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Do something about the blood point farmers

wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Basically asking for a solution to prevent people from blood point farming during events - and honestly just in general. 8th match in a row where the killer played ghost face or something similar and just followed a survivor around, established communication by either head nodding or crouch spamming to indicate the agreement then those 2 began walking around together throwing pallets, hook farming other players, manipulating the chase mechanic by using the no terror radius feature on sight blocker terrain, etc.

These incentives are making the game obnoxiously unbearable and unhealthy. Would prefer an inverse relationship in blood point earnings or something. Not this dumb everybody gets max points in ophrah fashion nonsense.

Reduce the cost or change the survivors from having access to the blood web or something. Don't care how it's done.

*EDIT JULY 25TH 2024*

Okay so for those that read the main post and nothing else I left a few key details out of the post without realizing it. When I made the post I was irritated and apparently while typing forgot to include specific examples of what I'm referring to. I mentioned the ghost face incident, but failed to outline the key points to the behavior that make it unhealthy.

What I'm referring to is farming without consent from all four survivors as the killer. As someone pointed out - farming is a killer's choice. Not a survivors.

There are three main issues.

  1. Killer is AFK for an entire match
  2. Killer is escorted by willing survivors to unwilling survivors
  3. Survivors AFK until killed if not allowed to farm.

These 3 points are the reason I made this post.

I am a killer main. During the event I was playing survivor and killer both for the event rewards, but also engaged in normal matches post completion of the event tome. This is mostly about when I played as a survivor. This is not exclusively about the event mode. Normal mode was also affected because of the bloodpoints multiplier.

This is not about people playing poorly or having fun doing silly things.

I literally bought nic cage because I enjoy doing silly things. I play the clown and lose matches throwing bottles at people filled with confetti. I have no problem with silly behavior.

Post edited by wydyadoit on


  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    I complain because I dislike it. As a killer I'm in control of the game and can kill the lazy players looking for handouts. If i get rid of someone who's sandbagging the rest of the survivors suffer a 3v1 instead of a 4v1 earlier than intended. That's unfair to them and ruins the competitive fun to those that don't want to engage in point farming.

    As a survivor if my three other allies are feeding the killer pallets, refusing to do gens, and hook farming me while I try to play the game as intended then how is that fair to me? It's not. It's straight up griefing.

    The bonus blood points are an incentive to play more matches - not to disrupt the natural gameplay. Working with the killer is supposed to be against the community guidelines as per the report function.

    It's one thing to be in a 4 player pre-made with survivor friends and attempt to court danger with the killer, because if you get a killer that wants to just play the game and not farm then you'll get punished for it straight away.

    But in the games I'm referring to the survivors are not in a 4-player swf and are instead enforcing their wills on players that just want to play the game as intended. Or it's a killer that is idle, but avoiding disconnecting by using a macro or controller modification to remain "active".

    My personal views and experiences aside by definition those actions are reportable in multiple categories. Not that I feel like reporting does anything.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,713

    If you don´t want to goof around sometimes and have "fun" (subjective, i know) then you should maybe search for a SWF group.

    Then you can play super effectively like in tournaments - or just play in tournaments - to be sure, nobody dares to do something crazy or "stupid" in the competetive game you always want to have.

    Again - you can play as you wish but i have a completely different opinion.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I rarely farm from start, but quite often let survivors farm after I "won" unless they annoyed me during the game, or just go afk and let survivor find a hatch.

    Funny is I had few survivors which instead finished all remaining gens solo, it seemed really funny to me, so I let them. One survivor actually finished 4 gens solo, I was wondering why game wasn't ending....

    If they don't want, they can just point at hook and I kill them.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    That's why I made this post and you didn't. Your experience does not disprove my own. your opinion even though in opposition about the harmful effects of this behavior should not automatically dismiss my own.

    I play DbD far less than before, but I still play video games as a whole well beyond my demographic's average to an extreme level. And it has to do in part with my experience relating to these instances.

    I genuinely stopped playing the event or even acknowledging the game because of this experience and because of how it made me feel. It ruined the fun. If players like me are unwanted or unappreciated then of course that holds no issue and good riddance to me - the nuisance.

