General Discussions

General Discussions

If you could add ONE THING to the game, what would it be?



  • Member Posts: 4,655

    A BOOP - animation for the survivors when playing against the Pig. 🐽

  • Member Posts: 1,081
    edited July 2024

    Some of the things mentioned here I'm kinda baffled isn't already in the game..

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    They said in the AMA that it's something they want to do but it's not on the roadmap, like what?? They already have the code for it and it's probably super simple to implement. They could just put that in a bugfix patch or something lol..

  • Member Posts: 895

    A setting to toggle on/off various auto aim and aim assist features.

    Not a general setting, but a separate page with all different features of that kind. Lunge aim assist, camera placement assist, teleport assist, camera aiming assist, etc.

  • Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2024

    universal inventories for survivor addons/offerings

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    An improved anti-cheat system, which can detect anomalies either in game or with log-ins, so as to create a more robust and reassuring environment players can enjoy and feel more secured.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Candy Man.

  • Member Posts: 71

    How do we not have match histories? Also, streamline the process for reporting cheaters with video evidence. If you want us to clean up your game, throw us a bone. The cheating is getting embarrassing.

  • Member Posts: 158

    The License I want most: The Thing(1982)

    I think The Thing and R. J. Mac ready would be a wonderful killer and survivor addition to the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    edited July 2024

    stickers that survivors can use to communicate with each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,081
    edited July 2024

    To spray on a wall you mean? If so, that would probably be the clunkiest solution attempt to solo q communication lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    no its my bad for using the wrong term but i mean something like this

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    DC penalties removed / replaced by a lobby rejoin feature (for survivor role). So when you DC, requeuing as survivor will bring you back into your last game, as long as your character is still alive. You would even keep all your BP and progress if you continue the match

    This would help with accidental disconnects, and unjustified DCers would still have to wait some time before they can go into a new lobby (their penalty, if you will).

  • Member Posts: 141

    Bring in Warwick Davis's Leprechaun from the Leprechaun franchise.😎

  • Member Posts: 141

    My proposed Rework for Michael Myers.

    Changes for base kit: 

    1. Same stalking progression at all distances from Tier 1-4 of Evil Within.

     2. Have 4 tiers of Evil Within and can stalk multiple survivors at once.

    3. Survivors no longer have limited Stalk amount on them and will passively generate Stalk amount to Evil Within by +1% Stalk/5 seconds upwards to 100/75/50/25% per tier of Evil Within.

    4. Tiers 2-4 can become activated at any time by the push of the Interaction button.

    5. Stalking can charge and hold tiers above current tier plus store up to Tier 4 Evil Within.

    6. Tier 1 Evil Within becomes base default again after a tiers 2-4 timer runs out.

    7. New mechanics: Victimized (A Survivor will have their aura be revealed permanently while Stalking within 40 meters.)

    Disturbed (A Survivor will receive 25% faster and smaller skill checks on all conspicuous actions, and 5% Hindered Movement speed for 4 seconds after completing a conspicuous action.

    Disturbed status is removed after being put into the dying state or until the timer runs out for Tier 3-4 Evil Within.), 

    Scarred (A Survivor becomes Mori able by any means even in lockers and suffers from the Blindness status effect. 

    Scarred status is removed after the timer has run out on Tier 4 Evil Within.)

    Knitting Needle (5 Knitting Needles for Survivors to use around the map to be used to prevent from being Mori 'ed while Scarred.)

    8. While Myers is in Tier 1 Evil Within, Survivors being stalked can hear Myers Breathing after 3 seconds or until they become Victimized.

    Tier 1: Unlimited, Gains the Undetectable Status effect, 110% MS, no reduced lunge, may teleport to Shadows near survivors you are stalking. (Shadows are dark, foreboding corners that Michael can emerge from and can be enhanced through the density of the fog in the map.

    This reworks the Fog offerings to be useful or detrimental to Michael Myers.

    Tier 1 allows teleporting to the Shadows up to 12 meters away from the Stalked survivor facing them. Example: The Cenobite teleporting to the Lament Configuration.) Stalking a Survivor(s) for 15 seconds becomes Victimized(Exclusive to only Tier 1 Evil Within) and no movement penalty while stalking.

    Tier 2: 90 seconds, 16 meter TR, 115% MS, Normal lunge, Stalking a Survivor(s) for 20 seconds becomes Disturbed, allowing you to teleport to Shadows.

    Tier 2 allows teleporting to the Shadows up to 16 meters away from the Stalked survivor facing them. -10% movement speed while stalking, and +5% faster vault speed. Charges required to reach Tier 2 is 100%.

    Tier 3: 60 seconds, 32 meter TR, 115% MS, Increased lunge attack by 15%, all Survivors become exposed, allowing you to teleport to Shadows.

    Tier 3 allows teleporting to the Shadows up to 24 meters away from the Stalked survivor facing them.) +10% faster vault speed, +10% faster breaking action speed, and -15% movement speed while stalking. Charges required to reach Tier 3 is 200%.

