Will OCE Server Matchmaking Be Fixed or Remain in Despair?

Currently you can land on Asian servers when playing from OCE for some reason and get horrible ping discrepencies which makes the game nearly unplayable for both sides.
Many assumed this was a temporary hiccup however this has being going on for months now however and there's been no sign of it being fixed or returning to normal.
Is the dev team currently aware of this issue and is it being fixed? Because its completely ruining the experience of everyone involved, increasing the amount of unfun high ping gameplay or giving up as a result.
From what I've gathered, it's an intentional change that happened at some point around versions 8.0.0 - 8.0.2 and wasn't mentioned in any patch notes I could find, meaning it was silently added (which hopefully means it's a test run to see if people notice and how they react to it instead of it being a permanent change, although this is probably just wishful thinking)
This change combines OCE and SEA regions into the same server pool to "reduce queue times" and "find people with a similar MMR to you more easily".
Now what I've noticed, is that it has neither reduced queue times or found players of similar skill to me. The only things this change has done is increase queue times (for me at least) and increase ping of most players to 150ms+
I'd add links to other forum posts and steam discussions that cover this issue in more detail, but this is my second post and I'm not sure if that's allowed. If it is, I will add them later (maybe)
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Yea the que times are even worse i'd argue now because people just permantly dodge lobbies till they guess they are in a lobby of their own server, its completely unhelpful to the experience of either sea or oce survviors. Has anyone made any comments on this like the devs or anything?
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Also have the devs been made aware that playing as some killers and against some killers on ping is pretty much unplayable? like playing singularity on ping for example is nearly impossible. It seems like a change no-one asked for and no one is enjoying so hopefully it is reverted.
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Yeah, they have been made aware of this on another post
(idk if links are allowed so I'll just do the second best thing I can think of and share the title of the post)
The title of the post I'm talking about is "OCE / SEA Players forced into laggy lobbies."
This post contains a screen shot of an email from a dev responding to a question about the new servers, the devs name is censored which is probably a good thing so they don't get harassed. This post also goes into much more detail than alot of others I could find.
Another post titled "OCE players being put in SEA and EA servers" is actually pending, meaning that they have seen it and are aware of the complaints, though I wouldn't get my hopes up because it's been pending for a while.
We're probably going to have to wait awhile for this to be resolved so i've been using this time to practice curving on Billy in customs against bots.
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The Devs probably know that, because they've probably played a killer that requires precision while having bad ping. Basically everyone has had at least one experience like that so they're probably able to figure out that "bad ping+precise control to use power=unplayable match"
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Thats appalling then that theyd allow such a change to happen if they are aware of that, people are literally getting harrased for being on the wrong server when its not even their fault.