We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Make any swf not to be able to bring a map offering.

They have an advantage of being on comms 98% of the time and before anyone says anything I was a survivor in this scenario. They brought RPD and they were running builds around Datk Theroy and they were running loops around the killer so they went after me and the other survivor because of it. The builds were blood pact, dark theory, vigil and balanced landing and the other had for the people, balanced and power of two. They would run around and heal with a FTP so they would body block them while they are broken in such a loop it was utter Bullshit. The map was used to facilitate this and if the map was rng this could have been harder to pull off and I feel like SWF should have some type of caveat to go with them no map or.hatch offerings if they are going to play like that.


  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 665

    The developers just should either rework or remove map offerings. Yes, SWF can make more use of map offerings because everyone is on the same level and knows which map they will play on. However, facing a map offering for The Game, Badham, Eyerie, or Garden of Joy is not better even when you face a SoloQ. Same on the killerside it just doesn’t make any fun to go to a realm that they chose and have an advantage on

  • TMYK1
    TMYK1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Because solo q survivors don't take advantage of such offerings as much

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    Exactly... Any player, especially survivors, regardless of the soloQ or swf, they can easily give themselves a easy map wide advantage that favors their builds and exploit the strongest survivors sided maps, at any time.

    I know some people would defend map offerings as a means to vote for a map they want to say... complete a specific achievement. But I disagree with that, as majority of the time... the maps they selected do not have those kinds of achievements involved and it because their window of opportunities gives them the most benefits of their looping potionial or it is that one map with the least amount of hooks and increase deadzones so it is perfect Sabotage squad paradise.

    Map Offerings should either be reworked to not give you a 100% guarantee to go to that map specific or simply put.. should be obsolete and be removed from the game.

    Swf don't need a nerf. As they still have have voice come which I'd always will be advantage over SoloQ, and doesnt address the fact that they would always be able to call out killers plan at all times and coordinate gen repair, unhooking, and distracting the killer with a good time consuming chase that is anti productivity in the killer gen patrol.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    I like the idea of map offerings not being a 100% guarantee. It would be good if it was maybe like a 75% chance for a killer and 50% for survivors as they have more people to stack.

    In general though I think the best way to fix map offerings would be to make the Sacrificial Wards be reduced to yellow rarity so they show up more and are not completely drowned out by all the map offerings. That way people who hate the other side picking the map can just run Sacrificial Wards.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    Makes something like this....

    25% chances more likely for Survivors to get their selected map when using a offering, and it stacks if multiple use the same Offering. 50% chance the killer to get their chosen map.

    Map offerings wards gets a buffed, as well as nerf to its rarity to Yellow (to make it common), in which the map offerings get canceled all together, unless you get the unlucky fortune of all 4 Survivors absolutely using a map offerings at once. Maybe a slight killer buff, in which the they can see any survivor using a map offerings before the match is loading and they displayed the map offerings in advance... gives the killer bit of brief small period of time to decide whatever or not, they should be allowed to used a map wards to cancel any problematic map offerings they do not like. Of course, it would not show whom is using map offerings, just that it is being played.

    (Maybe a added nerf to Survivors quick swapping character loadouts, by changing survivors during the pre-match lobby to not do it in the last 15 seconds before loading into the lobby. Killer can't, but survivors can?!? Yeah needs to remove, or allow killers to swap)

    Oh and one last Ward buff... Any wards that are successfully in banning the map realm that the Survivors are trying to pit the killer to go towards... PLEASEE fix the RNG map rotation and make it so that the map that was selected for the map offerings, make certain the ward straight up ban that particular map realm the offering was trying to send you towards. Any maps that were canceled by a Ward, should be straight up remove from the rotation.

    I had a game or two in which I used a Ward to cancel a few predictable SWF bully groups that guess accurate that they were going to send me towards a particular exploitable map.. I was successfully in using the Ward in canceling the map they were trying to send me towards, and then..... BAM... I load into bad rng in the map rotation and got the very map that the Survivors were trying to send me in the first place... Luke as if my Ward had literally no effect whatsoever.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Map offerings should just work opposite to how they currently work.

    As an example:


    • Tremendously reduces the chance to be sent to The Decimated Borgo when burnt.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Are they winning because they are on comms or are they winning because of the map? It seems like we just blame any excuse for losing.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    I would take that or complete remove them from the game... anything that doesn't involve giving yourself over a straightforward map advantage

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,501

    I like this idea. I play solo and don't think I've ever actually used a map offering in all the years I've been playing, but I hate Lerys so would absolutely be down to play that offering if it reduced the chances 😅