Skull Merchant, Freddy Kruger and Deathslinger are the most probable killers to get reworked.

I just wanted to make a post laying some evidence about the recent changes that indicate this:
Deathslinger: His power got really minor improvements in the last update, however they are really similar to hillbilly's before his rework: reducing the punishment to a point it isnt really that punishing anymore (like overheat got gutted before the introduction of overdrive).
Freddy Kruger: Z-Block getting updated is what really makes me feel like they scrapped a buff and went for a total rework: While we got told that he was on the radar on the AMA, him getting an entire addon removed just because they would have to nerf it because of the hemorrhage & mangled just doesn't make sense. I mean, the effect was scrapped from an ongoing buff and added as an addon, and that's probably because of the feedback of "we want old freddy back" insetivising them even more.
Skull Merchant: She didn't get anything, which is super odd coming from bhvr. What I mean is that they didn't make changes to make her more skill-expresive, which is something bhvr has done countless times before (Pyramid Head, Knight months after and now, wraith getting his lunge barely nerfed, etc) and frankly, I think she will get the first major rework since freddy, because otherwise I don't think she will be left untouched.
What do you think?
I'm still holding out hope that Freddy will eventually be made more similar to his old kit, even after all these years. Old Freddy my beloved.
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Old Freddy ain't coming back. They moved away from aura reading in killer powers back in 2018 and basekit megaslowdowns are a total non-starter. What does that leave? Manual entry to the dream world? What's the point?
Plus old Freddy was a giant DC magnet. Everybody hated him at the time, which was why he was reworked in the first place.
That's not to say he doesn't need changes. But they should go forward, not back.
More likely they will give him the ability to switch between snares and pallets, and maybe give him some other toys as well.
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The flavor part of me says yes, absolutely, but my brain looks at 'has to sleep survivors before he can even hit them' and '50% repair speed penalty' and screams please no. I like the idea, especially Freddy being completely undetectable to awake survivors, but stuff like failing a medkit skill check mid-chase, the free 7 seconds to get to a safe spot every time Freddy starts chasing you, and the fact that nobody likes slowdown games and we have so many worse perks for that than we used to, would all need to be handled before we go back to the OG idea of the Dream World - even if we're giving Freddy actual powers to use in the Dream World, because I'm taking that as a given over his original incarnation.
But he's the killer I want reworked… second most, after Skull Merchant. He just has nothing going for him - no strength, no identity, no uniqueness, no anything. Even his teleporting, which was originally pretty cool, is now in the kits of multiple newer killers who do his job better than he can. Used to be just him and Demo (and mint rag Hag) who could teleport at will, now we have Xeno, Dredge, Unknown, Singularity, and Sadako, and I'd rather play any of them than him.
(And this has no bearing on power, but I would flip a table if the Dream World wasn't just a grey filter but had nightmarish versions of assets - faces in the shack wood grain, blood seeping out from lockers, things like that. Environmental jumpscares like the ones on Midwich, fake footsteps and laughter, that sort of thing. Make it a proper nightmare.)
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I agree that his slowdown should be moved away from, but the info, stealth and mindgames were what I played him for primarily.
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Oh yeah, I don't think the slowdown should come back.
If they reduced the Dream Transition by a few seconds, and gave him a chase power on top of the info and small TR, he'd still retain his old flair while fitting into a more modern DBD. We already have killers that have to uncloak before hitting people, and reducing the Dream Transition to like 4-3.5 seconds would basically be the same as like Wraith or Sadako essentially.
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I think SM will always be hated no matter how much times she gets reworked so BHVR shouldn't waste time money and resources on her a Freddy rework would be nice and Slinger I don't see needing an entire rework his ability isn't broken (op or literally broken) the only issue he has is an old core game issue where he has no map mobility and has to walk across the entire map
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Yes but what I am saying is that is really weird that she got nothing. Even weirder she got one of her only skill-expressive parts of the kit (cooldown on drone call) removed
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It is already known that Freddy is supposed to get another rework down the line. Both Freddy and Myers are supposed to be receiving reworks, but were pushed back with delays awhile ago due to BVHR having other current priorities.
