

A free use chapter concept designed for potential licensing collaboration between Bhvr and EA

Member Posts: 27
edited March 1 in Creations

American McGee's Alice is a cult classic within gaming. Establishing a dark-fantasy tone for Alice in Wonderland this game takes the design philosophy of Id Software's American McGee and creates a narrative thriller into a disturbed young Alice's psyche.

Content Warning: This game and it's 2011 sequel, Alice: Madness Returns, deal with serious subject material, such as trauma, survivor's guilt, mental illness and child exploitation. These topics will not be brought up within this post aside from light reference to Alice's personal struggles within the first and second game. Discretion is advised.

Map: Looking Glass Land

Looking Glass Land was an area of Wonderland ruled by the White King and the White Queen. The terrain is a monotone take on gothic architecture with layered bricks and smoothed stone aligning the walls, connecting the shops and the sky is a constantly shifting chess-board. The floor is a static chess board with grey chess pieces such as the Rook, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight and 3 Pawn pieces. Each move in accordance with the standard rules of chess in random directions given the terrain they spawn near and will never travel more than 12-meters in any direction. Survivors may use Tool-Boxes, consuming 10 charges per piece, to open inside the piece and crawl inside of them as a disguise. Their movement is no longer limited to rules of chess and move at 3-meters per second. If a killer attacks them whilst inside the piece, the piece is destroyed. A killer may use their Basic Attack to turn the piece Red and should a pallet, breakable wall or vault be in range, that piece will block the closest side to it of that pallet, wall or vault. Survivors may consume 10 charges of their toolbox to destroy a red piece. By completing Generators and breaking down breakable walls, the Map expands in initial size to include new connecting corridors, rooms and sections of the castle portion of the map.

Initial Map Area (m2)


Total Map Area (m2)


Survivor: Alice Liddle

Alice Liddle is a fierce, young women stricken with haunting memories and an unforgiving sense of mental anguish. When Alice was young, she encountered a surreal world full of magic and splendor called “Wonderland”. However, when a fire burned down her family home, she was acquitted to a mental asylum for most of her life. In here, she lied catatonic for a great deal of time, however the Wonderland had never let go of Alice. Wonderland had warped to reflect her traumatized mind. Now she finds herself in yet another realm of horror and where Alice goes, Wonderland follows.

Alice’s personal perks Cheshire Cat, BOON: Lepidopteran Escape, and Invocation: Do Your Best allow her to improve her skill set as the trial goes on and bring elements of Wonderland to the Fog.

Cheshire Cat:

Press the active ability button to spawn in the Cheshire cat somewhere within 40-meters of you. The cat’s voice will tell you a riddle on where it could be. It will always spawn out of your line of sight but may spawn anywhere between being on top of a generator, within a locker or chest or even positioned on elevated terrain. The cat will emit noises out within a range of 14-meters and when near or facing the cat within 6-meters, press the active ability button again to banish it and it will spawn in one of 3 unique items. These items are automatically equipped once offered by the Cheshire Cat and do not count towards your held item inventory. Once the Cheshire Cat is found, this perk goes on cooldown for 120 seconds.

-White Rabbit's Foot: Permanently increase your Luck by 50%/75%/100% when equipped. Grants you 20% Haste whilst also removing your ability to walk, crouch, remain idle or perform any interactions that involve being stationary. Effect lasts for 12 seconds then triggers the Exhausted status effect. Once no longer suffering from Exhaustion, White Rabbit’s Foot immediately takes effect again.

-Mad Hatter’s Mad Hat: Grants the Disoriented status to the killer when approaching 12 meters of you for 6/8/10 seconds. All breakable walls, thrown pallets, and window vaults are mere hallucinations to you, meaning you may simply walk through them as if they were not there. This effect does not trigger when running. For every skill check you complete while wearing Mad Hatter’s Mad Hat, suffer a 20% chance of also suffering the Disoriented status effect for 8 seconds.

-Shrinking Potion: Consume this potion with the secondary action button to grant yourself the ability to shrink. Shrinking triggers whenever you are crouching or entering a locker or a chest. Entering a locker while small will not cause the killer to pull you out, simply confuse them as to where you might’ve gone, as you stare up at them from their knees. Your size also allows you the option to hide inside of chests, even if it has already been open before. Killers can now search chests if you are in them and you will revert back to your normal size once grabbed.

