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Killer Concept Ideas/Brainstorming

Hey, its been a while since anyone's asked about cool killer/power concept ideas- simple stuff, convoluted stuff, blatantly impossible stuff, just anything to get creative discussion juices flowing. I'd love to know if anyone has any cool ones!

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  • Member Posts: 115

    I just did one for the jurassic park raptors:

    New Killer - The Raptor

    Power - Pack Hunter

    Passive Ability: The Pack - The Raptor doesn't hunt alone. Two others stalk the trial grounds on their own. If alerted by a noise notification these raptors will investigate. If a survivor comes within line of sight, they will give out an alert call and give chase for a time, inflicting damage if they come into contact.

    Active Ability: Call for Help - The Raptor can themselves issue an alert call which will cause the other raptors to make their way towards their location. If a survivor is detected during this time the raptors will move faster and chase longer. This ability has a cooldown of 25 seconds.

    Secondary Attack: Leap - By pressing and holding the power button, The Raptor charges a leap attack. The longer the button is held down the higher and longer the leap will go, propelling The Raptor over obstacles and dealing damage to survivors on impact.

    The Raptor comes with three new perks

    Clever Girl - When a survivor begins performing an action within your terror radius you gain the undetectable status effect for 15 seconds. This perk goes on cooldown for 30 seconds once the effect ends.

    Rapid Pursuit - You no longer gain bloodlust. Whenever a survivor performs a rushed action within 10 meters of you, increase the speed of your vault and breaking actions by 50%. This perk goes on cooldown for 30 seconds after performing a vault or break action.

    Test for Weaknesses - Any time you lose chase with a survivor, you see the aura of the nearest other survivor for 6 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Stories of Old Lands

    For centuries, those who are on death’s door fear the sounds of charging hoofs and sight of the blackest of mist. The will to live is well known to all with life for there’s truth in tales of this. Beware of this for those who are fighting to survive, for Death comes quick and hell follows near behind! The Dullahan! For your eyes and soul shall be mine!” - Unknown


    Killer: The Dullahan

    Difficulty: Hard

    Height: Tall

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Unknown

    Mythical Origin: Celtic

    Weapon: Scottish Claymore sword.

    Movement Speed: 115% | 4.6m/s

    Alternative Movement Speed: 225% | 9m/s

    Terror Radius: 32 meters

    Appearance: Tall with a tattered black leather cape. Arms, legs, and chest carry armor made of hot ambers of glowing blue flames from the realms between realms. Blackened and bloody eyes that bleed tears of blood from every step it takes. Blueish/Green Flame emitting from the neck and cracks of the armor plus body. The head partially decomposed with white hair that hovers around the right side of the body. Finally, rusty ironclad chains wrapped around its chest while a necklace made of eyes hovering over where the neck of the body would be.

    Overview: The Dullahan is a haunting killer that’s able to catch survivors off guard with its power Spinal Crack and blistering speed of the underworld's abilities of Ironclad. The survivors must beware of their movements, and be wary of sounds in order to survive or have their eyes and souls be claimed.

    The Dullahan’s perks are: Miasma, Scourge Hook: Stale Wind, and Hex: Wither and Decay. This allows it to hunt down survivors and harvest their souls.


    Tome Record #207:

    “Long ago in ancient times humans would fear it and call it by many different names. Now that it is no more, it is now called “The Dullahan” and shall be called death by a name. It’s a horrific creature of which nightmares have nightmares. Dullahans are headless, and wherever one stops, a mortal's death soon follows. A dullahan will stop its snorting horse before the door of a house and shout the name of the person about to die, drawing forth the soul at the call. She may also stop at the very spot where a person will die.”

    Tome Record #208:

    “I learned today how to delay the inevitable of my ever demise from the Headless Rider. For I had stumbled across a coin of pure gold, in which case, had frightened off the Dullahan. The creature quickly turned into a dark blackened mist of a Warhorse and ranaway, but not before destroying the coin. I hope luck will be on my side again in the next trial.”

    Killer’s Lore: 

    Dullahans are headless. Although the Dullahan has no head upon its shoulders, it carries it with them, either on the saddle-brow of the horse or upraised in its right hand. The head is the color and texture of stale dough or moldy cheese, and quite smooth. A hideous, idiotic grin splits the face from ear to ear, and the eyes, which are small and black, dart about like malignant flies. The entire head glows with the phosphorescent of decaying matter and wherever the Dullahan stops, a mortal dies. The Dullahan is possessed of supernatural sight. By holding its severed head aloft, it can see for vast distances across the countryside, even on the darkest night. Using this power, it can spy the house of a dying person, no matter where it lies. Those who watch from their windows to see it pass are rewarded for their pain by having a basin of blood thrown in their faces, or by being struck blind in both eyes. The Dullahan is usually mounted on a black steed, which thunders through the night. The Dullahan uses a human spine as a whip. The horse sends out sparks and flames from its nostrils as it charges forth. The Dullahan travels so fast that the friction created by its movement often sets on fire the bushes along the sides of the road. All gates fly open to let the Dullahan through, no matter how firmly they are locked, so no one is truly safe from the attentions of this fairy. So now the Entity has called forth the Dullahan to do its bidding.

    Killer’s Successful Hit Animation:

    The Dullahan’s head laughs forbiddingly while wiping the blood and gore off the claymore.

    Pallet Breaking Animation:

    The Dullahan begins to raise the claymore up. With the blade, the claymore goes chopping downwards through the top to bottom of the pallet. It takes one strike to split the pallet in two pieces.

    Breakable Wall Breaking Animation:

    The Dullahan begins to ram the claymore through. With the blade stuck, the Dullahan proceeds to kick the hilt until the claymore goes through the breakable wall and destroys it.

    Killer’s Mori:

    The Dullahan’s Mori is whipping a downed survivor’s eyes out with its whip made from human spines; while, proceeds to turn into a blackened mist in the shape of a Warhorse. While in the shape proceeds to trample all over the survivor’s body, and sucks the soul out of the mouth of the Survivor’s corpse.

    Killer’s Alternative Mori:

    The survivor starts to stumble away only for the Dullahan to strike out with his whip which wraps around the survivor’s neck. The survivor’s forward movement coupled with the Dullahan’s backwards yank allows for decapitation with the survivor’s body falling forwards headless while the head falls and rolls to the side. (To activate this Mori, the Dullahan must strike down the survivor with Spinal Crack and the survivor must be hooked twice.)

    Primary Ability: Spinal Crack: “Death awaits for those with or without courage to face it!” 

    Press and hold the Power Ability to charge Spinal Crack, and release it to unleash an area of effect of damage from the whip. While Spinal Crack is being charged, the radius of the area of effect starts out at a minimum of 8 meters and becomes bigger in radius up to a maximum of 24 meters of a 6 second charge time, adding on 4 meters every second. Once Spinal Crack is released the area of effect of damage is immediately released and damages all Survivors hit by the spinal whip in the area of effect. Spinal Crack’s area of effect damage works at a 30 degrees cone, however it collides into other objects and can not destroy breakable walls and downed pallets. (I.E. If a Survivor is behind a wall or any other object that blocks line of sight when the area of effect damage goes off they will not be injured.) If the Spinal Crack’s whip collides with an object it will ricochet at another 30 degree angle, but loses the AoE cone damage also the range is reduced by 15%. However, if the survivor is hit by the ricochet, the deep wound status effect is applied. Spinal Crack can be canceled by all stuns except for flashlight stuns and flashbangs. Spinal Crack has a 10 second cooldown after usage. While charging the ability movement speed is reduced to 98%.

    Secondary Ability: Ironclad: “A beast in blackened armor and mist you should be wary of!”

