What do you consider a win?

As a survivor, what do you consider a win in the below list:
- You get out of the match alive.
- Your teammate gets out alive.
- your teammate gets out alive thanks to your sacrifice so he could escape.
- you and everyone get out alive.
As a killer:
- You sacrifice all 4 survivors.
- You sacrifice 3 of the 4 survivors.
- You sacrifice 2 of the 4 survivors.
- You sacrifice 1 of the 4 survivors
As survivor, if I escape I win.
As killer:
-4k or 3k is a victory
-2k is a draw
-1k or 0k is a defeat
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None of the above
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As killer 3 or 4 kills.
As sırvivor , escape.
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As killer: no gate escapes
As Survivor: escaping
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As survivor - Escape
If I sacrifice myself to save someone else, id take that as a draw .
As killer - 3K +
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As a Killer, a 4K at 2+ gens is a win, anything else is a loss.
As Survivor, two people getting out is a win in this day and age.
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In solo queue just escaping from the gate. I don't count hatch escapes since it's a mickey mouse mechanic. As killer at least a 3K.
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If all gens get done and a gate gets opened you lost as killer. Otherwise it's a killer W
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Killer: 3k or more
Survivor: i escape or my friend escapes with getting others out being a bonus that we sometimes go for if we're able to reset
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4k at 2 gen or more is not a win, it´s a massacre
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With how long I've played and the levels I've reached, I figure that's about what I should be doing if I'm trying
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Survivor: exit via exit gate
Killer: 2K before the gates are opened
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I try to base things on what I'm going up against. I've been playing some killers with 0 perks/0 addons recently, I adjust my expectations. Likewise if I hit a team that I'm confident is a 4 or 3 person SWF (rare) I'll take a 2k as a win.
As a soloq survivor: if we finish the gens and anyone escapes it feel okay. If the killer is one I consider top tier and/or running powerful addons, then anyone getting out feels like a win. Generally, if I escape or I die and the other 3 survivors escape, definitely feels like a win.
Maps also factor a little into this on both sides.
If someone throws when I'm either killer or survivor whatever happens in the game feels irrelevant.
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4 points.
2 = draw.
3 = win.
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Depends a lot on the killer, map, addons, perks, and skill level of survs
2 person escape with only a few hooks on them or 3 person with a decent spread. Doesn't matter if I escape as long as I felt like I was contributing to escaping. People that think otherwise and run solo escape perks are why solo queue is the worst way to play the game.
2k with extra stages or 3k+
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Obviously, an escape through the gate or the hatch feels like a Survivor "win" for me, but It's a bit more nuanced than that. And let's be honest, as a not so good Solo Q player I'm not getting out all that often. So I have to get my wins in other ways.
If I get value from my stupid locker Dweet builds, that's a win.
If the Killer kicks my blast mined gen or chemical trapped pallet, that's a win.
If I get value from Diversion, that's a win.
If I can Plot Twist right under the Killer's nose, that's a win.
If I can progress a tome or a daily, that's a win.
If we get one or more Survivors out the gate or even power the gates, that's a win of a sort (and I can at least feel like I contributed to that). Of course, they're not really wins in a traditional sense, but it's fun things like this that keeps me playing.
For Killer, it's more straight forward. 3K is a win, 2K is a draw and 0-1K is a loss.
But I'm not tryharding on either side of the game anymore. It doesn't make me happy to play that way.
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that´s it! it´s not a win if you´re not having fun
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Having fun! :D
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As a Killer: Usually a 3K; a 1K when it's against a very strong comp SWF.
As a Survivor: Putting up some good chases, unhooking, doing gens and being overall a useful teammate. Since the Survivor role is so much easier and less stressful than the Killer side, I don't really care that much about escaping.
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Looking at the bloodpoint bonuses, Killers get their bonus for a 4k and Survivors get theirs for escaping the trial (does not matter if anyone else survives).
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25k+ bps as survivor and 30k+ bps as killer is a win.
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It kind of depends on what's going on. Obviously, I consider my own escape as a win, regardless of what happens to the teammates. Or if I throw on hook to give the last teammate hatch, and they succeed in getting it, I consider that a win. Or if the Killer brings 2+ gen slowdown perks, I consider it a win if we even manage to get one gen done before dying.
As Killer, I don't play it often, so I don't really go for kills if I do. If I can accomplish the Daily and/or tome challenge, and then get one hook on everyone, that's a win for me.
