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Which Killer do you dislike facing the most?

As the title suggests, share which Killer makes your blood boil and leaves you dreading the match. Don’t just mention their name — describe what specific mechanic or aspect about them makes you want to avoid playing against them.

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  • Member Posts: 4,655

    @CountOfTheFog dont you dare...

  • Member Posts: 295
    • Trickster
    • Skull Merchant
    • Twins
  • Member Posts: 67
    1. Skull Merchant, nothing with her mechanics but my soloq team will most likely dc/hook suicide against her.
    2. Legion, hate the mending.
    3. Trapper, literally makes me scared of walking around the map 😭
  • Member Posts: 2,280

    One tries to be a lawnmower. The other is one.

    The first one we dislike because compared to the other 1 shot killers, he's a bit of bull in our opinion.

    The second one is more due to history.

  • Member Posts: 156

    It used to be Skull merchant because other players just gave up, but I think overall (at least with the people I play with in soloQ) people started to have more patience and it has become a more enjoyable killer to play against.

    I think what its more unsuferable to play against is the same couple of perk every game, same with survivors, If you removed 80% perks of the game , no one wont even notice. This talks about how shi**y most of the perks are and how boring the meta is.

    But anyways, Chucky is the one I hate the most, just because how difficult is to see him. Trying to mindgame a chucky player is like that bart picture

    Also the voice lines man, how annoying can that feature be, geez. Makes me want to kill myself on first hook just not to hear him anymore.

    Also N°2, that dash thing he has is really difficult to dodge, most of the times feels like it has little to no counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Legion. There's no killer I like less going against. I don't mind how it feels to play as them, but I hate playing against the mend-fest so much that I can't even play as Legion myself because I feel bad for the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    Pig. I don't really care if she's not super viable and she's just an M1 killer, but her traps encourage tunneling at pretty much every stage of the game. They are quite trivial to cheese extra hook stages or a kill once they're on. A lot of Pig players play like their life depends on it too.

    I generally start playing super safe when I know it's a Pig. My teammates, though, not so much.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Skull Merchant and Pig. The only 2 killers I actively tune out for, but rarely "go next" for, I just stop caring on my end but will continue to play for the team.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    Legion and Wesker.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I don't get this. Almost none of the Pigs I play against tunnel, and it's actually a really poor way to play her (the ones who I do see tunnel almost always lose). The primary benefit of the traps isn't to kill, but to waste the survivor's time. Chasing survs with traps on while letting the others actually advance objectives is just silly.

    I am not a Pig main by any stretch, but I do pretty well with her and I essentially ignore survs with a trap on.

    But as for the topic, I hate facing the usual suspects like SM and Legion for reasons stated, but the one I hate the most is kind of unusual: Wraith. And I'm not sure I can say exactly why, I just hate him, and have for years.

    Trickster used to make the list, but now I see him about as frequently as I do Twins, which is to say essentially never.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    The best way to play Pig is by taking advantage of the fact that Jigsaw Boxes will lure the Survivors out into weird places and then ambush them there. Survivors with active traps especially, as they generally don't heal.

    Fully committing to a chase with a trapped Survivor is a bad idea, but it's REALLY easy to turn one hook into two, or even a kill by taking advantage of this fact.

  • Member Posts: 373

    -Chucky, I can't see him half the time and it makes looping them a chore.

    -Nurse, simply because the don't have to play DBD.

    -Pig, maybe a weird one but I swear every single one runs plaything/pentimento and crouch follows people with traps. So nobody is ever actually doing gens and sometimes people are just forced to die because Pig says so.

  • Member Posts: 2,919


    Go to loop, she sets down the crow, you must leave or die, find another loop, you get hit in the process of running to another area, rinse and repeat. Her gameplay is so monotonous. Zoning characters are some of my least favorite.