    I am not making this post to argue with community members about opinions. I simply wanted to express my dissatisfaction to the DbD team that reads these posts in hopes of finding a solution and possibly starting a conversation about the negatives to boosting/farming.

    Clearly I am in contention with the average user on this forum since I have a 3 to 1 opposition not including the upvotes that support the claims.

    That alone gives credibility to my argument that it is an accepted practice and is a lot more common than not. Zero replies came to my defense. At least 15 according to the first reply's upvotes sided against me. So you'll have to excuse me for being skeptical in your attempt to draw an inverse relationship between time played and farming incidents. For one thing - it's straight up illogical.

    My points are clear.

    • It takes away from "my" fun and ruins the game for "me".

    • It's technically against the rules - being catorized as "GRIEFING: INTENTIONAL GAMEPLAY ABUSE / TROLLING", "EXPLOITS", and "UNSPORTSMANLIKE".
    • There are alternative ways to provide rewards for events that don't encourage farming.
  • LizFrizzle
    LizFrizzle Member Posts: 4

    I'm curious why you don't just play the non-event version of the game during events with bloodpoint bonuses. Then you'd be more likely to play against people who care less about farming bp.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    During the events there are universal event bonuses even in the non-event mode. Things like 2x bloodpoints and such.

    I want to get the event rewards like everyone else, but I don't want them handed to me, but that's a different issue.

    The post isn't about the event mode. It's about the blood point farming during the event. Honestly I experienced less blood point farming in the event than in the non-event mode. Both were saturated in my experience, but it was different in each mode.

    In the event mode the killers would try to go for challenges. In the non-event mode killers would just be idle. Survivors would off themselves if they were hooked or leave the match if the killer wasn't keen on farming. If the killer did want to farm, but not all Survivors wanted to the killer would follow the farming survivor around looking for the holdouts - hook farming term out of the game. Depending on the mode the farmers would walk around together completing challenges like throwing pallets and breaking pallets.

    Obviously I can't remember all of the details because it was a month ago.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    SWF doesn't fix the static shock macro docs and the bell dinging wraiths.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,713

    For me it enriches my gameplay and adds to my fun.

    I prefer games where people play or act funny. Like Joker said: Why so Serious??

    And they already said it is not against the rules - it is a grey zone.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,058

    People simply want normal matches, there is nothing wrong with that. Farming can be really boring if your actually in the mood to try and win.

    I personally don't have issues with farming but I can totally understand why people dislike it.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 415

    Well, like they said, go to normal mode then. Events are not for tryhards, are for fun and gaining BP.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Farming is tedious when it keeps happening, but it's so rare to encounter that I welcome it as a breath of fresh air when it happens. It's a nice opportunity to get some difficult archive challenges done or meme and I'd certainly rather have a farm match than get tunneled at 5 gens.

    Also, survivors don't control farming, at all. It's the killer player's choice. If they don't want to farm, they'll just stab you when you ask.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Not really a fan of farming these days but it is also a rare enough occurrence that I don't consider it an issue. Sometimes it can be nice when you have a particularly obnoxious tome quest you are working on.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    I. . . But. . .

    We're reporting people for having silly fun now? Is that how absolutely malicious and gross the community is getting.

    Tunnel is the only way! Flashlight SWF or GTFO! REPORT FUN AT ALL COSTS!

    yikes man.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206
  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    So by silly fun do you mean macroing doc to afk farm and avoid afk penalties?

    Or joining voice chat to escort the killer to other survivors?

    Because if not then we're not talking about the same thing.

    If you think being a spy for the killer or being afk is fun then... idk. Try among us.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    Doc afk macro farm:

    Unsportsmanlike - afk, idling, refusing to engage in normal gameplay

    Escorting killers:

    Intentional Gameplay Abuse/Trolling - Working with the killer.

    The definition is pretty clear. Idk why it would need limits.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    There are ways to force the people into normal gameplay when they are trying to force you into farming.

