Can Ya'll Not Give Up Before A Gen Is Done?

I just did a match where I was playing Vecna, and I catch the Kate and put her on hook. Immediately after, both of the Sables in the match gave up - immediately. They let themselves be caught and then killed themselves on hook. They didn't even finish a gen. Like, why even play if you're just going to give up immediately?
Yes this is such a big issiue and its going on since months. But dont you dare say anything against giving up, half of this playerbase thinks its totally fine to logg into a match and then throw first second something doesnt go well. Ive just startet taking the free wins at this point, just sad they are inflating killrates that way, who are alredy misread because killrates dont determine at all how good or strong a killer is.
If it were like that nurse had the highest 100%14 -
In normal matches? Yes, agree
In the event? Considering the sweat i face as a soloq? I just go in, do my challenge and just stop trying. The amount of sweat is insane, for some reason. Slugging, tunneling and ofc bad matchmaking. So there is no point trying.
I tried/played normally when event started, and out of 20 matches i escaped 2/3, rest were miserable and a waste of time. I also dont use cakes anymore during the event, that is where we are at :)
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This has been a weirdly huge problem during the anniversary especially, I really wish people would quit it. It's been so hard to get good games as either role because of this…
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Imagine telling everyone you're part of the problem, and being so proud of it. No wonder my games are awful with players like you around.
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Its all indicative of a bigger problem, which is there's no real incentive to play the actual game for either side. People want to either slaughter the opposition, or cry foul. Get downed once? DC or ######### on hook. Down a survivor? Tunnel, or depending on you killer, slug all 4 quick to a 4k.
There are no important consequences to being scummy. There's no real incentive not to be. It's all "allowed" in the game.
Not sure how to implement meaningful changes to it, personally, either. I have no solution. It's just a sad symptom of the asymmetrical game with an online player base.
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That's the worst part. When I'm killer, I never slug, tunnel or camp - if anything, unless I have a challenge that requires me to play a little meaner, I focus on making sure everyone has fun. But there are way too many toxic strategies that the killer or survivor can do that needs a change. I have a few solutions, but people tend to not like them. For example, to fix slugging, make it to where you can pick yourself back up. I get it's a perk, but that perk should be reworked, and it should be added to the survivor's base kit, so that way the killer is forced to hook, and can't just bleed people out.
I don't have anything for tunneling and camping - I'm sure there's a solution, but I can't think of any.
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How soon did you hook Kate when the match started? Some survivor mains will read a situation like this as the match being more difficult than they care to deal with. Either that, or they'll feel like the first survivor caught was basically dead weight and didn't care to wait out another 4k at 3 gens.
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Well, the game was a ######### and spawned her pretty much next to me, but she looped me for a solid two - three minutes before I hit her once. Like, to the Kate's credit, they could've gotten at least one gen done while I was chasing her. Took me, maybe, five minutes - but it felt longer - to fully catch her and put her on a hook.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
Soloq can definitely suck, I know. But dipping out just because you got what you wanted out of the match is part of why soloq has a negative stigma and people treat us like crap. The experience is harrowing enough without bad apple behavior making it worse on the rest of us.
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In my experience in soloQ, if a survivor is downed and hooked before one generator is finished, that's usually the sign that we aren't going to win. I assume other people feel the same so they just cut to the chase and let themselves die instead of trying to fight the inevitable snowball.
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Isn't that why they give up? Because a gen isn't done?
Unfortunately a hook before a gen means the killer has a strong lead.2 -
But then you miss out on the opportunity to make a great underdog tale! It might not be commonplace, but when it happens it's a damned rush itellyouwhut
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I'm gonna suspect those people weren't really playing the game from beginning, two minutes and no gens done is something really weird
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
A few matches ago, playing solo, I went against a Legion. Immediately the three survivors threw. I tried saving one off the hook in case it wasn't what it looked like, and she ran away from me and straight back to Legion to be put back on the ground. The match hadn't been going for a minute when they decided to throw. Not knowing what to do, I just walked towards the three bodies lying on the ground and Legion saw me and without hesitating put me on the ground with them and hooked us all.
I'm really not sure what to do when I'm playing solo and the other three decide to do something like that. I usually try to stay away while anyone's still on their feet, but if all three are on the ground at the same time I usually say "whatever" and just try to get it over with quickly.
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Yeah it's litterally been everyone leaving SoloQ to die. No one's been helping the SoloQ survivors. I've had people sand bagging me while working on gens, running the killer to me then tbagging, using bond to sand bag me, leaving me to second stage when there's a mori. I get it it's frustrating. These other survivors just don't care, and then getting tunneled if you manage to jump off too.
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I care because, unlike most people, I actually care if everyone is having fun when I'm killer. There's no fun if there's no challenge - so survivors giving up, immediately, ruins both my fun and the fun of the other survivors. Not to mention when it happens while I'm playing survivor. It's the same reason I hate slugging, tunneling and camping - there's no challenge, no sportsmanship, no fun - just a pathetic attempt to act like you're good at the game.
