Camping solutions
I know this is not a new issue, but now I'm just here with ideas (Probably, not new 😂).
I simply propose an increase of struggling phases time (like
) if the killer is around, like 5m or so. (with some grace period oc). This way we don't affect anyone, but we avoid a really boring, annoying and unsportsmanlike "game style". Like basement camping leatherface, or bubbas. But we are still leaving the strategy as a last resource or just for annoying survs. 😇
Another alternative, to not drag out the length of the match may be a tiny bust for the rest of survs on gens, maybe a 4%. This way those killers won't get another hook after 'playing' this bad, and ruining the game for anyone.
You might think this is old, but I still encounter with these killers now and then and they just rip out the fun of the game, when this could be easily patched.
For pro-camping killers:
If you think "this doesnt happens bc I dont do it" you're mistaken, There are lots of killers doing it, we cant expect them all to follow your moral rules.
If you think is ok bc survs will repair, thats just heavily dependant on all other survs not doing rescues, (not playing) and just repairing (boring, again), and even so, the killer may have time to get another survs before they power the gates. And all of this if the surv doesn't let himself die (another known issue of the game) bc killer will get 4 kills for playing like sh*t.
If you got another ideas, feel free to discuss. 😁
You've already been given:
- Perks to handle this
- Basekit Borrowed Time
- Basekit Anti-Camp mechanic
- Anti-Camp mechanic
- No longer able to insta-grab survivors who are trying to rescue
- An exorbitant amount of time on hook to move from one hook state to the next (enough time between states for single survivors to finish a gen if a killer wastes time)
If this isn't enough, with all due respect, please try a different game.Sometimes one player just might have to die while the other survivors finish gens as a killer stupidly camps you. They can choose to finish gens and put the killer into a dilemma - "do i keep waiting here for them to rescue, or are they finishing gens?…damn ive been here so long now and he's almost dead but if i run now and leave him i may have lost all that time on hook camping just to have the survivor rescued?"
Sometimes it's a good AND PERFECTLY VIABLE AND ACCEPTABLE strategy to camp if you have altruistic survivors who think they are smarter than the killer and can be lured into injuries while trying to save.These are all intentional mechanics of the game, and just a part of the trade-offs and risks of any game theory/prisoner dilemma-like decisions that should be in any time limited game.
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Since this comes up every. Single. time… there is no "anti camp" mechanic.
It's anti-FACE camping. Killers can, and easily do, proxy camp with no issues.
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It doesn't need to come up. There's no reason to make this distinction or even argue it postively in any possible way for anyone but the survivor.
Anti-face camp makes it easier for survivors. There is NO benefit to the killer for this. None whatsoever. It's all a bonus for the survivor, even if you somehow argue it's easy to proxy camp with no issues. It's way easier for a killer to camp as close or as far as they want depending on the strategy.
Since you are bringing up things that "come up every. Single. time", tunneling and camping are completely reasonable strategies to a game where people have to make quick decisions, and wasting too much time camping while others do gens or tunneling the wrong person can cost a killer the game just as much as benefit them. They just can't keep making it easier for you.
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OP idea is 5 meters range, so it's exactly same thing, no?
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Its as I've began to say and really have been saying. Can't just continue to add more and more layers of tape to something.