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Are you guys excited for Lara Croft?

Member Posts: 2,986

Leon Kennedy and Lara Croft are my two favorite game characters, so I'm super excited for Lara to be added to DBD! Are you all excited as well? Will you be buying her upon release?

I've had Auric Cells ready for a while, and I will most likely buy more Auric Cells to purchase all the cosmetics for her. ๐Ÿ˜…

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  • Member Posts: 355

    I'm not gonna buy her cosmetics, 'cause it's way too expensive in my country, but I will gladly main her

  • Member Posts: 6,150

    Not excited no, because I find her perks disappointing and two are just time wasters. Solo queue is gonna be rough even more so for the next couple weeks with people messing with chests and every killer using WA + Franklin's. So yeah, not excited.

  • Member Posts: 374

    I am and even more so for her cosmetic, seems very tribal and I love that aesthetic.

    Thinking I'm going to main Lara for sure.

  • Member Posts: 1,064

    Absolutely going to be another p100 of mine, I have 3 million bloodpoints ready for her, can't wait to get her perks and new cosmetics!

  • Member Posts: 2,217

    Yes very excited. Itโ€™s always an exciting time when a new character joins the roster.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    imma be honest I forgot the chapter was even coming out

  • Member Posts: 16,698

    No. Not really Horror, bad Perks. I will bring her to P9 and then never touch her again.

  • Member Posts: 223

    What i like is she looks great but im also afraid of future dlcs for survivors

    Sable was the first survivor to bring bnps as a perk and laura also brought bnp perk. Im afraid the more survivor perks that included bnp into perks is prob gonna lead a bad path. Even if they arent strong its gonna be bad in the future

  • Member Posts: 2,371

    finesse look strong so yeah I gotta buy her. I would buy any killer/survivor who come out just for the perks alone.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Very much! 2013 Lara was one my long-time requested characters, so I'm thrilled that we're finally getting her. Shame that her perks are so awful, but since I ended up not buying on Ripley, I feel obliged to buy at least one of the characters that I've spent years asking for. Plus, I need someone new to P100, so the timing is perfect.

  • Member Posts: 2,505

    Meh. She doesn't move the needle for me. I'm more concerned with what comes next.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Not really. I mean I like Lara Croft, but she's way down the list of character's I'd like to see in this game. Besides that, they went with one of her most unappealing designs. This version of Lara is absolutely nothing like the original Lara.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Alan's perks can create fun combos with others, flashlight & skillcheck. I dont find it on Lara's. Im not going to get her. Horror or not, I dont really care on that part.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Finesse is the perk I'm most interested in. It was enjoyable on the PTB when combined with other perks.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont do well in chase so perks like MFT and Finesse that only work if I can squeeze everything possible mid chase to get a value, dont work well on me.

    Juke perks like cut loose, QnQ, Dance is more preferable.

    Hardened may be funny against Doctor but half Doctor are bots and afk.

  • Member Posts: 3,399

    Iโ€™m excited! Big Lara Croft fan ๐Ÿ˜

    Iโ€™m also excited about my singularity ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

  • Member Posts: 4,667

    I'm happy for you!!!

    It's amazing when ones favourite character becomes playable.

    Sadly I don't have a lot of experience with Lara or Tomb raider besides watching the games on YouTube.

    I really hope that Lara could be a sort starting point for other IPs to join dbd.

    Bioshock and the Souls series are the two I would lose my mind over.

    I'm gonna get her because my inner completionist needs to have all characters.

  • Member Posts: 761

    No and neither to 2v8 mode. I want to know about crossprogression and BHVR dont say nothing about it.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    No but inevitably I will buy her as I do every DLC this game releases.

    More keen on the game mode as the game is feeling very stale again for me so it will be nice to have something different

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Nope, not interested and I played all her recent trilogy games few years back and I like the character but I am just not interested in 4646th Survivor with another 46461th perk that I will not use 99% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,263

    I'm only getting her because I'm a filthy completionist who can't stand not having everything unlocked. But that's about it.

    While she fits as a character just fine, I'm not excited by the departure from horror we've been taking for the past year. First it was Nick Cage (I will forever stand by the fact that real people have NO PLACE in games like this, even if he came with two of my favorite perks), then it was D&D (even though it's my favorite chapter in a long while, if they weren't going to try bringing Ravenloft into this, they shouldn't have bothered), and now Tomb Raider (some spooky scenes doesn't suddenly make it a horror series).

  • Member Posts: 3,095
    edited July 2024

    I mean let's be real, with how people are asking for non-horror characters from non-horror IPs like Homelander from The Boys, Velociraptor from Jurassic Park, Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat, Glados from Portal, Jacket from Hotline Miami or Carnage from Spiderman, it was inevitable for DBD to deviate from horror IPs only because a good portion of people want to turn this game's theme into Fortnite 2.0.