Post edited by EQWashu on7 -
The problem is if a game is going poorly very early on there's often no comeback chance/incentive to stick around. I just had a match today where the killer got a down less than 30 seconds into the match. The person immediately tried to off themselves 1st hook, got to 2nd, and then another teammate took them off hook and the killer came back and just downed them both. It's not as if there's any mercy given when a selfish teammate throws.
It's typically a death sentence for everyone involved so some people just don't want to try and win an already unbeatable game. I did stick around, and I did manage to loop him for a bit but it didn't matter. Everyone died quick, got barely any points and obviously it wasn't a good time.
I don't blame the killer, I gave them a ggs, cause I'm not going to be mad they didn't ease up even if it would've been apprecaited. It sucks that 1 person threw like that, but to expect the rest of the team to stick around and play like they have a fair chance is..well… I'm not sure. The killer isn't obligated to go easy on you. But if the 40% chance of survival dwindles to even less than that because you have someone on dead hook at 5 gens, honestly, what's the point of sticking around if the whole team wants to give up and the killer wants an easy win? Idk it's a complicated issue.
I thought I'd add to this, at the beginning of the match survivors are their strongest. All pallets are up, everyone is healthy. And if within a minute into the game a single gen hasn't popped yet and you've got someone on dead hook already or three or four hooks spread out…when you're at your strongest- the chances of survival are extremely low. Things will not get easier. It's like being in a boss fight, even if you just restarted your run- if they get a good hit and your health is already down like 70%, chances are most will just let themselves die and try and reset because they know the effort to try and win isn't worth it due to the chances of survival.
Post edited by hermitkermit on5 -
If you want to make people give up less then make it so survivors actually have a chance to come back after a bad start. Killers can play the worst game of their life and end up with a 4K due to a single perk like NOED or due to one terrible mistake by a survivor.
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I think a lack of willingness to address the over reliance on Lethal Pursuer also has a hand in this. It’s one of the most common perks I see used by killers and having someone going down with the first 20 seconds of the match is really disheartening. I don’t DC like but I see a lot of others do it.
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why do the devs refuse to acknowledge the massive hook suicide spike.
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I read a lot of excuses claiming its only because of the event.
But the ragequit epidemic is going on since months. And there is 101 excuses for why people ragequit but somehow its always only certain scenarios, when in reality every 3rd match someone does it.
I really wish people that dont enjoy the game no more just dont que up.9 -
well to be fair, what are they gonna do about it? they cant force people to play. They COULD do something else though but saying the other solution is a big no no.
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Unlike rage quitters, campers, tunnelers, sweats in general at least PLAY the game. If you ragequit however you essentially just play lobby simulator, why boot up the game at all then?
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
Remember that im talking exclusively about the event, which i felt was miserable as soloq. Out of that, everyone can have a bad day but i always try to have a fun match
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New players have more integrity than some of the player base. You can 8 hook with 5 gens remaining and they will still try. Other survivors: Get 1 hook with 3 gens about to pop? Well guess I'll die now.
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Give them time. Most people aren't insane and when you get the same match over and over again.... They's not worth being an amusement to killlers
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I believe it's been mentioned by a few... Not all games are like this. The ones that's better to lobby shop than suffer through a game.
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They think it's fine to DC since they're survivors, and they get everything. If you DC as killer, they laugh at you and bully you.
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It been rising since the knight/skull merchant 3 gen meta and have been consistently increasing. The devs have attempted to change unfun play Styles (knight, slug sadako, better anti tunnel perks, wesker infection tunneling, slugging twins) but the damge seem to be non-repairable.
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If you can't give any fun to killer or other survivors and if you aren't even having fun most of the time, why are you even playing the game
At that point better to just leave dbd and stop making everyone miserable
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im bold ill say it first step remove giving up on hook obviously to stop circumventing the DC penalty and ruining the match for everyone if they afk at 3 crows it auto DCs them and penalize
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Update....that same wesker humped my avatar after downing me and did the same to the other feng. Don't even start to judge me
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Seen many suggest removing collision for X amount of time after being unhooked to counter tunneling. It would counter survivor bodyblocking the killer as well. For camping I have no solution.
I play quite fairly on killer so otherside get mostly good amount of bp. But if survivors sweat I sure sweat myself. But I don't undertand the camp/tunnel at 5 gens so many killers want to end the match in first minutes. That's why I can understand some survivors not bringing cakes always. They simply don't have enough bp to get them.
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I really, really, REALLY would love it if they would make an event or simply an experimental time frame like where killer could DC in matches where 3 gens are done with 0 hooks. Just to see how the survivor side of the community would like that. (Of course this would probably kill the game if it would benot optional like the event now)
Survivor have had the Speedrunner mentality for years now.
Didn't get my perfect setup (killer, map, killer perk loadout) in the first segment (first 2-3 gens done)? Quit and retry.
No wonder, they have the option of an early, penalty free exit.
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Well, I'd be all for it. A killer can open the exit gates as soon as a gen is done.
Judging by my matches though that ain't gonna happen more than once in a blue moon.
