How come some killers are just so loud?

Some killers make virtually no noise at all when they are moving around, such as skull merchant, or Pyramid head or wesker, leatherface (he has chainsaw but is quiet lol). They are extremely quiet, making undetectable quite good on them.
But would it really be so overpowered if:
- Trapper
- Demogorgon
- Dredge (Part of his power is to be undetectable but he is one of the loudest killers in the game)
- Knight
- Nemesis
- Oni (when not in power, in power it makes sense)
- Singularity
If these killers weren't so loud?
Then you have stealth killers like wraith, and ghost face who snarl and have the "wooshing" sound effect when they are nearby, negating their power.
The only one in that list I think its actually an issue is dredge, the fact he cannot mindgame if the survivor doesnt have hearing problems is an issue. But audio occlusion and chase music hides most of the loud audio cues of those other killers in chase, so that mindgaming is possible so I have no issue with those other killers having them.
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You are missing the point, i'm talking about the undetectable status effect, so there is no chase happening. Basically, it prevents it from being useful for these killers. On top of that.
If the audio cue for them is so important and there for balance reasons, why don't they trigger a heartbeat notification for deaf/hard of hearing people?
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Ok first yes this sounds would make the undetectable status effect useless, if the average pub player had more than 3 seconds of attention span. Those players get surprised by sadako and other killers that give you 5 bussiness days to react to their stealth ambushes, do you seriously think they would be able to listen for footsteps and find if a killer is aproaching, I would be surprised they are looking around while repairing a gen to begin with.
I feel like while this problem does exist it does not affect a sufficient amount of players, those killers can still use undetectable, is it obvious because of the sound cues? Yes, will you still get a jump on them because the average players leaves a lot to be desired? Yes.
Finally, the devs have not yet been able to equalize the survivors grunts of pain so that every survivor has the same volume when injured, expecting them to fix this is pointless.
TLDR I think you are right, but this issue simply does not happen often as the average player is not good enough to use this sound cues.
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Excellent, so we agree.
So if the average survivor isn't good enough to use these sound cues, then removing them won't hurt those survivors, all it will do is buff these killers against the high level survivors, who do use the sound cues. Survivors who, these killers probably need some buffs against. Would that be correct?
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BHVR definitely isn't trying to balance the game with those sounds in mind, I don't understand why they won't normalize it
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I was ambushed by an undetectable Leatherface yesterday and jumped out of my chair. He had a perk I had never even seen before, Machine Learning, so it really came out of nowhere. He really is 100% silent.
I died in-game and IRL.
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Yes, no argument on my part but as I say I doubt bhvr will be willing to put effort into making that. But sure you have a point if we are talking about good players.
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I guess BHVR has different teams that create the killers and as a result , they have different mindsets about how loud a killer should be. You can hear Demogorgon and Oni across the map when they use their power or get stunned. I guess the idea behind this is to give them something fearful. Nemesis he makes loud footsteps to fit the idea of a big bioweapen. It can also be the case for the older ones that they didn't think too much about it and just made them loud or rather silent.
It is okay when killers do make slightly sounds so survivors can still react when they pay attention but some killers are way too loud like Dredge or Trapper. You can literally track them.
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It's funny to me that Clown is as quiet as he is. Yes, the 7 foot tall, 450 pound man with comically large shoes barely makes any walking noise
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Every killer should have a walking sound.
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Why is that?
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I agree, sometimes I want to build up some stealth perks and then think like "What's the point? Everyone will hear my steps from 20 meters".
But on the other hand The Knight who doesn't sound like a big pot with spoons, Singularity which doesn't sound like big cool robot or Nemi who is big foot boy without sounds will be pretty strange for me.0 -
Even undetectable killers have sounds that announces they are close, well, except for the Skull merchant…
It's just a characteristic of theirs to set them apart from each other. Dredge is loud, yes, but he should be, considering how his body is built
Have you asked yourself why Clown makes sound when vaulting but other killer's don't?
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if it's not in the lore of the killer it don't make sense for a killer to be completly silent while walking.
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I buy most of it but the dredge is stupid, the fact that you will not be mindgamed by dredge because of his audio is something that shouldnt happen, like you remove the whole mindgaming at loops with that killer if your opponent has ears.
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Maybe if you want to mind game then don't play as him. It's not like he is the only killer capable of mind games in the roster
He has many other quirks that set him apart from the other killers, including teleporting from one end of a loop to the other
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I don’t feel like SM is anymore stealthy than any of the other undetectable killers.
Wraith, Sadako, and Myers I’ll give you because they either have really audible cues with their breathing or ambient noise. However if Sadako is just undetectable without being de-manifested then she is easily one of the stealthiest killers because she has no breathing or footsteps.
