The Shape Rework 2.0

miko117 Applicant Posts: 1



        Blond Hair

Increases the duration of Evil Within III by 10 seconds.

Boyfriend's Memo

Survivors can no longer hear The Shape’s breathing.

Memorial Flower

Increases the Stalk rate by 10%.

           Tacky Earrings

After an injured Survivor is completely stalked, he suffers from the Mangled Status Effect and the Hemorrhage Status Effect until he is healed.


Dead Rabbit

Reduces The Shape's Terror Radius by 25% while in Evil Within II.

Increases The Shape's Terror Radius by 25% while in Evil Within III.

Glass Fragment

When a Survivor stuns you with a pallet while Stalking, he suffers from a -5% Hindered Status Effect for 8 seconds.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Hair Brush

Increases the duration of Evil Within III by 20 seconds.


Decreases the Audio cue after Teleporting by 30 meters

Reflective Fragment

After a Survivor is completely stalked, he is affected by the Blindness Status Effect for 60 seconds.


Hair Bow

Increases the Teleport Range by 20 meters.                                                

J. Myers Memorial

Increases the Stalk rate by 20%.

Jewellery Box

Grants you a +7% Haste Status Effect for 10 seconds after Teleporting.

Judith's Journal

After Teleporting, Survivors in a 30 meter radius of your last location will reveal their Aura for 6 seconds and are affected by the Oblivious Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Mirror Shard

After a Survivor is completely stalked, he is affected by the Exhausted Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Very Rare

Lock of Hair

Increases the Teleport Range by 30 meters.                                             Increases the duration of the Undetectable Status Effect after Teleporting by 5 seconds.

Scratched Mirror

Stalking reveals the Aura of all Survivors within 50 meters of your location.

The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within I.

Each Hit Score Event grants 300% bonus Bloodpoints in the Deviousness Category in addition to the regular Bloodpoints gained in the Brutality Category.

Tombstone Piece

Grants the ability to kill healthy, injured, dying and hiding Survivors by your own hands while in Evil Within III.

Killing a Survivor instantly reduces 50% of your Evil Within III.

Increases the amount of Evil required to reach Evil Within III by 10 Stalk Points after reaching 50% of the Stalk bar.                                                             Removes the increased Movement Speed while not in Chase.

Vanity Mirror

After Teleporting, the aura of all Survivors are revealed to you for 3 seconds.

Ultra Rare 

Fragrant Tuft of Hair

Grants unlimited duration to Evil Within III.

Increases the amount of Evil required to reach Evil Within III by 20 Stalk Points after reaching 50% of the Stalk bar.

Judith's Tombstone

Removes the ability to Teleport.                                                          Increases your Movement Speed while not in Chase by 1 m/s.                            Grants the ability to regress back to Evil Within I.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Evil Within I:

  • The Shape is granted the Undetectable Status Effect (has no audio).
  • The Shape has a normal Movement Speed of 4.6 m/s in Chase and an increased Movement Speed of 6 m/s while not in Chase.
  • The Shape has a normal Lunge Attack open time of 0.5 seconds.
  • The Shape has a normal Vaulting time of 1.7 seconds.
  • The Shape has a normal breaking animation of 2.34 seconds.
  • The Shape has a normal stun duration of 2 seconds.
  • The Shape can accumulate Bloodlust.
  • When the Stalk bar is full, press the Power button to progress Evil Within.

Evil Within II:

  • The Shape has a reduced Terror Radius of 24 meters.
  • The Shape has a normal Movement Speed of 4.6 m/s in Chase and an increased Movement Speed of 7 m/s while not in Chase.
  • The Shape has an increased Lunge Attack open time of 0.6 seconds.
  • The Shape has a reduced Vaulting time of 1.4 seconds.
  • The Shape has a reduced breaking animation of 2 seconds.
  • The Shape has a reduced stun duration of 1.8 seconds.
  • Grants the ability to Teleport after Stalking a certain amount of Evil:
  • The Shape has 2 Teleport Shards (1st Shard = 50% of Stalk bar, 2nd Shard = 100% of Stalk bar) which allow him to instantly Teleport up to 50 meters and gain the Undetectable Status Effect for 5 seconds after Teleporting.
  • Press and hold the Secondary Power button to see the Landing zone of the Teleport and release the Secondary Power button to Teleport.
  • You can set the Landing zone of the Teleport by looking up or down.
  • While holding the Secondary Power button, press the Power or Attack button to cancel the Teleport.
  • After Teleporting, a global Audio cue of 30 meters radius will play for 3 seconds of your last location.
  • After Teleporting, the Stalk bar will instantly be reduced by 50%.
  • When the Stalk bar is filled to 50%, the Stalk rate will be reduced by 20%.
  • When the Stalk bar is full, press the Power button to progress Evil Within

Evil Within III:

  • All Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect and the Blindness Status Effect for 60 seconds, after which The Shape automatically regresses to Evil Within II.
  • Reduces the Survivors Field of View and reduces it even more when The Shape comes closer.
  • The volume of Survivors regular breathing and Grunts of Pain are increased by 15%.
  • The Shape has a normal Terror Radius of 32 meters.
  • The Shape has a normal Movement Speed of 4.6 m/s in Chase and an increased Movement Speed of 8 m/s while not in Chase.
  • The Shape has an increased Lunge Attack open time of 0.7 seconds.
  • The Shape has a reduced Vaulting time of 1.2 seconds.
  • The Shape has a reduced breaking animation of 1.5 seconds.
  • The Shape has a reduced stun duration of 1.7 seconds.
  • The Shape cannot be blinded while in Evil Within III.
  • When stunned by a Pallet, it instantly breaks and the Stun penalty replies.
  • The Shape cannot Stalk while in Evil Within III.
  • Carrying or Killing a Survivor pauses Evil Within from regressing.