Them fairy tale killers come aronud as often as their fairy tale survivor counterpart who dc as soon as they don't get an fl save or sth.
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still not an excuse to ragequit. Again, if people dont enjoy the game, why boot it up???
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My thought was going there and i will probably get banned for this idea: Remove DC penalty entirely.
in want to be VERY clear about that. But people ARE doing it either way. And by avoiding the penalty because they just give up and hookicide, there is essentially 3 or less people playing for real. A bot on the other hand, they dont give up, they just play. So without a penalty we would at least have more bots. If we get a way to punish hookiciders sure go for it, as long as it stopps i dont care what solution or what route they took.
But the above mentioned from me should be the easyest one to remove hookicides for now, until they figured out how to propperly battle hookiciding.1 -
"Again, if people dont enjoy the game, why boot it up???"
you assuming players don't like this game because they quit which is WRONG. Players boot up the game hoping to have fun and end up running into certain playstyles/killers they don't like. The devs have allow survivors to escape through this 4% loophole for years without addressing it. Probably because they know survivors will just give up in other ways. No need to theory craft... it's obvious why survivors give up more. It's because they don't win a lot in solo queue that it. No mental gymnastics needed. T
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if you can't have fun losing then why are you playing a pvp game?
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killers laugh when survivors dc what are you talking about
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that’s good advice, maybe tell that to the killer mains that win most of their games but then throw fits when they lose one game
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You're right, the same thing should be said to killer mains who only have fun if they're getting a 4K - especially when it's so much easier to have fun as killer. But just because it can and should be said to those killer mains doesn't negate that it also goes for survivor mains.
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i think the wave of people giving up on hook immediately is coming from the overabundance of quickly lost games or games that put a person in such a difficult circumstance that it's super hard for them to recover from. the game is in a state where snowballing is a strong effect and it seems that the game's state is sensitive to mistakes that most players do not know how to avoid. even myself i struggle to be efficient as a survivor. with repeated circumstances such as this, people will be more inclined to assume the game is not possible to play and will move on.
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"into certain playstyles/killers they dont enjoy"
And that happens every 3rd round? Thats the amount of time i see people ragequit (or give up). And im terrible with math but even i know when every 3rd game in MY games something like this happens it must mean it happens a hella lot to other people too. I am not magically attracting ragequitters into my lobby no matter what side i play, i dont believe that.
And for how frequent it is, i dont believe its just some niche scenarios, its some basic gameplay elements the people have issiues with (and rightfully so at times i'd say) but instead of quiting when they dont enjoy it, they still play, still get angry, still flame the other players for playing effective, while they themselves made it for the opponent even easyer by their action. But they dont care if they ruin the fun for their teammates or opponent, they just demand that their own fun is respected, while they themselves dont respect their own fun and time by booting up a game they quit over every little incident that they dont like.4 -
"And that happens every 3rd round? Thats the amount of time i see people ragequit (or give up). And im terrible with math but even i know when every 3rd game in MY games something like this happens it must mean it happens a hella lot to other people too. I am not magically attracting ragequitters into my lobby no matter what side i play, i dont believe that."
That about the rate i see player DCs/suicides when i play as well. I don't agree about unfun playstyles being niche but we can agree it no reason to quit. Players have gotta away with this for far to long. The problem is survivors will throw game regardless so they need to solve the actual issues of why survivors giving up.
i agree they should stop playing if they can't have fun when losing but that not going to happen.
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With how the game is now, killers are too effective and survivor is error prone and sensitive to rng. A killer that has experience allows no mistakes for survivor and can snowball very effective. A major flaw plaguing survivors is they have no way to recover from slow start for their objective. Killers have the game design heavily in their favor: they can slug, use powerful endgame perks, or trick survivors to recover and win at the end even if they didn't get a single hook.
Survivors need incentives to stay. Why do gens still repair slowly when someone dies with many gens remaining? Why can the hatch not be a way to escape using a key? If someone dies, gens could repair 33% faster for example. Why not give survivors basekit unbreakable if a killer slugs unnecessarily such as abusing and denying the hatch escape. There is so many things that can be done.
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Denying the hatch escape is somehow unnecessary huh, I didn't know actually going for the best result will be considered unnecessary in the PvP games
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But it leaves no opportunity for survivor to win.
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This is why DC penalties need to be harsher. These are the types that don't think of others as they play. Putting in a Bot is not enough. Though, to be honest, a Bot tends to be alot more skilled than real person players. Bring back hour-long penalties.
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oh you are totally right "unfun" playstyles are by far no niche, they are core gameplay elements. Its undoubtly better for a killer to go against 3 survivors than 4. So tunneling becomes pretty general tactic amongst the players. And if people hate being tunneled so hard, that they quit whenever that happens to them, then this game aint for them. Because i dont see a near future where anything will change about the gameplay loop.
But on the other hand i witnessed tons of scenarios where its just in the very first chase and down when someone quits, so they dont even know whether or not the killer is a "tunneler" before they ragequit. People find all kinds of reasons but they always claim its only a fiew certain situations that makes them ragequit.0