The Disoriented status effect causes the sufferer to have their directional inputs inverted until the allotted time has expired.
The Exhausted status effect lasts for 40 seconds and pauses whenever the survivor afflicted is running. The Exhausted status effect prohibits the use of perks that enable the effect.

“There's a tool for every task. Even the humble funnel has a special job. How would you get gin from a barrel into a bottle?” – Pris Witless

BOON: Lepidopteran Escape:

Press and hold the Active Ability button on a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.
Soft chimes ring out in a radius of 24 meters.

If you ever enter the Dying State within the Boon’s radius, you will demanifest into a swarm of butterflies and reappear at the location of the totem and your crawling speed is increased by 40%/60%/80% when downed near the totem. If you ever become downed outside of the Boon’s radius, butterflies will instantly bless the closest dull totem to you so long as the previous one was not snuffed by the killer. It takes butterflies 10 seconds to bless a new totem for you and their faint fluttering can be heard up to 10-meters away. The killer may shoo them away with an action, which is considered the same as the action of snuffing a totem.

“Flight or fight” implies a permanent choice but “flight” often just means putting off the fight to another day. Choose your battles wisely. Alice.” – Dr. Wilson.

Invocation: Do Your Best:

Healing, unhooking, or taking protection hits grants you 1 token up to a max of 3. Consume one on a good skill checks to grant a progression bonus equal to the max number of tokens you had. Consume them all at once with a great skill check to reveal the killer’s aura to all other survivors for 6/7/8 seconds. Alternatively, when armed with all tokens, go to the basement to perform the invocation ritual.

When in the Basement near the circle, press the Active Ability button to begin the Invocation, which takes 60 seconds to complete.
During an Invocation, your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors and they can join in, accelerating the process by +100 %, if they too have an Invocation Perk equipped, or by +50 %, if they have not. This invocation’s perk can only be applied to one survivor per trial.

Once the Invocation is completed, the following effects apply:

-You become the obsession.
-Should your aura be revealed by the killer, its duration is doubled and your hook progression state is revealed to the killer via the intensity of your aura.
-The survivor with the total accumulated amount of chase time loses a hook progression state.
-After you’ve been hooked twice, you become Exposed and the killer may Mori you the next time you enter the dying state.

True words and logic rarely defeat evil intent. She made this world and she must pay. You must lead our forces against her.” – Gryphon.

Killer: The Shadow

Speed: 4.4 m/s
Height: Medium
Terror Radius: 32 meters

A mad killer, whose visage shifts with the tide of Wonderland.

Upon looking through the looking glass too many times, Alice Liddle could not separate herself from her disease. Her experiences created a vortex of violence and madness that eventually swallowed her up too. Now empowered by the Entity, the Shadow requires an outlet for its aggression.

It’s personal perks No Place for Children, Glass-Gazer, & HEX: Slash Happy allow the Shadow to express itself in the only way that allows Alice a shred of catharsis.

No Place for Children: False confidence is a deadly mistake in your presence. If a survivor is or attempts to heal themselves within 32-meters of you, they immediately gain continuous skill checks until they are completely healed or stop healing. If a survivor stops healing by letting go of the healing button, their progression resets 50% of their original amount before they stopped healing. Once this perk triggers it then has a cool down of 70/60/50 seconds. Should they continue to try to heal and fail, the entity will lock that survivor’s feet in place for 3 seconds and they will scream, revealing their location.

Leave now and some hollow part of you may survive; Stay and I will break you down!” – The Red Queen.

Glass-Gazer: If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then you are the soul others ought not to see. Whenever the obsession spots a totem, hook, generator, or chest within 12-meters in their line of sight the auras of those objects are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. This perk has a 70 second cool down. If the obsession spots you from any distance while this perk is active, receive a 2 second prompt telling you to double-click the attack button. Doing so will swap your locations with the obsession’s and then this perk will go on cooldown.

“The signs of the body's illness or infirmity are obvious compared to those of the diseased mind. And the cures? How and when a broken leg heals is clear... Can one heal a broken mind? How does one know if it's healed?” – Dr. Wilson.