    Against killers: Just spam vault a window or a pallett, they might be able to ignore it for a while but no killer will let you do this the whole time.

    Against survivors: Well.. Just hook them lol.

    Personally i dont mind farming matches, it depends on my challenges. Some are only possible by farming actually, while others get completely nullified by farming, so if its either one or the other, i get mad or excited about it accordingly.. I doubt you have these farming matches THAT often though. In low mmr its maybe a little higher as there is also alot of smurfs, but it should be hard to differ between just clueless and actually farming players. But on my main high mmr acc, i havent seen farming in ages.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    I don't play well enough to have a high mmr. Plus it doesn't feel like the game's mmr system even tries. It's not like you can't queue up with an ash 5 player as an iridescent 1 player.

    Nothing will force a Macroing doc to chase you. They're not even playing the game. They're watching Netflix and fast vaulting does nothing to them.

    There's nothing you can do about a survivor escorting the killer. Especially if they have bond.

    Hooking a survivor that is afk and chooses to sepuku the 4% isn't enjoyable gameplay and is unfair to the remaining 3 survivors. I prefer to slug these survivors then carry them on my shoulder. It makes it more fair to the remaining 3. Unless I have iron grasp, agitation, legions carry attack perk, and weskers aura reading perk while carrying. Then it becomes an advantage. Either way I keep the survivor from earning BP and they don't get to leave without struggling.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    how many hours do you have even? it wont last forever, getting beyond the limit for low mmr is pretty fast in this game.

    And the grades are not your mmr, your mmr is a hidden number which the devs dont share.

  • Anonyshadow
    Anonyshadow Member Posts: 25

    As a killer player, I generally hunt and 2 hook everyone before I begin a farming session. Then I generally let people go. Gets that action everyone likes early on in the game and then it goes into chill mode afterward. Still I have had some people get B-hurt with that being the result, some people calling me a trash killer for doing that and saying its the only way I could win (Even though they would have been dead on hook with +4 generators still up if I hadn't been nice lol)

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    Idk. It's not as much as I used to think. Someone made that pretty clear once. I still play games well over my demographic's average, but dbd has been around since like 2016 and sometimes you just want to play something else. I come back for the new modes and events. Sometimes I come back for the new dlc.

    My xbox account says 37 days. Like as in 37 days no breaks. I had thought about trying to become a fog whisperer back when that was a thing, but never managed to find my niche nor did I really enjoy the game enough to exclusively stream it. And my audience never grew. So I've settled into just streaming random stuff as a generic streamer to like 2 or 3 viewers.

    My psn account has a few more days to it, but idk.

    I used to grind for iridescent shards and red levels. Now I just complete tomes and collect seasonal rewards.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    oh so you came back after quite a while, yeah you are totally in low mmr. There is a system now putting you at low mmr after inactivity in the game, until you are back where you used to be.

    If you play more actively you will notice your lobbys changeing quite much.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    I just don't feel like I should have to grind to remove the non-sense from my matches. High level has cheaters and low level has griefers.

    To me, it's simple - don't create situations that incite teamwork between killers and survivors. Shorter matches where everyone dies means more rewards for the killer. Longer matches where everyone lives means more rewards for survivors. Inverse rewards means the two teams are in opposition rather than helping one another.

    Cheaters have to be beaten through multisystem encoding with complex cyphers. But that requires a first party game engine and I don't think behavior has that. So 🤷🏻‍♂️.

    Anyway - it's like gta money farms. Inflation kicks in and then here we are begging for iridescent shards during the 2 week event rather than getting them up front. Because people don't care about playing the game they care about free achievements and free bloodpoints so they can show off their level 99 Leon S. Kennedy.

    All that free xp kicks in and people aren't purchasing dlc. They're getting it for free.