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A win for me as killer is 2 hooking everyone with one kill
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If I escape I won. If anyone escapes we won.
I treat it like TCM. Unless everyone is defeated, ya lost.
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Same for survivor and killer, 3 escape/kill or more.
If I have a particular achievement/quest/goal/meme in mind, accomplishing that in a match is a pseudo-win.
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Same as GeneralV
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None of those. My success measure is if I get 9+ emblem points in a Trial, which makes me feel I've done well.
Doing this takes the focus away from "winning" and more towards learning and practice which - funnily enough - leads to more "wins" naturally.
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getting 4 bbq stacks oh wait..... 😞
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as killer - everyone is 2 hooked , sacrifices are whatever. That's when I'm having fun as killer as I get good chases, and downs and it's spread evenly.
As survivor - escape and/or good chases that result in my team escaping. I don't mind being sacrificed if I had great chases that resulted in 1 or more teammates making it out(if they actually did gens and moved the game forward, Hell no to bb survivor hiding the whole time)
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Officially, a survivor escaping is a win for that survivor. There is no actual survivor "team". Personally, however, I feel that 3+ survivors getting out is a win for the "team". I feel that 2 survivors out is a tie with the killer, but BHVR doesn't agree with that assessment, so I can't ignore that. Regardless, that's still how I personally feel about it.
For killer, 3k+ is a win (letting people escape obviously doesn't count towards a loss to me).
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As Survivor: Depends on how the match goes. If I actually get to do stuff and don't get shut down and endgame is reached and people escape, I consider that a win regardless if I live.
For Killer: 3 Kills by any means (DCs are still kills, but the win feels hollow if they're early DCs so it isn't a real win in my book).
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As survivor I have to escape.
As killer I have to kill all 4 survivors.
Could add in the moral wins of 3 man's and having fun, but there is a bottom line to it.
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Survivor : 3 escapes
Killer: 3 kills
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If you die as a survivor and your whole team escapes you still see it as a loss? Interesting
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As a survivor, what do you consider a win in the below list:
- You get out of the match alive. - Personal Win, even if only me the "last girl" gets out.
- Your teammate gets out alive. - if 3 or more than a win its a team game after all
- your teammate gets out alive thanks to your sacrifice so he could escape. - A good outcome and satisfying death, but only a "win" if 3 or more got out
- you and everyone get out alive. - Definite win all round
As a killer:
- You sacrifice all 4 survivors. - Win, nothing like a good massacre
- You sacrifice 3 of the 4 survivors.- Still a win Thematic "last girl" ending is good enough
- You sacrifice 2 of the 4 survivors. - Call it a draw
- You sacrifice 1 of the 4 survivors - Its a loss, but attenuated by the satisfaction of at least getting one kill. Sometimes you just go for the 1 kill, if on the back foot and gens are done then just pick someone and make sure they die. "Its not personal just business"
- 0 kills - definite loss. Take solace in the BP's earned and the number of hooks gained but the goal is to kill, lest the entity go hungry and bloodlusts go unfulfilled.
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For me a win is if you have fun with survivors or they do something funny
I just try to do tomes if survivors screw up like ending in a deadzone i dont kill them or someone once tried to headon save his teamate but i didnt know he was in the locker and he was there when i opened the locker so thats a win for me because its funny for me
Extra points if its a streamer and you can rewatch the game and laugh if you had a good time with them!
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I'm very casual so here's how I define winning: I had fun. That's it. I just had fun and wasn't bullied or hardcore shat all over today, that's a win. It is WILD to me that some people define not only a 4k, but a 4k and the gates never open as the only way you win.
If you really want further definition, then any of these also count as a win to me.
As Survivor:- I Escape
- I help someone else Escape
- I pip
- I got value out of a weird perk
- I got the Killer to do something silly with me, tamed them, etc.
- I got a lot of BP
- I progressed a daily or tome challenge
As Killer:
- I get anywhere from 1-4k (To me 1 kill = 1 win, and you can thus win up to 4 times a round)
- I scared the hell out of you guys and you tell me so
- I did something really cool
- I pip
- I get at least one Mori, if I brought something to Mori with
- I got value out of a perk, such as Rancor or a weird pick like IDK… Shattered Hope or something
- I got the Survivors to be silly with me, tamed them, etc.