HEX: Slash Happy: Make your blade go snicker-snack! After injuring a survivor with a basic attack for the first time, this perk inhabits the nearest dull totem. So long as the totem remains lit, your basic attacks recover 15% faster after hitting a survivor with an assigned totem. After 15/20/25 seconds, the survivor will see the aura of their assigned totem when within 24-meters. Once a survivor cleanses or blesses their assigned totem, they visualize a perfect replica of you coming to them from 10-meters away and attacking them, however they take no damage from the assault, instead the survivor will be planted a Red-Stain on their backs and will hear a non-directional terror radius for 8 seconds. You see the aura of the hallucination in white. It will always spawn outside a survivor’s field of view and does have a red-stain but does not have a Terror-Radius.

Regrettably the creature has to die for its image to be properly captured. The subjects of art often suffer.” – Arthur Liddle.

Power: Mania

The Shadow is a being deeply connected to emotional turmoil, mental instability, and hunger. The entity armed it with the weapons it used once for self-defense while the presence of Wonderland warps the environment to suit Alice’s fragile state. From a third person view, The Shadow cycles between 3 modes it uses to vent out its frustrations. It starts in its first mode: Depression, then gains a 1% charge in the power gauge every second, plus an additional 5% with ever successful hit on a survivor.

Wonderland Creatures: Throughout the trial, the Shadow or survivors may find either Bill McGill, the Mock Turtle or the Duchess cowering in fear.

Assuming the Shadow’s field of view briefly, it Mori’s the creature with a unique animation and dialogue depending on what mode she is in, who the creature is, and how many times she has killed them this trial as well. The Shadow may kill these creatures to grant itself an additional 10% progress in the Power Gauge. These characters will respawn every 30 seconds after being murdered or used by survivors.

Once the power gauge charges completely, you may press a button to trigger the Frenzy state. After, the frenzy state becomes activated, the Shadow remains in this mode for 30 seconds and after which, the power gauge reverts down to 25%.


In this mode, the Shadow reflects on what it’s lost and refuses to lose anything else. Armed with the Umbral Scythe, the Shadow protects what is hers by scattering them where none may remember how to find them. While the Shadow is in its Depression mode up to 8 items will become cursed by ink. These items can be either currently unused hooks, chests, lockers or generators and will swap locations with each other randomly every 20 seconds.

The Wonder Creatures
Survivors can bring either the Mock Turtle, Bill McGill or the Duchess to permanently end the curse on these items as well as an additional effect. Bill will linger near the item and grant you a silent notification if the Shadow comes within 12-meters of him, the Mock Turtle will appear as a copy of the survivor who summoned him once the Shadow comes within 18-meters, choosing to walk in a random direction to lure away the Shadow, and the Duchess will plant pepper on nearby pallets and breakable walls within 32-meters. They will emit thick clouds of pepper around them which will Hinder the Shadow by 3% for 3 seconds after interacting with it.

Boomerang Throw:

The Shadow may throw this Scythe to form a wide arc, ignoring environmental terrain, before circling back to you. Charge the active power button for 3 seconds and release to throw it up to a max range of 16-meters or a minimum of 6-meters, illuminating the auras of nearby totems, generators, and chests. Aiming it higher extends the distance, aiming lower shortens it. Whenever it comes in contact with either a generator, totem or chest, those things grow inky tendrils for 8 seconds which may swipe at survivors within 4-meters, causing them Deep-wound status effect, followed by a wailing sound, which alerts you with Killer Instinct. After the item has swiped at a survivor, it reverts back to normal. Should your throw hit a survivor directly, they then catch the scythe and draw an Ink trail wherever they move for 15 seconds or until they are downed. Walking on this trail grants you 10% Haste. Throwing this Scythe requires 15 second cooldown and catching this throw pauses your movement for 1 second.


Embodying the fire that started Alice descent into madness, the Shadow brings destruction to the realm as Wonderland burns. Activating Frenzy causes the Shadow to scream, pausing her movement for 3 seconds as the surrounding environment gets ingulfed in smoke and flame. Armed with the Hobby Horse, this fire-imbued hammer slams through obstacles such as thrown pallets and breakable walls. All fully charged lunge attacks leave behind fire that injures survivors on contact within the 1-meter-wide flame. The flame lingers for 5 seconds before extinguishing.