    What matters to me most is just the overall health of the gameplay. And if double xp and bloodpoints incentives cause trolling or unsportsmanlike conduct then I don't want it. Would rather have an event cosmetic or daily log-in bonuses than match multipliers - unless there's a direct inverse relationship to the earnings on both team. If survivors get 50000 and killers get 50000 by the end of the game then people are going to maximize that 50000. But if only one side can get 50000 and the other gets 0 then they'll have to meet in the middle at 25000 and no one is going to want to do that because of greed. So the tug of war should happen naturally.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    @Jim_Tonic like imagine if each round instead of building towards maxing out your 8000 blood point accruements for each category you instead had a pot of 50000 blood points - 10000 for each generator. And instead of getting blood points for actions performed survivors only got blood points based on the number of generators completed when they escaped divided among the survivors that escape. And then killers start with 50k blood points and lose 10k for every generator that is completed UNLESS they kill all survivors.

    So you'd get 50k for being the only survivor to escape through the gate or hatch if all 5 gens were repaired.

    You'd get 50k for killing all 4 survivors.

    Survivors that die get nothing except xp.

    Killers that fail to kill any survivors would only get xp.

    Survivors that escape through hatch alone gets 1/5 of the blood points x gen completed by the team if everyone else dies killers keep the rest.

    If all 4 survivors escape through the gate then each player gets 42500

    Killers that disconnect would cause the game to be terminated for zero gain and would flag the killer with a punishment.

    Survivors that leave would just mean more for the remaining survivors.

    You'd instead get XP based on in game actions and would be capped at a max of 500 xp per game. With a completion bonus of 1000 xp. And a bonus for surviving or killing survivors.


    Then leveling xp requirements and bloodpoint fees would be adjusted based on necessity. Might even. Give killers and survivors a pity reward of 1000 bloodpoints or something for completing a match as a loser. Ignore the details. The point is the pot.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 839
    edited July 2024

    As Survivor, I'd much rather have a friendly/farming/memeing Killer than a sweatlord back-to-hook-Andy who tunnels at 5 gens. It's a welcome reprieve of the toxic stress-inducing gameplay that is "normal" DBD half the time. The game actually feels like a game instead of a battle ending with slurs.

    As Killer I have simple rules;

    I do my utmost to 8-hook before getting kills (sometimes I lose track of hook states sorry). This is both to challenge myself and reduce the chances of slurs being thrown my way because someone spent more time in queue than in game. Maximizing playtime, exp and BP for everyone.

    If a Survivor goes next on first hook at 4-5 gens, I will 2-hook the remaining ones and then turn friendly (farming pallet stuns & breaks etc.).

    If a Survivor DCs at 4-5 gens, I will kill the bot (for BP purposes and because I assume the bot has no bearing on mmr) but 2-hooking everyone else then turning friendly.

    Those last 2 are because nobody deserves a short game and near-guaranteed loss because one person couldn't handle going down early/didn't like the Killer I'm playing/had to go for irl reasons. Everyone gets a full game and good BP gain.

    However I won't target a specific Survivor when someone asks and won't afk, it's boring and a waste of time.

    From my experience, Survivors almost always appreciate friendly/merciful Killers and are much more likely to send "gg" instead of "unalive" in post-game chat (there's a few bad apples out there that will be mocking anyway but they need to feel good about themselves somehow).

    I don't approve of Killers teaming up against a specific Survivor, but I like Killers that treat the game as a game and not an episode of Squid Games even if there's 3 bots.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    when i play i just try to play. i don't try to worry about the other players. i focus on my tasks - generators, totems, gates, hatches. i go for the closest enemy. i'm not interested in the meta game bs that people (particularly streamers) tend to whine about. sometimes i go for tome challenges and dailies, but at the end of the day i'm just trying to either escape or kill.

    if a player sucks at running away or hiding that's not my fault. i suck at survivor too. 💁🏻‍♂️

    i'm reminded of a video i saw where the killer gets annoyed at how pathetic the attempts to hide are and so he says okay i'll close my eyes and count. so run away.

    people let themselves get too bent out of shape over losing. there's no reason to cry because of losing if the game was lost the way the game is designed and no one cheated. it's like seeing a weirdo throw a chair at an fgc tournament. completely unacceptable. take the loss and move on.

    but teaming with killers and being afk is not the way the game was designed.

    anyway - thanks for posting your opinion.