forum about it. Sounds like they won.
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Evil Piggy.
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So you are saying slugging and not hooking a single survivor is fun gameplay and is justified? Looks like you are the cause of the problem.
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When survivors wiggle when there's no hope of escape, I let them bleed out. Clearly they want to be slugged, if they're resisting letting me put them out of their misery through the hook.
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@Meme it might not be fun, but it's allowed and fair, if you have problems with it, bring unbreakable or tenacity.
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Gen Rush is not fun for killer, learn how to deal with slugging.
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The new emblem system promotes slugging. If you go for a quick 4k you won't pip, you gotta play with your prey, spank them a little before you kill them.
It's what the devs want and consider fun gameplay :)
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Use Unbreakable
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You got 4 man slugged by a PIG who is mid tiered at best.
Yes i do see a problem here and it's not on the killer.
I mean Nurse and Billy i can see how that can happen, but PIG?
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Piggy is not even a good slugging killer.
Anyway, yes, slugging is boring for survs. Bring No Mither or Unbreakable. Both perks are fine. You don't need a built-in Unbreakable.
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I would assume that those actions are reportable as taking the game hostage. You are deliberately wasting someones time, while they can do nothing about it. If a survivor manages to get off, even though there is no hope of surviving, they still get more chase points. Grow up.
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@Lagoni Letting a survivor bleed out is not taking the game hostage since the bleeding timer is limited and the survivor is going to die at the end.
Taking the game hostage is - for example - when you trap a survivor so they can't do anything, but you also don't hit them. When you create a situation that doesn't end, that's taking the game hostage.
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Sure i get that, but it's still extremely childish and toxic behavior that i would assume is looked down upon. If you can't make it to a hook, sure, you can choose to let them bleed out, but just for wiggling?
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@Lagoni I could be wrong but I think Orion refers to situations where the hook would be too far away.
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You don’t pip if you slug and don’t hook. The new emblem system is supposed to promote multiple bookings. The OP said the killer didn’t even hook one person, just slugged the entire match. They can play how they want though.
@Orion while I understand wiggling with no hope of escape may be annoying for you as a killer. Maybe the only reason the surv is doing it is for those few extra points it will give, not to annoy you.
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i don't know killers must play the game the way survivors want them to play. So they can have fun? ######### that, if i'm killer i'm playing like i want and i won't give a ######### about you having fun or not having fun. I'm here for me to have fun not you! If game would be balanced okay maybe i'd be nice but nah in this ######### state nah ######### that, you're gonna bleed out or you're never gonna leave the basement!
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Holding the game hostage only applies when the trial cannot end. As you said, survivors will bleed out, eventually. As far as I'm concerned, it's their choice to bleed out. I've already won at that point, it's their choice whether they die slowly on the ground or quickly on the hook.
TL;DR: Don't wiggle if you know there's no hope of escape. Stop trying to waste the killer's time and they won't waste yours either.
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I don't really give a ######### why they do it. I'm not taking the risk that I'm not making it to the hook when my victory is already assured.
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Wiggling means they're trying to make it so I don't hook them, which means they don't want me to hook them. There's only so many ways you can communicate in this game, but that one seems pretty clear to me. Why would you resist something you want to happen?
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Oh okay. So unfortunately i was right. You are just a man-child then. If you are concerned about wasting time, then how is your logical conclusion; to drop the body and AFK for 2 minutes out of spite just because "they dared to wiggle"?
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I'm not taking the risk that the next hook is too far away, no matter how much you try to shame me into playing stupidly even though the survivors are communicating that they want to bleed out.
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I'd rather they make a perk that lets me kill myself.
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You keep going back and forth between whether or not you do this out of spite or not. If the hook is too far away, sure; let them bleed out, but it sound like you would drop a survivor in front of a hook, just because they wiggled, which is extremely childish.
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If I think the hook is too far away, I will immediately drop the survivor. If they're right in front of the hook, they won't have time to wiggle before I put them on it. I don't do it out of spite, I do it because I'm not taking any risks.
EDIT: Also, you're the one who keeps projecting spite onto my actions, when I've repeatedly said I'm not taking the risk and don't really care why survivors wiggle, since all they're doing is communicating that they don't want to be hooked.
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Yes its fun for me from killers perspective i always slug everyone and when they all laying on a ground i just go afk i like forcing survivors to DC.
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It was those very comments about "communication" that made me think you were doing it out of spite. It can be seen as "oh, so you want to bleed out, you're welcome", something like a "why are you hitting yourself".
Anyways, speaking of wasting time, I think both of us are doing it right now, since we are not really adding anything to the conversation anymore. Have a good day.
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Run No Mither with Unbreakable
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Facemask + Knockout + Hex The Third Seal + Haunted Grounds + Nurses Calling.
Let the salt flow.
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No, I literally meant that survivors are communicating they don't want to be hooked. Why would you resist something you want to happen? My conclusion is that they don't want it to happen. To say nothing of when they crawl to various corners of the map after being put in the dying state, knowing full well there's almost zero chance I'll ever find them.
Most survivors I've met avoid being hooked even if they know they're gonna die either way, so I let them bleed out as per their choice. It's just that simple.
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The new DS will cause more slugging now.
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Did you die when you were slugged? Then you lost lmao 4head
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Tbh when you said 'there's no hope of escape' I assumed you meant 4/5 gens still to do and last survivor so no chance of hatch. So you basically win because there's nothing they can do unless they're some god tier surv. But I understand why killers bleed out the last surv sometimes, it's also their choice how they play. My issue with slugging is when killers do it from the start and have all four slugged but won't hook. Now if they slug one and the survs fall for the bait or don't pick the slug up that's on the survivors.
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Indeed, it is when 4/5 gens are remaining, or when I know where the hatch is and they're headed in the wrong direction.
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If u find boring/salting , just run unbreakable. There are some killer nerfs that must be done, but this isn't one of them, sorry.
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You can, its called no mither and unbreakable
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You already have 3 antislug perks, 4th is coming soon. Get over yourself.
Any killer could say: Survivors just loop loop loop, remove pallets and windows already.
Pure nonsense. You truly are entitled to escape huh? Earn it, like all of us do.
Edit: You are salty now, can't wait until you see nurses with plague's perk and knockout on daily basis lmao.
@Hoodedfengm1n why going no mither + unbreakaBill while you can combine it with tenacity? unbreakaBill feels like waste of a slot...
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Adrenaline too, though you don't have control over when it activates
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Slugging is meta against gen rush, bring Unbreakable, Tenacity, No Mither and whatever else, some jump back up build, Mettle of Men or whatever would be lovely.