
what would you guys think about kindred being basekit? I figured ideally when someone’s hooked all survivors can see each other. However, if you want to see the killer around the hook then you would run kindred. It’d help solos and wouldn’t really doing anything for swf
Ehh. I don't dislike the idea, but I don't think it's necessary either. I was way more pro Kindred basekit before we had icons showing what our teammates are doing. Previously there was a huge gap between solo and SWF about having any idea what the hell your teammates are doing, but now you're much better equipped to tell whether or not someone is going for the unhook.
And with the camping changes, Kindred isn't quite as good at telling whether the killer is camping, as most camping now takes place at a distance.
Without those key pieces of information that bridge solo and SWF, it's a free aura perk. Which… again? I'd probably be fine either way Mostly I'd worry about Open-Handed becoming meta in that case, because 16m is fine but 32m wallhacks every time someone is hooked is very strong.
Your suggestion seems to remove the killer aura part of the perk from the basekit? In that case, yeah, it'd be fine. Again, I don't think it's as necessary as it used to be, but I don't see a problem with it.
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It would be a decent idea, but Hens already made a video about soloQ misery being 100% fault of the survivors themselves, and using some creative cherry picking he "proved" that "if all survivors played nice, the escape rate would be 65%!". And since the devs already acknowledged that video, the official BHVR standing on soloQ is something like "soloQ is fine, those who suffer there deserve to suffer there". So no soloQ buffs should be expected in the following years.
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yeah if they were to make it base kit they’d def have remove the killer aura aspect
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yeah I’m not sure that “it’s your fault” is always a good answer considering it ain’t my fault I got one hooked and died cause of newbie solo players. That feels like a very lazy answer from the devs. Granted, I’d say everything else that happens in soloQ is the fault of the players
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I totally agree with the fact they made it easier for solos by giving the icon info about what they’re doing but that doesn’t necessarily mean that if someone got off a gen/totem/chest while my other teammate was also on a gen/totem/chest means that “oh he’s going for the save” because it seems most times solo will expect others to take that risk
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Basekit perks are not the answer. People already ignore the hud and another free perk isn't going to motivate people to go for the save. A better and more detailed tutorial would help or even better a chat wheel could help. But the core problem is matchmaking sucks.
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I want it basekit, but not with the concession of the aura of The Killer.
I think a lot of Survivors think that if you give up the Killers aura, there won't be as much blow back from Killers about it being basekit.
If anything this will only make things worse in SoloQ as nobody will find the perk itself worth a slot and nobody seeing the aura.
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Only is killers get corrupt basekit.
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I mean I don’t see why you feel that should be basekit. I think corrupt is good but typically a waste. However, sure, id make that deal
disagree. The killer aura isn’t the big reason everyone who uses it does. It gives very useful information but people often bring it for the sake of randoms making better plays
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Yes, obviously. The devs suggested it themselves years ago.
I've lost count of the number of times that the lack of Kindred on my solo teammates has led to horribly inefficient plays and/or gotten everyone killed.
It is absolutely mandatory in solo queue and if you're playing solo without it, don't ever complain about the state of solo queue. You're part of the problem.
Make the perk show only the killer aura, maybe with a bigger range or extend it to work on downed survivors as well.
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I don't enter a match without it. It protects my teammates by letting them see the Killer aura, seeing that I'm being proxy camped tells them to go away so my AFC bar will fill up faster.
Just left a match on Lery's with a Myers in Tier II patrolling me on hook. If a teammate had come he would have popped Tier III and got them before they got to me.
This kind of stuff is why I use it.
I appreciate your opinion though and hope we can get something but I'm not expecting it.
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Yes. My friend plays in SoloQ all the time because for some reason the game kicks him out every time we try to play together.
Anyway, he gets mad that sometimes nobody comes to save him. I told him that if he doesn't use Kindred that he should expect that.
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Nah I don’t think it should even show the killer. Just other survivors
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Hens has like 12 K hours or so, he is a really experienced survivors, given how bad matchmaking works this does not prove too much besides a really good player can keep the killer busy to make escapes happen...
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If soloQ and swf are on one level then killer would need to get buffed accordingly... But maybe the first step should be to bring that balance and then we can decide what is adäquate as a killer buff if necessary.
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I mean make the survivor aura component basekit and then buff the remaining killer aura component so the perk is still useful.
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Bad players will stay bad.. No matter how much buffs they'll receive - that's the biggest reason why solo q will NEVER be a consistent good experience..
Anyway - I'm still all for Kindred as basekit.. Even with my aura revealed to everyone.
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most definitely
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Yeah totally man, that’s what I’m saying lol
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At this point I literally want constant aura reading on teammates and/or vc for survivors
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It's ridiculously strong and also deserves to be basekit, results in more killer buffs on the way
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nah, I wouldn’t want to see my mates on gens at all times or start of match. That would be a little too much without having a perk
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You can already replicate it in a swf 🤷♀️
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I got that but still I think it would be a bit busted if I could see my mates at all times without running aura perks. With kindred it would only need to work while on hooks. If they did make it base kit than I wouldn’t mind if the nerfed bond/empathy/etc just a little because of that