Remember When...

Name a period of time in DBD history that you enjoyed, and, if you would, include the reasons why.
Thanks 🙃
When ds was only 3 second :) good old times to not see this perk in every match
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- when I started playing (2020), when I play with my friends and when there was "chaos shuffle".I don't think it's necessary to explain the reasons for first two… chaos shuffle was genuinely fun for me, every match was a surprise
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I enjoyed the time as I started dbd the most, everything was new, interesting and the game was actually very scary. I remember pig and Sadako as the scariest killers.
It was 2 months before they gutted COH and a lot of other perks. The perks were so much better back then and far more interesting. They almost nerfed everything useful/fun since then. I miss that circle of healing made games last longer and gave free heals, which made the game more chill.
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Most of the time, with the exception of the Skull Merchant's original design. That was terrible. Recent memory has been the best though. My trials have felt much more enjoyable.
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2018 bc maps had only strong loops where mindgames are always required to have a hit.
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CoH had to be nerfed and I won't defend it, but dang was survivor a breeze to play back then. Especially before they tanked medkits. Not having to rely on anyone else for heals felt good. …though. Being a Plague main may or may not have something to do with my tolerance of this period in time.
I miss old Coldwind quite a lot.
Though the only times I've not enjoyed the state of DBD was immediately post-6.1 when every other survivor was killing themselves on hook immediately, and original Skull Merchant (and by extension, Knight) with Eruption-CoB-Overcharge. That was brutal.
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Current DBD and future DBD.
The more/further we move away from the times of old DBD, the better and more enjoyable it becomes.
Genuinely cannot wait for the last remnants of 2016-2020 DBD's content that's still in the game to be replaced & buried for good.
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I enjoy most of the time I would not play the game if I didn't. Killer is pretty good state now but one improvement I would like to see is removing map offerings. SoloQ should have more information see the anticamp progress and kindred basekit without killer aura.
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2018-2021 when the game was far more chaotic and wayyyyyyy less sweaty.
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Bring back mechanics that allowed you to show skill expression instead of mindless W-holding and throwing the ridiculous amount of pallets.
Controversial but Old DH, never had an issue with baiting it out, prefer it to the newer survivor perks.
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2019 because matches were a lot more funny and not a race about killing/escaping
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Don't quite remember the time frame but when we had 200% ruin with reworked undying and nerfed tinkerer. Was the healthiest meta I saw as most people ran survelliance as well. No blowing up gens with pain res or kicking them with pop multiple times. Killers were actually pressuring the map and getting rewarded by ruin. But since they were also a hex meta survivors could easily find ruin and destroy it.
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I don't know, game seems to only getting better and fairer
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2022 Winter event. When i first got the game and i still remember being so scared of a dredge and not knowing where he was coming from…. I was doing a generator behind a locker…. In nightfall
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Would have to be when I first started playing. I loved the horror aspect of the game. Not knowing anything about the killers and what the could do.
After I played a few matches I assumed all killers had a TR. Then I ran into a tier one Myers. It scared the crap out of me.
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This will be an unpopular take because the ranking system was pretty well hated, but I did like that it enabled me to essentially do my own matchmaking. I knew that going into red rank meant sweaty and competitive team mates and opponents, for example, while purple was the sweet spot for me where everyone seemed more on my level, so I'd purposely try and stay there. SBMM is the superior option of course but only when it works, which honestly doesn’t feel like it does alot of the time. Maybe there was a bigger pool of players back then.
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days before MMR exists, things went bad from that day on.
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I always found the game enjoyable at any time i was playing it. I didnt play it a lot until very recently, mostly just for a few weeks anytime a new DLC dropped. basically played the game till i p3-50 the character and then left again or stayed for a while if the character was fun enough.
I dropped it for a big period of time in the summer of 2017 some time after doctor came out and only came back to freddy and bubba. I didnt like huntress (still hate her but for all other reasons) and was getting tired of the gameplay.
then i didnt play for a while when spirit came out, same reasons - boring chapter, stale gameplay.
dropped the game again during twins and trickster releases. neither killers were particularly fun or appealing to me. twins were so bad, they were the SECOND character I didn't even p3-50. I just got the teachables and never touched them again.
played once in a while until artist chapter, i got the techables and pretty much didnt play the game bc of the boon meta that wasn't really fun
dropped again when wesker-knight-SM came out. Wesker was buggy af when he came out, so I just kept playing the other characters i liked which got boring pretty quickly, Knight was nice, but didnt appeal to me, hopefully that changes with the update he's about to get, SM was dull and disappointing and she came out around the culmination of genlock circus and i didnt really enjoy the win strat being mindlessly kicking gens until something happened.
I started to play A LOT when singularity and xenomorph came out. I had like 5-6k hours before that and just in a year I almost doubled my playtime. OFC I didnt play the game all day, it was mostly just opened on the background, but I accumulated ginormous amount of experience on these particular killers.
