How do you think the Myers update will look like?

How do you think BHVR are going to change him? A rework or just number tweaks and QOL buffs? I got a feeling we are going to get that update soon.
There's no way tombstone piece and Judith's Tombstone survive, which is probably for the best. Other than that… I think the first thing he needs is unlimited stalk and less punishing conditions in Tier 1. Reworking Tier 1 to be a viable maximum-stealth approach and then changing the mechanic so he cycles between the tiers instead of T1 being a nerf state he has to escape and then never returns to might be a good move?
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hopefully just big adjustments to make his playstyle and abilities up-to-date. he doesn't at all need a new power or ability, just big enough adjustments that make him feel rewarding, lore accurate, and overall just try to aim at his early game capabilities.
an example being the stalking penalty he receives from stalking far away. that, makes no sense to his lore/character in the movies, so just switch around how the stalk penalty works. currently, he receives a stalking rate penalty when stalking players from far away. so, swap it and make it so he receives a penalty when stalking too close to a survivor, but builds it very fast whenever hes stalking from far away. obviously tweak the numbers if that happens, but i believe it'll feel better since it'll be easier to 99% tier 3 on unsuspecting survivors.
another big thing would be to force survivor's stalk limit to deteriorate overtime. a big thing michael suffers sometimes is if he manages to fully stalk all survivors til their red, he legit is unable to use tier 3 until the match is over. dont get me wrong, its genuinely pretty rare for this to happen, but just because its rare doesn't mean it doesn't suck when it happens.
also buff tier 1 a bit, at the very least just his movement speed (to 4.4) and his lunge (to 0.25 or 0.3). tier 1 just makes him feel sluggish, so making it feel a bit faster overall will definitely improve the experience.
(also lastly, remove tombstone piece and replace it with a new addon. its overpowered and nobody likes using it besides the person playing myers.)
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I think it could be fun if you wanted to be lore accurate, to somehow incorporate the hide and reappear ability he does in the movies. When he stalks someone and then vanishes, then after a little while shows up again and jumpscares. Not required this change tho but I think it could be fun.
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I think Judith's Tombstone will be fine, the downsides are enough to balance it out. Tombstone Piece will almost certainly get a change, though.
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I think they might try to Incorporated his strongest addons into his basekit. Which i definitely wouldn't want to see. After hitting tier 3 a set number of times u get infinite or the ability to kill. I could definitely see them doing something like that. Im just praying for the complete eradication of Tombstone piece and that it.
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I agree Judith's is balanced, while Piece is busted because it doesn't require the stalk-everyone-to-near-full double addon setup to work, but I suspect they're going to remove it just because the no-hook healthy mori is an ancient relic of gameplay that doesn't line up with modern DBD.
I won't really mourn it. I like that Myers has so many completely different playstyles enabled by his addons (something that also doesn't really exist with modern killers, but you saw it more often with the OGs), and you don't know what to expect with him when you see him and that adds to the fear factor. But Judith's + Tuft doesn't create engaging games, win or lose.
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I don't know, I think being able to grab and just straight up kill a Survivor is very unique to Myers. I'd be pretty sad if the Tombstone mechanic as a whole was removed, but Tombstone Piece 100% needs adjustments.
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While I'd like his core gameplay of stalking survivors and tiering up to remain intact, I think he needs a bit more than just number changes. And Tombstone hopefully gets removed, Tombstone Piece is blatantly overpowered and while Judith's Tombstone is a bit more fair with its heavier downsides I still don't think it's really healthy for the game, even though it is unique.
I think tier 1, while designed primarily to hinder Myers, should be less of a hindrance than it is now, perhaps he could move at 4.4m/s in tier 1 instead of 4.2. Tier 2 is fine the way it is. Tier 3 could use some kind of additional benefit. I also don't like how much Myers can be punished for hooking survivors during tier 3 because it wastes a lot of the timer for it and I'd like to see something done to mitigate this issue.
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Agreed Myers would lose a big part of his identity if they remove it. And I don't relish the thought, because without being The Bogeyman, he's just another low-tier stealth killer. He deserves better.
I'd just be shocked if they left it in, considering how conservative they've been about things like Pinky Finger and Iri Head.