    Tier 4: 30 seconds, 40 meter TR, 110% MS, Increased lunge attack by 15% all Survivors become exposed, +10% faster vault speed, +10% faster breaking action speed, +20% increase recovery from stuns/blinds, and all Survivors become Scarred. Charges required to reach Tier 4 is 400%.


    1. Tacky Earrings: Increases the movement speed of The Shape while stalking by +10%.

    2. Memorial Flower: Increases stalk rate by +10%.

    3. Boyfriend's Memo: Increases teleporting cooldown on Shadows by +10%.

    4. Blonde Hair: Increases duration of Evil Within 3 by 5 seconds but earn -15% less stalk overall.

    5. Reflective Fragment: Apply Hemorrhage for 90 seconds or until fully healed.

    6. Jewellery: Increases the Movement speed of The Shape while Stalking by +5%.

    7. Hair Brush: Increases duration of Evil Within 2 by 10 seconds but earn -5% less stalk overall.

    8. Glass Fragment: Appy Mangled for 60 seconds or fully healed.

    9. Dead Rabbit: Reduces The Shape's Terror Radius by 4 meters in Evil Within 3 but increases the Terror Radius by 8 meters in Evil Within 4.

    10. Mirror Shard: Survivors who do a rushed action while being stalked are exhausted for 45 seconds.

    11. Judith's Journal: Increases the Stalk rate on the obsession by +30% but decreases Stalk rate on other survivors by -10%.

    12. Jewellery Box: Increases the movement speed of The Shape while Stalking by 10%.

    13. J. Myers' Memorial: Increases Stalk rate by +15%.

    14. Hairbow: Increases the duration of Evil Within 3 by 20 seconds but earn -25% less stalk overall.

    15. Vanity Mirror: The Shape loses the ability to gain Evil Within 4 but moves at 120% movement speed for the duration of Evil Within 3.

    16. Tombstone Piece: Reveals survivor auras while teleporting into Shadows while increases teleporting cooldown on Shadows by +5%.

    17. Scratch Mirror: The Shape's base movement speed is set to 4.4 m/s. The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within 2 but increasing Evil Within 2 by 90 seconds. Grants 300% bonus bloodpoints for each hit in the Devious and Brutality category.

    18. Lock of Hair: Increases the duration of all Evil Within tiers by +25% but earn -30% less stalk per survivor.

    19.Judith Tombstone: Grants unlimited duration of Evil Within 4. Requires 800% more evil to reach Tier 4.

    20. Tuff of Hair: While teleporting and exiting the Shadows, gain the Undetectable status effect for 30 seconds in all Evil Within tiers.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Spider killer.

    Bonus: 30 seconds protection for hex perks at the start of the game.

  • Member Posts: 195

    Casual mode. Literally the game, but a specific mode for people who aren't interested in sweaty try hard matches and just want to play the game like normal people. Sweating in casual mode is reportable.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Community level creator

    Create custom layouts for maps, or even your own custom maps, want to relive double pallets on old loops, or even old maps with 3 main buildings with a massive map sizes, probably start with a simple tile system where each tile is 16*16*16m or larger depending on the shape and allow you to connect them together to build a map, you can even have aspects of random generation like if a main building has 2 pallets you can randomly have it choose 1, the other, or both, or if a map has ~4 tile spawns you can set it to always be 1 long wall 1 short wall ect, set shack rotation, set tile rotation, set random tile location so if X spawns too close to shack it will never be a double window

    Nothing off limits with this, go from eerie of crows main building into the middle of a cornfield, or just connect 4 cowtrees in a circle to make people slam their head against their desk, you don't have to stick with a theme you can jump between tiles from all the maps

    You want to play a competitive match but you are worried that map generation might ruin a match, create your own preset layout of the map and play a seeded map for the tourney, even adjust some aspects if its not to your liking, the only limit would probably be using assets from licensed chapters but all the main game maps and realms are fair game for their assets.

    The whole shebang

  • Member Posts: 298
  • Member Posts: 658


  • Member Posts: 5,958

    more pride birbs

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Full on customization for our characters. Each body part gets a slot and characters at default are shirtless 👁️👄👁️.

    No cosmetics are tied to each other. You can walk around in undies and a backpack or you can wear a full hazmat suit.

  • Member Posts: 1,845
    edited August 2024

    All information on killer powers, items, buffs, debuffs, and general gameplay tips and tricks in a neatly compiled compendium accessible on the character select screen to look through while waiting for matches, not in the tutorial section. So anyone frustrated, learning the game, or wanting to remember specific things can look up quickly and easily.

    Could also have killer powers descriptions be 'unlocked' after facing said killer at least once or playing as them once, to preserve the first-time experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    A choosable status icon/emote to let people know you’re going for the save.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Loads of new maps!

  • Member Posts: 119

    I'd make it to where slugging was impossible. You want a 4K? Actually work for it instead of taking the easy way out.

  • Member Posts: 895

    10 minute of voicelines for Singularity.

    Voicelines for entering overclock, voicelines specifically addressed to Gabriel, voicelines for grabbing people, separate voicelines for being stunned and blinded, voicelines for downing people in exit gates, etc,etc.

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