New rank system is awful.

Don't get pip even with 2 iridiscent 1 bronze and one silver. Evasion emblem is absurd. If killer never chase u easy bronze. So you get punished if killer isn't good. GG I need to test the killer side but survivor side is pretty broken


  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187

    There is no problem. And I don't really notice a difference anyway but I play pretty balanced. Who cares about ranks anyway?

  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187

    I play solo 99% of the time and have done so for the past 4K hours. I still don't see a problem.

  • Jobra
    Jobra Member Posts: 27

    It is awful to play as a killer BTW. The new system just obliterated my motivation.

    The community yelling out "too ez for me!!!!" who never cares about casual players just screwed the game. I'm done with this bullcrap.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    GIT GUD! complain less! DONT CAMP OR TUNNEL! move more and you will see!!!!

  • Ray_Penber
    Ray_Penber Member Posts: 94

    I was actually one of the ones complaining about the previous system. It was to damn easy. As long as you did 2 of 4 emblems you ranked up. It put me in the red ranks as a survivor where I just got stomped on repeatedly by the pro killers there. It was literally too damn difficult for you to even depip unless you did nothing but hide in a corner. I applaud the devs for at least trying to make it fairer even if there are initial problems with it. Hopefully they can fix it a bit more. I just hope we don't go back to the old system, because I will just derank myself so I can stay at the rank I am comfortable with.

  • Loit
    Loit Member Posts: 61

    Somewhere between the old system (too easy) and the new (punishingly difficult)... is the sweet spot.

    Dear Heaven, please let them realize this quickly.

  • Army_Stich
    Army_Stich Member Posts: 16

    If your a killer or survivor and someone DC's there is a good chance everyone I'd going to de pip or safety pip which is terrible. If someone DC's everyone should get the safety pip. Today alone in at least 6 games I played there was a DC and maybe 1 person piped.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Well should you rank up if you destroy a bad killer or bad survivor team?

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Don't give a damn and problem solved

    Play for fun

    Play for BPs

    If you're a killer, play for kills

    If you're a survivor, play to survive

    If you're SWF, play so your friends can survive too

    They don't give peanuts nor cookies at R1 anyway

  • JayAndre
    JayAndre Member Posts: 3

    I agree that the new ranking system is awful, did three gens, two saves, and a small chase, at rank 5 only safety pipped. Why play if every round you safety or depip, especially if you have a bad team or bad killer, or tunneling killer, or camping killer. Its just awful. Def takes the motivation away.

  • GrifterWolf
    GrifterWolf Member Posts: 19

    Agreed I get two iridescents a gold and a silver and still only manage to safety pip, honestly I think the ranking needs to swing the other direction a little bit, it's overtuned that you have to be a perfect survivor to even score a pip. With the current system it is IMPOSSIBLE to run with pugs and make any sort of a rank. I did three rescues on my Laurie for her Aftercare, finished three generators and still didn't pip.

    Other balance issues could stand to be tuned out, such as an audio warning for the Plague's vomit charge and making the one-hit require about 20% more exposure before...erm... exposure. But seriously the ranking system needs to be returned, now it is so hard to gain rank that it's not even worth it to be a Survivor.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Yeah, I don't know how I feel about the new ranking system. It may be too early to tell, but I've had multiple games where I was the person saving everyone and I escaped. On the side, I did a little bit of gen work and a little bit of chase (but probably more stealth) and I didn't pip. I black pipped. I've had so many games that were so close to that gold or iridescent and so close to a pip, but just slightly off so I didn't. I've typically been getting a good amount of BP, though.

  • VoodooTheKiller
    VoodooTheKiller Member Posts: 81

    Killer is pretty ######### up too, i got 3 iridiscents with 1 gold and the gold i had all silvers towards the iridiscents in that specific category(chase category) where i only had a -1% for not chasing enough or being too close to a hook, but just -1% and i got only 1 pip

  • Zeki
    Zeki Member Posts: 1

    today game, 1 gen solo, 2 gens whit other survivor, 3 hook rescues, 9 minutes game, 1 minute of chase = i lost a pip... (this a rank 6 after losing already 1 rank in this system). this rank system is making me think about quiting the game.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Very true. I'd like to add that I feel the new system punishes survivors for being altrusitc at end game.

    If the killer gets no hooks so you just do gens and leave, you get a black pip.

    If they hook one person after the last gen is done, you open the gates, attempt a rescue and bodyblock....if that bodyblock goes wrong, then you get an unsafe unhook and you actually depip from that.

    Without BT or a co-ordinated team its actually beneficial for survivors to not risk it and just leave someone on the hook at the end.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's just absurd. I get they want ranking up to become increasingly difficult, but that's too much, IMO.

