Why do we need to go to level 200????

anything past level 85 of the rift is just blood points I only have one question why????? Seems like a waste to me
Just for the people that quickly get to 85 and want to level some more.
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There were some people complaining that they finish the Rift quickly and then there's nothing to earn and Rift fragment gifts are complete wastes.
Now, there's not literally nothing to earn after level 85. That's all this is for. You're not meant to reach 200.
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To let the number keep going up for longer. But as you said it's just BP, no actual items you unlock so you don't have to get there at all. It just lets you keep getting something even after you're done with everything else.
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they could have just left it alone
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You don't need to do anything. I usually finish the Rift with a week or two to spare, so I won't be hitting 200 under any circumstances. It's simply for the people who finish early and wanna see how far up they can get.
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Why is it such an issue for you?
There is no need at all to go beyond Tier 85, because from that point onwards, it is only BPs.
I finish the Rift usually shortly before Tome Level 3 releases. So that means that all Challenges from Level 3 and Level 4, as well as all Rift Fragment-Login Rewards, all Codes for Rift Fragments and every event which has double Rift Fragments as well as my regular playtime dont count for the Rift. With the change it counts towards the Rift for a few BPs.
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Generally speaking some battle passes out there have it go past the max tier for a lil extra of the games free currency I don’t really see what’s wrong with that?
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Why is this bothering you?
Some people finish the rift sooner rather than later. All the tiers after 85 just give them a slight BP reward for continuing to play and collecting rift fragments.
You said it yourself. There's nothing but BP after tier 85, so it's not like you have to complete all 200 tiers.
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it’s not a big deal I’m just asking
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Why would it be a waste to give free bloodpoints?
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Anything beyond level 85 rewards zero cosmetics and only 5k bloodpoints per level.
It's a "hey, free bloodpoints feature", not a "YOU MUST DO THIS" feature.
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kinda wish these werent 5k, but 10-20k rewards instead.
yeah, we get 115 levels which is 575k bloodpoints, but the amount of grind it would take could honestly land a bigger reward, esp with how many bloodpoint wastes there are.
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There are several people stating it is so people have more to do. They are such an optimistic upbeat lot. The truth is the increase in levels is to get you used to them going past 85. Next Rift you will see the Auric Cells appearing near the end of that two hundred. ;) You see there are people like me, who figured out a LONG time ago that you only ever have to buy ONE Rift. Because you earn Auric Cells back, you can always buy the next Rift with the same Auric cells, as long as you finish the Rift. Most people finish the Rift. This equates to a loss of potential income.
If they suddenly removed the Auric Cells from the Rift there would be a hell of a lot of Rage. So they are going the more insidious route, of getting us used to longer and longer Rifts. They give us the carrot with free BP to keep playing it long after we have finished the only part that had any meaning to us. Then with each additional Rift they will stretch the prizes (and ultimately the Auric Cells) toward the end of that two hundred steps. The goal being that not everyone earn all their Auric Cells back, and have to buy more to buy more Rifts.
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I don‘t get why they didn‘t add shards to the levels after 85. 5k bloodpoints is literally useless :(
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The Devs: doing sometimes nice
People on the forums: why are you doing something nice?!
Aside from the great points others above me have already made, there are also those who buy an x-amount of levels to unlock certain the Rift's Items/Skins faster, so it's nice that there is something still to be earned for everyone involved, even if it is just BP.5 -
Probably so that nobody has the feeling of missing out on something. Personally I would have put BPs in the free Track and a very small amount of Iri Shards in the paid track, but having only BPs is also fine.
At least I see a number going up when playing the game.
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The thing is that I hate to spend bloodpoints and I also don‘t like loosing bloodpoints. This means I have to spend more bloodpoints to not loose them:(
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Because shards are dbd money essentially and they want your real money (auric cells)
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There will be some backlash yes, but by that time people will be used to the longer stretches of Rift and there will be less. That is the whole point of easing us into it, like slowly bringing the water up to boil on a lobster. Or do you believe, out of the goodness of their hearts, that the DEV set aside coding time to redo the Rift infrastructure JUST to give us more Blood Points because they were worried about people finishing them too soon? :)
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This is directly contradicted by the fact that they just put shards into the rift for the first time and they are in the free track.
