Franklin's and Weave Attunement = Automatic loss of will to try



  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Luckily most killers aren't capable of hitting a survivor at the corner, even billy would have problem with that

    Especially when there is no generators nearby, going into that is massive time waste

    Huge chunk of many deadzone is hardly a problem, 12 meter range is pretty short anyways

    All you need to do is pick up and drop if you want, it's definitely not a threatening perk, especially against killer as they don't have any of the incompetent teammates like survivors do, just pick addons, and drop if needed, that already counters entire perk slots of half

    Also no, "any survivor" is bad because you can abuse that with SWF, it MUST be 8 perk slots, no exception

    There is far too many situations where survivors can work for it too, there is no more than single killer and there is far too many things that can't be stopped, if it's in important position picking it up during hooking is never difficult, if it's not in important position ignoring it is never difficult, the problem is nonexistent

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393

    If you actually believe that we gotta, agree to disagree then, I suppose.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Yes of course, I've always been saying those perks don't have any real strength in ACTUAL matches, where at least three of the survivors are competent

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,064

    The combo is very unhealthy, the problem is that the killer either has infinite aura reading on you, or you give them tons of slowdown by moving the item away when you could be doing generators.

    People say to not bring items, but chances are that the other survivors will, and with the free aura reading randomly giving away your position, it’s like old Object, permanent aura reading, thats why the perk was nerfed in the first place, this combo should get changed as well.

    You can move the item, but you get Oblivious in return for 30 seconds which is a decent amount of time for the killer to sneak up on you if he saw you near the item before you picked it up. So your basically getting punished for countering the perk in the first place, that right there is ridiculously strong in some scenarios.

    In indoor maps, Weave will reveal survivor auras through floors, even if your below or above it, which is busted considering how indoor maps can feel like a maze at points, finding items to move them will feel like a chore.

    Weave needs a full on rework, and Franklins shouldn’t drop items, but instead disables them on hit for a certain amount of time. (The Franklins change wasn’t my idea, but I’m using it here because I fully agree that change would be great, I forgot the name but credit to who came up with the idea).

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    I explained to you what I had said in a previous post and asked you not to make assumptions. It seems to me that you are the one projecting your feelings onto others, whilst not bothering to read what is actually being said. I have nothing more to add because everything you've said in your replies thus far has been off-topic, best of luck gamer.

  • Assassin97
    Assassin97 Member Posts: 35

    It's part of the game and there is counters, I get it in solo queue there is no real way to know unless you get hit, if you want to avoid the aura read, go back and move the item to edge map and yeah you lose most or all of the item but you shouldn't be relying on items that hard anyway, items aren't what makes survivors strong, and quitting isn't gonna fix the issue for anyone, you are ruining the game for others, just stay and suck it up or quit and at least give you team a bot.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't see anything unhealthy about that, as any other perks will also do similar things without any counter at all

  • Ashy__Slashy3
    Ashy__Slashy3 Member Posts: 26

    Doesn't distortion counter the aura? You could take that with you and it'll be permanently dealt with once moved away to a corner. I like to think of it as the same thing as if I was healing a team mate (time wise), no?

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 266
    edited July 2024

    One time? funny, when the rest of your team have no clue i dont wanna spend 3/4 of the trial yeeting stuff in a corner for the sake of a counter, nah thanks

    then again thank god i dont see this combo very often, i guess dying against my will all the time is good for something afterall haha

  • Rawrbot5k
    Rawrbot5k Member Posts: 80

    I did say straight up, i didnt mention add ons. So… if you're going to try and tear down what i said might want to stick to what i said.

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 374

    I don't think you understand how queues work. Survivor queues are long because there's a lot of survivors in game and not enough killers for all of them so basically the exact opposite of what you said.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 478

    Just chiming In here.

    I've been running franklins on every build way before weave became a thing. I do this because for some reason survivors think that their items are the thing that will win them the game and clearly can't play with just 4 meta perks only they have to bring a stacked toolbox or flashlight.

    With the addition of weave its just made franklins have a use more than just removing an item. But here's the thing. If a killer has both perks that's 2 gen regression perks we aren't brining.

    So Many complain about this perk combo and I've had people insta give up against it (fyi do that in my game enjoy a 4 min slug). It's so easy to counter and if you do counter it you just removed half a build from a killer.

    This combo is also only decent on mobility killers for the most part as a lot of the time the aura reading you get is cross map.

    Once you know the killer has it drop your item in the corner and carry on the game as normal. If you truly need the item to either enjoy your game or do well in the match then clearly your mmr is to high and you are boosted at the game because the perks you bring should be all you need

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 653

    so, you suggest to balance this perk for players, that refuse to even try to counter it?

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2024

    I haven't played many matches in the last couple of weeks but I honestly haven't seen the combo at all. Or not nearly as much during the anniversary. Seems like something that capitalized on the anniversary.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    survivor ques are so long right now because of a game breaking bug that can pop multiple gens at once for doing just one gen. Why would anyone wanna play against that? You get 1 gens that due to a bug becomes 1-3 extra gens sounds like an amazing time. Also the behavior you are exhibiting it one of the most cringe worthy in the game. Franklin's/Weave has counters that apparently 98% of the playerbase does not know. Put the items in the map corners. Lightborne is a questionable perk at best to bring in. Sloppy does not counter med-kits in the slightest, the game needs actions/perks to slow gen's down, and toolboxes are still good if you know what your doing with them.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828

    Same, I've seen the combo once since Vecna's release.

    Ultimate weapon was not uncommon in my games though.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Seeing this combo more often now. Was okay with it until it began throwing most games out the window.

    Swf can easily counter this but soloq is oblivious and even when they knw, it can be difficult to find everyones items in thick bush.

    Weave Attunement should deactivate after a while as Bubba has add ons that drop items but don't reduces charges like Franklin's.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    Alternatively, bring Object of Obsession and juice the killer. Suddenly you'll be excited to see Franklins + Weave Attunement.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,175

    My issue with WA is that it’s overstacked. It makes you drop your item , gives you the oblivious status effect when you pick it back up which imo is enough. But it also reveals not only your location but anyone around you too.

    If that were a survivor perk killers abound would be moaning it does too much.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Still order of magnitude better than any other perks because at least you CAN counter the perk, unlike other perks that does not have any counter at all

  • Rawrbot5k
    Rawrbot5k Member Posts: 80

    Yeah all those combos you mentioned have been nerfed into the ground. Also, oh no teabagging? Does that trigger you? Like getting hit on hook over and over? Come on every killer main that trolls the forums knows the truth. The game is killer sided unless the 4 survivors are talking to each other. But then that removes an element to the game. I think voice chat killed true dbd. (turn on proximity chat see how quickly swf's get naturally balanced)