- I got a lot of BP
- I progressed a daily or tome challenge
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If more than 2 people escape, as survivor.
And if I have at least half hooks as killer.
I wish the game itself was like that though.0 -
Really depends
Killer: 3+ kills is a win since more died then lived
Survivor(in good mood): 3+ escaped
Survivor(in bad mood): This is usually if I'm disliking how soloQ is treating me or how screwed over I get every match with teammates leaving while I'm on my first hook. 1+ escape that one is me since basically I realized that if my teammates are bothering to rescue me near the end of the match screw it I'm going out on my own.
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Becoming friends with the enemy is always a hardcore win in my book, regardless of outcome. 😂 That or when I point to a baby survivor who has hidden all game, upsetting ALL parties, and the killer realizes and/or goes after them. Huge win in my book. Take me away to the entity after for all I care, we got the Claudette who is terrified of the terror radius with 8k points when the next lowest is 15k.
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technically my "win" can't be classified cause it depends of the match that i'm playing:
as survivor having a team that isn't braindead is a win (too many ragequitters, too many petty survivors that won't do anything remotely useful, so at this point having people that at least try to play the game is a win for me)
as killer well… here's the part that things get complicated:
if survivors are sweaty i consider a 2k a win (people that play to win as survivor are unstoppable most of the time, you are forced to tunnel to death the 1st one and to camp to death the 2nd one once the gens are done)
if they are toxic getting under their skin is a win (the outcome doesn't matter, it's sufficient to make them pay for their actions)
if they are good solos have fun and get a good amount of hooks is a win
if they are bad well… usually i let them farm some points, then i end the match by finish them off (but it's not a satisfying win obviously)
if they are memeing around i just join them (one of the best outcome imo since it's something different from the usual routine)
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what. a 4k is a win regardless if it at 0 or 2 gens. the only time gens would ever matter is if its like tournament and two killer in tournament standing tie for same amount of kills, so then the killer with more gens would win as to break tie breakers.
2-4 escape through exit gate is win for survivor team
3-4k is win for killer.
I know dbd mmr counts as 2 survivors that died as losses but really it should be counting them as draws. when 3rd survivor is killed, the entire team loses. that is how it should work but it is whatever.
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In yout terms, I lose almost every game as killer…
Regarding the topic:
simple: a fun experience!
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having fun
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They asked what I consider a win.
With my experience level, if I'm trying against my opponents, I feel I should be winning at 2 gens remaining.
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Im mostly playing with meme builds or with one or twop perk only while not trying to tunnel or camp. With Pig or Sadako.
When I win, its mostly in end game or with one gen remaining. Im fine with that. I have enough experience in dbd, but that does not mean, that Im gonna be consistent. Games are supposed to be fun (I know that this is something that many people in this game tend to forget). Me stomping my opponent isnt fun for me. A close game where both sides have a good chance to win is a lot more enjoyable for all people involved I feel like. This is certainly something you can get behind. Survivors that have no chance of winning tend to give up fast. Thats presumably why I rarely see quitters in my games. Of course this is just my opinion and everyone can play however they want.
My last comment on the matter: A lot in dbd in terms of winning does not come down to player skill or even hourcount to soome extend but the loadout that they bring to the table. I could send myself to Midwich all the time while using jigsaw sketch and crate of gears combined with lethal, corrupt, stbfl and surge to win almost all my matches. Is this fun? Not for me for sure.
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I'm in the same boat here.
I went through my sweatlord era where I had to win really hard to feel good. I have hit Iri I and gotten the cheevo for it both sides. I have everyone in the game at p1 or higher. I have my Mains and perk loadouts I like. I get more than enough BP every month to get what I need done and maintain my Mains. I have everything I want barring some cosmetics. All I have is tome challenges and trying to have fun, what else do I really need? Why would I ever wanna hardcore sweat all the time for a less fun more stressful experience when I can play it like an actual horror film and have more fun with it?
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That's blowout. Win is always wins even if it happens in endgame collapse with bloodwarden.
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Dbd kill rate is 60% so 2K is loss for mmr. You are peforming under average so your mmr should drop.
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Totally understandable. I have gone for 8 hooks some games but I just need the first kill to call me down so I don't do that often and it feels like throwing. That's why usually my 5-7th hook eliminates someone at 3 gens left. Then I can chill and hook everyone else to death hook and I don't mind even if they escape.