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A prime example and the difference between 2016 and 2024

Member Posts: 342


but some players should slowly but surely accept that DBD is not all about chases. I recently had a game in which I was very agile and tactically clever.

I was able to repair at least 3 generators myself and take 3 players off the hook at the same time, including full healing.

It's hard to believe, but that's my style of play. Do Gens, help your buddies and SURVIVE

SURVIVE SURVIVE ...... Does anybody know what that is? SURVIVE ??.....

I think some people don't know.

It's not my job to go into a 1v1 with a killer. Others can do that, but not me, and that kind of playstyle should be accepted. Whether you like it or not.

The endgame chat was a bit surprising for me

me: GG

My Teammates complained about me. I would play with distortion( No, I don't want a debate about this perk ) and hide. I had no right to speak …. crazy or ?

than comes the Killer: My God, you have thousands of hours and not even the balls to go hunting with me ? Running Distortion and hiding all game bla bla.

After that, he got upset again about the number of hours I had spent in the game and then left.

Excuse me? But I survived because I played smart. Few people like that style of play, and that's probably why those people got upset. But that's not my problem

There were no such discussions in 2016. You can take my word for it. What do I want to say with my contribution? Times have changed. Nevertheless, don't let anyone tell you how to play.

Have you also had such experiences? And do you think there is a difference to the past?

Please let me know

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  • Member Posts: 5,786

    Its important to take pressure off teammates, if all you do is gens, hide, don't go for saves, run away after saving instead of taking chase, ect you don't take pressure off your teammates so while you get an easy match they get a 3v1 with 4 survivors alive which never really feels fair. Other teammates deserve breathing room too and being suffocated by the killer because a teammate doesn't take pressure off them or use their hookstates to progress the match as they are doing doesn't feel fair.

    And at the end of the day you can have a surefire way to win by having all 3 teammates die so you can use a key to get hatch or slug out all 4 survivors with a tailored build for solo queue or any other method that ends up with you as top dog after the match. But that doesn't mean you are entitled to be free of any criticism for doing so. Do what you want but expect complaints if its not in others best interests as well or is far outside what is expected from someone with a lot of hours as a survivor teammate (ability to take chase and a good grasp of macrogame).

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    As someone who has been playing this game since 2016, this is literally not a true statement, idk if you are familiar with the term "blendette", this was literally something killers and survivors complained back then. While I do have my opinions regarding inmerse teammates and opponents making the match boring, they are not the point of the discussion.

    The point is this discussions DID exist back then but every dbd player loves to see the old game with nostalgia tinted glasses so they forget this things did exist.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Maybe the game could have reached endgame if you took one or two chases? Knowing macroplay can turn the tide of matches when it comes down to games when the Killer isn't actively tunneling/playing chill. If you have been playing since 2016, you should know this to some extent.

    Since theres no game replay, we can only speculate why your teammates and the Killer called you out.

  • Member Posts: 160

    They are right at some point.. No matter how many Gens you fix, how many unhooks and heals you deliver.. If you keep your hook states for yourself you're a useless and selfish teammate.. Which would be totally fine - if that's your playstyle - but then don't whine about their reactions

  • Member Posts: 638
    edited July 2024

    I can see both sides of the argument and honestly totally understand. I just have never been able to possess the calm and reflexes - DBD is my first PvP so I have never really had a grounding in reflex and quick response gaming. (I’m the type that will lose 5 billion lives and continues when completing a Mario game for example lol). So it isn’t always black and white.

    I tend to avoid direct chases (particularly in early game) because it will mean I will become a liability to my team after I get targeted quickly and require saving - taking them off gens and potentially getting hit and injured in the process of saving me. In mid and end game I’ll do what I must in engaging with killer to take grief off.

    HOWEVER, I do try to compensate for this in several ways - in addition to trying to do gens consistently, I’ll always go for saves and unhooks, trades and downs and taking hits and chases (purely as a means to take grief off a teammate) when the situation requires it whenever I can. I am not able to use flashlights for above stated reasons but my equivalent of a save is ‘For the People’. I don’t care about my survival only with the above - it is essentially about NOT being a liability (or exposing my weakness for killer to target and therefore becoming a hindrance to the team). I’ll be the first one to take hits or go for unhook - my discord friends often post the Mrs Doubtfire ‘I’m on my way dear!’ Meme about me as I’ll always prioritise helping a teammate off hooks above gens).