Bronco Shot:

Hold the power button for 4 seconds, reducing your movement speed to 4-meters a second to charge up the Hobby horse and then press the attack button to shoot a short-ranged clump of embers that destroy obstacles within a 6-meter range or damage survivors if caught within the shot’s spread. Bronco shot has a cool down of 8 seconds. Healthy survivors become injured by Bronco Shot and injured ones become Deep-Wounded.

Visual Aid for Bronco Shot and it’s cooldown visual

The Wonder Creatures

In this mode the auras of the Wonderland Creatures are revealed to you and choosing to kill one banishes the rest. Killing Bill McGill causes survivors to scream and reveal their location. Killing the Mock Turtle causes all dull totems to turn into Jack-in-the-boxes who spew a 3-meter beam of fire for 2 seconds every 6 seconds, Deep-Wounding survivors on contact. Killing the Duchess coats your hammer with cinnamon, causing your Bronco Shot to become Magma Beam which is more difficult to aim (raising the sensitivity of your aiming input by 25%) but does not slow you down when aiming. Requiring a 4 second charge, the Magma Beam has a range of 12-meters and prohibits you from moving when it is fully charged. Magma Beam has a 5 second cooldown and can be used to close off pathways, break distant walls or pallets, or down multiple survivors in single, well-placed shot. Magma Beam leaves behind burning magma for 5 seconds which will damage healthy survivors if they step in it or deep-wound injured ones. Survivors can find the creatures to be gifted a water hose which do count to a survivors held item inventory and will immediately put out her fires or Stun the Shadow for 3 seconds and Hinder her by 3% for 3 seconds as well. All hoses clear up 1-meter of flame and have three water shots that function similarly to your Bronco Shot.


A safety precaution when Alice’s mind suffers too much abuse.

This mode has a 20% chance at triggering whenever the Shadow is blinded or stunned by any means and lasts 20 seconds. The likelihood of this triggering increases by 2% for any additional blinds/stuns the Shadow suffers in the trial. Once a survivor successfully blinds/stuns the shadow, it will quickly shriek bloody murder, pausing it’s movement for 3 seconds, as the environment becomes black and white while reds become deeply vibrant. It’s lung attacks become pounces that have 15% more range than your basic lunge and slash in 1-meter-wide arcs that can hit multiple survivors at once. This pounce instantly destroys breakable walls or pallets on contact but colliding with any other obstacle stuns the Shadow for 3 seconds. In Hysteria mode, the Shadow is immune to blinds and stuns from pallets and flashlights and the cooldown of missed attacks are halved while attacks that do not miss are extended by 10%.

It gain’s 2 abilities it can swap between with the secondary power button. Both have an 5 second cool down respectively:

-Whip Crack

Hold the Power button for 3 seconds to ready a whip attack and then press left click to use it. Your hand forms a barbed tendril which hits a single target shot that will damage the closest survivor within a 4-meter range. It also inflicts them with the Hemorrhage and Mangled Status Effect. After landing this attack, it has a cooldown animation similar to your basic attack recovery animation.


Hold the power button for 4 seconds to break your knife, letting its edges spin around you instead. Your attacks revert to normal lunges as the Shadow then uses its nails as weapons. After 8 seconds or sooner if the Shadow downs a survivor prior, the edges will fly out omni-directionally which can damage survivors within 10-meters of unobscured range as well as inflect them the Hemorrhageand Mangled Status Effect.

The auras of the creatures of Wonderland are revealed to the Shadow during this state, it may murder them in this state to prolong its Hysteric state by 8 additional seconds. The creatures that spawn during the Hysteria state are the Mad-Hatter and White Rabbit. The white rabbit allows your pounce to be performed through window vaults and they are extended an additional 10% if done this way. If the Mad-Hatter is killed, inflict survivors with the Oblivious and Disoriented status effects for 10 seconds.

Ripped Restrain Jacket (Brown): Grants an additional plus +3% to the power gauge after hitting a survivor.

Burnt Playing Cards (Brown): Grants an additional plus +5% to the power gauge after killing a Wonderland creature.

Lost Diary (Brown): In Melancholy mode, increase the amount of objects that begin the trial cursed by 2.

Child’s Drawing (Brown): Reveal the auras of Wonderland creatures in Depression mode when within 6-meters of them.