Deathslinger is one of those killers that are just hard to rework due to how his kit is designed. Simple killer powers = harder to rework them without a complete change(which BHVR still refuses to do).
Skull Merchant is always gonna be playing out similarly no matter what rework BHVR do to her without a total power change for her which, again, BHVR refuse to do that stuff still. The current version of SM is playing essentially the same as her previous version prior to her latest rework with 1-hit downs with the removal of old restrictions and mechanics plus the addition of QoL mechanics while giving her stealth. The only changes I, personally, think she needs is 1) her additional Hindered add-on should be reworked into something else, 2) her base-kit Hindered effect should either be reduced by a lot or potentially just removed entirely, and 3) hacking drones should remove 1 Lock-On stack so that she has some more interactivity. Also the reason why I think her Hindered is the problem and not the Haste is because her Haste is only really effective during chase if multiple survivors trigger drones at once(which is easy to avoid doing as long as you're paying at least a tiny bit attention to your environment and you know someone else is being chased) because, if I remember correctly, she only gets +3% Haste from the first survivor being on the radar(only lasting for 3-4 seconds based on if she has the brown add-on or not if you don't have a trap on) and each additional survivor on the radar increases that Haste by +1.5% maxing out at 7.5%.
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About Freddy, I would love to see his old dynamic of being invisible to awake survivors return, ofc with Red Paint Brush basekit.
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Mikey is definitely down for one.
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I’m surprised they haven’t done an add on pass on Freddy. His additional penalty for missing skill checks have to be replaced to make it fair. Huntress had an add on that made survivors hit by a hatchet 5% slower at repairing gens for 15 seconds and that got removed because it was problematic. Meanwhile Freddy has two add ons that can be stacked to make a survivor who misses a skill check lose 18% progress instead of 10% And honestly they should remove his pallet add ons and make them basekit.
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I honestly think Deathslinger is alright now. Maybe they could make him 4.6, but I don't think he needs much.
For SM, I don't think there's anything they could do to change the community perception of her, and her power is honestly fine.
Freddy needs more dream props and some changes to the sleep mechanic. I would pay for Freddy dlc again if that's what it takes to get the Robert Englund version, Nancy, and a good rework. They could make Jackie Earl Haley and Quentin legendaries, free for players who already own the dlc.
If the devs are watching, please watch this rework concept, its very close to my dream version of Freddy.
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I think it's kind of a stretch to say Deathslinger needs a full killer update in the vein of the ones we've been getting recently. He could stand to get a few small buffs, for sure, but he's not in that dire of a spot other than that. I'd sooner look to Myers instead of Deathslinger, considering he's now entirely the most outdated killer in the game with some truly problematic elements that swing in both directions from too strong to too weak.
For Freddy, I believe we already know he's on the radar, though I would be suspect of Old Freddy coming back. Stuff like the slowdown can't come back, and we're in a state of the game with a lot more counters to aura reading, so after those two things are effectively removed/neutered, what's even left? I'd rather they move forward with his current design, myself, there's a good base there for how to make him more evocative and interesting.
Also, obligatory mention that Skull Merchant already had a Freddy-tier rework and that rework already made her much more skill-expressive. She'll likely get more changes at some point, but the specific stuff you're calling out already happened.
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Lets hope she continues getting nothing except a delete from the game
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because nobody misses skill-checks that is good at the game. Freddy also has permanent oblivious which prevents him from using overcharge/oppression skill-checks with unnerving presence. Lullaby can be cleansed. Huntress add-on for -5% was 120 seconds. It was a mangled add-on+-5% repair add-on. This was before mangled was on a standard for unlimited duration. Now it got changed to be limited duration but it is worse then where it started.
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DS just needs some updates.
Freddy, yes please.
SM, please. For the love of everything holy rework her into something completely new so that we may have peace
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If they bring old Freddy back, he's automatically going to be my least favorite killer in the game.
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I just looked it up, it was actually permanent until healed which really isn’t that bad tbh. Regardless whether survives miss skill checks or not they said they are removing anything to do with gen speeds from all killer powers and add ons.
And if Fredward does combine HL with both add ons then one missed skill check is a -24% progress penalty. It has to go to keep in line with the other killer add ons that have been changed to bring them in line with what the devs wanted.