    Ironclad is an ability to shapeshift into a darkened black mist in the shape of a war horse to travel far distances in a short time. Ironclad is activated by pressing and holding the Secondary Ability button. It takes 1.5 seconds to activate Ironclad and The Dullahan’s movement speed is increased to 225%. While Ironclad is active, the Dullahan turns into a darkened black mist in the shape of a Warhorse. While Ironclad is active, blood pools become 25% brighter and noises are amplified by 50%; however, you are unable to attack survivors, track survivor scratch marks and see them as well. While in this mode, running into a down pallet or breakable wall will destroy them instantly; however, will slow down the movement speed for 3 seconds to 105%. Ironclad has a cooldown between each activation of 45 seconds. Ironclad can be deactivated by pallet stuns or manually deactivated. To manually deactivate Ironclad, press and hold the Secondary Ability button again. It takes 1.5 seconds to deactivate Ironclad and The Dullahan’s movement speed is returned to base movement speed. While Ironclad is active, the ability to vault can no longer be used. Ironclad causes no Area of Effect damage. When The Dullahan exits Ironclad, all survivors within 8 meters radius are revealed via Killer Instinct for 6 seconds.

    Killer Perks:

    “Miasma”: "Poisonous thick mist of decay will speed up the inevitable."

    At the start of the Trial, all totems are blocked off for 30 seconds. Once a totem is cleansed or blessed, the survivor who cleansed or blessed a totem becomes exhausted for 20/25/30 seconds.

    “Scourge Hook: Stale Wind”: “The wind is always calmest before the storm.” 

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. The auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white. Hooking a Survivor on a Scourge Hook, gain the Undetectable status effect up to a total of 10/15/20 seconds.

    “Hex: Wither and Decay”: “Time does not stand still for the living or all of creation.” 

    While this Hex totem is active, when a Survivor heals back to the Healthy state you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token equals 10% extra regression applied when kicking a generator. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.


    Bucket of Blood: Mysterious bucket filled with unknown victims blood.

    • When Ironclad is activated, it gains 300% Bloodpoints in Deviousness.
    • Ironclad’s movement speed is decreased by 10%.

    Cracked Vertebrae: A cracked vertebrae of a young human child.

    • Increasing Spinal Crack Area of Effect radius by 2 meters.
    • Decreasing Spinal Crack movement speed penalty by 2%.

    Broken Saddle: Once a saddle owned by someone else by the initials I.C..

    • Increasing Ironclad’s movement speed by 10%.

    Bowl of Eyes: A bowl full of assorted human eyes.

    • Increases the sight range for Ironclad’s Killer Instinct by 2 meters.
    • Increasing Spinal Crack movement speed penalty by 2%.

    Burnt Tree Branch: An unknown tree branch that was set aflame.

    • Increases Ironclad’s movement speed by 25%.

    Cracked Skull: A mysterious cracked human skull of unknown origins with scars around the eye sockets.

    • Upon successful hit with Spinal Crack, the affected survivor is inflicted with Blindness status effect for 30 seconds.

    Sharpened Spinal Disks: A column of razor-like spinal disks used to horrendous effect.

    • Upon successful hit with Spinal Crack ricochet, the affected survivor is inflicted with the Mangled status effect for 45 seconds. (-20%)

    Cracked Lantern: A cracked oil lantern once used on a coach wagon.

    • Increases the sight range for Ironclad’s Killer Instinct by 8 meters.
    • Decreased Ironclad’s movement speed by 25%.

    Broken Whip: A broken leather whip once used to make horses attached to a wagon to move faster.

    • Upon successful hit with Spinal Crack ricochet, increases Survivors' Mending time when affected by the Deep Wound status effect by 5 seconds.
    • Decreased Spinal Crack’s Area of Effect by 4 meters.

    Bottled Dead Man’s Whispers: A bottle of otherworldly makeup that contains the harvested soul of a hanged convict.

    • Upon successful hit with Spinal Crack ricochet attacks, to reduce a Survivor’s Deep Wound timer by 7.5 seconds.
    • Increases cooldown for Spinal Crack by 10 seconds.

    Chipped Blade: A dull and chipped blade from a scottish claymore.

    • Upon successful hit with Spinal Crack, the affected survivor is inflicted with the Hindered status effect for 10 seconds. (-5%)

    Conjoined Twins’ Spine: A pair of spines that fused together from a pair of female conjoined twins.

    • Increases Spinal Crack’s Area of Effect by 8 meters.
    • Decreases movement speed while charging Spinal Crack by 5%.
    • Does not stack.

    Damaged Horse Armor: A piece of dented armor off the horse of the Dullahan.

    • Decreased Ironclad’s movement speed by 25%.
    • Increased Spinal Crack’s Area of Effect by 2 meters.
    • Increases movement speed while charging Spinal Crack by 5%.

    Bottled Lightning: A bottle of otherworldly makeup that contains bolts of lighting.

    • Increases Ironclad’s movement speed by 50%.

    Dead Man’s Eyes: A pair of human eyes that have been gifted with supernatural vision.

    • While Ironclad is active, the Repair Progression of Generators can be determined by the intensity of their Auras.
    • Decreased Ironclad’s movement speed by 50%.
    • Does not stack.

    Bottled Thunder: A bottle of otherworldly makeup that contains claps of thunder.

    • Upon successful hit with Spinal Crack, the affected survivor is inflicted with the Deafening status effect for 90 seconds.
    • Does not stack.

    Melted Gold Coin: A once beautiful shiny gold coin now a melted pile of precious metal.

    • While Ironclad is active, phasing through a survivor will cause them to scream.
    • An Inflicted survivor who screams gains the Oblivious effect for 60 seconds.
    • Upon successful phasing, Ironclad deactivates.

    Green Glowing Flaming Whip: A whip made from harvest souls and forged in hellfire.

    • Upon successful hit with Spinal Crack ricochet attacks, all generators within 16 meters regress by 2% for 15 seconds.
    • Does not stack.

    Spyglass of The Damned: A spyglass made of harvested souls, obsidian glass shards, and charred hickory wood.

    • While Ironclad is active, it causes to see Survivor auras within a 16 meter radius.
    • Does not stack.

    Flaming Horseshoe: A horseshoe made from otherworldly materials.

    • While Ironclad is active, phasing through a survivor will cause one damage of health. 
    • Decreased Ironclad’s movement speed by 75%.
    • Upon successful damage, Ironclad deactivates.
    • Does not stack.

    Survivor Name: Josh McConnell

    Difficulty: Intermediate

    Survivor Appearance: 6’0” / 1.8288 meters tall, Age: 45, Male, Athletically fit with long frizzled Ginger colored hair and beard, Hazel eyes, Colorful Scottish Kilt, Worn-out stained Wool socks, worn out dark pair of Brown leather hide shoes, and a stained White wool shirt underneath his Scottish sash.


    An expert swordsman and Highlander fighting monsters to live another day. Josh McConnell’s perks are: Fighting Chance, Glancing Blow, and Freedom, gives him massive advantages in second chances, fighting spirit and courage beyond danger.

    Survivor Perks:

    “Fighting Chance”: “You know how to sustain yourself in a fight to the death.” 

    You start the trial with a maximum of 2/3/4. Each token increases your action speed by 5% outside of repairing generators. Lose a token when you are put into the injured or dying health state.

    "Dèan sabaid gu math agus bàsachadh gu math!" - Josh McConnell

    “Fight well and die well!”

    “Glancing Blow”: “Your knowledge of deception is key to success.” 

    You start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens. When unhooking another survivor, the survivor that did the unhooking immediately loses all negative status effects except that are Killer related status effects and Hexes. Lose one token per unhooking a hooked survivor yourself.

    “Tis balach leòn feòil.!” - Josh McConnell

    “Tis a flesh wound lad!”

    “Freedom”: “Your love for the wild and pursuit of happiness can be heard throughout the land!” 

    For each gen completed, gain 4/6/8% stackable bonus speed for self healing, crawling, and recovery.

    “Dèan sabaid airson rudeigin no fuireach gun dad!” - Josh McConnell

    “Fight for something or live for nothing!”