Black Reading Glasses (Yellow): Frenzy mode lasts an additional 5 seconds longer.

Hollowed Turtle Shell (Yellow): Increase the spread of Bronco Shot by 3%.

Enlarged Domino (Yellow): Killing a wonderland creature in Frenzy mode also enlarges the heads of survivors by 10% for 15 seconds.

Steaming Tea-Pot (Yellow): Change the Flames of Frenzy mode to Green. Flames created by the Hobby Horse also Disorient for 3 seconds.

Black Rook Piece (Green): Landing your Boomerang Throw on a survivor also inflicts them with the Blind and Deafened status effect for 20 seconds.

Dainty Parasol (Green): Allows for a 50% chance to briefly conjure a small umbrella that will deflect any water a survivor may spray on the Shadow for the first time.

Clockwork Bomb (Green): Increase the range of the Jack-in-the-box flames by 2 meters after killing the Mock Turtle in Frenzy mode.

Pig Snout (Purple): Survivors who use the Red Queen to pepper nearby pallets and walls are surrounded by 3 Pig Snouts for 6 seconds as if they have been idle and flocked by crows.

Red King Piece (Purple): Hooks that have been cursed by Melancholy mode can no longer become uncursed until they have been hooked by at least one survivor. Hooking 2 survivors on these cursed hooks at the same time will immediately swap their locations.

Vorpal Sword (Red): Start the trial in Hysteria mode. After that, triggering Frenzy now has a 30% chance of triggering Hysteria instead.

Jabberwock Head (Red): Boomerang Throw, Bronco Shot, and Magma Beam now have a 12% chance of triggering Hysteria mode. This percentage increases by 1% for each shot you land on a survivor.

Mori: The Shadow Plunges whatever weapon it is wielding into the chest of the survivor, or slams into them if it is the Hobby Horse. A black darkness consumes the body of the survivor as tendrils pull them in with their last hand stretch outward in depression mode. The hobby horse works up a pyre as the survivor flails in fiery pain, and the survivor is suffocated in their own blood as the Shadow plunges its knife into the survivor rapidly in Hysteria mode. Killing the Wonderland creatures results in the Shadow decapitating them quickly or breaking their necks.

2nd Killer: The Jabberwock

Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s

Height: Tall

Terror Radius: 40-Meters

A draconic killer fashioned with mechanical entrapments of Wonderland. It once served as an obstacle for Alice as she went to confront the Red Queen. Now resurrected to bring pain to Alice once more as well as all who may aid her.

Its Personal Perks Built for Torture, Rep-taliation, and Scourge Hook: Steam-Powered grant the Jabberwock bizarre ways of dealing out more punishment than normally capable.

Built for Torture: You were made to inflict pain and recovery is futile. For every survivor you hit with a basic attack for the first time, gain a token. Upon receiving 4 tokens, the next time a survivor heals themselves or another, their aura is revealed to you and they suffer the Oblivious status effect for 20/30/40 seconds. After injuring a survivor revealed this way, this perk resets.

"And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffiling through the tulgey wood, and burbled as it came." - Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky

Rep-taliation: You shed off punishment like a snake shedding its skin. Upon being blinded or stunned by a survivor, immediately gain 3/4/5% Haste. After recovering from being blinded or stunned, the survivor who did it has their scratch marks and pools of blood spawn 25% closer together for 8 seconds.

"It's well known that he who eats with the Devil must have a very long spoon." - Nan Sharpe

Scourge Hook: Steam-Powered: Ingenuity and torment work marvelously together. At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks: The auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white. Upon hooking a survivor on a scourge hook, gears and pistons activate, generating steam. This Steam obscures the aura of the hooked survivor towards other survivors within 14/16/18 meters of them. All survivors hooked on Steam-powered scourge hooks have their hook timers sped up 10%.

"Skin burned by fire or scalded by steam looks wrinkled, like a toadstool in winter." - Pris Witless

Power: Wonderful Machine

The Jabberwock is a being of a complex nature yet that nature was expanded on by the blueprints of the Mad-Hatter. Visually seeing through its constantly agape mouth, the Jabberwock’s mechanical components are scattered throughout the trial. There are 20 components for the Jabberwock to collect. Starting out with no components, the Jabberwock’s capabilities are limited yet collecting more shall grant more abilities it may use to punish survivors. Use the secondary power button to alternate between abilities for the Jabberwock.

