Whats even the point to burn BP offerings as survivor atm

So to preface I took a break from DBD for about half a year before returning to it like 2 days ago because I wanted to see the state the game is in and was hyped for the Lara Croft release.
Ive started with a few survivor games and since I still had my positive mood by then, I burned some Party streamers so everyone could get more BP from it. The 5 games with Party Streamers I had all went pretty much the same. Start in the match, get downed the first time cause I'm out of shape tbf and after that get proxy camped or tunneled and end up with about 5k BP after the match. One match I got tunneled and downed after a hook and after that proxy camped by a Dwight with a FL greedy for the save and refusing to pick me up until I bled out. Seems absolutely pointless to burn anything for BP gain in the current meta tbh.
Well at least DBD hasnt changed much in the time I was gone
You got proxy camped by a Dwight?
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I only burn them with high prestige teammates who I can trust to be ok/decent. But in soloQ you never know. Well one reason to bring one is that your teammates get more bp as well and maybe some killers show mercy. I do that often and I try to let those who bring cake to escape. But most reliable way is to play on good swf and bring cakes then everyone gets bp decent amount.
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I've removed the event offering for this reason
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…this is making me desperately want a Dwight-themed Dredge skin now. New killer: The Locker.
But presumably Dwight was obnoxious about wanting the save so the killer wouldn't pick the OP up and hook them, and Dwight wouldn't pick them up either because he didn't want his team to perform, he wanted to show off his sick playz. I haven't had a flashlight-hungry teammate leave me for dead indefinitely, but I have had flashlight-hungry teammates sandbag me so that I'd go down so that they could try to save me. (spoiler alert: they failed.)
Anyway, to the OP. A lot of people are burning double BP right now because we just got off the anniversary event, so I do think it's still worth it for stacking match multipliers. But my advice? When you get too many games like that, switch to killer. You're pretty much the DM of the match as long as you're not losing terribly and you can both make better use of your own bloodpoint offerings and be nicer to survivors in your position. Not suggesting you spare them and hold hands around a fire barrel, just that 12-hook games with the first death at hook 9 are a good palette cleanser after a bunch of crappy matches where you scarcely lasted three minutes.
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Yepp. I got downed and slugged by the killer and had a dwight with flashlight in my team. The killer went away to chase my 2 other teammates while dwight just crouched next to me waiting for the killer to come back. Killer didnt come back and dwight apparently rather let me bleed out than give up on his FL save idea. Solo queue DBD experience
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That's so weird. I didn't even know you CAN flashlight save while inside a locker.
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Showing mercy for double bloodpoints was easier before they scrambled the in-match offering order :/ I used to do the same thing, but these last few weeks I've noticed it's randomly started lying to me. If I get a 4 or 5 cake game, nobody's dying, though.
But yeah, soloq cakes are a big gamble. Personally I've found the high prestige teammates are some of the quickest to hook suicide ASAP if they see something they don't like. You're really only safe with a SWF, and even then it's a tossup on whether your killer is normal, AFK, or challenging the world record for fastest 4k.
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I mean I dont even expect any mercy just for the bloodpoints but so many killers play like they are in some sort of tournament setting.
I had like 5 matches today where everyone burned BP offerings that ended with 0 gens being done, survivors all with below 10k points and killer with like 18k mostly reached by slugging tunneling camping etc. And im just thinking like: if everyone burns an offering and you have a 5 time bp multiplier at least give ppl some chance to get some points. Even 5k or 6k more points make a big Difference with 5 offerings.
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I gave up burning bp offerings a long time ago.
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I stopped bringing BP offerings years ago. You get killers that tunnel and camp or teammates that give up or die at 4-5 gens left. It’s not worth it… just a waste of an offering.
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To help negating abysmal BP gain
It's not like you can burn those offering as a killer anyway
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It works now again offering are same order as the names in the pause screen. So I been letting ones with cakes mostly live just sometimes I forget to look at it. Sometimes I play safe to get myself good amount of bp. Quite often those who bring 4 cakes are swf and they rush gens so you can't really hold back.
That worst case but clearly more often the high prestiges are competent they can either rush gens or loop okay. For swf you need good players I play sometimes with group which has given even trouble for very good killers like lilith omen even beating him. Even on killer you sometimes don't get much bp if you have off game and face that kind of swf.
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I don't see the logic in completely denying yourself all possible bonus points.
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I don't bring them outside of events. I swear BPS are cursed. I know if I bring one it'll be a particularly bad game so I don't lol