  • tizzi717
    tizzi717 Member Posts: 89

    even with killer is absurd. i found noobs survivors easy 4k and progress rank 0 only because the match was so short. about i don't know 3 minutes? more or less. i'm rank 5 withb killer

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Seems good to me. I've ranked both my killer and survivor back up to rank 1 without issues.

    NICPETTY Member Posts: 6

    Yes, they should be in a lower rank and you should be in a higher rank. DUH.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2019

    Its too early to tell truthfully if the new system is good or bad, I used to be a Rank 1 Killer, Im not anymore, Im just waiting for my Rank to stabilize instead of going down.

    You may just too be in a bad rank and need to stabilize at your right rank.

    Lets give it a couple of months.

  • No, you should be just safety pip at least easily if they are that bad.

  • tizzi717
    tizzi717 Member Posts: 89

    If i kill all team with 5 or 4 gens i pretend my pip. Stop dodging the argument

  • captainlongshlong
    captainlongshlong Member Posts: 87

    I hadn’t played DBD since the new killer came out - first game back was today.

    No idea how they’re justifying this ranking system. It is utter dog #########. I just played against a gen rushing SWF group - 3 gens done in about 3 minutes. I then ended up 3king with 2 gens left and the last player got the hatch. Every survivor was hooked twice. Yet I didn’t pip.

    No thanks. I won’t be playing killer again!

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I’m at rank 10 currently (I’ve been at rank one before), and I just feel bad for the rank 15s with whom I’m being matched up. Most can’t even loop properly.

    A big issue I’m not seeing be addressed is that a player can be lethal with some killers and a potato with others. I am at the right rank for my Nurse, slightly too low for my Hillbilly, and far too low for Hag and Myers. It’s not fun for me to play Hag because she’s too easy while it’s unfun to play Nurse because the survivors are too good (not to mention #cornblind).

    If the devs are changing the ranking system to do away with rank reset, then good. However, things such as individual killer ranks and proper matchmaking need to come first.

  • VoodooTheKiller
    VoodooTheKiller Member Posts: 81
    edited March 2019

    3 gens done in 3 minutes? Then all of a sudden the gens stop getting done and you get 2 hooks per survivor so 8 hooks all together, 3 of them die, and the other gets the hatch. Sounds like once you got 1 survivor, you started hookwhoring and taking every chance to not let their team unhook. (camping) which now gives negative points if you are playing like a cheese killer. You must have not been patrolling gens either, just looking for a hook to farm off of.

  • coloradicalman
    coloradicalman Member Posts: 2

    This game has always been buggy, crashes have always been a problem, and there is obviously an issue with match making/pairing the right skill levels of survivors & killers, and Survive with Friends needs to be figured out, and it has always been easier to level up as a survivor than as killer. I am glad that they decided to change, Decisive Strike as it was a little OP, but before the new patch the game used to be fun most of the time. Fun as survivors, and fun as killer.

    But this new update sucks:

    At the high levels it is practically impossible for a group of survivors to level up because everyone needs to do everything.

    Everyone has to do 2.5 gens, everyone needs to do 2.5 safe unhooks, everyone needs to win multiple chases against the killer, everyone needs to cleanse totems, everyone needs to open both escape doors, and everyone needs to take the hatch. That's not how you win. You win by working together, not competing for points. And because even great survivors are having trouble leveling up (I hover at survivor ranks 3-5), they are getting matched against lower skilled killers who then get dominated, unless they choose a broken killer with broken add-ons, and even then they will tunnel and camp out of frustration.

    Killers also have it tough, because if they down and hook all of the survivors right away they could still lose a rank point even though they did really well. Killers need to let survivors live and win chases and get unhooks without letting them snowball. Killers have to let the game drag out just so that they can get enough points, but it's a crappy balancing act because they don't want to let the survivors snowball.

    So, when I play killer, I end up focusing down 1 survivor until they are hooked 3x and then repeat the process until I have only 2 survivors left and get them so that they have both been hooked 2x and only once I down them both do I hook them for their 3rd time. That is not really fun. Not fun for me. Not fun for them. I also try to play as 'tougher' killers like trapper, huntress, wraith, pig, freddy... because otherwise the chases are no fun.

    There are too many Broken killers:

    It's still almost impossible to win chases against a decent Legion if they choose to tunnel you. There are Zero outplays you can perform against a good Nurse. The Spirit can silently pick you off of gens with the right add-ons. And now the new killer (The Plague) is crazy broken too and artificially inflates the skill of bad killers.

