Questions about the upcoming Castlevania chapter

Will there be a new map, Killer and or Survivor? Is the chapter based on the show, book, comics or a specific game?
I'm excited for this chapter.
As far as I know, it's gonna be Killer and Survivor only (I wish there'd be a map though :/), and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be based off the games but I've also heard people say it could be the show version.
Besides that, it's almost 100% certain Dracula will be the killer, and my personal guess is that the survivor will either be Simon or Richter, whichever one is considered more iconic (I genuinely don't know tbh).
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It's based on the games, they are working with Konami
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Unfortunately no map. Extreme missed opportunity for a castle map. Whatever other new map is being worked on is probably less interesting a concept than a castle could be.
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The only information we have is the Roadmap:
And this only mentions a Killer and a Survivor, no mention of a Map.
There is no information if it is based on the Show or the Games.
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Damn it, I want Trevor... If he gets into DBD I might actually start playing someone other than Jeff.
I would definitely prefer show over the game. Mainly because I didn't even know there is a game.
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I only guessed Simon/Richter because they're the ones in Smash Bros tbh, but I fr have no idea.
That said, as cool as the show version would be, I think the game is gonna be the foundation (mostly because someone earlier mentioned Konami was involved). Plus, the games are supposed to be pretty foundational for video games as a whole (I probably need to play them sometime).
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I was so hyped about it... I thought it's about show, my mistake.
Well, it might still be good chapter. We will see.
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There is no information if it is based on the Show or the Games.
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I stand corrected.
Sadly I dont have the time to watch every interview that pops up somewhere.
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I think he time-stamped a specific part of the video?
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Yeah, but I meant that I did not have the information before, I did not know that this interview existed.
My latest information was a thread in the forums of people discussing if the Chapter is based on the show or the games.
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there is still a chance we get a map.
They could give us instead a map variant for example.
They did the same with skull merchant back then and didnt include that in the roadmap if i recall correctly.
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In theory yes.
But with Skull Merchant it was a bit different, because they just changed an already existing map, they did not add a new one in an already existing Realm (like they did with Vecna or Unknown).
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That's fair. I don't remember there being a new map on the roadmap with SM either, but they did hint at the changes during the usual teaser week. So who knows, maybe we will see a change. We'll just have to wait and see.
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The games are so good. I play Castlevania 1 literally every single day for like 10-15 min. I’ve beaten it before but usually I get stuck on stage 12. It’s so good. Great music, great gameplay, great story and great enemies.
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I'm hoping at the very least we hear the main theme we all know in the lobby.
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Yeah I've heard nothing but good about them, and like I said, I know they're pretty historically important to gaming as a whole. But I just haven't gotten a chance I guess.
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If you can only play a single one, play Symphony of the Night for the Playstation 1, as it has had the most impact on gaming by refining the genre of "open-world platforming action-adventure game with character progression" games, and did it so well that now everyone calls them "Metroidvanias" because Metroid and Castlevania did them best and defined them.
This has led to the original Castlevania games, which were linear action platformers, to be mostly overlooked, but they're still solid games themselves.
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People say it could be a new map cause skull merchant chapter said no map but technically has a new map. Which castlevania could be in a old realm