Need 2v8 clarification

so 2v8 is coming soon which ofc I’m excited about but I need to know, are you only able to play the 8 survivors that are there or can you play any survivor but just with different classes?
I seriously need to know this because if I can’t play ANY of my favorite survivors I’m fr just gonna not bother even touching survivor for the duration of the 2v8 until you add in at least Yun-Jin 😭and if no license survivors are available then…
They went out of their way to say that the killer pool was going to be limited, but they didn't say the same thing about survivors. While possible, it would strike me as weird if they didn't lump them together. Their communication hasn't always been the best, but it would be weird if they came out and said 'oh, when we said killers, we meant killers and survivors'.
Also given that survivors are all the same no reason there's no practical reason to limit the survivor pool.
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unless they lock the class system behind the corresponding survivor, in which case I’ll hate it just for the fact we only have the 8 we got :/
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I believe you can only play as those 8 Survivors - the originals plus Mikaela, for some reason.
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oh okay guess I’ll be disregarding the survivor side of it 💀 that’s so boring omg why do they want this mode to fail so bad
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If that’s true, then damn, poor Ace. Released before Feng, David, and Mikaela and yet isn’t part of the original survivor group.
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Ace I sort of get, since Hag isn't included so I don't see why he should be. But Doctor isn't included - it's the OG 3 + 2 free chapters - so Feng I don't understand. And then there's Mikaela, who's just there for the vibes I guess?
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They said each survivor will have their own class right?
It can be Dwight who gives buff aura to others, Meg is a runner, Jake is a sabo, Claudette is a healer. Each of them seems to have their own unique role. May be Fengmin is a gen-ner. David is a tanker, Nea not so sure, perhaps she's about items. And Mika is a totem seeker.
Just my guess. Mika is the first survivor to have a role around totems.
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My guess for Mikaela is that she is the only original solo survivor so they don't need a killer counter part to go with her.
Which is why I think it is sad Ace was skipped over since he came first but they obviously just chose Feng because it's Feng.
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Nea is more of a stealth/evasion killer. Her perks want her to focus on gens and evade the killer, using stealth like crouching and silent drops from heights. Streetwise let's her use toolboxes more efficiently.
I do wonder what perk loadouts they will choose, since I doubt they will give David No Mither. Imagine if they didn't do perks at all, but added actual stat differences between survivors.
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Thats what I believe they're leaning into. Their 2v8 mode seems VERY similar to Identity V's 2v8 mode so I believe they will probably do something similar that IDV does with their survivors
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Would be more effort to lock the classes to specific survivors rather than just have a general class system for anyone. I think you are fine.
I sure hope we get to play more than just the fiew killers in future iterations of this event..0 -
Survivors are just skins so I doubt that some would be locked
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Wow I didn’t know that! Also for some reason I always forget Ace isn’t a licence character lol
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Davd released with Huntress in Chapter 2, Lullaby in the Dark. Ace got released in chapter 3, Of Flesh and Mud.
EDIT: nevermind I forgot that technically Halloween was the second DLC released, and Huntress came in the Anniversary. I knew Hag was chapter 3, oopsie.
I do agree that Ace definitely has more right to be in the mode than Mikaela does.
Post edited by ExcelSword on1 -
Yeah Huntress was Chapter 5, so the 8th killer overall. Nurse, Myers, Hag, and Doctor came first.
It should’ve been Ace and then it would have been the first 8 original survivors.
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Doctor wasn't a free killer across all platforms back in the day, so maybe that has something to do with it? 🤔
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For a mode that was highly requested, it seems to me this first version of 2v8 will have way too many restrictions to be actually enjoyable.
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Well the only restriction I can see that might be annoying is that billys saw doesn't instant down but it is hard to make killers play nice together, if you have ever done the multiple killers bug in custom games back in the day you would know that some killers together just wreck havok on the games code and don't function properly. Can't imagine trying to make every combination work off the bat it would take another year at least.
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if you have ever done the multiple killers bug in custom games back in the day you would know that some killers together just wreck havok on the games code and don't function properly.
Not a custom game, but an actual match. Randomly happened once, my Freddy and another Billy. Surprisingly, everything functioned properly. Those survivors had no chance.
Anyway, maybe they should have released this mode only when everything is available. Because 5 killers and 8 survivors when both have more than 30 in total? It is underwhelming.
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Can't please everyone, if being limited in survivor choice is a downside you are just looking for complaints at that point because survivors are basically cosmetics
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what I dont get is why they didn't just use all the characters.... so lame