I suppose they might keep it if they follow the design philosophy they have with Sadako - that you can be moried on any hook if you misplay badly enough and the killer has to spend a lot of time building the status effect up. Judith's mostly applies in its current state, because it's only viable to run with Tuft and that takes forever to build up the stalk. But once the effect goes off, survivors are pretty doomed and unless they were already almost done with gens, there isn't opportunity for counterplay anymore. And it's much harder to prevent Myers from looking at you than it is to keep Sadako from gaining condemned stacks, because any gains Myers makes can't be taken back.
If they could make the actual games with Judith's more entertaining, I'd defend it harder. My big problem is that tombstone Myers is incentivized not to hit or hook anyone, just stalk, because he doesn't have time to do chases and still get T3 off. Which makes it easy to tell he has the addon, but it also means there's minimal interactivity or opportunity for points in that game. It's just hiding and occlusion and then one final chase.
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Both the instant kill addons need to be completely reworked. It’s ridiculous that Pig and Sadako both got multiple nerfs to their alternate kill mechanics, out of fairness for survivors….. but Myers still gets to instantly kill a survivor with a click of a button?
And since BHVR likes to nerf or rework perks that are overused, overperforming, or “gives too much value”, then the infinite tier 3 addon also needs to be reworked.
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I think people are expecting a lot more than what the devs will do. I think he'll eventually get a whole bunch of minor number buffs, QoL changes, and probably reworking at least the Tombstone Add-ons.
Overall, Myers current design fits him perfectly and he's been consistently one of the most popular characters in the game since he came in way back when, so I don't think he'll get too many drastic changes.
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I hope:
Mirror is relatively untouched
Can no longer 'run out of stalk'
Tombstone add ons nerfed
That'll be a successful rework
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My proposal for Michael Myers Rework
Changes for base kit:
1. Same stalking progression at all distances from Tier 1-4 of Evil Within.
2. Have 4 tiers of Evil Within and can stalk multiple survivors at once.
3. Survivors no longer have limited Stalk amount on them and will passively generate Stalk amount to Evil Within by +1% Stalk/5 seconds upwards to 100/75/50/25% per tier of Evil Within.
4. Tiers 2-4 can become activated at any time by the push of the Interaction button.
5. Stalking can charge and hold tiers above current tier plus store up to Tier 4 Evil Within.
6. Tier 1 Evil Within becomes base default again after a tiers 2-4 timer runs out.
7. New mechanics: Victimized (A Survivor will have their aura be revealed permanently while Stalking within 40 meters.)
Disturbed (A Survivor will receive 25% faster and smaller skill checks on all conspicuous actions, and 5% Hindered Movement speed for 4 seconds after completing a conspicuous action.
Disturbed status is removed after being put into the dying state or until the timer runs out for Tier 3-4 Evil Within.),
Scarred (A Survivor becomes Mori able by any means even in lockers and suffers from the Blindness status effect.
Scarred status is removed after the timer has run out on Tier 4 Evil Within.)
Knitting Needle (5 Knitting Needles for Survivors to use around the map to be used to prevent from being Mori 'ed while Scarred.)
8. While Myers is in Tier 1 Evil Within, Survivors being stalked can hear Myers Breathing after 3 seconds or until they become Victimized.
Tier 1: Unlimited, Gains the Undetectable Status effect, 110% MS, no reduced lunge, may teleport to Shadows near survivors you are stalking. (Shadows are dark, foreboding corners that Michael can emerge from and can be enhanced through the density of the fog in the map.
This reworks the Fog offerings to be useful or detrimental to Michael Myers.
Tier 1 allows teleporting to the Shadows up to 12 meters away from the Stalked survivor facing them. Example: The Cenobite teleporting to the Lament Configuration.) Stalking a Survivor(s) for 15 seconds becomes Victimized(Exclusive to only Tier 1 Evil Within) and no movement penalty while stalking.
Tier 2: 90 seconds, 16 meter TR, 115% MS, Normal lunge, Stalking a Survivor(s) for 20 seconds becomes Disturbed, allowing you to teleport to Shadows.
Tier 2 allows teleporting to the Shadows up to 16 meters away from the Stalked survivor facing them. -10% movement speed while stalking, and +5% faster vault speed. Charges required to reach Tier 2 is 100%.
Tier 3: 60 seconds, 32 meter TR, 115% MS, Increased lunge attack by 15%, all Survivors become exposed, allowing you to teleport to Shadows.