    Hell, with the inclusion of Lara Croft, you got people asking for Nathan Drake's inclusion now.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Nope. Claudette is still supreme.
    I wonโ€™t be interested in another survivor until they give Carlos a shirtless cosmetic and/or they introduce Brenda Meeks to the Survivor roster.

  • Member Posts: 1,280

    I share this sentiment. Don't get me wrong, I like Lara Croft. I've played through a handful of the classic games and enjoyed the 2013 reboot. But her inclusion in DbD is very left field IMO.

  • Member Posts: 2,217

    After seeing her in the livestream Iโ€™m even more excited. Bhvr did such a remarkable job on her character model. She looks amazing! Wow I canโ€™t wait to play later today โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜โ˜บ๏ธ

  • Member Posts: 3,256

    The only horror is survivor horror. Let just add characters that survive the worst things possible.

  • Member Posts: 3,256

    Definitely a cash grab

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    This. 'Horror elements' doesn't really mean anything. Like, you can say that zombies are a horror element. But there's a difference if your characters are struggling for their lives against a zombie outbreak or if they're blasting away at zombies a la Doomguy. Resident Evil is a horror game despite giving the characters all kinds of guns and explosives because those weapons aren't enough, because they have to ration those weapons carefully, because the gameplay is laden with scares and ambient horror and chase sequences. [Prototype] is another game with zombies and bio-engineered diseases and government conspiracies, but it's not a horror game, it's a power fantasy. Imo, to be considered a horror franchise, the player needs to actually feel vulnerable in gameplay - to not have enough resources to deal with their enemies, to have to run or hide instead of fight back. There's plenty of different ways to do horror, but the game design should make you feel trepidation when entering a new area or situation for the first time.

    The Tomb Raider reboot has a lot more actual horror sequences in its gameplay than the originals, though, so I will give it that. It's not a license I would have picked, but it's not the weirdest choice they could have made (or have already madeโ€ฆ looking at you, Cageman.) I am a bit concerned with the shift in expectations it's created, though - suddenly I'm seeing people ask for survivors from all kinds of action properties. Metal Gear, Fallout, etc.

  • Member Posts: 355

    You know what, I changed my mind I will get the retro and the one casual from rise

  • Member Posts: 374

    A bit sad the survivalist outfit is linked the wraith head would have gone so hard with the rest of the outfit but outside of that I can comfortably say this is easily my favorite survivor release DBD has ever done.

  • Member Posts: 1,263

    I mean, of those, Jurassic Park is at least horror adjacent, which I think does fit, but yeah. This was unfortunately inevitable (Hell, I can't even say I'm innocent of this, since my current most wanted is a far cry from horror, but it is unfortunate to see this shift when there are still several good horror IPs to go for).

  • Member Posts: 3,095
    edited July 2024

    The problem with Jurassic Park is that it is the least horror adjacent choice we can go for when there are better and more fitting choices to choose from.

    Dino Crisis is a horror game as it is Capcom's Survival Horror spin on Jurassic Park, hell we can even go for an original Dinosaur chapter, both options would be infinitely better than Jurassic Park, however people are going to pick Jurassic Park because of popularity alone.

    Also if you're not happy with the shift in IPs, best thing to do is to not only vote with your wallet, but to also be vocal about it to bhvr.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    What is that disaster of a "retro" outfit? Why does it look nothing like the og Lara outfit??

  • Member Posts: 2,505
    edited July 2024
  • Member Posts: 1,596

    I mean..compared to the Sable outfit that released a couple weeks ago?

  • Member Posts: 3,149
    edited July 2024

    Eh, sort of. Barely, even.

    And the primary issue for me isn't so much that she is being added in and of itself, but all the much stronger fits that were passed over, ostensibly just because Lara is a big name and will bring more money in.

    I don't hate it, it's just a little weird/underwhelming.

  • Member Posts: 3,746

    I guess this is more on Crystal Dynamics side sadly. It is known that they donยดt like that.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Honestly, I have a hard time justifying the purchase of Lara. The character herself is just another skin as far as I'm concerned. Her perks are completely forgettable for me. The only decent perk is the vaulting perk but the cooldown is too long imho. Since I don't care about the skin and I will likely never use her perks there isn't much motivation to buy her.

    The only real selling point is the simple fact that I literally have every character unlocked and to at least prestige 3. I'm something of a completionist so it'll bother me to have one character missing. The only other justification I have to buying her is that I want to support BHVR. I'm not thrilled with all the employees they've been letting go recently. So I'll buy her if only for those two reasons. 5 bucks isn't breaking the bank.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    I could not care less, this may be my 1st chapter I skip since I joined with the twins.

    but I'm always happy to see Others be happy, I look forward to seeing Laras on my team, though!

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