    Plague vs Huntress:

    1. You can hear Huntress singing from further away than the Plague.

    2. Huntress has a limited #of hatchets and needs to spend time at lockers that are not evenly spread across the map, unlike the Plague who can vomit whenever she wants. 

    3. Huntress moves slower while the hatchet is wound up, unlike the Plague who moves at full speed when ready to vomit. 

    4. If the Huntress misses with a hatchet that's too bad, but the Plague has a continuous spray helps plp w/ bad aim & even if you miss the survivor entirely, you can still infect objects whenever u want.

    5. Anyone can heal from hatchet throws (and gain BP), but there is no healing from the infection's Broken Status Effect, unless you want to alert the killer by going to a Pool of Devotion, which will alert the Plague to your location, and give them the ability to automatically injure and down Survivors from a distance. But if you keep your Broken Status Effect, you cannot gain points from healing, you will infect every interactable object (e.g. gens, totems, pallets, vaults, lockers...), thus spreading the condition and making it super easy for the Plague to follow your trail. And if you're sick, lockers are now useless because they become covered on the outside with neon fing green bubbles.

    Plague vs Feddy:

    1. If you go down in a chase while infected, then anyone who comes to heal you or take you off the hook gets infected too, but if Freddy hooks you, you wake up from the dream state.

    2. If you have adrenaline while infected and all the gens get done, and you will still be sick and suffer the Broken SE, but if you're in Freddy's dream state not only will you be healed 1 state (even if on a hook), but you'll Wake Up.

    Stacked perks are also a problem:

    For example, god help you if you are a survivor going against a killer that has BBQ, Infectious Fright, and Iron Maiden because you're screwed if you're too close, you're screwed if you're too far away, and you're screwed if you hide in a locker. Also, why does BBQ give the killer up to 100% more in BP? What's the rational for that? You're just taking a really strong perk and then making it almost irresistible with the bonus to points.

    The blood webs are dumb:

    1. Forced to spend BP on things you don't want.

    2. End up with way more item add-ons than you have actual items.

    3. It just artificially inflates the cost of the perks, items, and offerings that people actually want.

    4. Wastes player time & increases frustration.

    Bad game mechanics:

    Why force players to spam keys to 'wiggle' & struggle? It's not tough. There's no skill involved. It's not fun. It just causes hands to hurt and it's annoying. It encourages survivors to let themselves die and that hurts the cause of the rest of the team. Leads to more salt.

    There is a lot of Salt & Toxic players:

    A lot of people just rage quit mid game and it makes it harder for the rest of the survivors who stay. I don't ever rage quit, and I report it every time, but I never find out if it ever results in bans or warnings. They will rage quit against certain killers, and certain perks, and certain addons, and certain maps... Even killers who get steamrolled will rage quit.

    Possible Solutions:

    1. Add a way for players to automatically view their own and others reputation's (props vs reports), and have a known Rep Number that results in a warning & one that results in a temp ban.

    2. If someone does rage quit, do not allow them to talk in post game chat and be salty AF.

    3. Delay the time between crouching so that survivors cannot T-bag. Maybe a forced toggle? Maybe a time delay? As it is, it only promotes toxic gameplay.

    4. If there was some kind of pre-game perk-draft system then survivors could vote to ban a specific killer and maybe two killer perks, and the killer could ban 4 survivor perks. That way people are less likely to rage quit.

    5. Allow people to directly buy anything with blood points, and just adjust the costs of those perks, items, and offerings to be more fair. It would cut down on time wasted in the blood web and be more enjoyable, because it gives the players more choice.

    6. Base rankings of survivors almost entirely on their survival and the survival of their teammates. That will promote teamwork. Keep the BP based on the same things they already are, but making rankings based on gens, and altruism, and evasion is not fair because different survivors should focus on different tasks based on their perks and skills and circumstance.

    7. Base rankings of killers almost entirely on number of hooks. Not Kills. Keep the BP based on the same things they already are. This means that killers should not camp, which is no fun for anyone. And better killers do get more hooks.

    8. More SWF in party? Tougher killer rank!

    9. Balance killer abilities:

    Freddy: Don't let people wake up when hooked, but don't let them see Freddy either.

    Nurse: Increase her floating speed to a normal killer and reduce the distance she can blink to 5 meters. Give her the right-click ability to inject someone with a needle that will give them the broken status effect after some amount of time (20 seconds?), and it will stick with the survivor for some amount of time (80 seconds?).

    Spirit: Do whatever it takes to stop the ability to silently pick people off of gens.

    Plague: Don't have vile purge cause Broken or injury from infection. Instead it should progressively slow down player progress on everything. And allow adrenaline to cure it.

    Legion?? it promotes tunneling... idk how to fix this one?