Cross Progression Switch L

Hex_this Member Posts: 96

From what I gather, DLC stuff will not transfer from switch, this means I'll own all my outfits but not the characters, unsure if this includes non licensed characters.

I was really really looking forward to having three years worth of stuff back but yk.

Any clarification on this would be appreciated, thanks.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,678

    This is the image from the Stream.

    What kind of clarification do you need? You have everything you played for, but you need to rebuy the characters. Thats basically it.

  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    Yeah this is more of a "Nintendo wants more money" thing than anything.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013

    I'm quite surprised in dbd's case but on the other hand this is usual for other games with switch cross progression.

    I thought switch may get full support because for like 4 years switch was the only one confirmed to be getting cross progression before they confirmed all consoles at the anniversary stream with limitations so i thought maybe playstation would be limited not switch.

    Very unfortunate but definitely better than nothing.

  • MikeyMyers666
    MikeyMyers666 Member Posts: 54

    While I'm sure it's primarily a Nintendo issue, BHVR could offer a discount on Auric Cells or do something similar for Switch players. Many of us have bought a lot of characters on Switch and we shouldn't be the only ones to have to pay full price again.

    I'm also curious as to whether cross progression could happen to the Switch 2 when it comes out next year.

  • Hex_this
    Hex_this Member Posts: 96

    Sadly I owned every survivor up to Alan Wake on Switch, even with a discount I just don't have the money to re-buy all of that yk :( hopefully a future update allows switch players to get everything back

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    Back when I bought the game on Switch, BHVR had been saying 'Cross-progression about to be on Switch. All your DLC will be available to you across platforms."

    I bought the game based on that information. I bought DLC based on that information. Now, everyone else gets that benefit except Switch.

    I'm ######### pissed. Given that they sold the Switch version with that promise, this feels actionable.

  • Hex_this
    Hex_this Member Posts: 96

    Honestly my friend got me dbd as a gift and switch was the only console I owned at the time, dbd on it was janky and messy but I loved the game, got invested, spent money. Now I own a smoother running console and hoped I'd have my stuff back, sadly not.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    So, basically Nintendo doesn't want their players to—- SWITCH?

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I'm quite surprised because I figured the main culprit causing Cross Progression to be delayed for so long would have been Sony or Microsoft, but it looks like Nintendo are the ones who don't play nicely.

    Yes BHVR probably shouldn't have promised as much as they did when first announcing Cross Progression originally, but it's firmly the fault of Nintendo for not allowing the DLC you paid them for to work on other platforms.

  • Hex_this
    Hex_this Member Posts: 96

    Yeah as far as I know they promoted switch originally as first to get cross progression like 4 years ago and now here we are, switch being the only ones missing out :(((

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637
    edited July 2024

    i feel like this is the story for many Nintendo switch players. I knew nothing about DBD but my friend in Japan played it on switch and bought it for me when I was there. I still remember when I was a potato Dwight and got killed every game but could laugh playing with my friend.

    im still a potato who gets killed every match but now I’m a potato with cosmetics! 🥔✨

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637
    edited July 2024

    LMAO thank you - we need all the humour we can get during these sad times!

    NINTENDON’T Switch!

    …I’ll see myself out too

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637

    Also I’ll just add I feel joy at seeing Nintendo switch DBD players on the forum! I always thought that there were only 5 switch DBD players in the world..

    …but I see there are actually 6!

  • charmless
    charmless Member Posts: 24

    I always expected it would be Nintendo. Especially considering what they did.

  • Hex_this
    Hex_this Member Posts: 96

    I swapped to ps5 but I miss all my stuff 😭 I only got ps5 for bg3 but I didn't plan on swapping what I played dbd on until my joycons got soooo janky

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637

    lol I wonder if there are ANY Nintendo switch players who haven’t had to swap joy cons at least once or had to get 3rd party controllers 😅

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    I'm just confused about the asterisk note: "*But players can share from other platforms to Switch."  What does that mean if we have to buy the DLC's all over again?  What exactly can we share from other platforms to Switch?

  • Hex_this
    Hex_this Member Posts: 96

    So if I'm correct with it

    Characters from my Switch won't be on my PS5

    But my characters that I bought on my PS5 will be available on my switch

    So for me personally all characters to Ellen will be on my switch only however Alan and onwards which are on my PS5 will be playable on my switch even though I didn't own them on there originally

  • Hex_this
    Hex_this Member Posts: 96

    I truly thought it would have been other way around, so stuff you already own will transfer but things you didn't already own on switch didn't so you'd buy it on their console, unsure why it isn't like that ngl

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,117