Please Hide Prestige Levels in Pre-Game Lobby

Dear Devs,

please hide the prestige levels in pre-game lobbies (or make it optional).

Please please please please, I get dodged if I want to play my favorite characters which feels like Im being punished for leveling them in the first place :')


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,916

    I'm not sure why they haven't done this yet, honestly.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    Additionally, please show all profiles as anonymous or show fully all profiles. no longer either/or.

    The fact that the killer can always check out every single survivor and the survivors don't have this option is just stupid.
    There should be nothing visible or everyone.

  • Xyphus
    Xyphus Member Posts: 160

    Feel the pain.. Whenever I want to play a Survivor that is not on a high prestige level other Survivor players keep dodging and dodging..

  • AriellesDove
    AriellesDove Member Posts: 26

    Right?! The feedback I've read was mostly positive so I don't know why it's still not a feature :(

  • AriellesDove
    AriellesDove Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2024
    Post edited by AriellesDove on
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,352

    I agree, especially because of the great harm all the dodging does to the matchmaking.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 385

    I intentionally don't level up my survivor main anymore because i don't want to get lobby dodged repeatedly by having too high of a level.

    Its such a sad state of affairs. BHVR really should just hide lobby prestige for both sides.