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Does no one play regular Myers anymore?

Member Posts: 137

Been playing a lot of Myers this event and every time I hit T3 people go into lockers. Is everyone still just running into Tombstone Piece/Tombstone Myers?


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  • Member Posts: 6,141

    I do this if it's early game just in case. I don't want to leave with 3k bloodpoints. Late game I don't care if I get Tombstone'd.

  • Member Posts: 580

    I absolutely refuse to run any of the tombstone addons on Myers, he's more fun with a low TR build and that is how I run him. He also is not my Main, I just find him fun when I run him this way.

  • Member Posts: 3,013

    I play normal myers more than tombstone. Tombstone isn't really that fun, it's gets unrewarding very quickly.

  • Member Posts: 26

    I've been trying to play other builds with myers but I'll admit using the tombstone instakill is pretty fun lol

  • Member Posts: 137

    This is the exact build I'm running. Jump scare Myers is fun.

  • Member Posts: 137

    I kind of feel the opposite. I want to enjoy Ghostface more but if you just run Monitor and Abuse on Myers (and rabbit on top if you really want) you have a permanent 8 meter (6 with rabbit) terror radius unless you go into T3. That is a shorter distance than the diameter of Shack so basically you permanently have Ghostface's stealth on but can pop into T3 when you want.

  • Member Posts: 580

    I run double shards or shard +vanity mirror, Monitor and Abuse, a Stealth perk, a gen perk and something else for stealth or chase. Double Shards is more fun because now you have access to Tier III with no TR, and NOTHING makes Survs ######### their pants more than TRless Tier III Myers.

    RE: Others on Ghostface. Nah Ghostie is stronger, I think Myers could have some improvements made to him based on things Ghostface has.

  • Member Posts: 808

    Hes just not good or fun without his busted addons hes just a regular m1 killer whos hard counter is predrop

  • Member Posts: 10,300

    Ghost Face is weaker because you can just turn him into an M1 by looking at him.

  • Member Posts: 10,300

    It seems like they don't. Probably about half the Myers I face, which are few and far between, it's Infinite Tier 3, Tombstone Piece, or Scratched Mirror. They all get old. People should try out Vanity Mirror since its buff way back when, because I had a lot of fun using that add-on.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    there is no reward for stalking at base-kit. tombstone and infinity tier 3 are only add-on that give myer's rewards on his ability. tombstone allows him to use PWYF with little downside and infinity tier 3 allows him to use undetectable perks with exposed.

    Vanity mirror/Scratch mirror is worse old freddy. old freddy was labeled as one of worst killers in the game despite having unlimited range wall-hacks. 16 meter wall hack or 32 meter wall with less m/s must be even worse. that is why you don't really see much of this beyond your usual hawkin myer's.

  • Member Posts: 1,976

    Besides the best add-ons he has (Tombstone add-ons, Tuft of Hair) and his fun meme add-ons (Scratched Mirror, Vanity Mirror, Dead Rabbit, Boyfriend's Memo) he has only a few good add-ons, like:

    • Judith's Journal/J. Myers Memorial

    • Tier 3 duration add-ons - Hair Bow mostly

    The rest is pretty much useless and even then, none of them help his pretty weak chase. So ofc people will run what is best/most fun on him.

  • Member Posts: 253

    I don't even see the point of Myers anymore probably the most powercrept killer in the entire game you waste time getting to tier 3 to get…an insta down faster vault speed and longer lunge woopie

  • Member Posts: 54

    The biggest problem is that you can really only get to T3 one or two times per match with very little payoff (unless you are running tombstone/tuft of hair, but that takes almost the entire match to get there). They need to buff T3 a bit to make it more dangerous. They also need to reset the evil depletion mechanic from survivors after you go back down to T2. That would allow you to get to T3 more often.

    I mostly played vanity mirror/dead rabbit with monitor and abuse. It's a lot of fun to play. I routinely get 3 or 4 kills with that combo, but even when I don't it's still enjoyable.

  • Member Posts: 54
    edited June 2024

    They biggest problem is that, unless you are running infinite tombstone, you can really only get to T3 once or twice a match with not much payoff. And if you are running infinite it takes almost the entire match to get there.

    They need to buff T3 to make it stronger and reset the survivor depletion after you go back down to T2. That would solve a lot of the problems with the base kit.

    i mostly run vanity mirror/dead rabbit with monitor and abuse. It is a lot of fun to play. I get a lot of 3 and 4 kill games with that combo, but even when I don't it's still enjoyable to play.

  • Member Posts: 580

    So then surely you are first in line to suggest Ghostface needs significant buffs?

