Plot Twist + No Mither made me realize one thing

The finishing mori PTB will never come back. A full team playing together could come to the match with those perks and end the match within seconds. Not that's gonna be happening once every few games but it could turn into a new "griefing" situation that can potentially start annoying killer players
It's time to bring the anti-slug mechanics and ideas back, but not that one
I think the finisher mori they have planned will only work with the very last survivor alive, not if anyone else is slugged iirc.
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What would that actually accomplish as a grief, though? Wasting the killer's offerings and addons? I guess it's the same as 'bing bong your item is gone' Franklins killers who immediately DC, but I think most players would be more nonplussed than angry to have four survivors instantly fall down and end the match. Like… that's pretty funny.
Not that I'm mourning the finisher mori PTB. Please let it stay buried.
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But the bing bong ends with a DC so they are already receiving the penalty by default
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Thats what everybody thought at that time but they implemented the anti slug together
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You say it’ll never come back but during the anniversary livestream they said they are bringing it back this year soooo?
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That finishing mori with high sense mechanic (increase pov when only 1 survivor left) should never be a thing
- Yellow mori basekit.
- Give slugged survivor ability to self kill after 30sec of being slugged.
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So you are telling me I could load into a game, everybody instantly dies, I get like 6-10 K BP and can go next immediately? Awesome, sign me up.
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Well, that's one absurd scenario since it would requires 4 persons willingly to spend their times to try to "annoy" a killer by giving an instant win.
If finisher mori were a thing and that happened to me twice i would just only laugh and then queue for the next match.
Sorry, but this doesn't make sense even in theory.
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If I would be able to ask them for something and have my wish granted that would be the last thing I would ask for... I would probably ask them to fix their bug ridden game and bring it on the standard for 2020,considering they are below the year of 2003 in some aspects of this game... Like how games back then used to have options for texture quality, grass quality and view distance and so on...
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Finisher mori would work just fine, as long as it didn't apply if there were any second chance perks active. Like if a single player had either active DS, self pickup, or self unhook, finisher mori wouldn't activate, even if every survivor was downed or hooked.
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I feel like the finisher mori should work on anyone who is dead on hook, they're dead anyway at that point so why not give a cool way to finish people, also I think new moris should be unlockable with each Character having at least 3 different ones to choose from
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They would never do that, too much work