Ghostface is underrated.


SO, ghostface. Y'all think he's so bad, but come on, with enough practice he can be good. Im getting pretty consistent 3ks thanks to the stalking. Thoughts?


  • RedPoncho12
    RedPoncho12 Member Posts: 157

    nah he’s still strong. I think his power is typically better for mind gaming than anything else

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 583

    I'm surprised a lot of people here think he's a bad killer with a lot of weaknesses. I know he's m1 but he makes up for it being able to blitz survivors. Even good survivors still get insta-downed and if a survivor is just following you around, it should be kinda easy to lose them or surprise them if they're always at a safe distance.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,440

    Better than people think? Yeah

    Still bad though? Yeah

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,897

    I never win against him in a SoloQ group. Once the first Survivor is downed after being marked, he just snowballs everyone. I am trying to play him myself, but I always get caught stalking !

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 240

    Many killers are deemed weak by the community despite evidence to the contrary, like kill rates and win streaks. Imo, it's important to remember that the community created these tier lists, and it's mostly based on opinion/personal preferences. I don't believe the devs release a killer character that they genuinely believe/designed/intended to be "weak". Each killer has different strengths and weaknesses and can benefit greatly from certain perks and playstyles and even maps; some base-kits are stronger than others (nurse, blight, etc.) but none of them are designed to be "trash." Just as Skull Merchant's high kill rates are more than likely due to players going on first hook, I believe Ghostface's kill rates might also be higher than reported because he is often played as a meme killer. I'm one such meme Ghostface killer, hehe. I wouldn't worry about what the community thinks too much, as there's alot of bias (we're humans it can't be helped lol).

    Glad you're having fun :)

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,003

    I dont like playing ghostface unless its the Disturbed Ward map. Then I love sniping stalks

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 409

    People don't like ghostface? I think he is fun and rewarding, he is my main killer tbh

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 160
    edited June 26

    As a Ghostface Main?

    I do not think he's weak. He's at least a solid mid B tier Killer. People underestimate him because his power is not flashy and doesn't cut off loops. That's it. That's all. That's why people call him weak.

    If you ACTUALLY are good at stealth and knowing when to mark/when to ambush, have OK M1 mindgame and chase skills (which he makes easier), and have good enough gamesense? He can decimate even SWFs. The one issue he has is that Reveal is clearly bugged, and he could stand maybe a little update to how it works and to stalk progress being reset on hit.

    If the issue is being followed around? Punish it with Starstruck. Since I started running Starstruck nobody swarms me anymore, they're scared of the Exposed. Nobody tries it, it's so relieving, I can keep my Shroud longer and be a threat again. Hell any extra Exposed helps, it makes people nervous. This is why Friends Til The End is also decent on him - reliable info and sometimes extra exposed, which he can capitalize on if they get too close.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,637

    He is average or slightly below, he is fairly good on indoor maps with lots of line of sight blockers but struggles otherwise because his power of insta downing people out of nowhere only works when you get surprised or maybe a bit in chase, hiding the red stain, but other than that he does not really have a chase ability, so if the team is coordinated you will be broken out of your power consistently...

    All that aside his reveal mechanic really sucks... It is super inconsistent and you still get revealed from behind cover and what not...

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,476

    The thing with Ghostie is he is great in SoloQ with no comms...

    If you manage to 99 stalk 2 or 3 survivors and then pop and down 1 of them... the snowball potential is huge, cause almost no one can trade, anyone of gens without a good viewing angle can easily get cooked, and unless someone shouts out where his is or where he's going, he can wreak havoc on unsuspecting players.

    That said... one strong survivor or SWF who can effectively loop him and keep denying his power can ruin his day completely.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,705

    I do think he is on the lower half of the tier list but I do agree people make him out to be worse than he is. Especially when paired with Coup de Grace.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,352

    If the survivor has ears and eyes and knows how to loop there goes ghostface, nothing he can do aside from building bloodlust. He can mindgame? Wow would be a shame if I use a checkspot so I cannot be mindgamed lmao, he exposed me? Go to a jungle gym or main building if you have the distance thats it you should be able to loop him until the marked is gone.

    However seeing the skill of the average pub warrior that somehow still managed to lose to trapper, they must see ghostface as an incredibly strong killer.

    Ghostface is as good as the survivor team lets him be, if they are not lobotomized then ghostface is very easy to beat.

    Now an exception to this rule is inside maps and a ghostface that is using hit and run can actually be effective as it counters his main weakness, you are undetectable but people can still ser you from miles away and reveal you, in indoor maps this is not the case.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,184
    edited June 26

    He isn’t that bad, but he can feel pretty powerless if Survivors know how to counter him, especially SWF who constantly chases and reveal you.

    Post edited by OmegaXII on
  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 938

    I think he is underrated as well.

    The best way to think about his power is that his stalk is a ranged attack that only hits when you want it to. Don't feel discouraged if you let people go uninjured, since you're still 'attacking' them in an indirect way.

    It only really gets tough against perceptive and good survivors on open maps or otherwise maps with good, directed check spots that can see you coming easily.