-2 Components – Strange Burbling: Hold the power button for 5 seconds to let out an omni-directional burbling sound that can be heard within your terror radius. All survivors will visualize themselves as becoming the obsession, however only one will actually become it. All survivors will be inflicted with the Disoriented status effect for 12 seconds and the one survivor who really did become the obsession will visualize all other survivors as the Jabberwock with non-directional terror-radiuses for 12 seconds or until injured. Strange Burbling has a cooldown of 9 seconds.

-5 Components – Arc Missiles: Shoot out 4 shocking missiles whose electric currents will connect upon landing. This electric brigade fires out in a square within visible range and up to 4-meters wide in between each missile. Can only be done on even field. Survivors who touch this perimeter are damaged one health state and if they are not put into the dying state this way, they also gain 10% Haste and cannot take damage again from the barrier for 4 seconds. Arc missiles have a cooldown of 12 seconds and before launching, can be twisted clockwise by holding the attack button when fully charged. The Arc missiles linger in the trial for 12 total seconds before self-destructing.

-7 Components – Flight: This ability is exempted from the other abilities and requires the pressing and holding of the third power button to trigger. Press and Hold the third power button for 3 seconds to slow the Jabberwock’s movement speed by half as it begins to ascend at a speed of 5-meters yet traveling horizontally 2.3-meters. When landing the Jabberwock’s movement will be halted for roughly 2 seconds and then Hindered by 3% for an additional 3 seconds depending on the max height traveled by the Jabberwock. The Jabberwock may use the flight gauge which depletes at 10% per second if held continuously and recharges at 4% when not being held down, whilst still in mid-air. This ability has a cool down of 15 seconds after the Jabberwock lands.

-10 Components - Basilisk Gaze: Press and hold the power button to target a survivor in visible range up to a max of 16-meters. Maintaining eye contact for 5 seconds, launches dual beams of paralyzing force through the Jabberwock’s hollow eyes. For the next 10 seconds, whenever a survivor interacts with window vaults, pallets generators, hooks, totems or chests, they will be paralyzed in stone for 2 seconds which also highlights them with Killer instinct for you for 4 seconds. After being paralyzed this way, a survivor cannot be paralyzed again for 3 seconds, minimum. Basilisk Gaze has a cooldown of 25 seconds.

-13 components – Dragon Breath: Instantly spew a cone a 5-meter-wide cone of flame in the direction you face, up to 10-meters for 5 seconds. Your view is mostly obscured as you perform this ability but it will instantly destroy thrown pallets, walls as well as injuring healthy survivors and deep-wounding injured ones. Dragon Breath has a Cool down of 45 seconds and ending stuns you for 4 seconds.

-15 Components – Oppressive Ascent: Screech a terrifying sound and ascend the highest elevation currently available to you as all survivors are highlighted with Killer Instinct for 4 seconds to you. Survivors can hear the whooshing of your beating wings as you travel up to 6-meters horizontally and 40 meters vertically (shortened elevation of underneath a ceiling of some sort) with a 15% reduced turn rate for 15 seconds. Initiate a calamitous dive onto a survivor of your choice by flying into them. If a survivor does not dodge your assault or use terrain to stun you, they will be brought down instantly and grabbed by you. Oppressive Ascent has a cooldown of 100 seconds and colliding with breakable walls or thrown pallets will instantly break them, if not you will simply fly over them. Being stunned by any terrain or daring survivors wielding flashlights will cause you to be stunned for 6 seconds.

Special interaction: The Sarcophagus

Somewhere within the trial is a Sarcophagus designed for the Jabberwock. Survivors may find Components and break them to stall the Jabberwock’s mechanical evolution. However, some components are Vital Components who bear the insignias of a Pair of Eyes, A Brain, Tears, Inner Compass and a Clockwork Heart. Only one vital component may spawn every 90 seconds however, survivors can complete generators to earn one instantly at a time. Vital components do count to survivors held-item inventory and can be slotted into the Sarcophagus, if they are wielding one. If the Jabberwock locates a survivor with a Vital Component, it becomes a regular component for its Wonderful Machine power evolution once they are downed.