    In addition, my build is almost completely team centric to further add value for the team in exchange for lack of intentional killer engagement - I use For the People, Boon Exponential, Plot Twist (ok this one is selfish, but means saving someone else’s time in having to heal me) and either Flashbang or a meme perk like mirrored illusion (my one guilty pleasure).

    I really and truly do wish I possessed the ability to be better at chases and other stuff as I could provide better rounded plays but sadly, I just don’t think I possess that latent skil.

    This is however a horror themed game and, like OP has said, different and varied playstyles should be viable - the game invites as much through its perks and items. Someone can assume a role (primarily but not totally of course) as looper, Gen jockey, flash saver, totem and hunt, stealth etc etc but of course with the proviso that we ‘do what we can’ at all times and that includes chases, as short as they may become in my case lol

    I’ll caveat this by saying in solos, when it is clear that I might actually be the more experienced survivor, I do try to take chases and attention of killer to protect my little babies. Sadly, I am the adult that gets swatted lol

    I don’t think anybody should be shamed for playing the way they do unless it’s toxic, overly selfish (I have had countless times people have left me to die on first I hook when ample opportunities to come get me, or not hook-trading when someone and no hook states and I’m on death hook etc) or otherwise totally non-contributory towards team escape, then these will likely earn the ire of teammates.

    Post edited by For_The_People on
  • Member Posts: 357

    I see the point. Survivor players seem to be eager to begin chases when in reality you should be avoiding them. The pount is surviving, not putting yourself in danger often. When I play survivor, my focus tends to be "hide and play safe", I avoid chases, move trying to remain unnoticed through the map. Unhook safely (something a lot of survivors don't tend to do, since they unhook ASAP when the killer isn't very far away, allowing a tunnel) then go to gens. Heartbeat kicks in, I hide or go away.

    But the current survivors seem to want to be chased. Looking for the killer at the start of the match, not hiding even when the terror radius warns them and instead repairing until the last second. It is my oppinion that this reckless behaviour should be punished a little bit more, maybe add a perk to do so, fir instance one that makes survivors be hindered at the start of a chase if they are healthy, meaning in a free hit, unless they spend some time in the terror radius without interacting with generators or totems. Killers should instill some degree of fear and caution, and right now they are a joke (especially with certain bug affecting generators right now)

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2024

    OP is right about the fact that stealth is strong and A LOT of survivors don’t even try to use it.
    But at the same, if your whole team is death hook, the best action is taking some heat for them.

    Except if you have a build for rushing hatch / exit doors.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    Maybe you should try to understand what is the pov from your teammates and killer instead of defending your tactic and think you're not the problem. Playing stealthy and hide is not a problem. However, it is a problem when it hurts your teammates. Like other players already mentioned: If your teammates are dead on hook and you haven't been hooked yet, it is your duty to protect your teammates by either taking the attention of the killer or to take protection hits for your teammates. It doesn't matter if you keep the killer for five seconds or five minutes busy - it is important that the killer doesn't find the doh players. You basically switch the roles with your teammates: you teammates kept the killer busy with chases while you did three generators, now it's your turn to keep the killer busy while your teammates do the last two generators.

    Correct me if I am wrong but according to your explanation it seems like you were the only survivor that espaced while your other teammates died. Try to think about that how your teammates feel when the one that hasn't been hooked espaced but the other three not just because you didn't used your free hookstates to protect your teammates. That is the pov your teammates might have and the reason why they got upset in the endgame chat. They also might face similar situations in other matches that someone espaced with zero hook stages because this person never protected their teammates. I withness these situations too and then I can understand why the developers don't want to improve SoloQ and say SoloQ is full of lonely wolves. Again, not saying your playstyle is completely wrong, but it might misses the improvement of when you have to change the playstyle. The goal for the survivors is to escape but that doesn't only you have to escape. It can also be a win when your teammates escape but you not due to your sacrifice. Lastly, everyone can play how they want the question is rather if this is healthy, fun, and good for the other players.

  • Member Posts: 160

    How I miss blendette, lol. The playstlyle, not the discussions….those were borderline prejudice.

  • Member Posts: 342

    I'm traveling alone (the best exp you can have). Everyone for himself and safety first.