    Survivor's Lore: 

    Josh McConnell, once proud and ferocious Highlander from the thirteenth century who fought during the First War of Scottish Independence. Is now a warrior out of time and place to never see his beloved Scottish Highlands ever again. Before the Entity had taken Josh, he was a farmer, family man, mercenary, and expert swordsman. One day while Josh was farming the fields, a band of English soldiers came to “gather” supplies from Josh. Josh would not yield to their demands, so the soldiers threatened to do harm to his property and family if he didn’t cooperate. Josh, still determined to fight, was suddenly struck on the back of his head from a hilt of a sword. The blow had knocked him out cold for hours only to awaken to a nightmare. His land pillaged, family slaughtered, house destroyed, and was left for dead. First there were tears of grief and loss, then quickly turned to rage and vengeance towards the English. Josh was now out for blood and didn’t care if they were innocent or not as long as they were English. He would later on fight alongside Sir William Wallace of Scotland to reign hell all over Scotland and England. Eventually, Josh was caught and outnumbered ten to one by the English. Josh was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered but the Entity had other plans for him. While sitting in his cell in a dungeon, Josh, had started noticing an evil cloud erupt forth from the floor and sucked him into a portal to another dimension. Now by a campfire, Josh prepares for the coming fights that awaits him.

    Realm: Dreaded Night Map: The Keeper’s Forest

    • A large dense forest with the Killer shack in the right or left side of the map with a giant tree in the middle where the Dullahan’s coachwagon is stationed; including, a broken stone bridge that once was used to a river that has long dried up. A destroyed stone hut burnt to the ground, and a burnt wheat field.

    Map Lore: “Once a beautiful forest that nurtured all kinds of beings is now a place of sadness and misery. Much blood has been shed here from wars to trials of survival. Many beasts of nightmares roam here from time to time, but one truly claims the realm as its own. For beware of the Headless Rider, the Dullahan, for it shall claim your soul and eyes if not careful enough.” - Torn Parchment Paper #94

    Map Offering: Gory Human Spine


    • Adept Dullahan: Get a merciless victory with The Dullahan using only his unique 3 perks.
    • Adept Josh: Escape as Josh McConnell using only his unique 3 perks.
    • For Scotland!: Repair the generator by the Dullahan’s Coachwagon and live to tell the tale.
    • Sight Beyond Sight: Hit one or more Survivors with a ricochet from Spinal Crack 15 times.
    • Death Awaits for Thee: Use the Dullahan's Mori on all Survivors in a single match.
    • Head Turner: Use the Dullahan's Alternative Mori on a Survivor before the exit gates are powered up.
  • Member Posts: 2,367

    i love the thought of dinosaur running around in dbb🤣. Could be a cool game mode for a Jurassic Park chapter. I love the leep ability!! I imagine it as a chucky type charge since u can go over obstacles like pallets. Dashing over pallets into hit would be quite strong anti loop. I guess my only question is what the movement speed of these other Raptors.

    I would definitely change the last perk.

    clever girl just passive undetectable which is alright. Don't have to do much for it but 15 sec not that long. Could be good

    Test for weakness would be kinda broken on the wraith. It might be just to strong in general...then again No where & weave still exist so maybe it ok. Hard to say

  • Member Posts: 345

    • I've thought about several Killer concepts:
    • - A human-sized marionette, maybe made of several different parts, that was revived by a cultist to do their bidding (which was mostly killing) and didn't stop even after its creator's death. Or maybe it was their little attempt of immortality gone wrong — and now its a puppet inhabited by a fragment of soul that is in constant agony
    • - A shapeshifter. A Killer that can copy appearance of a fellow survivor to create chaos and spread paranoia. I think, there is a way to pull it off mechanically, albeit with some limitations. Essentially, after hitting a Survivor, the Killer can assume their guise. To survivors, they look like their injured teammate — and the illusion dispels as soon as they touch them or if the Killer chooses to drop the disguise. While in disguise, the Killer can vault over pallets and windows, but can't use items, interact with gens or chests. As for the design/looks — I think something with strong skinwalker vibes.

    • - A spider-themed killer. I'd go full body horror here by making them a person filled with spiders. Like dozens and dozens of tiny spiders constantly skittering all over their body, crawling out from their eyes, mouth, splits and holes in their skin. Body contorting as it crawls on the walls while pursuing survivors. Movements uncanny (as if imitating the portia jumping spider).
    • - An "imaginary friend". Something that looks like a child with a crude and unsettling mask covering their face. Their key ability— creating copies of themselves. Unlike with the Unknown's duplicates, these copies can move randomly across the map. Upon activating this ability, the Killer transfers their Terror Radius to each decoy while gaining the Undetectable status and becoming able to sneak up on Survivors.
  • Member Posts: 147

    Impressive. The whip sounds a bit op, but everything else is outstanding.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Terminator T-1000 with shapeshifting would be a great killer in DBD.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I have had a partial ability in my head for a while based on Nikola Orzinov from The Magnus Archives, where her power builds up until it reaches her top power, which is to make every player and killer look the same, with very few animations, so that it's hard to tell one from the other, and also have hallucinations of other mannequins running around. Everybody - including the killer - looks identical.

    It's based off "The Unknowing" ritual, which I felt dealt with a shapeshifting ability that isn't so easy for players to tell one from the other, even in a swf (although there may be somw leeway).

  • Member Posts: 141

    Another concept I have that I created long before Venca and The Knight.

    The Wrathful Blight

    Life, such a fragile thing and brutal to the end for some. Death, the ultimate victory and goal for few with reckless abandonment but enjoyment. These things are one and the same for vengeful spirits and remnants of the world's end. Why should life be given joy but only a sore blight upon existence?” - Unknown


    Killer: The Revenant

    Difficulty: Hard

    Height: Tall

    Gender: Male

    Ethnicity: Unknown

    Weapon: Ghostly green flaming Flailing Mace

    Movement Speed: 115% | 4.6m/s 

    Terror Radius: 32 meters

    Appearance: Tall and covered in maggot ridden flesh, with a tattered black cloak. Arms, legs, and partial chest armor of damaged steel. Red glowing eyes that pulsate with each beat of its decaying heart protruding from the chest cavity. Finally, wears a spiked cracked crown of green flames.


    The Revenant is an unstable killer that’s able to catch survivors off guard with its powers of Necromancy, Army of Darkness. The survivors must beware of their surroundings and quick on their feet in order to survive longer than a minute.

    The Revenant’s perks are: Hex: Cursed Tomes, Moonful Calling, and Sinister Solution. This allows it to hunt down survivors to consume the tainted souls, while draining hope of life and enjoyment from the torment of death.


    Tome Record #7:

    “I was a king once long ago in my mortal flesh until my Master showed me the way of eternal life. Once the Master had even shown me their true form of spider-like appendages, pitch black void of its chest, and its unquenchable sensation to devour souls of hope to feed continuously. Now I have become immortal, a necromantic king of darkness, and servant to my Eternal Lord of Death. Death is now my domain and thus shall the living feel my wrath and be consumed by the Dead.”

    Tome Record #11:

    “I was taught today how to summon forth curses onto objects to shatter the blistering light of life and joy. To see how pitiful I once was as a mortal makes me filled with disgust only fuels my resolve to destroy the blightful thing known as existence. One day….one day I shall learn to even control my Master in order to achieve my goals! But first for now, I shall continue to serve and learn to grow my powers and knowledge of the dark arts. I WILL BECOME GOD OF DEATH ITSELF!”

    Killer’s Lore: 

    The Revenant was once a king of kings in a realm where magic was abundant and ruled by several different species. His ambitious nature would drive him to wars in order to claim more knowledge and that of immortality. The King was known to be brave, strong, swift, also brilliant while never afraid of dirtying his hands with blood and steel. The King grew in power and statism to become known as “The Butcher of Immortality”. One day after a long and hard fought battle to end his bloody campaign against the Krîtälings, he had found his army decimated and in retreat. Angered with the result of the battle, he captured some of the cowardly men that fled the battle. He proceeded to slaughter them personally by shoving daggers into their backs and beating them to death with a flaming flailing mace. The King had heard whispers from the dead and then a figure of a dark cloaked being sprang forth from the corpses that laid before the king. Before the king asked and was ready to attack, the dark cloaked being promised the king what he always wanted….immortality and infinite knowledge. The king was dumbfounded and listened to the being. The being would invite the king to his side and gain immortality if he joined him. The King accepted the offer and followed the being through a dark portal. Now the King has become the Revenant, King of the Necromancy, and right hand man to the Entity. The Revenant is a foul being of never ending hatred of life and existence also corrupted by the tainted evil of darkness. His main weapon is a ghostly green flaming giant flailing mace in which its’ prideful possession. His Mori is him conjuring nine cursed daggers thrusted into the back of the Survivor and proceeds to beat the Survivor to death with the flailing mace.