    I find the mind game potential with jungle gyms and other structures to be really enjoyable, like “oh is the killer gonna double back. Maybe they’re gonna respect the pallet and I’m gonna keep running” and Artist just deletes all of that entirely by pressing M2.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    honestly ghostface of all the stealth killers in the game his gameplay just feels super cheap to play against and I think I’ve never had a fun match against ghostface

  • Member Posts: 895

    wraith or huntress.

    first is just boring chase while invisible and try to bodyblock / fake leaving power, the second is m2 holding zoning simulator with stupid hitboxes.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited July 2024

    Hag, most of the ones I go against play the annoying basement playstyle where they proxy camp around the shack with 10 million traps in there. It’s just not fun. They also love their Rusty Shackles.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    You seem to misunderstand.

    Pig is the only killer in the game that does NOT want to tunnel. If the pigs you meet do that, they play a lot less efficient than the could.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's the Cenobite for me. Those chains that can slow you down are incredibly annoying. The fact the inputs can get very fidgety around pallets or vaults. It's just not an enjoyable time.

    I still play on though, and I've beaten my fair share of Pinheads, but it doesn't change that feeling of regret when I find out the Cenobite is my potential killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Skull Merchant - Terrible design

    Hag / Pig - Most of them play about the same and are typically boring to play against. However if I had to pick my bias is strongly more against Hag than Pig. Hag just encourages the most boring playstyles unless gimmicky addons are used and it's like BHVR cannot decide what this killer should do. If the more interesting playstyle for this killer is the gimmick addons then make them basekit.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Nurse, Blight and Deathslinger

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Removing lightburn from Wraith just made him be a snoozer

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Plague. Not a balance thing, but really dislike the 'I guess I'm going to lose a health state for doing the objective.' Also taking the question of to heal or not out of the game means no reason to do anything but focus on gens even more.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    In a post Skull Merchant society, I kinda realized she's a chess killer.

  • Member Posts: 264

    Mending simulator (guess which killer)

    and vommy mommy

    havent seen a friendly/fair pinhead either

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    Skully and Knight. I hate w-holding all game, it's so tedious. I want to loop, let me loop 😤

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah I never understand the mentality of someone who plays Pig only to tunnel someone with a headtrap on lol. Why would you waste time chasing the one player who is probably not going to further the gen objective because you put a trap on them lol?!

    That is how I know I am not playing against the smartest cookie

  • Member Posts: 637
    edited July 2024

    I’ve always disliked facing spirits - their incessant breathing makes my blood curdle and sadly the vast majority of spirit players I personally face tend to engage in constant hitting on hooks. Her breathing just makes the game feel sweaty off bat too.

    tricksters unfortunately (for me anyway) tend to be 80% of the time very toxic - slugging and then hitting your slug with knives/hitting on hook.

    the above two may be a bit unfair to single them out as it’s probably not the spirit/trickster players in general but the fact that their abilities allow for enhanced toxicity baked in (knives can be thrown at a slug and hooked person so a toxic player can utilise it).

    Legion is personally one of my disliked killers to face but that is more for my build (I like to use for the people) so being injured or broken a lot kind of negates my build a lot

  • Member Posts: 4,655
    edited July 2024

    You basicly summed it up. Trapped survivors are basicly on your team. They do no gens. Tunneling them is extremely counterproductive.

    Pig is a great killer if you want to NOT tunnel. She rewards it massively with slowdown.

    Camping is another topic. That's sadly a strength of her.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    Chucky or Blight, the hitboxes on their special attacks can be so lenient in their favour that I almost want to stop playing sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 439

    Hag and the Trickster, of course.

    Lisa sets up X traps around the basement / their perimeter, meanning nobody can get out and inside at the same time. That also means refusing to commit to the chases, and so if you get hooked, you are guaranteed to not get out and the same goes for whoever attempts the rescue. This is being combined with Agitation, Save The Best For Last, Hex: No One Escapes Death, and a perk of their choice in most cases. Tends to be something like Corrupt Intervention, so they can manage to get that one fairly early on.

    Ji-Woon has next to no counterplay.
    If you manage to hide behind an obstacle, you are still being outplayed because each of them uses the bouncy knives add-on, meaning they'll simply bounce it off the walls and get you. The fact that you can do nothing while being in an open area makes him very annoying and boring character to face.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Trapper because the next game I spend half the match looking for phantom traps lol.