Once all vital components are slotted, the Jabberwock is teleported instantly inside the sarcophagus as it powers in mechanical, electrical power, harming any survivors within 14 meters of it. The Jabberwock must complete skill-checks for 20 seconds within the sarcophagus to break free. During this time, the Vorpal Sword spawns somewhere on the map, and its glorious sounds can be heard by survivors up to 24-meters away. Whoever takes it from its stone, becomes the obsession and unlocks the Decapitate interaction ability. The obsession may press the Active Ability button to swing the sword, however if they miss, they suffer a cooldown of 2.7-second-long recovery period. If a survivor successfully decapitates the Jabberwock, all survivors who are not hooked or in the Dying State instantly escape.

Once the Jabberwock breaks free of it’s sarcophagus, it becomes Enraged. It can see the auras of all survivors within 18-meters of it and all survivors become exposed for the remainder of the trial. Once the obsession is downed, The Jabberwock is also capable of Mori’ing the survivor holding the Vorpal Sword no matter their hook progression.


Wicked Flora (Brown): Increase the range of Strange Burbling by 8 meters.

Shed Scales (Brown): Increase the recharge rate of Flight when not charging the third power button by an additional 3%.

Clunky Mechanism (Brown): Downing a survivor with a Vital Component causes a random other survivor to scream.

Knight’s Torso (Brown): Killing a survivor by any means grants you 3 components immediately.

Jubjub Bird Carcass (Yellow): Using flight speeds up the cooldown of your other abilities by +3% per second.

Alice’s Shoe (Yellow): Survivors afflicted by your Strange Burbling ability also see lockers within 12 meters of them as Hooks. You may also see these hooks and use them while carrying a survivor who is Disoriented this way.

Bandersnatch Carcass (Yellow): Remove the restriction of your Arc missiles needing to be in a square formation and instead arrange them manually however you wish, while reducing the effective range in between them by 2 meters.

Decaying Beffudleknuck (Yellow): Change the color of your Dragon Breath flames to green, which instead of injuring or deep-wounding survivors, it blinds them for 2 seconds and inflicts them with the Blindness status effect for 15 seconds. The cooldown for you Green Dragon Breath attack is 25 seconds.

Fallen Tebbley (Green): Landing after flying causes survivors within 18-meters to scream and to have a Red-Stain painted on their back for 8 seconds.

Killed Gulumphnigh (Green): Survivors within 8-meters of another survivor who suffered your Basilisk Gaze ability suffer it’s same effect.

Clockwork Shell (Green): Survivors who spot you in the air more than 10-meters above them Scream and reveal their aura to you for 2 seconds.

Twisting Miasma (Green): Survivors holding a Vital Component are Deafened for 15 seconds after picking it up.

Jabberwock’s Eye Staff (Purple): Changes Dragon Breath into Breath Shot which fires an exploding Ball of Flame. The ball fires out at a speed of 6-meters a second and requires a 4 second charge. Its explosion damages all survivors in a 10-meter-wide range before dispersing. You suffer no stun duration after the move is completed.

Gryphon Beak (Purple): Attacking survivors with a basic attack while falling inflicts Hemorrhage and Mangled for 60 seconds and reveals their aura for 4.

Iridescent Scales (Red): Reduce the time in the Sarcophagus by 4 seconds after survivors have inserted all the Vital Components. After escaping the Sarcophagus, all abilities have their total cooldown timers halved.

Alice Liddle’s Head (Red): After escaping the Sarcophagus, immediately gain one free use of your Oppressive Ascent ability. The aura of the Vorpal Sword is revealed to you and any survivors you dive onto with this ability will be immediately Mori’d.

Mori: Bite down onto a survivor and lift them up into the sky. Spew burning breath, igniting them as you swallow them whole.

Post edited by TheConceptCreater49 on

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  • Member Posts: 27

    Patreon Link to American McGee's Alice: Asylum Design Bible. Some art was taken from the design bible to make this concept. Enjoy!:

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I was just talking about this as an idea to so eone else just the other day! So amazing!

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    A map of Madness Returns version of Wonderland would be awesome. This is a really good idea. The best part about this is that if it were to happen one day it could hopefully get EA Games to consider making another Alice game.

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