    Primary Ability: Army of Darkness: Necromancy is the work of pure evil and hatred to existence, a truly gruesome sight to behold. 

    Upon activation of the Army of Darkness ability by use of the Primary/Use Power button, The Revenant’s base movement speed is reduced to 105% during summoning and takes 4 seconds to summon up to 4 Death Knights. The summoned Death Knights move at 115% movement speed and follow the Revenant. Each Death Knight has a unique individual power which can be used by the press of the Activate Event Ability button. Each Death Knight can be cycled by the press of the Interaction Button. The first Death Knight is called “The Mouth of Deceit”. Upon use of the ability, “The Mouth of Deceit” will begin to emit the sounds of the terror radius up to 12 meters away from all sides of the Survivors upon consumption of power for 45 seconds. The second Death Knight is called “The Rot of Souls”. Upon use of the ability, “The Rot of Souls” will begin to emit a 24 meter aura power ability of a dark pulsating shrouded cloud while the ability is active. The aura also hinders all Survivor’s action speeds and movement by 10% while inside the aura of the cloud and lasts for 30 seconds upon consumption of power. The third Death Knight is called “The Swordsman of Dread”. Upon use of the ability, “The Swordsman of Dread” can be ordered to stand guard at a specific targeted location. While the ability is in use, “The Swordsman of Dread” is able to destroy pallets, block windows, and attack Survivors within 16 meters of the selected location. Upon consumption of power, “The Swordsman of Dread” will remain for 20 seconds at the chosen location. The fourth Death Knight is called “The Harbinger of Sight”. Upon use of the ability, “The Harbinger of Sight” will begin to reveal the Survivor’s auras for 5 seconds every 10 seconds for the Cooldown is 30 seconds for raising the Death Knight and it lasts until all Death Knights have activated their abilities. The cooldown begins immediately after the last Death Knight has despawned and the cooldown is 40 seconds.

    Killer Perks:

    “Moonful Calling”: “The Moon calls your name for a sacrifice.” Every time you chase your Obsession and let them escape. You gain 1 token up to a total of 5/4/3 tokens with a cooldown of 5 seconds after each token gained. At 5/4/3 tokens the auras of all survivors are revealed for 15 seconds and depletes all tokens.

    “Sinister Solution”: “Your patience has grown more shall be wasted.” Once a generator is powered Sinister Solution is active. Sinister Solution grants movement speed up to 3/4/5% and increases recovery on successful attacks by 4/6/8% for the next 30 seconds.

    “Hex: Cursed Tomes”: “Forbidden arts of darkness are now your domain of study.” For every hooked survivor, this perk gains 2 tokens, up to a maximum of 10. Each token increases your action speeds by 5/6/7%. At 6 tokens, pallet stuns are reduced by 40/50/60%.


    Slave Bracelet: Once a chain bracelet of Krîtälings’ elvish slaves.

    • While using Army of Darkness gains the ability to use “The Swordsman of Dread” Death Knight twice while Army of Darkness is activated.
    • While using Army of Darkness gains the ability to use “The Rot of Souls” Death Knight twice while Army of Darkness is activated.
    • Removes the ability to summon both “The Mouth of Deceit” and “The Harbinger of Sight” Death Knights.
    • Increases cooldown for Army of Darkness by 20 seconds.

    Dull Broken Blade: A sacred broken blade of old that slain the First King of Darkness.

    • While using Army of Darkness gains 300% Bloodpoints in Hunting.
    • +5% Increasing terror radius while using Army of Darkness.

    Cracked Emerald: Once a valuable gem, now nearly worthless.

    • +2% Increase in the Death Knights movement speed. Stacks

    Severed Rat’s Tail: A tail of a Mondora Rat.

    • -5% Decreases cooldown for using Army of Darkness

    Cracked Human Skull: A cracked skull of a fallen human warrior.

    • +5% Increase base movement speed for the Death Knights for 15 seconds. 

    Jar of Blood: A mysterious jar of unknown origins.

    • +25% Increasing aura reading radius for “The Harbinger of Sight” Death Knight.
    • Decreases the terror radius for “The Swordsman of Dread” Death Knight by 4 meters.

    Bowl of Teeth: Teeth of different types of species.

    • The victim gains the Oblivious effect upon being inflicted by “The Harbinger of Sight” Death Knight for 15 seconds.

    Crow Stomach: The disgusting contents of a crow.

    • -5% reducing the cooldown time to summon a Death Knight.

    Dead Fairy: A jar filled with fairy dust is all that remains.

    • +20% increasing Army of Darkness cooldown speed.
    • Deceases base movement speed while summoning the Death Knights to 3.8/ms.

    Voodoo Doll: A cursed doll with unknown scripture on it.

    • Allows the use of “The Rot of Souls” Death Knight to block windows for 15 seconds.

    Severed Goblin’s Ear: An ear from a repulsive cave goblin.

    • -15% decreases cooldown while using Army of Darkness.
    • +15% increases terror radius while using “The Mouth of Deceit” Death Knight.

    Dead Man’s Journal: A fallen mercenary’s journal.

    • -5% decreasing base movement speed.
    • Gain Exposure effect for all survivors after Army of Darkness while on cooldown.

    Destroyed Talisman: A talisman from a previous trial against survivors.

    • +10% Increases base movement speed while summoning for the Death Knights.
    • +15% increases cooldown on Army of Darkness.

    Dark Elves’ Finger: A right index finger of a Dark Elvish Priest.

    • -25% decreasing cooldown for Army of Darkness.

    Dagger of Damnation: A dagger of darkness and evil.

    • The victim gains the Oblivious effect upon being injured by “The Swordsman of Dread” Death Knight for 30 seconds.

    Book of The Dead: The book to end all life or spawn Death itself.

    • Increases the duration of the spawned Death Knights by +35%.

    Bloody Parchment Paper: Unknown scripture written in blood.

    • -35% decreases cooldown on Army of Darkness ability.

    Cursed Tome #29: A book of monstrous origin.

    • +3% increases movement speed for the Death Knights. Stacks

    Dagger of Punishment: A dagger of pain and torment.

    • Upon infliction of damage onto a Survivor with “The Swordsman of Dread” all windows and pallets are blocked off within 24 meters for 30 seconds.
    • Upon infliction of damage onto a Survivor while Army of Darkness is active. All generators with 24 meters are regressed by additional 5%.

    Bloodied Crowned Dagger: The dagger of a fallen great King.

    • While using Army of Darkness, gain the Undetectable status effect.
    • Increases base movement speed to 5/ms for Death Knights.

    Survivor Name: Alex Vön Brök

    Difficulty: Intermediate

    Survivor Appearance: 5’11”in / 1.8 meters tall, Age: 37, Male, Athletically fit with short Chestnut colored hair, A long scar across his forehead, Blueish/Green Eyes, Plaid Cotton Jacket, Worn-out stained White work shirt, torn-up dark Brown hide pants, and Brown boots


    An expert hunter, fighting against ferocious beings while trying to live another day. Alex Vön Brök’s perks are: Fallen Silent, Survival Instinct, and Grizzled, giving him advantages in both defense and escape.

    Survivor Perks: 

    “Fallen Silent”: “You bear the pain because you know it’s only temporary.” While a Survivor is in the Dying state, their grunts of pain and pools of blood are reduced by 50/75/100%. Auras of Survivors in the Dying State are reduced by 4/8/12 meters. Only works for the Survivor that has equipped this perk.

