Wait is knights guard cooldown supposed to be shared????
After using a guard theres a 15s ish cooldown before you can use another one? I though he was supposed to be like vecna with individual cooldowns for each guard? Not shared amongst all 3 of them????
Please tell me this is a bug, this is such a huge nerf to his viability and how fun he is.
EDIT: For clarity, if you send out a guard to hunt, and they hit the survivor/outrun it/get banner etc anything to make them return, you cannot send out ANY other guard for the next 15s. This used to be 3s before the update.
Do you know how broken it would be if he could spawn 3 guards at once….
10 -
Not really if any active guard gets canceled whenever you summon new one.
That's how it was on PTB and it was amazing. Sadly they keep only negative bugs.
29 -
No, as in after you summon a guard and he returns to you, he cannot use another for the next 15s*.
Before the update, the cooldown was only 3s.
His cooldowns are supposed to be split, not universal.
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This was one of the best "bugs" of the PTB IMO. It felt so smooth, along with the ability to remotely cancel a guard.
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This has to be a bug, right? I just played a game as Knight on the new patch and while I had another guard chasing, toggled to another guard and it didnt have a CD indicator but was not summonable. So although I wish they would reintroduce the PTB "bug" of individual timers and there is definitely a visual bug if they are supposed to be similar to the old version of Knight.
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Oh good, that wasn't in the PTB either.
Fun times for Knight. Already made one angry enough to slug everyone out of frustration because he spammed Jailer and I could juke it with a dropped pallet even during chase.
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I feel like they increased the cooldown quite a bit. It feels bad.
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Yeah for some reason the cooldown feels very long.
7 -
That cooldown change is so bad. The way it worked on the PTB was the way it should work. Having 1 global cooldown for all guards just encourages using the same guard over and over (since the cooldown for using the same guard is shorter than PTB) but makes him feel way more clunky at the same time (since the cooldown for using a guard at all is longer than it was before).
17 -
Guards shouldn't share the same cooldown
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Played a game of Knight and I used only Jailor. No one else. Ran CtA + reduced jailor cooldown. Very good design thank you BHVR.
I p100ed knight, I didn't p100 Jailor. I kinda wanna use other parts of his power.
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Having the guards share the same cooldown/having the cooldown be as long as it is was a poor decision and hopefully BHVR are willing to keep looking at this and adjusting it in the near future and not 8 months from now. Playing without access to your power for a substantial time turns them into a M1 killer. Not only is it boring to play, it is even boring to watch, even watching Knight mains playing it is painful watching them waiting for cooldowns to reset.
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they shouldn't be individual. they should ALL BE 3 seconds LIKE IT WAS BEFORE. the change is suppose give me ability cycle guards. this cooldown on guards is unwarranted and is shadow nerf.
it like BVHR can't buff killers. Just give me ability to cycle guards. don't nerf my cooldown to 300%-400% in process.
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I'm guessing this was to address that PTB bug where Knight could send out another Guard and the first one if active just disappears.
Meanwhile window faking throwing off Guard AI becomes a feature lol.
Can't make this up
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Erm ackshually this is a buff because he can cycle through guards now 🤓
And map got made half base kit yet its still his best add on if you want to ever consider using assassin or carn for chase.
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We need a Dev/Mod input on this cause #########?
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Making an objectively bad killer and won't even listen to any feedback in slightest, knight is completely dead
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yeah so what. why does he needs harsh negatives to get a buff? lower cooldown is better than cycling guards. these days, I feel like i have a lot less patience with BVHR shenanigan.
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I liked the play of throwing one guard after another, and I think it would be more fun to have individual cooldowns.
Plus, individual cooldowns would make the game more lively, with all guards having their turn. At least for the current Knight, a scene where the carnifex chases after the survivors will never happen.
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He GOT a massive nerf
Yeah, the chase system when you make a long path it's pretty cool, with some tweak about the number from each gard (quicker, break sometime with less times, …)
-Breaking a generator with a guard is always 5% (before the killer get all a buff to 5%, knight was the only one with his guard who make that, after that, it left intouched)
-When a guard chase someone near you, it take five second for the survivor for getting free at full cooldown
-The bug who give the killer the possibility to cancel the guard when invocating another one got ditched (when a lot of people where asking to left that in game)
-You are forced to make a 10 meters path for invocating a guard, so no more short path for pushing the survivor from the loop and wasting no time
-And now, we got a super long cooldown before invocating any guard, who, I find, more long than before
The Knight, got a more punishing nerf than anything else, Hux got him, a good buff, so it's pretty cool for him, and the dev seems to listen more about the feedback for Hux, but seems to ignore everyone who get an opinion of Knight3 -
I literally played 10 games of him last night. Hated every single one. He didn't feel like he could do anything with the shared cooldown. They removed the one bug that made him half decent and he got barely anything in return.
5 -
Run Call to arms and Jailor cooldown, then only use jailor. Reduces the CD to about 12. Jailor is the best in every situation anyway since using carn to break pallets puts you on cooldown, and assassin is useless ever since they added that 3x penalty for being near a guard.
Just make sure you dont misplace a guard, otherwise ur power will be on an abysmal 36s cooldown if he doesnt detect anyone.
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Nah play man with sword and his buddy carnifex, don't use guards to hunt use cooldown + break speed and just use it to break pallets and damage gens (very similar dilemma to mage hand on vecna with enduring)