But SM’s footstep audio is pretty loud. Those boots are stompy. If someone is getting yoinked off of gens against a SM then they aren’t paying attention. She’s no stealthier than GF who is shorter, has darker clothing, and has harder to hear audio cues.
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Ghostface is so loud I have been able to loop shack like I had wallhacks just with sound. Also been able to just avoid hits because I hear him coming (by sheer luck, but still insane for an undetectable killer)
Freddy has survivor's footsteps which means you can survive close encounters while oblivious if you mistrust your teammates all the time.
Dredge may as well have a lullaby.
Frankly making stealth killers super loud is the weirdest design choice by the devs that'll never understand.
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However on these killers:
- Knight
- Nemesis
- Singularity
It makes sense that they are loud as to make stealth unviable, and to force you to use their powers in chase
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There are plenty of killers who have lore around being silent killers.
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SM steps are loud? Are you sure? Maybe a cosmetic difference?
I have never heard step sounds from her before, but to be fair I don't actually play against her, I always go next lol
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And some killers are dead silent. I just wish it was equalized. Either make killers silent, or give them obnoxious breathing. It's really annoying as killer, because every time you change killers you need to take your loud sounds or lack thereof into account, which you yourself can't hear. And it's really annoying as survivor because you just played against a killer whose sound queues you can loop based off of, and suddenly the next killer has zero sound.
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You might be able to hear her footsteps when she's right up on you. But to me she's dead silent, which I just don't like the inconsistency of because there's tons of killers that do have sound on approach. They need to make it one or the other for all killers.
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I mean not like Nemesis/Demo loud but her footsteps are definitely very audible. She has giant combat boots on and I can hear her well enough to not get grabbed off of a gen. Of course she’s still gonna sneak up on you and get close but she has some sort of audible cue with her giant combat boots.
But I’ve always been very weary and attentive to audio and how loud everything is because I main Spirit 🤓
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balanced around bad players. /shrug.
i wonder how many people have I jump-scared with Tinkerer bubba.
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I'm willing to bet quite a few. 😅
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Except he is pretty much the only killer who can’t mind game, which is not a good thing. He’s already a low tier killer so giving him the ability to perform a basic killer function wouldn’t make him much better anyway.
There’s no need for him to have this big of a downside when much stronger anti-loop killers don’t.
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Then play someone else
You play Dredge because you like his powers, right?
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This is an interesting idea. I've admittedly only through about how loud Nemesis is!
Honestly, Trapper's weird grunts feel like they are yet another part of his outdated design. BHVR will probably never change it, because they are intent on never changing him for some reason, insisting that he's good for new players. I actually think Wraith is a better killer for new players, but I digress.
What's interesting about your list is that, apart from Nemesis and Trapper, all of these killers have some kind of long range attack or a teleport. Demo, Dredge, and Singularity can outright teleport; Knight can guard snipe (it seems to be his power's intended use now); and Oni can basically turn into the Hulk and end the game with one good use of his power. For some, like Nemesis and Knight, I think it would also feel weird if they didn't make a lot of noise.
However, I agree that Dredge's loud sound effects are overdone. Half the time, the terror radius isn't even necessary because you can just hear it wooshing if it's close. Otz put it best when he said that Dredge sounds like a hurricane. The devs seem to have made it super loud to combat Nightfall, because Dredge makes a racket when teleporting, unlike Demo and Singularity. However, I feel like making Dredge super loud in Nightfall undermines some of the purpose of Nightfall. In general, I feel like Dredge, while well designed and fun, needs to be next up on the block of killers receiving major kit-wide tuning and buffs, now that Knight and Singularity have gotten theirs.
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Yes, but demo and dredge SPECIFICALLY are designed to be undetectable. Demo gets undetectable when he teleports, but he is SO LOUD that it might as well not exist.
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I agree. The only reason I can think of for Demo is that the devs might want him to be loud so survivors can find his portals to interact with them. You'd be surprised how many times I've put a Demo portal down in a spot that I thought was "obvious" only for it to be left alone for most of the game. I would like for Demo to be quieter, though.
Dredge has no excuse. I genuinely believe it needs looking at from a balance perspective.
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Because those are nice Killers. The nice Killers make noise to give Survivors a chance. Notice that it’s all the blood-crazed Killers that are so quiet. There’s your explanation.
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Why would you want any QoL? Just play something else. Idk if this is ironic or you are legit this biased against contempling any QoL for other players.
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Like I already said, Dredge has many other powers that other killers don't
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And still severely underpowered, he doesn't deserves to have such a big nerf for absolute no reason for his power, the sound is unhealthy for the game balance
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I want to play Dredge because of his powers, I don’t play Dredge because he’s too loud.
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I suggest SM, she is quiet
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But that’s not Dredge. She plays nothing like him.