    “Survival Instinct”: “You have the keen instincts of a buck and the swiftness as well.” This perk becomes activated once a fellow Survivor becomes injured. For 5/7/10 seconds you leave no scratch marks when running and gain a Haste of 3/4/5%. You will be able to see the Survivor’s aura while being carried until they have become hooked.

    “Grizzled”: “Your will to survive knows no boundaries.” At the start of the trial, the Survivor gains the Endurance status effect. The Endurance status effect only becomes activated after being put into the Injured state, the Survivor will be inflicted with the Broken status effect for 120/90/60 seconds. This perk can only be activated once per trial.

    Survivor's Lore: Alex Vön Brök, once a proud father and husband to a beautiful wife and three children. Alex was a good man who always kept his nose clean, not even a traffic violation to his name. He was an advent hunter and fur trapper like his father and his grandfather before that. One day while out hunting deer for food for his family, an unfortunate event had started taking place back home. A grizzly bear had stumbled across the family cabin and proceeded to bust down the door. The grizzly would kill the family except Alex as he was returning home from a successful hunt. Once he had returned home, Alex had noticed the damage and blood everywhere. He searched everywhere but no bodies were found except for a trail of blood that led to a cave. To his horror he had stumbled upon the bear that was eating the corpses of his family in the cave. In anger he jumped on the back of the grizzly and began stabbing it to death with his homemade bowie knife. The grizzly rolled over on its back knocking Alex off and started mauling at Alex. The grizzly’s right paw cut Alex’s forehead leaving a nasty huge and long scar. Alex finally was able to kill the beast by jabbing the knife through its left eye socket, stabbing it completely into the brain. With the fight over, a dark portal opened and sucked him inside. Now at a campfire with little memory of how he got healed, he is fighting to stay alive in the memory of his family. Let the games begin.

    Realm: The Beast’s Gate Map: The Fortress

    • A medium three level castle with a dungeon, courtyard, alchemy room, and throne room.

    Map Lore: “Once a white glowing beacon of light and might from the Kingdom of Men. This fortress was called, “Lų Málüras Dės”, the City of Gathering is now a home of darkness. A long-tilted valley, a deep gulf of shadow, ran back far into the mountains. Upon the further side, some way within the valley's arms, high on a rocky seat upon Hůldir of Black Rocks, stood the walls and towers of “Lų Málüras Dės”. All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with ominous dark green lighting of for told doom. The moon ailing in some slow eclipse was the light of it now, wavering and blowing like a noisome exhalation of decay, a corpse-light, a light that illuminated nothing but dread. This realm is truly legends of legends, nightmare of nightmares, and foremost the chamber where “it” must once dwelled here. This is what I dread the most as I hear the screams of beasts that are unimaginable to the human mind. This is where it must’ve all begun.” - Unknown Journal #3791

    Map Offering: Burning Talisman

  • Member Posts: 147

    Even better, i dig this one.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Should I just post a bunch of the concepts I've made?

  • Member Posts: 1,845
    edited July 2024

    I'm still wanting a Cthulu chapter, or some kind of sea horror.

    Something like a Cultist that's mid-transformation into a fishman or squid that's trying to sacrifice for their eldrich god in defiance of The Entity, albeit in vain.

    Power wise, I can't fully decide on what exactly, some kind of madness mechanic similar to Doc would need to be in play though for sure.

  • Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2024

    I want a killer that can place giant bone or gore totems that can buff the killer and weaken the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Deathly Fear and Loathing

    In life there are certainties and those are death, survival, or sweet delicious fear! The need to survive is a natural instinct put simply, while the desire to kill and feast on the weak is what makes humans so delicious while they are scared. In the end the Entity and I agree that fear is the best seasoning for the devouring of the flesh!” - Unknown


    Killer: The Fear

    Difficulty: Intermediate

    Height: Tall

    Gender: Unknown

    Ethnicity: Unknown

    Mythical Origin: Pagan

    Weapon: Jagged and ridged scythe dipped in Pustula Poison and severed crow heads growing on the shaft of the scythe.

    Movement Speed: 115% | 4.6m/s 

    Terror Radius: 32 meters

    Appearance: Tall with a tattered black cloak and a plague doctor's hat. Arms, legs, and partial chest cavity made up of sewn together maggot flesh, rotten guts, straw and mutilated body parts. Orangish/yellow glowing eyes that bleed tears of blood with each beat of its decaying heart protruding from the chest cavity. Finally, the legs are made of sewing together crow corpses and feet made of rotting Oak wood.

    Overview: The Fear is a diabolical killer that’s able to catch survivors off guard with its power Soil of Fear and feast upon their fear with abilities of Frightful Death. The survivors must beware of their surroundings and quick on their feet in order to survive or be devoured of fear.

    The Fear’s perks are: Blood Hunger, Crucifixion, and Dead Chase. This allows it to hunt down survivors to consume the flesh, while growing fear of torment of death.


    Tome Record #89:

    “I was a God once long ago in ancient times until Christianity had come to purge my followers. Once that had happened I was left wondering, scavenging and starving until “It” came to me for an offer. I would serve “It” and in return I would feast to my endless desires of flesh and fear. To my surprise, I had returned to my Godly status again and these ...trials served my appetite well!”

    Tome Record #111:

    “I was taught today how to create toxins from another time and dimension that would help increase my Fear on to others. To be able to even tenderize and seasoning of the flesh with pure Fear is something I only had dreamed of before. This Entity has proven to be a great ally but I wonder ... .what would the flesh and fear taste like of “It”?”

    Killer’s Lore: 

    The Fear was once a Pagan God which in return for a sacrifice, granted the presenters with wealth, security, wisdom, and protection from all that is evil. In ancient times, the villagers would build an effigy in their fields for the god to possess. It would often resemble a scarecrow, and it was used by the god to collect its sacrifices. The Fear would hunt down its prey as long as it could during the night to extract the most amount of fear to flavor its prey’s flesh. Once Christianity had come to the Scandinavian lands, the locals had abandoned the god, converted, and instead worshiped Jesus. The Fear would battle Crusading Knights and Holy Priests of the Catholic church as well as those of the Christianity faith. The battles would always end the same way, with The Fear being victorious, while hundreds of dead Crusaders lie strewn across the floor at his feet. The Fear had first held power over all of Scandinavia until the kings secretly united under hope of defeating the god. The first loss for the Fear was in August of 1123. The loss was in Norway, by the Norwegian King, Sigurd the Crusader, with his divine weapons from the Vatican. The second loss of the Fear was the First Swedish Crusade. Finally the last loss of the Fear was the Livonian Crusade. From there, the Fear would wander at night from place to place in order to survive from starvation and extermination from Crusading Knights. One day, the Entity had come to its side for an offer. Work for “It” and the Fear shall never again know hunger or damnation. The Fear had accepted the offer and become a terrifying god again.

    Killer’s Successful Hit Animation:

    The Fear laughs menacingly while flicking the gory and blood off the scythe’s blade.

    Pallet Breaking Animation:

    The Fear begins to raise the scythe up. With the blade, the scythe goes chopping downwards through the top to bottom of the pallet. It takes two strikes to split the pallet in halves.

    Breakable Wall Breaking Animation:

    The Fear begins to raise the scythe up. With the blade, the scythe goes chopping downwards, diagonally, and horizontally through the breakable wall. Chops the breakable wall into multiple pieces.

    Killer’s Mori:

    The Fear’s Mori is decapitating a downed survivor with its scythe; while, proceeds to laugh as it mutilates the corpse with its scythe and drinks the blood from the neck.

    Primary Ability: Frightful Death: “The only thing to fear is fear itself!” 