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I believe that what you are writing is unreasonable and wrong.
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Time will tell. I agree that it MIGHT be wrong, but there is nothing unreasonable about the supposition. The DEV don't do work without reason. Changing the Rift infrastructure takes man hours and has a cost. They can GIVE us Blood Points anytime they want without it requiring labor as they have proved countless times. Nobody was complaining that the Rifts were too short. Most people feel a sense of accomplishment upon finishing them and simply continue with normal gaming.
So what is the motive? It isn't something anyone asked for. It has to be part of a business plan. That is not an unreasonable suggestion. I gave it quite a bit a thought and the only reason from their side to increase the size of the Rift is to try and decrease the number of people who always finish it. And the only way that will increase profits for them is if/when the Auric Cells start happening at the end of the longer Rift, rather than spread out across it.
They jumped it to 200 because they need to see a few Rifts at that number to make the call. They need to know how far along that 200 the average regular (not the crazy die hard) gets before time runs out. Once they know that, they can put the Auric Cells in the right location for them. My supposition is not unreasonable; it is logical. It isn't assuming anything nefarious about the DEV but simply pointing out that they are a business and most regular Players do not have to buy Auric Cells anymore because the one purchase guarantees participation in every single Rift.
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Damn peeps, I am all for a good conspiracy theory, but some of you are really looking for that potential one bad appel in every truckload of good, just so they have something to complain. A lot of other season passes have this basic infinite climb after the main climb with lots of meaningless rewards, just so that peeps can enjoy the climb once they are done.
One here is one thought for OP: you don't HAVE to climb to lvl 200, just take whatever you get out of it as a smol bonus.
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You misunderstand my stance. I'm not complaining about it. I'm making a statement of fact. I'm surprised this didn't happen a long time ago. Behavior isn't our collective Genie. They are a business. They have to find ways to make money. Auric Cells were included in the Rifts originally as an extra carrot because if they were not there, it would require more labor to create even more cosmetics to make the Rift worthwhile. Blood Points aren't much a draw to any of us because it isn't that hard to get Blood Points. Besides, they throw Blood Points at us to fix all sorts of other problems.
The Auric Cells are a problem because it sets them up for an eventual loss of revenue. In short, the Rift provides an endless line of free cosmetics once someone has bought the Rift once. It was a good marketing step at the start, but it is not useful now the game is mature. The problem lies in the fact that once you have given people something, they do get salty when you try to take it away. So we have to be weaned off of it. I could care less about the Rift going longer, but I'm pragmatic about why that is happening. I would prefer, however, that I have the option to turn off the "claim your reward" notification if the Rifts are going to go to 200 now.
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I wish it was all shards or at least a few spots for shards.
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This is a potential fear as well. I was gonna just say that semi-completionists like myself are gonna want to get all the way to 200, even if we really don't feel like playing at that point. Just powering through because we don't want miss out on rewards. It's a good strategy to keep players playing, but it'll also wear some people out and make them want to drop the game altogether.
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Who cares, It doesn't hurt anything, if you finish the pass, you get a bit more BP and progression, It isn't hard to get to level 85 if you play the game consistently, and if you don't then it still doesn't matter.
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I don't get it why this is a problem?
- It's for free track only, so EVERYBODY gets something
- You get your stuff at 82-85 level ad you're done, mission accomplished
- Like many said: their is nothing int he world make you reach level 200! IT's just a little bonus
Personally I like it, even someone who don't get the premium get something. I mostly finish the Rift early, especially since I play double my usually playtime, if their is any XP event for extra Shards. I agree they should add IS for every 10th level, like 100, if they don't want gave us 250 only in the premium - which is also a nice bonus.
What I see it's a busywork, who like unlocking stuff, getting more stuff for do or simply done the Rift soon and all those extra fragments feels a waste or meaningless.
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why not unlimited?
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Well, you options are you level to 85 then that's it, no more, the end.
Or you get to 85 then if you are still playing then you get a few cents every few games or so...
AAs long as they don't make the base rift 200 levels and fill the new space with bloodpoints I am happy. When bloodpoints are in the way of grinding for skins, Then I'll have an issue.
Till then you are blind and your take is bad.
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Because I hit the max level on page 3 easily. Its fun for us.