Tier 3 allows teleporting to the Shadows up to 24 meters away from the Stalked survivor facing them.) +10% faster vault speed, +10% faster breaking action speed, and -15% movement speed while stalking. Charges required to reach Tier 3 is 200%.
Tier 4: 30 seconds, 40 meter TR, 110% MS, Increased lunge attack by 15% all Survivors become exposed, +10% faster vault speed, +10% faster breaking action speed, +20% increase recovery from stuns/blinds, and all Survivors become Scarred. Charges required to reach Tier 4 is 400%.
1. Tacky Earrings: Increases the movement speed of The Shape while stalking by +10%.
2. Memorial Flower: Increases stalk rate by +10%.
3. Boyfriend's Memo: Increases teleporting cooldown on Shadows by +10%.
4. Blonde Hair: Increases duration of Evil Within 3 by 5 seconds but earn -15% less stalk overall.
5. Reflective Fragment: Apply Hemorrhage for 90 seconds or until fully healed.
6. Jewellery: Increases the Movement speed of The Shape while Stalking by +5%.
7. Hair Brush: Increases duration of Evil Within 2 by 10 seconds but earn -5% less stalk overall.
8. Glass Fragment: Appy Mangled for 60 seconds or fully healed.
9. Dead Rabbit: Reduces The Shape's Terror Radius by 4 meters in Evil Within 3 but increases the Terror Radius by 8 meters in Evil Within 4.
10. Mirror Shard: Survivors who do a rushed action while being stalked are exhausted for 45 seconds.
11. Judith's Journal: Increases the Stalk rate on the obsession by +30% but decreases Stalk rate on other survivors by -10%.
12. Jewellery Box: Increases the movement speed of The Shape while Stalking by 10%.
13. J. Myers' Memorial: Increases Stalk rate by +15%.
14. Hairbow: Increases the duration of Evil Within 3 by 20 seconds but earn -25% less stalk overall.
15. Vanity Mirror: The Shape loses the ability to gain Evil Within 4 but moves at 120% movement speed for the duration of Evil Within 3.
16. Tombstone Piece: Reveals survivor auras while teleporting into Shadows while increases teleporting cooldown on Shadows by +5%.
17. Scratch Mirror: The Shape's base movement speed is set to 4.4 m/s. The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within 2 but increasing Evil Within 2 by 90 seconds. Grants 300% bonus bloodpoints for each hit in the Devious and Brutality category.
18. Lock of Hair: Increases the duration of all Evil Within tiers by +25% but earn -30% less stalk per survivor.
19.Judith Tombstone: Grants unlimited duration of Evil Within 4. Requires 800% more evil to reach Tier 4.
20. Tuff of Hair: While teleporting and exiting the Shadows, gain the Undetectable status effect for 30 seconds in all Evil Within tiers.
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ThIs is my tinfoil hat conspiracy but I think Judiths Tombstone is safe just because Myers in Dbd would seem a tad silly if he didn't have the option to just stab a survivor.
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Just get rid of tombstone mori and I'll be happy.
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That, and Evil Incarnate is an achievement.
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Part of me doesn't care so long as they leave Scratched Mirror Myers wholly intact. It's one of the few things in the game that is always fun, and the closest thing to actual tension/horror DBD has to offer.
I don't even play to win as SM Myers, really. As long as I can make a few people absolutely crap their pants, I've gotten when I want out of those matches, lol.
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Judith tombstone should at least survive it takes super long to get tier 3 and it could restrict stalking back to how it's now.
But I pray they don't touch scratched or vanity mirror. Well vanity mirror could even use buff having bigger aura reading range.
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Yeah on scratched mirror it's best to jumpscare people I have only sadly 4 lerys offering but few million bp on myers and got only 1... Then on other killers I got them all the time. It has made me wonder somethings...
I like vanity mirror too it's actually viable you can scare people with it too. I use dead rabbit and monitor abuse to reduce my terror radius almost non existant.
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With the amount of complaints about map offerings over the years, I don't think scratched mirror Myers has a promising future. Either they will rework the offerings to block maps instead of sending you to certain maps or just remove them.
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You could easily say this about a third of the entire killer roster in general. At this point there are so many builds (and entire killers) that are hard countered just by the map that I think you just know going into each match knowing that you might just be screwed, and I don't think there's any way to mitigate it.