    Press and hold the Power Ability button to grant Undetectable status effect, generate a dense fog, and generate pockets of Fear traps around the map. While Frightful Death is active, the radius of the pockets start out at a minimum of 8 meters and become bigger in diameter by 1 meter per 0.1 seconds of charge up to a maximum of 40 meters of a 4 seconds charge. Once Frightful Death is released the pockets begin to dissipate over time by 2 meter/s maximum. Noises in pockets are amplified by 50% I.E. Repairing generators, healing, breathing, grunts and moaning of pain, entering and exiting lockers, vaulting, and footsteps. Fear generates over time while in the pockets. Fear generated up to 60 charges maximum; in which case, causes Hysteria status effect. Fear is generated at 1 charge per second.

    Secondary Ability: Soil of Fear: “I’m coming to get you...and hopeful you’re scared half to death!” 

    Soil of Fear is an ability to grab and hold Survivors with roots from the feet of The Fear. Soil of Fear is activated by pressing and holding the Secondary Ability button. It takes 0.5 seconds to activate Soil of Fear and The Fear’s movement speed is reduced to 105% for 10 seconds. Once Soil of Fear is activated, roots from the Killer emerge from the ground and solidify the borders of the pockets of Frightful Death. While a Survivor or Survivors are in a pocket. The Survivor or Survivors can’t not exit a pocket until it dissipates or the Killer cancels the pocket by pressing and holding the Interaction button for 1 second. If two pockets connect, the roots will not block them from connecting to each other, to a max duration of 40 seconds they will solidify together.

    New Status Effect: Hysteria

    Hysteria: This status effect makes it so that any Survivor inflicted with it will hear a constant laughing sound that masks all sounds from more than 12 meters away.


    To lose fear, Survivors may:

    • Heal 1 health state, losing 5% of fear.
    • Stay near other Survivors outside the terror radius, losing 1% of fear each 3 seconds
    • Being chased for more than 30 seconds straight, then starting to lose 2% of fear each 5 second Escape a chase, losing 20% of fear
    • Pallet or blind stun, losing 5% of fear. 
    • Frightful Death triggers an HUD animation and sound when activated, meant to scare the player in real life too.

    Killer Perks:

    “Dead Chase”: "Time to die you annoying little pest!"

    This perk becomes activated after being pallet stunned 3 times. After being stunned, the Survivor that stun you will gain the Hindered status effect of 5/10/15% for 15 seconds.

    “Crucifixion”: “Where are you going? I haven’t had my fill yet!” 

    Once the exit gates are powered Crucifixion is active. Progress of an unopened Exit Gate will now regress at 2% per second while not being opened and every time a survivor is hooked all unopened exit gates regress by an additional 10/15/20%.

    “Blood Hunger”: “More! More! MORE! I AM HUNGRY FOR YOUR BLOOD AND FLESH!” 

    When an Injured Survivor escapes the chase, Blood Hunger reveals the aura of 1/2/3 Healthy Survivors for 5 seconds.


    Decayed Wisdom Teeth: Once teeth from an adolescent couple that were sacrificed around 1,600 years ago.

    • When Soil of Fear is activated, it gains 150% Bloodpoints in Deviousness.
    • Frightful Death active trap diameter is reduced by -25%.

    Cracked Canister: A broken biotoxin canister that leaks unknown poison.

    • Increases Frightful Death trap diameter by +5%.
    • Decreases Soil of Fear movement speed penalty by -2%.

    Mangled Corpse: Once a lively person, now a nearly unrecognizable corpse.

    • Increases Frightful Death active ability by +10%.

    Severed Crow’s Head: A head of a decapitated crow.

    • Increases generated Fear of using Frightful Death by +5%.

    Bloody Oak Leaf: A once beautiful green leaf now tainted in dried up blood.

    • Increases the density of the fog while Frightful Death is activated by +15%.

    Jar of Blood: A mysterious jar of unknown origins.

    • Decreases loss of Fear overtime by +10%.

    Cursed Wooden Doll: A doll made of wood and straw from The Fear.

    • At Fear charge 60, inflicted Survivors gain the Broken status effect for 15 seconds.

    Crow Stomach: The disgusting contents of a crow.

    • Reduces the dissipation of time for Frightful Death trap pockets by -15%.

    Petrified Dog Ear: A petrified ear from a long dead dog.

    • Decreasing loss of Fear overtime by -25%.

    Voodoo Doll: A cursed wooden doll with unknown scripture on it.

    • At Fear charge 20, inflicted Survivors gain the Hindered(-5%) status effect for 5 seconds.

    Severed Children Hands: A pair of young severed children's hands.

    • Reduces the dissipation of time for Frightful Death trap pockets by -5%.
    • Increases the density of the fog while Frightful Death is activated by +30%.

    Dead Slave Eyes: A pair of eyes plucked from a dead slave.

    • Decreases base movement speed by -5%.
    • Gains notifications from disturbed crows on the map while Frightful Death is active.

    Destroyed Effigy: A destroyed Effigy celebrating the protection of The Fear.

    • At Fear charge 10, Blindness status effect is applied to afflicted Survivors.
    • Increases charging speed on Frightful Death by +10%.

    Severed Human Tongue: A human tongue from a Crusading Knight.

    • Increases charging speed on Frightful Death by -30%.

    Poisonous Scythe: A poisonous large scythe to be used on sacrificial victims.

    • At Fear charge 60, Hindered(-10%) status effect is applied to afflicted Survivors for 15 seconds.

    Unholy Alliance Parchment Paper: An alliance pact from the stuff of nightmares.

    • Increases the Fear gained while in Frightful Death pockets by +30%.

    Bloody Sheep Hide: A once beautiful white sheep hide reduced to a bloody mess.

    • At Fear charges 45, Survivor items are consumed faster by +15%.

    Pagan Ritual Book: A book of monstrous origin.

    • Decreases Soil of Fear movement speed penalty by +10%.

    Scythe of Dismemberment: A scythe of pain, fear and torment.

    • Upon infliction of trapment onto a Survivor with a Frightful Death pocket while Soil of Fear is active, all windows and pallets are blocked off within 8 meters for 15 seconds.
    • Upon infliction of damage onto a Survivor while in a Frightful Death pocket. All generators with 24 meters are regressed by 5%.

    Rotten Liver: A half eaten rotten liver from a stillborn infant.

    • Once in Fear charge 15, a Survivor can no longer reduce Fear below that charge.
    • Fear charge 60, causes the Exposed status effect for 45 seconds.

    Survivor Name: Amanda Briggs

    Difficulty: Easy

    Survivor Appearance: 5’4”in / 1.646 meters tall, Age: 21, Female, Athletically fit with medium length Black colored hair, Brown eyes, Colorful Red skirt, Worn-out stained White shoes, torn-up dark pair of Black legging stockings, and a stained Gray shirt underneath her Brown fur jacket.


    An expert magician and trickster deceiving monsters to raise hell another day. Amanda Briggs’ perks are: Lean on Me, Deception of Perception, and Now or Never, give her massive advantages in inspiration, deception and escaping.

    Survivor Perks: 

    “Lean on Me”: “You know how to sustain someone’s self worth.” 

    When you have healed other Survivors for the equivalent of one Health State, Lean on Me activates. While Lean on Me is activated, the next time you are put into the Injured State will reveal the aura of the Killer to other Survivors for 6/8/10 seconds.

    "It's alright, you go on ahead. I'm not gonna die on you, and leave you in a cold and cruel world!" - Amanda Briggs

    “Deception of Perception”: “Your knowledge of deception is key to success.” 

    You start the trial with 3/4/5 tokens. When another survivor misses a skill check within 16 meters of you the Loud Noise Indicator is ignored and you lose a token. Gain a token every 30 seconds while in chase.

    “Never believe your eyes, for they deceive you!” - Amanda Briggs

    “Now or Never”: “Your trickster ways baffle your worst enemies.” 

    When you stun or blind the killer you leave no scratch marks for 5 seconds. Safe Bet has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds. 