  • Stalking decreases your Movement Speed to 4 m/s (passive/active Stalking mechanic removed).
  • The Shape cannot be blinded while stalking.
  • Stalk range: 1 meter to 60 meters.
  • Stalk rate: 1 Stalk Point per second.
  • The Stalk rate will be reduced by 50% when stalking a Survivor while moving.
  • Press and hold the Power button to stalk Survivors.
  • The Shape is unable to stalk when the Stalk bar is full.
  • The Stalk-efficiency-to-distance ratio and Stalk time mechanic are removed.
  • The Shape drains the same amount of Evil regardless of the distance from the Survivors.
  • The Stalk bar is empty when regressing Evil Within.
  • Press and hold the Power button while the Stalk bar is empty to regress Evil Within (only with Judith’s Tombstone add-on).
  • Evil Within I requires The Shape to drain 10 Stalk Points to progress Evil Within.
  • Evil Within II requires The Shape to drain 5 Stalk Points to reach 50% of the Stalk bar and another 15 Stalk Points to reach 100% of the Stalk bar (20 Stalk Points) to progress Evil Within.
  • All four Survivors start the Trial with 10 Stalk Points each, allowing The Shape to drain a maximum of 40 Stalk Points.
  • The Stalk Points of a Survivor will instantly be refilled after 30 seconds when he has no Stalk Points anymore.
  • Multiple Survivors can be stalked at once.
  • When stunned or blinded, the Shape gains 1 Stalk Point.
  • Once a Survivor is completely stalked, press and hold the Active Ability button while standing over the dying Survivor who has reached the second Hook Stage to execute him using a Mini-Mori (can only be used once in a trial).

Movement Speed:

  • The Shape has 3 base Movement Speeds:
  • Within Chase: Tier I/II/III: 4.6 m/s 
  • Without Chase: Tier I: 6 m/s (7 m/s), Tier II: 7 m/s (8 m/s), Tier III: 8 m/s (9 m/s) (not when carrying a Survivor)
  • Stalking: 4 m/s (cannot be increased)

Perk: Dying Light

Each time you hook a Survivor other than your Obsession, you gain 1 Token:


  • All Survivors suffer from a stack-able 2/2.5/3% penalty to Repairing, Healing, and Sabotaging speeds per Token, up to a maximum of 22/27.5/33% or 11 Tokens.
  • You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
  • You can’t gain any more Tokens when the Obsession dies.


  • Stun: The Shape makes no noise, stays completely still and turns his head slightly to the left and back.
  • Hit a Survivor: The Shape just looks at the inside of his weapon.
  • Breaking: Tier I/II: The Shape kicks it with his right leg one time.                                                                                Tier III: The Shape walks through it (except gens).
  • 1st Mori: Stays the same (except the tilting head after the Survivor is dead and overall better animation/bug fixes).  
  • 2nd Mori: The Shape lifts the Survivor up, breaks the neck, tilts his head after the Survivor is dead and throws him away.
  • Locker-Mori: The Shape opens the locker, grabs the Survivor, lifts him and stabs him through the chest and the wall so the Survivor’s body hangs in the air and he tilts his head in the end.                                                         That locker can no longer be used by other Survivors in the Trial.
  • Mini-Mori: The Shape walks to the dying Survivor, raises his leg and smashes the Survivor’s head.
  • The Shape is taller, holds his weapon with a clenched fist, the tip points straight ahead, his left hand is opened in Tier I/II and closed in Tier III (the hands are thinner/more detailed).
  • The Shape always has a stiff, straight and emotionless stance and walking animation.
  • New Mask design and cosmetics (like in the films).


  • New global Audio cue after Teleporting (only for Survivors).
  • New Audio cue when gaining a Teleport Shard.
  • New Tier III Terror Radius and Chase music.
  • New global lullaby while in Tier III.
  • New Lobby music.
  • Progressing / regressing Evil is much louder and all other audios are muted.
  • The Shape’s breathing is much more quiet and has a radius of 5 meters 
  • The Shape has no footstep audio.
  • Survivors cannot hear any audio from The Shape while in Evil Within I (except chase music).

P.S.: Hope that some of my ideas could be implemented for the upcoming rework for Myers. Keep up the good work 😃👍


  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 225

    We definitely don't want myers to be busted. A lot of bad ideas here like 8.0m/s movement speed, can't blind while killer is stalking, 4.0m/s while stalking, constant spirit fury, enduring, brutal at tier 3 and on top of that some kind of teleportation? Terrible ideas.