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Trickester visual bugs

rysm Member Posts: 317

The dangerous visual/lighting bug the trickster was initially disabled for has NOT been fixed.

The brightness and puslating/flashing of the "lines" across the screen continues and is unbearable. I've just finished a match against a trickster with sore eyes and a sore head because of it. I'm not as sensitive to these types of issues as others may be so this issue is very dangerous for some people.

I am on PS5 but I was playing with other people across different platforms and the same issue was occurring for other players in the match.

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  • CelineStilinski
    CelineStilinski Member Posts: 2

    They actually said something on reddit about it : the problem is that people reported the original issue (original video that circulated around) and not THEM going against the bug. The few that did report going against it also didn't send their logs or any screenshot of the perks and add-ons used when they accountered it (even though it is clearly explicited in the bug report template to do so and same thing in the support observer chat, although sharing those is only possible on PC). They don't have anywhere near enough information to reproduce it and fix it because with the fact that it's so rare and unreproducable, the obvious answer to this is that it's on the players' side and not on the game's side (although it might not be the case, they can't check that it's not the case) This is why since the update, they added a photosensitivity warning at the moment you open the game (and not just when you install it the first time). The only way they can fix it is if people actually meeting the bug, like you did, actually send the logs, screenshots and/or different clips of it happening WITH the killer's build and every survivor's too (to know if it's maybe a survivor perk causing it and not actually one of trickster's)

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 317

    I don't know how to access logs on a PS5, I don't take screenshots or videos of my games, fair enough I could have included in my addons, items etc. I only decided to report this after the fact, I was too busy trying not to damage my eyes and get out of the match quickly. I am also aware of everything you've just said but would you rather I say nothing at all? Would you rather I not at least report what I had seen and flag it up?

  • StarstruckFrog
    StarstruckFrog Member Posts: 56

    This is not the same issue. The lines have always flashed on hit, the problem was that the lines/flashing would cover the whole screen. The devs just remade his laceration VFX from scratch with the latest patch with the new engine in mind, so the bug from before shouldn't happen anymore. You should move this post to the feedback section and talk about how the new VFX should be changed to be less distracting.