But that's also just DBD in a nutshell; if you're not playing an and S/A-tier killer, every lobby you load into is a potential RNG-dictated auto-loss. Though I'll give you that with SM Myers it's even more pronounced.
I've just made my peace with that, I suppose.
Map blocking offerings are a decent idea, but you'd see many killers who don't need then really abuse them.
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My wish list on him:
- Instead of stalking rate based on distance. Make it the same and in between.
- QoL: stalking stop at 95%, you have to M2 again to continue the stalking, just to prevent accidently stalk to 100% when you dont want to.
- Let Tier1 Blood lust, or 110%
- Scratch mirror Brown addon.
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I like this idea but T1 myers should be able to lunge first off.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 should have gimmicks Tier 1 hes undetectable and stalking shows Auras switching to Tier 2 makes him more offensive terror radius is revealed but Myers gets 20% break speed and 20% decreased Pallet stun time
Tier 3 when enough stalk is gained Exposed no changes
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Probably a tombstone removal, perm t3 removal and that's it
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As a Myers main I would like to see tier 1 removed, except for scratched mirror. Have stalk regenerate on survivors after X amount of time. Remove the stalk rate/distance feature.
Have an activation button for tier 3 like Oni does for his power.
When in tier 3 he should break pallets faster to go with the mega lunge and fast vault speed. After all tier 3 is supposed to be Mikey at his most powerful.
J. Myers memorial should be base kit.
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Agree with activation button for T3.
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honestly it would be way too much effort to change myers,
most i can imagine is reworking some stats of the tiers, maybe scratch mirror addons
or maybe upgrade the stalking system, so you can have a system of refilling someones stalk if you stalk someone else0 -
I agree. I think this is really all Meyers needs. Though I would like to see some of his addons reworked too. Like all of the "increase movement speed when stalking" are so complete trash. Just rework them and give him something different.
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Oh no I use that one with Scratched Mirror, let's me track without losing distance.
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Tombstones are a given. Heavily outdated and the ability to instantly kill a Survivor should not be a thing anymore.
He should be able to leave Tier 1 with a button press once a certain condition is met (e.g. being in chase with one Survivor). Once one chase was started, he should be able to Level up to Tier 2, if the player wants that.
A lot of his Add Ons need some changes.
And well, I hope he will be made more fair to go against. One of my biggest gripes with him is that you can get downed without feeding him a single bit of stalk, just because someone else decided to sit in the open with 0 awareness (even worse with the Tombstones, where you just get killed without doing anything wrong). Ghostface is more fair in that regard, if I get exposed by a Ghostface, this was on me and not another teammate being careless.
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A hot take:
I would like for Tombstone to be partially basekit, but only for survivors that give you a really large amount of stalking points. That way, players will be punished for being careless.
Honestly, the rework idea presented by Mintskull would be the ideal change for me.
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Scratched Mirror Buff that lets him walk faster when not in chase.
Nothing else because I like wondering if he’s going to murder me with tombstone or not. Nothing else in the game gives me the same fear and anxiety. I also don’t trust BHVR to not botch any rework when it comes to him. Just look at Sada-no and Freddy.
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I've said numerous times, but the thing is despite Myers being weak, he is a very much beloved character in DBD... I think it would be kinda suicidal to do anything very drastic to modernise his power.
I think BHVR will keep Mikey mostly the same, but add additional stats onto his basekit... help with stalking, help with map mobility out of chase, and help with bolstering the power of T3.
Add-on-wise I can see Tombstone Piece being completely nerf batted, but I think Judith Myers Tombstone will stay for the Evil Incarnate achievement.
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Been playing Myers (as well as Pig) since I started the game in mid-2018 and he’s such an iconic killer, yet oddly hasn’t been adjusted to the current times of DBD. Tombstone piece definitely getting adjusted. Faster (without add-ons) stalk would be nice, ability to manually tier up, lower TR in EW2, built in Enduring and Brutal Strength in T3.
It may sound like a lot, but he’s WAY behind in being a threat with insanely stronger killers and survivor perks.0 -
@UndeddJester Good because his power doesn't need modernising. It just needs buffs. He doesn't need a rework just updating of his existing kit.
They captured the feeling of the character from the movies. He just needs tweaks to his kit to put him in a more comfortable spot.
I think people get that. None of the suggestions I have seen in here would radically change his power. Just improve it.
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