    I actually don't mind going against any killer. At worst I give an eyeroll for some.

    I more often get annoyed at my teammates because they decided they don't like whatever killer we got so they DC or kill themselves on first hook.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Skull Merchant, Knight, and Legion in the terms of knowing the matche is going to be miserable and boring.

    Dredge is the worst though to actually face because his power gives me a migraine.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Plague is my most hated killer and it's been like this since I started playing dbd. The concept of vomitting and my survivour constantly vomitting on my screen makes me sick in real life

  • Member Posts: 336

    Skull Merchant. So bloody obnoxious it's really not fun

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Its hard to pick just one. I think its a tie between leatherface, legion and the cenobite though about half the roster is not fun to play against depending on their loadout.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Skull Merchant and Dredge

  • Member Posts: 352

    Knight. I would sooner have an entire day of nothing but vs Skull Merchant matches than a single vs Knight match. The only killer I actively go next against.

  • Member Posts: 410

    • SM
  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Skull Merchant and Trickster are my main two.

    SM is just the most obnoxious ever released, her gameplay is extremely boring and especially when your team Dc's every time they see her, playing against her in solo queue will always be a nightmare, I'm very excited for her changes next year.

    Trickster is a worse Huntress but more annoying, depending on some maps it can be very easy to beat him, or there is no counterplay at all, especially when he is right on you and spams his knives, considering he has about 44 of them, along with main event which charges very quickly ever since his buffs, it feels quite irritating to verse.

    If I were to pick a third, it will go to Pig, my main issue with her is that her traps encourage tunneling and guarding the jigsaw boxes a lot, along with crouching and following the survivor with an active trap, it feels like you can do nothing about it besides die from the trap at that point.

  • Member Posts: 119
    edited July 2024

    Nothing makes me hate this game more than facing Leatherface. He's way too strong with very little in the way of drawbacks, and the people who play him, without exception, are always toxic.

    Edit: Add Deathslinger to the list of killers I hate playing against. BS to face, and the people who play him have zero personality. They, like Leatherface mains, take this game way too seriously, and will do every ounce of toxic crap they can to get a 4K.

    Post edited by kosaba11 on
  • Member Posts: 1,245

    facts, I was just about to comment this. And the fact that they can be absolutely horrendous at the game but always secure one to two kills in the end game.

  • Member Posts: 8

    There is a couple tbh.

    Bubba - Mainly due to player base being toxic/sweaty. But overall i feel like the ability to be able to insta-down without working for it like Oni does is unfair and frankly a little unhealthy for the game. (This can be said for Billy as well but at least Billy requires some version of skill)

    Knight/Skull Merchant - Player base just seem to also tunnel due to the oppression capabilities of the killer

    Chucky - He's way too hard to see

    Twins - Again player base. There seems to be a rising trend of Twin players just slugging everyone and using Victor to get hits off while Charlotte sits on the downed person waiting for pick up then instantly downs again.

    Wesker - He's just unfun to verse, player base are all tunnelling/proxy camping. TBH I've started to dodge Weskers during the week because after I've just worked 10 hours I don't want the mental load of it.

    On the flip side though. I love versing: Trappers, Pigs, Huntress, Clowns, Blights, Dredge, Ghostie, Hags and Slingers. (With some exceptions of player bases obviously, but generally 80% of them aren't a toxic player base so its not a bad game). (Honourable mention to Lich too, he is fun to verse but just has too much to base kit imo, compared to people like trapper)

  • Member Posts: 23

    Skull merchant for being boring.

    But when it comes to pure hatred. Playing against spirit comes to mind. I've tried over and over with EVERY tech. Tried being unpredictable with them, predicting where she'll go or do, bringing OFT or iron will, and I still take fat L's from her 90% of the time. She's the one killer I seem to never improve against over the years. And as for playing as her, she's kinda "eh" for me personally.

  • Member Posts: 11,763


    Horrible, unhealthy kit with way too much in it. His somewhat recent nerf made him a bit more bearable, but he is still one of the few killers I'd be happy to never see again.

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