Voice lines, good or bad

Brutha Member Posts: 195
edited July 2024 in General Discussions

Honestly I like them, but feel like they should be given to characters more sparingly. Chucky is a good example, he's such a vocal killer it would be weird to have him completely silent, so giving him voice lines was a good choice. Then there's characters like Vecna who didn't really need them to feel like that character, it's cool they have them don't get me wrong but voice lines as a whole are already getting stale fast.

Post edited by Brutha on


  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited June 2024

    Complete and utterly disagree.

    Voicelines adds depth to characters, makes Survivors feel more distinct from each other and quite frankly, should be given to way more of them.

    Also Alan Wake absolutely needed voicelines as it gives him his flavor and personality from his own games and imo, is the best part about his Survivor in DBD.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,914

    I mean I wouldn't play Alan Wake as much if he didn't have voicelines, and I wish Saga had them as well. I'm not sure if they'd fit every single survivor, but I generally like voice lines when they're added.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,967

    Having now played (the first) Alan Wake, I think the voicelines are pretty integral to invoking the game of origin.

    Gabriel, Ripley, Sable could definitely have done without the lobby lines. They’re rather generic, too. Aestri/Baermar have admittedly less generic lines, but they aren’t all that special either.

    As for the killers, I think Pinhead nailed the frequency of the lines. Wesker overdoes it, as does Vecna. Chucky is also borderline too frequently for me, but he has a large variety of lines so it’s less noticeable.
    Unknown gets away with having lines, as they’re much less “this trigger happened”. Singularity…less so, but at least he’s not too annoying about it.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    I like them and have no problem with them personally.

    I think an option to turn them off would be fine though.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I like em, helps me get into my character more.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,015

    I'm fine with licensed survivors having voicelines because these are recognizable characters with voices, but the original survivors having voices has felt weird to me. I agree there should be a "disable voices" option, for both in-lobby and in-trial.

  • Brutha
    Brutha Member Posts: 195

    I agree voice lines do add more and I do like them but there's only so many times a guy can hear "I came" or Vecna's multiple spell voice lines before it gets old, personally I would like a option to disable them.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263

    I don't mind them on most Killers. Characters like Wesker, Trickster and Chucky just wouldn't feel right if they weren't hamming it up, mimicking voices is literally a part of the Unknown's hunting strategy and Pinhead speaks so sparingly that it's a nice little treat when he does. Which leaves the other two with Vecna & Singularity (and most likely Dracula coming up). Matt Mercer absolutely NAILED Vecna, but it would be nicer if he spoke with Pinhead's regularity. And Singularity speaking kind of annoys me, and I have no idea how to put the reasons into words.

    Survivor on the other hand, I DO take issue with, for what is honestly a very petty reason. For the longest time, I mained Ash BECAUSE he was the only one with voice lines. Then Project W came out and the RE cast got voice lines. Retroactively. And in the process, they removed the ability for everyone else in the lobby to hear them, while also playing them so rarely that I'm pretty sure I've only heard TWO of Rebecca's voice lines total. Vittorio had no lines and it seemed like it would just be special treatment for some licensed characters. Then the Lyra Siblings showed up and had voice lines with each other… which practically NEVER happens and rarely play when it DOES happen. And it all went downhill from there as EVERYONE got voice lines.

    Gabriel came out and got THREE lines total as well as beginning one of the WORST jokes this community has ever created. Nick Cage came out and started playing voice lines IN-GAME which, while it could be fun, just annoys me more than it doesn't. Ripley came out and literally only ever talks about the Xenomorph using tunnels (exaggeration, I know). I can't speak for Alan's character since I've never played his games, but again the in-game voice lines irritate me more than they don't. Sable's lines are garbage and I'm only giving the Troupe a pass because Baermar's voiced by Robbie Daymond.

    TL;DR: With everyone getting voice lines now, the ENTIRE REASON I mained who I did is no longer unique to him, and it kind of annoys me. Though I guess I have no room to talk since Baermar IS my new main.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211


    I love the voice lines. I want them to keep talking. I love Tryx cause of her voice lines (huh, I guess you can't attach URLs cause it posts the thread but all well, see below I guess).