    Being selfish is sometimes a very good thing. If my teammates get caught, is that my problem? No, I don't think so. If I get caught and have a disadvantage, then I'm out of luck.

    I'm not a good looper and to compensate for that weakness I play my own build. As I wrote before, I repair gens and if someone is hooked, I help and heal too. That's pretty much it. Other than that, I focus on surviving and finishing.

    I am under no obligation to participate in a chase. Not for anyone (unless I do a challenge in the rifts, but then I play other builds)and that hookstages are supposed to be like palette revives is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's not always about trading.

    Whether you like it or not but that's the way it works if you play solo

    Wreck everyone and Leave

  • Member Posts: 396

    Need a bit more details:

    How many survivors escaped?

    Did only you survive? If yes, escaped through the gate or hatch?

  • Member Posts: 342

    Nobody is talking about SWF here. If you had read my posts, you would know that I am traveling alone. I am certainly not the reason why Soloq is bad. 🙄

    I survived alone (escape via Exitgate). After there were only two of us left, the other one got caught because he thought he was trolling the killer. (By the way, this is the one who said I had no right to speak in the endgame)

    Crazy or ? I'm not upset about these reactions in the endgame chat. I was just surprised. There were no such discussions back then. Today, everyone thinks you have to play with the killer and if you don't, you get judged for it.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Stealth is obviously extremely strong (it's my go-to tactic) but as you said there is a time and a place.

  • Member Posts: 5

    This is how I use distortion. Early game stealth for repairing, unhooking, etc. and mid-late game chases. I will actively throw myself between a killer and another survivor with more hook states than me after 2-3 gens are done, depending on hook states.

    HOWEVER, the devs are very specific in saying you can work as a team or not. Throwing your fellow survivors to the wolves is scummy, to be sure, but a valid play style in the eyes of BHVR.

    Condoning gross behavior is a priority for them.

  • Member Posts: 448

    peak solo q dbd tbh

  • Member Posts: 3,148

    Yeah, I run distortion all the time, but I will absolutely take chase/aggro when the situation calls for it. I use it primarily to avoid detection right off the bat, and so I can get an idea of what aura perks the killer is running, and use that info to protect not just myself but my teammates.

    You can derive a ton of value from Distortion and engage the killer often.

  • Member Posts: 342

    I'm just trying to make it clear that stealth is very strong and many survivors don't even try to use it because many think that playing with the killer is the most successful. But it's not. No, it's not.
    Are you a good looper? If so, then congratulations.

    You want attention? Then you'll probably get attention. But that's not me. I have other strengths for that. I make gens, I help my comrades, I heal them. Guess what, I even know how to play skillfully to replenish my distortion charges.

    The difference is simply that I survive, and that's all I care about. Call me a rat or whatever, I don't care. I know this style of play is very successful and I know most killers don't like playing against opponents like this, but that's not my problem.

    No, it's not always about action, but about survival.

    If I get caught and die, I'm out of luck. But I can't buy anything if I give everything for the team and get killed myself.

    Oh, maybe a thank you for the help in the endgame chat. No, sorry, I can do without that

    Sometimes it's good to be an egoist and If you die, you lose. It doesn't matter how well you played.

    Think about it

  • Member Posts: 828

    "I survived alone (escape via Exitgate). After there were only two of us left, the other one got caught because he thought he was trolling the killer. (By the way, this is the one who said I had no right to speak in the endgame)"

    Would you want the other person to hide aswell and drag the game out for 30 minutes?

  • Member Posts: 713

    Exactly what I been saying for a very very long time. As a killer the vast majority of my matches I go against loopers that want a chase and when things go tits up and they all die, they rant about how bad I am at the game for tunneling, slugging, camping, using boring builds such as double iri Myers or using noed. They do also complain at their own team mates for not doing gens quick enough or for hiding. It's crazy how many people try to dictate to others how to play the game, what tactics are acceptable and what's not.

    I offer friendly advice to people that I beat by suggesting they don't loop because I play anti loop killers and tombstone Myers. Looping builds my power up on Myers so not a good idea to try it. But that's just my advice, they are free to loop if they wish just as I'm free to tunnel and camp or whatever works and your free to do gens, unhook or use whatever perks you want. I say do what works. That's what I do

  • Member Posts: 342

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