    “The hell with it! Let's cause some trouble.” - Amanda Briggs

    Survivor's Lore: Amanda Briggs, once a troublemaker and con-artist to a poor family that lived in Paris, France. Her father would go drinking for hours on end to forget the horrors of WWI for he was a soldier of the Western Front. Her mother was a prostitute in order to put food on the table for the entire family. At age 14, Amanda would run away from her home to join a circus and become an apprentice to a very talented magician. At age 17, Amanda had mastered everything the magician could offer and how to escape any trap she would find herself in. At age 21, WWII had begun and she would become trapped in Poland during the Nazi Germany invasion with her circus in Warsaw. Fearful of her life and having seen what the Nazis did to unwanted folk back in 1938 Munich, Germany. Had caused her to run to Russian territory in hopes of escaping and fleeing back to France from Norway. During the process of running away, her magician mentor was struck down by artillery fire. Amanda had just witnessed the horrors of what to come in her life and the grief she feels for the loss of others. As Amanda had continued to evade the Nazis and made her way to Norway she would witness more of her circus die from starvation, bombings, gunfire, and of disease until she was only left alive. Amanda would indeed make her harsh, long, painful, and traumatic escape to Norway only to lose her way in the forests alone and scared. One night, Amanda would be searching for food and shelter when she would stumble upon the ruins of a village with the effigy of a scarecrow in the center of the courtyard. That’s when the air became fixed with a sickly thick miasma dense fog with laughter of unknown origins. Suddenly a spider-like appendages sprung forth from the pitch blackened sky forming a cage around her until they trapped her and transported her to another realm. Now by a campfire, Amanda, promises herself to help others to escape this nightmare.

    Realm: Forgotten Home Map: The Village

    • A large open field with the Killer shack in the middle with a three level church; including, a broken wooden barn, courtyard with a well, and five different village huts.

    Map Lore: “Once a thriving community under the protection of The Fear is now a home of terrors of the likes never seen before. The village would suffer tremendously one day as Crusading Knights and Priests ravaged and forcefully converted the villagers to Christianity. All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with ominous dark orange lighting and severely dense fog that told doom to come. The moon ailing in some slow eclipse was the light of it now, wavering and blowing like a noisome exhalation of decay, a corpse-light, a light that illuminated nothing but dread. The sky would rain down heavily of that of blood with the laughter of a demented God like being. This realm and its putrefied effigy of decaying bodies is truly that of nightmares, and foremost the where The Fear must once dwelled here. This is what I dread the most as I see images of things that are unimaginable and also impossible to comprehend to the human mind.” - Unknown Journal #794

    Map Offering: Bloodied Scythe


    • Adept Fear: Get a merciless victory with The Fear using only his unique 3 perks.
    • Adept Amanda: Escape as Amanda Briggs using only her unique 3 perks.
    • For Whom the Bell Tolls…: Repair a generator on the third level of the church and live to tell the tale.
    • Fear the Unknown: Trap one or more Survivors in a Frightful Death pocket with Soil of Fear activated 50 times.
    • Frightened to Death: Use the Fear's Mori on all Survivors in a single match.
    • No Taste Like Fear: While a Survivor is fully charged on Fear, Mori the Survivor inside a Frightful Death pocket without Soil of Fear activated.
  • Member Posts: 141

    This is my second chapter I had ever created so please be gentle.😅

    Chapter: Screaming Caverns


    • Roosevelt Silver Mine


    • Abandoned Silver Mine

    Map Offering: Rusty Mine Cart

    Map Layout: 

    • Underground

    Lore: Roosevelt Silver Mine, once a rich and plentiful silver mine back in its heyday from 1880-1910 West Virginia, United States. Once the summer of 1908 had rolled around workers were being replaced by heavy steam machines and unionized employees had threatened the closure of the mine. Not long after that summer many mysterious disasters, disappearances, and deaths started occurring including some of the workers reporting whispers of a voice they couldn't understand or pinpoint where it was coming from. One day of Spring in 1910 the mine would be closed forever after 17 most gruesome murders had occurred by some type of drilling mechanism. Now it's said you sometimes hear voices of the damned and an unknown  demonic language. Those who enter the mine will only find death and the sound of a roaring drill.


    • Adept Brute: Get a merciless victory with The Brute using only his unique 3 perks.
    • Tremors: Using The Brute's power, Burrow, a total of 100 times.
    • Punishing Speed: While in a match,  The Brute must pull 3 survivors total off generators while using Burrow.
    • Adept Veronica: Escape as Veronica Morris using only her unique 3 perks.
    • The Elevator of The Damned: Repair the generator at the elevator lift and open the elevator gate to escape and live to tell the tale.
    • Steaming Bloody Summer: Use the Brute's Mori on all Survivors in a single match.

    Killer: Gordon Nathaniel Thompson a.k.a. "The Brute"

    "I swore to myself not to vomit when I came across the gruesome bloody corpse by this vileness being which had drilled through their abdomen. Though I swore I still couldn't help myself from vomiting, for I saw the entire inner cavity of their chest with blood and gore everywhere including the pulverized missing head. Wait! I swore I heard the revving of some sort of engine. I see him! I HAVE TO RUN! IF THIS SO BE MY FINAL TAPE PLEASE TELL JENNA I LOVE….. *Roaring engine and heavy fast stomps preceded by blood curdling screams and gargling*.” - Unknown Tape of Trial 47.

    Lore: Gordon "The Brute" Nathaniel Thompson was once a well respected and hard working miner for the Roosevelt Silver Mine. Gordon was also a bit of a tinkerer and inventor which the company he worked for loved since he helped increase work efficiency. Though Gordon was respected by a lot of people, some resented him out of pride and fear that he would make those people lose their jobs. One day in the Spring of 1910, some of the disgruntled workers devised a plan to get rid of Gordon. They lured Gordon into a part of the mine and proceeded to pummel him near to death and entrapped him into a cave-in with dynamite. When the cave-in had occurred his right arm was torn off by the explosions and his ears scorched with the rest of his head. Chunks of silver rocks embedded into the back of his head and body as well had occurred too. Gordon now lying on the ground near death heard an eerie, ominous and strange voice call to him. The voice asked if Gordon wanted to live and seek vengeance upon those who wrong him. Gordon replied, “Yes!”, while spitting out blood he was choking on. The voice gave him materials and tools to save himself only in exchange to work for this voice. Gordon agreed and was partially healed enough to save himself and replaced his right arm with a large drill. A few hours later Gordon had freed himself from his tomb. Gordon, barely standing and in excruciating pain, finally found those who tried to murder him earlier. Filled with the rage of unholy vengeance, began killing them all one by one; including, all who would stand in his way. After that, Gordon retreated back into the mine once the Pinkertons came to kill Gordon. A black shroud began covering the sky and the mine only to disappear as quickly as it came once Gordon reentered the mine. The Pinkertons had searched for Gordon in the mine but couldn't find him. The mine would be closed forever, and Gordon to never be seen again. 

    Killer's Description:

    Physical Appearance:

    The Brute has a large dented drill for a right arm and an oxygen tank embedded into his back with a gas mask sewn to his face. His ears are scorched due to dynamite explosion with the back of his head scorched as well and chunks of silver rocks protruding from all around his body. He is in an tattered insulated brown likeness old diving suit with iron boots. His left arm is covered in slabs of metal with pressure valves to monitor his fuel intake for his right arm. His abdomen is protruding half of a minecart wheel with a bandolier belt filled with vials of mysterious liquids.


    Old time insulated tattered brown diving suit, gas mask, iron boots, and a bandolier.

    Alternate Clothing: 

    1. Old Mining suit with a broken pickaxe embedded into The Brute's back with a set of welding goggles sunken into his eye sockets while having an oxygen tank tube melted to his mouth and a hard hat with a flashlight attached on top.

    2. A rusty set of knight armor and an antique divers helmet.

    3. Torn Hazmat Suit, WWI Doughboy helmet, Bronze leaded boots, and a Chrome metal left arm.

    Killer's Base Stats:

    Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s(115%)

    Terror Radius: 32 m

    Height: Tall

    Difficulty: Hard

    Playstyle: Map Pressure/ Heavy Fast Roamer

    Main Weapon: Large Heavy Dented Arm Drill

    Alternate Weapons: 

    • Large Rusted Circular Saw
    • Large Blunted Jackhammer
    • 4 Bloody Small Grinder Blades
    •  Large Barbed Harpoon
    • 2 Large Bloody Gory Railroad Spikes.