  • Member Posts: 2,617
    edited July 2024

    I'd estimate about 80% of the time I see a Myers it's a Tombstone Myers. So I assume Tombstone and locker jump until I'm proven otherwise.

    Post edited by TheSubstitute on
  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I run vault speed Myers, though most Myers I face in my survivor games are tombstone and I can tell the survivors I vs as him are expecting it until the first T3 hit disproves it.

    Luckily it's pretty easy to tell he has Judith's because he won't go for hits and stalks way too long, but Piece can be harder to spot, especially if he snuck up on a pair of survivors on a gen before you and not enough time elapsed to notice 'hey, this is taking too long.' I'd rather play it safe until I know for sure.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I love scratch mirror Myers and Im willing to buy scratch mirror addon over anniversary cakes, if blood web forces me a choice.

    Myers' basekit is too weak to play normally. And because his iri exist, you dont know if he has them, you're forced to rush Gen just in case he does.

  • Member Posts: 710

    I play Myers pretty regularly and I ALWAYS use insta kill and infinite T3. 90% of the time I get 4k. I find it fun, especially when mouthy survivors complain about it being boring and requiring no skill lol. They really hate that tombstone, but I think that's how it should be, a killer to strike fear into the survivors. Makes it more fun imo going against Myers knowing there is a real threat. Not like other killers when people just don't care and have no fear of looping them. Not a good idea to try looping him although many do try (and fail)

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Most survivors who have played against Myers even just a few times pretty much assume he's using tombstone. Lockers are the only way to avoid it, but then you also risk being left in the locker if they decide to be toxic. No one wants to deal with an addon that gives a killer so much power that its basically cheating. It is the most unfair thing to have to deal with a killer that can instantly eliminate you regardless of hook states just by pressing their basic attack.

  • Member Posts: 419

    I see unlimited and mirror too.

  • Member Posts: 580

    Man I am having so much fun as Unforeseen Monitor low/no TR Myers with double shards, I refuse to run the guy any other way. Jumpscares are the way to go! :D

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    It’s because normal Myers is boring and weak. His skill ceiling is very low as well. There isn’t much to get good at.

  • Member Posts: 859

    I play him a fair bit with normal addons (ie. no cheesy crap like tombstones or infinite evil), but since his power involves watching people as they finish gens in your face, it's not always the most rewarding experience.

    Also kind of sucks that you can get to the end of the game and no longer have a power because you drained all the survivors of their stalk juice.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Myers without Tombstone Piece is garbage, people who play him like that are gonna be at low MMR.

  • Member Posts: 264

    last 2 mikeys ive seen didnt had any, one was permanent T3 with super vault speed and the other was, well i guess a regular T3 mikey with 0 tomb addons

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Myers can always stalk, ghostface can't if survivor just look at him. Myers has instakill add ons and infinite tier 3 he is stronger.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm the rare breed of Myers enjoyers who only plays double iri Myers lol

    Needless to day, Myers is one of my higher prestige killers out of necessity, not because I like him.

  • Member Posts: 511

    I'm a Myers main and find Judith's Tombstone and Tuft of hair a downgrade on his normal power coz of how bad they make ur early game. I think Monitor and Abuse is the best perk to run, now ur like a ghostface who can't be knocked out his power. Double stalk add ons and just hit and run and keep ur tier 3 at 99 and instadown unsuspecting survivors, can go on winstreaks with Myers that i cant on most killers.

  • Member Posts: 580

    Someday we will all agree that MMR isn't a prize to be won and it doesn't matter what MMR we're all at because I guarantee most people are playing at "mid MMR", whatever that means…

  • Member Posts: 710

    I do exactly the same thing, always keep 1 of each iri in inventory then role the web to get black hand. Better than using the last tombstone and spending ages waiting for another to pop up

  • Member Posts: 808

    Calling it now when his updates comes all his addons are getting changed and modernized infinite tier 3 and Mirror especially for being to problematic.

    Now its nothing but Stalk speed/Stalk movement speed and Haste addons/status effects

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Mikey main here. I never run tombstone. I'm either doing regular or mirror Mikey.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I like Ghostface but he can be taken out of his Night Shroud to easily why I play myers more.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Then I hope he is not touched. His add ons makes him unique and he has the most versatile ones.

  • Member Posts: 580

    Myers loses stalk access. Ghostface does not. Myers' addons are all powerful but Ghostface's are more balanced and overall useful. Both have pretty good build flexibility. Ghostface can pressure more than one person at once via Stalk, Myers can snowball better.

    It's kinda apples to oranges here IMHO, and I say this because I play both.

  • Member Posts: 745
    edited July 2024

    And can skew your MMR like NOED. I only use Tombstone Myers rarely… Just to get warmed up a little bit

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