    I would love for them to introduce lines to every character. The one thing I will say is that I understand a lot of people DON'T like it so they should have like…either a meter where you can customize how often it happens (Low, Medium, High or something like that) or at the very least just an option to toggle them off or on with the only exceptions being characters who do voice things for balance reasons (like Chucky giggling when he's in Hidey Ho mode, that should remain because it's part of his balance).

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited July 2024

    I don't agree one bit with the sentiment of voicelines getting old.

    If bhvr wanna implement a client-sided voiceline enable/disable option then by all means, go ahead, but bhvr should not deviate from their current effort of giving characters voicelines or change any of the voicelines for characters who already has them in the game.

    People either hate her or love her with no inbetween.

    Personally i too like Tryks not only for the multiple personas she has, which she displays through the different tones & mannerism in her voicelines that she switches between, but also for her currently semi-mysterious & speculative lore surrounding her.

    Overall i do hope to see her return next year.

    Also i will die on the hill that out of all the original killers with voicelines, Singularity has the best one out of them all.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I completely agree. Chucky needed them, Pinhead kind of needed them, Freddy needs them. It's core to their identity. But Vecna doesn't, and I feel his lines make him less imposing than he'd otherwise be. I'm not a fan of Singularity having lines either, or any survivors speaking in the trial at all… especially now that very random and otherwise 'normal' survivors are getting lobby lines, which detracts from the special feel of the few who did. Overall I don't feel like the chattiness fits DBD's atmosphere.

  • dknb
    dknb Member Posts: 163

    Just hearing Chucky's voice makes me want to disconnect.

    I wish there was an option to turn it on/off.

    I remember the Puppers complaining when the Hillbilly started screaming.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 422

    Good but should not become too much of a common occurrence.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,892

    I am mostly okay with them but also agree they should be given out more sparingly. At least no one has (in-match) lines that feel completely out of place and for survivors you have the choice to just not play them as they are only skins and you don’t here other survivors‘ lines - and those we have (Alan and Cage) are well done!

    Would be cool to be able to toggle them off for killers…

    Wesker overdoing it is kinda in-character though, isn’t it?

    Also I love Aestri humming the DbD theme! Could have done without everything else

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 822
    edited July 2024

    honestly voice lines for James Sunderland would be amazing cause he looks nothing like the original one so maybe having some voice lines added to him will add abit of the likeness the original James had in silent hill 2

    And that’s also if they can get a voice actor who can imitate the old one

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,681

    Alan Wake is just screaming. I dont see any redeemable things in his voicelines, they dont really fit the game character and are just someone being loud. They are in fact a reason why I wont play him ever again.


    It depends. I think some voicelines are fitting, others not too much. I think Chucky and Wesker are fitting with their trashtalking. Alan Wake, as above, not so much. Same goes for Nicolas Cage, he talks far too much.

    Unknowns voicelines are also really good, phenomenal work from the voice actress. Also I like the detail that the voice is clear when the Survivor is weakened.

    That now every character gets voicelines (including original characters) is still not good IMO. Especially because most of them are pretty forgettable and if you implement forgettable voicelines, you might not implement any at all.

    What 100% has to be implemented is a toggle for voicelines. If they decide to bring those in a game which purposely did not have voice lines for characters, they need to have an option to disable them.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Another reason I dont mind the chucky voice line frequency is because he as a character is an over the top jackass

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited July 2024

    Alan Wake is just screaming. I dont see any redeemable things in his voicelines

    Except that's just objectively incorrect. He also have plenty of whispering and normal talking voicelines for when the trials starts, when he's completely healed by a teammate, when he gets downed, when he pulls an exit gate lever, when he goes afk and gets enough crows circling over him, when he messes up a generator skill check and when he successfully opens an exit gate. If you don't personally like them, fine, but to say that he's just screaming is just blatantly false.

    they dont really fit the game character and are just someone being loud. They are in fact a reason why I wont play him ever again.

    Completely disagree in every single way possible, they have every redeemable thing to them and very much fits his game character just as much as they would in his own game and are in fact why he will forever be my main and why i'm glad that bhvr have moved away from the mute characters of old DBD and made voicelines the new norm for future characters.

    Post edited by Smoe on