Didnt really enjoy chucky or Lich, though Unknown became my off hand character, something I know im not going to master, but enjoy replaying nonetheless. Still play basically these 3 killers and mix it up sometimes with others.
IMO the game never had "Its best", different periods of time had different ways of being fun because people that played the game at that time were also different. I think the only time the game was genuinely awful is when boon meta firstly emerged and then a year after when it culminated into 3 gen stalemates. Otherwise it's been great. Early years were spooky and atmospheric, later it became more arcade-like and balanced.
The only tendency I don't like is how devs keep patching out "exploits" that don't really hurt the game and just add depth to it - drop into vault which removed stagger, hug tech, camera tech, flashlight interactions with killer powers. I feel like such niche things added necessary endgame skill expression giving more experienced and knowledgeable players more things to learn and master. Dumbing the game down isn't really a way to go, it's not going to make it noobfriendly, just making it more boring for people that ran into the ceiling. Devs should instead balance around such little things in case they're breaking something a bit too much, not outright remove that.
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Before Skull Merchant was a thing.
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Me to, love being rank 1 survivor when i wanna tryhard and go around next month 12-14 when my mate just want chill
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I would say end of 2018 and first half of 2019 because I finally convinced my old L4D2 friends to play the game.
Sadly, they soon abandoned the game due to the mid-load crash bug that plagued the game for half a year. With no dedicated servers, we had to re-make the lobby and queue for 10 mins every time someone crashed during the loading screeen or if a killer dodged the lobby.
The game was a mess back then but I loved playing with my friends. I wish I could convince them to play now.
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I actually love current Dbd but I still can’t forget the days of old Coldwind, being basement camped by Insidious Wraith using Monstrous Shrine, while watching my teammates get hook grabbed one by one trying to save me… Lmao. From a horror POV I never played anything like it at the time. It was wildly entertaining no matter what happened to me in the trials.
Nothing has changed in my enjoyment however. For me every match still feels like a pulse-pounding scary movie.
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Scratched Mirror a couple years back was fun, now its hard to get use out of the add on (with how many speed perks there are)
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Have to say best time for me was shortly after DBD was released. Reasons being as others have said it was actually scary, new, no one knew the maps or exploits so everyone was on even footing. killers were lethal and survivors hadn't caught on to the fact that all you need to do is loop so playing as a survivor and killer was fun.
I used to be survivor main, it was scary, intense. I had a reason to be scared of the killer. Trying to get the gens done then heart beat starts thumping away. Good old days before it became 1 big loopathon
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And with a Maps Offerings ?
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Well, when Omicron rolled around November '21, I was stuck at a friend's place and we both had absolutely nothing to do and you couldn't really go outside either. We had played 7 Days to Die before but that got old. So she suggested DBD. - Been playing ~18hrs/day until pretty much Christmas; got two other people roped in and it was just a glorious mess for those first few weeks where we had absolutely ZERO clue what was going on 😂 There were so many people getting salty about ranks… and we had no friggin clue what they were on about 😂
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started playing Oct 23 and still enjoying it as much now as I did then.
I play chill killer. Face far too many sweaty players when I’m a survivor, it sucks ,so I figured I’d make it as much fun as I can for other survivors going against me :)
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A few years ago when Puppers was alive and healthy. Some of my favorite matches are when I'd randomly load into the lobby with him and Monto. Those guys knew how to have fun with this game.
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Miss Puppers. His joy with JumpScare Myers and Head-On plays was magical.
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The period around Oni’s release.
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When friends who introduced me to the game were actually playing. It was 6 years ago.
They stopped enjoying the game pretty quickly unfortunetely.
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I started playing the game on March 27th, 2018 (I remember because that’s Mariah Carey’s birthday and she’s my favorite singer) and that period from when I started playing all the way to Legion’s release, I look back super fondly on.
I was new to the game, first chapter release I was apart of was Clown and his menu music always reminds me of that tome period, then was the summer BBQ event, and then Spirit’s release (who was and still is to this day my main killer).
Legion’s release soured me because I hated old Legion as did pretty much everyone at that time.
There was other times I enjoyed like ST release to Silent Hill, that was a good time. Nowadays, there are some good periods but not nearly as frequent as previous years.
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The period when ghostface came out to before deathslinger came out was the absolute BEST time In this game!!
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Mid 2021 was the best period
Ruin and Undying Meta, with NOED most of the time
First version of Dead Hard
Gens didn't take longer
Almost no annoying killer to verseAmong other minor things
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My best period is when I first got the game at Stranger Things release. Being so scared of the killer and having adrenaline coursing through my veins while I ran away and died a short moment later was amazing. I wish I could delete all memories again and relive those moments again.
There’s never been a time where I thought the game was boring. Rather, I’d get burnt out from playing so much and just take breaks.