    Disclaimer: Alternate Weapons don't give any advantages at all just purely cosmetic purposes.

    Mori: Survivor trips and falls to the ground when suddenly The Brute burrows from underground and grabs hold of the Survivor. The Brute with his drill arm begins to rev the drill up and violently impales them through the stomach and out their back while the drill is going. With gore and blood splattered everywhere The Brute finishes the Mori by smashing the Survivor's head in with the drill arm.

    Killer's Power: Burrow

    Description: In your previous life Gordon had an unfortunate event costing of his right arm so he gets revenge with his new mechanical drill arm. Burrow uses the right arm of the Killer to dig underground and tunnel through the map with full control, also increases movement speed up to 135% but increases terror radius up to 48 meters while Burrow is in use. Burrow takes up to 0.5 second to go in and out of tunneling while its cooldown timer is 30 seconds after each use. While Burrow is used the Killer can see outliers of survivors and objects within a 16 meter radius but able to track generators normally.

    Disclaimer: Burrow can only rip survivors off generations while they are working on them, but can't hurt survivors while normal tunneling.

    Fatigued Animation:

    "The Brute" looks at his drill arm and refills it with a vial of liquid and proceeds to close the small circular hatch.

    New Status Effect: Dazed

    Dazed: While a Survivor is hit with Burrow, all action speeds are reduced by 5% for 15 seconds.

    Killer Addons:

    Rusty Minecart: Gains 200% in Deviousness while using Burrow.

    Torn Gas Mask: Gains additional 2 meters visibility while using Burrow. Stacks

    Rusty Mine Rail: Gains additional 2% movement speed while using Burrow. Stacks

    Broken Lamplight: Decreased cooldown with Burrow by 5 seconds. Stacks

    Rusty Lever: Gains additional 4 meters visibility while using Burrow. Stacks

    Busted Minecart Wheel: Gains additional 5% movement speed while using Burrow. Stacks

    Broken Sledgehammer: Removes 2 meters of visibility while using Burrow while decreasing terror radius by 12 meters. Stacks

    Shattered Vial: Decreases cooldown with Burrow by 10 seconds. Stacks

    Moldy Support Beam: Decreases terror radius by 4 meters while using Burrow and increasing Burrow movement speed by 3%. Stacks

    New Lamplights: Gains additional 6 meters to visibility while using Burrow. Stacks

    Partial Cave-in: Decreases terror radius by 8 meters while using Burrow and increasing Burrow movement speed by 5%. Stacks

    Worn-out Brakes: Gains additional 10% movement speed while using Burrow. Stacks

    Cracked Hardhat: Removes 4 meters of visibility while using Burrow while increasing movement speed by 15%.

    Dented Latch: Decreases cooldown with Burrow by 10 seconds.

    Cracked Flashlight Lens: Gains additional 20% movement speed while using Burrow while reducing base movement speed by 1%.

    New Mine Rails: Gains additional movement speed by 5% for 15 seconds after exiting Burrow while decreasing movement speed by 10% while using Burrow.

    New Formula: Cooldown for Burrow is reduced by 15 seconds.

    New Gas Mask: Gains additional 16 meters visibility while using Burrow.

    Tremors: Allows Burrow to break thrown down pallets. 

    New Drill Bit: Allows Burrow to attack from underground. Cooldown for Burrow is increased by 15 seconds.

    Killer Perks:

    Fresh Meat:The unquenchable thirst for revenge is so insatiable you can smell blood in the air.” When a survivor becomes injured by any means the auras of all nearby survivors in a 8 meter radius are revealed to you for 8 seconds with the perk cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds. 

    Dark Forces: “When dark forces are upon you, your mastery of deception is heightened.” At the start of the match, all dull and hex totems appear as dull totems for 60/120/180 seconds. After the last generator is completed, all remaining survivors become afflicted with Oblivious status effect until the end of the trial.

    Blood Rush: “The fear of punishment angers you to unbelievable cruelty.” You gain Bloodlust 10/15/20% faster. After ending a chase, you still maintain Bloodlust for 20 seconds.

    "God almighty! I've seen things here that are stuff of nightmares made of here. Though 2 tours of Afghanistan and USMC training has prepared me for when the $#!+ hits the fan like this. Where I'm at sure seems like a good time compared to civilian life, I just need some way to bring the fight to them freaks! - Veronica Morris

    Survivor: Veronica Morris

    Lore: Since birth, Veronica has always been a fighter. Through life Veronica had traveled from one U.S. Marine Corps military base to another as a child and through her teen years. She was always told to try and stay out of trouble but never back down from a fight. That lesson that her father instilled into her was something she would never forget; even though it caused Veronica to get into a lot of trouble. When Veronica enlisted at 18 she couldn't help herself from following in her father's footsteps as a Marine. During Veronica's training she was harassed nonstop until she proved herself to not be messed with and could dish out the pain as anyone could. She completed training at the top of her class and was instantly promoted to First Sergeant due to her immense leadership, tactical, strategic, and shooting skills that proved to be beyond average. When Veronica had turned 19 her company was called up to arms for a tour in Afghanistan where she would see unspeakable and barbaric sights that would change her forever. During her first tour she would receive two Purple Hearts and one Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal from two different instances while protecting her squad mates from ambushes. On her second and final tour when she was 21 in Afghanistan. Veronica would receive her Afghanistan Campaign Military Medal, Battle Participation Ribbon, Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Bronze Star for Valor, Distinguished Service Medal, and Honorable Discharge Lapel Pin after returning home. She would go on to run her grandfather's mechanics shop until one night when a bizarre intense storm would come around. That night would be the last night anyone would ever see her again. Now Veronica had been pulled into the Entity's game to test her mettle to survive. Veronica now can't wait for her chance to battle the beasts unleashed upon her and others to feel like a Marine again.

    Survivor Description:

    Difficulty: Intermediate

    Race: Caucasian/White

    Birth Location: Iowa, U.S.A.

    Age: 29 years old

    Height: 5 foot 4 inches/(1.6 meters)

    Hair Color: Ginger

    Clothing description: Blue jeans with a Brown baseball cap, Red flannel shirt with grease stains, and steel toe boots.

    Alternative Clothing: 

    1. U.S.M.C. MARPAT Fatigue Uniform.
    2. Greasy worn-out Mechanics Jumpsuit with Combat Boots.
    3. Black torn up Metal band Shirt, Black studded Wristbands, Dark Brown Shorts, Tied up Hair with Black highlights, and Black Steel-toe Boots

    Survivor Perks:

    Semper Fidelis: “Through all the intensive training and preparation has taught you to always be faithful and never leave your fellow brothers and sisters in arms behind no matter what.” Each time you heal a Survivor from the Dying or Injured state or Safe Unhooking Gains 1 token up to a maximum of 4 tokens. Upon being unhooked you use 2 tokens and recover one full health state. Gains Endurance  for 10/15/20 seconds.

    Fighting Spirit: “War is in your blood and soul while losing is never an option to you.” Upon freeing yourself or being freed from a bear trap, a hook, or the Killer’s grasp break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 3 seconds. Fighting Spirit ignores Exhaustion while in the Killer’s terror radius. Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds outside of the Killer's terror radius.

    Intense Experience: “Through the mud, blood, sweat, and tears you have learned to instinctively ignore pain and fight with all your might.” While hooked and in the Killer's terror radius, the Entity progression is slowed by 15/30/45%.

  • Member Posts: 77

    There are so many cool concepts here. I love it.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Alright, I got you homie!


    First up: The Parasite

    Second: The Inhabitant

    The Hitokiri (For Honor)

    The Merman (Gyokko from Demon Slayer)

    The Brother (Gyutaro from Demon Slayer)

    The Emotions (Hantengu from Demon Slayer). I had to split this one into three images because I accidentally put the perks on a separate page and the power description itself took up two images.

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