Im so sick of hopeless games
4-5 hooks at 5 generators, i hate giving up but at that point why even bother playing, eventually the killer will get two kills and now its just a game of hide and seek, praying the killer gets bored and dc’s.
And on the other end is when there will be 2 hooks at 1 generator left, there literally feels like you cant win and just secure a 1k by the most boring means possible.
Why is the game so inbalanced? I feel like theres never games where endgame is actually a threat, or having insane pressure on you at 1 generator, or two;Its always hopeless or a utterly boring win
you can always play for hatch, that's why it exists - so you have motivation to keep going.
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The the boring hide and seek part OP mentioned.
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i feel like they dont know what game they're playing.
The game is balanced pretty fairly and if OP is unlucky with the matchmaking, it's not really the balance issue.
If they want to constantly pull chases and win consistently, they play the wrong queue, because they should be playing in premade instead of with soloq teammates that have randomized iq and skill and who wont be able to keep up with gens or teamwork to give OP chances to prove themselves. Neither would they be guaranteed to hold their ground against killers while OP is repairing generators. Always a dice roll. Assuming they even have skill for winning by chases, of course.
As for killer, I recommend OP either plays with meta perks or without them depending on how good they are with their killer of choice, because this game matchmaking is, yet again, incapable of providing equal matches every game which often leads to one sided games which OP seems to complain about. If they play their signature / good killer with best builds available, they are going to stomp most of their opponents because they naturally would outperform them in 1v1/1v4 and perks would only press that advantage further.
OP can also just play something else if they're so frustrated with the game. As someone who has been in the fog since first days, the game is actually very balanced and enjoyable for the most part.
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It's mostly because every perks are like "if you are winning, you will win more"
People applause for a perk that require skill/effort to work, but if we want to talk about balanced matches, all we should have is something that helps when we are losing, not other way around
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One simple word: SWF
thanks to this feature the game is impossible to balance properly... No matter what, a swf will be ALWAYS stronger than solo survivors.
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this is the peak example of "you excel at what you measure".
people put sign of equality between "you have to earn" and "is healthy" and ended up with a heavy snowballing meta.
perks that "reward for losing" arent usually healthy, but they should be allowed to exist to make matches more volatile and therefore less predictable.
noed, unbreakable, stuff like that is what gives people second chances and allows to keep going even if the match is not looking well for them bc they made a few mistakes that caused loss of control
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I usually get my 8 hooks by 5 gens with the killers I play the most, then I let everyone live :)
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Thing is I don't want to wait for hatch, it's boring. However sometimes the only way I'm getting out is via hatch. So it's either play boring and maybe get hatch or just play normal and die the majority of games :(
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smh I get the impression there's a misunderstanding going on. - Or let's say: when I read OP I didn't read it as "I want long chases and win every time" or "I never win as killer". - I read it as "Why are matches always stomp or be stomped? Why is it always so extreme?" — and it not being fun.
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Thanks for your input, but all you did was roughly describe how i should destroy survivor’s or killers by making sure to run swf and run meta perks.But that is the other half of the same coin i just described… boring win matches.
Also, i never said anything about hating the game or anything about balance, no clue where you got that from
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I also said that you can tune down your builds depending on your experience.
I stopped running meta on singularity/xeno a long time ago because winning almost every match became boring as I was good enough with the killers to play them consistently and efficiently, therefore not needing meta to get wins on regular basis. Which lead to me having more rough matches (even if that's achieved by them being way more survivor favoured) and more enjoyable experience because the games became less one sided.
As survivor you can do the same by playing in SWF with people who can guarantee high skill input and then limiting your builds or by just playing with meta as solo and maximizing your impact in the match. F/E by pulling the first chase and actually winning it, giving your team a very good start.
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Hatch is a bad mechanic. It's motivation to keep going because it's a completely free escape.
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The largest reason for imbalanced matches are auto-fill lobbies. When someone leaves the lobby (because they see 2 med-kits or a P100) then that gap must be filled by the quickest Killer found. That means ANYONE can show up in that slot, be it far more, or far less skilled than the Survivors gathered together for the original Killer.
I think they should implement a soft DC penalty for backing out of lobbies. Every 2-3 lobbies you back out of counts as 1 DC from a match. That way you can still lobby shop once or twice (if you want an Adept and you see 4 event Toolboxes for example), or back out to join your friends (in this game or another) without incurring a penalty.
Hatch is a mediocre mechanic now, OG Hatch was a bad mechanic, Pre-Mikaela Hatch was a good mechanic, and Post-Mikaela Keys with Pre-Mikaela Hatch would be perfect.
Hatch counts as a tie, so whatever side was winning (which is typically Killer) still wins the match, regardless of escape count. It doesn't feel good to have 3 jump out a hatch, but it also doesn't feel good to be tunneled out, so there is counter-balance to incentivize better gameplay for everyone, and to keep any match from becoming hopeless (on the Survivor side).
There should be a similar catch-up mechanic for underperforming Killers, and I've frequently suggested a lesser basekit NOED. That is, if you reach endgame with 0 kills, you get NOED that disables the exposed (but keeps the totem lit and keeps the haste) as long as there is 1 Survivor downed/hooked/dead. Forcing Survivors to play around getting the rescue for the 4E gives both sides a chance of taking what they have, or trying for more, and if the Survs rescue without cleansing NOED, then it reactivates on unhook (until someone gets downed again).
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sure, i'd love to see it reworked into final chase, but we're playing with the cards we're dealt
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But the problem is if you dont run meta; expect to be crushed by meta, i still agree with you that i could always tune down my builds but if we ever encounter a meta nurse or vise versa and i encounter a 4 man swf meta survivors its still probably gonna be a hopeless game.
Albeit these games dont happen often, probably only facing these every three or four matches at high mmr, which isnt bad at all but thats why im discussing it because its still not healthy or fun to go up against, especially if your holding back to give your opponent a chance and they go 110%
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you cant avoid hopeless games entirely, thats just how any pvp game is, especially the one with bad matchmaking and high variability, best you can do in dbd is minimize their amount.
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And yet, I suspect if we remove it, Kill Rates are gonna be pushing 80% if not higher.
But, I do agree it's a bad mechanic.
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I feel like at least on the survivor side its a playststyle issue most of the time. In most games I've had in like recent times one survivor gets immodiately hard tunneled out and after essentially 3 minutes its a 3 vs 1 instead of a 4 vs 1 at which point its a hard stomp. But you also cant really balance the game around that cause it would punish the killers that dont adopt this playstyle and keep it as a 4 vs 1 for longer.
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Yes, my goal here was to minimize the amount of games that lead to this by discussing it 😭 ? Why are we disagreeing?