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How to limit swf?

Member Posts: 373

As the latest statistic shows, swf players do have a huge advantage over solo q players. These advantages come from matching builds and roles, voicecall, callouts and coordination.

Aside from comp players there is little that the average killer can do to stop these teams effectivly and the matches become stressfull and annoying very quick.

So when looking at the numbers the game needs a mechanic to even out the field.
The game knows when you play with others so it could apply more generator time per swf player. Another possibility would be to limit how many times certain perks can be used among the swf players (this forces the survivor to use other builds and avoids 4x adren etc).

Limiting the amount of items/add ons could also be a possibility as it really is game breaking to have multiple green toolboxes with brand new parts in a swf squad.

This would not only make the game more fair for everyone but also (and this is my favourite part about this idea) completly remove bully squads from the game.
It simply wouldn't be possible anymore to orchestrate with background player, ds, unbreakable and head on + 4 flash lights and map offering to purposly be toxic towards killers.

One last approach could be to simply tell the killers if he goes up against swf so he can mentally switch into comp mode or just dodge the lobby.

My final thoughts are that it shouldn't be possible to bring map offerings if you play with more then 1 friend. Reducing toxicity and making the game fair again is what it needs in my opinion as it feels quite inbalanced lately.

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  • Member Posts: 373

    From the numbers I saw from bhvr themself it was almost 10 %. So I'd say it is an issue because the aim is 60/40 and that is not matched in swf statistics.

    Saying that swf does not offer advantages is a pretty bold statement considering the amount of information that is shared via voicecall. Swf and toxicity in dbd are problems and pretending they are not while numbers tell you different is kinda a confusing hill to stand on.
    I was prepared to be attacked by people not ready for an open discussion though.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    While i too think they should do nothing against swf i cant believe the numbers for one reason. Bhvr has no way to factor in the tons of games where the players goof off and basicly throw because they are in an swf. There is footage for weeks to watch of funny compilation that show how they block each other and stuff like that

  • Member Posts: 373

    Bhvr always tells a tale and then doubles back. Its kind of their thing. So no. I will not remain silence or stop adressing issues while bully squads and unlimited swf are allowed in dbd.

  • Member Posts: 373

    Then we saw different statistics old school

  • Member Posts: 239

    As the latest statistic shows, swf players do have a huge advantage over solo q players.

    No, statistic shows that SWF escapes only 3% more frequently than SoloQ players.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Ban discord and give survivors proximity chat. Way more fun and way less broken.

  • Member Posts: 373

    You could check if discord is running but I doubt they would do something this extreme. Proximity chat was never intended because they feared toxicity amongst survivors.
    Well there are still tons of toxic people who then use the after game chat but behaviour pretends toxicity doesn't exist.

  • Member Posts: 373

    It is that way because it is asymmetric and the killer cannot swap its power once the he joined a lobby. From what I learned thats way its only one way.
    It would lead to survivors having a character ready to counter every killer and his basekit power. That would lead to very stressfull games.

  • Member Posts: 373

    And here is the person who takes it personally lmao. This discussion is not about me or you. It is a general problem that my friends and I are facing a lot as well as others. And the intended rate is and always has been 60 % kill rate. So if that number is not met. things need to be adjusted

  • Member Posts: 7,053
    edited July 2024

    Proximity Chat wasnt avoided due to toxicity back when the game first came out, it was to more easily immerse yourself. This was explained way back when they use to do weekly streams.

  • Member Posts: 6,335

    I'd like to see no lobbies tested out as well, see what effect is has on matchmaking. That would neatly get rid of lobby shopping around, last second swapping nonsense, prestige hate, targeting cosmetics, sifting through profiles, all of it.

    Items could be still shown before the timer ends, so Lightborn or Franklin's etc. could still be run if desired.

  • Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2024

    How do you know it's a problem that you and your friends are facing. You have no way to know if you're against a team. I've had killers complain so many times about SWF nonsense in post game chat when we were all solos. It's really not that hard to coordinate with other solo players if you're paying attention.

    It's also not that difficult to beat the majority of SWFs if you're a competent killer player. If you can find survivors, win chases quickly, and keep track of gen progress, SWFs can't do much and will often throw games trying to be overly altruistic.

    The magic 60% your asking for is pretty much bang on already in all scenarios except the extreme cases.

    The only change they need to make is to let solo players see everyone's build so we can use a wider variety of perks effectively.

  • Member Posts: 334

    I wonder how well the comp players would do without the callouts from discord etc...

    If it's not an advantage, then they should be able to perform like they do in the tournaments without it right?

    No one should be punished for playing with their friends. At least admit that having comms is an advantage.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    This the only thing I wish we had was an indicator of who's in a group it would help me prepare for squads vs solo

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    BVHR is not going do anything about it besides balance around its existence for killer. that means that if a killer is too strong in soloq, it is whatever because it has to be balanced around SWF.

  • Member Posts: 6,335

    I agree with showing perks before the trial begins. It would allow survs not on comms to act more intelligently, and know when things like Head On and Plot Twist and Deliverance etc. are in play.

  • Member Posts: 5,893
    edited July 2024

    In the games i play that is a statistical fact, but i can't say anecdotal evidence is enough.

    I'd say in probably over half the games i play, a survivor gives up and kills themself on hook, or just runs straight at me, or stands still or afks, or any other manner of throwing the game within the first 3 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 119

    I can tell you're a killer main, and a bad one at that, cause there's no way anyone but a bad killer would be upset at people playing with their friends.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    If I had a nickel for everytime someone said "You can't punish people for playing with their friends!" Lol

    While swf and solo queue may not be that far in terms of escape rate, swf with comms does feel better to play than solo queue and that gets downplayed a lot here I feel. A similar comparison would be PTB and the first live iteration of Vecna.

  • Member Posts: 435

    What exactly do you mean it gets downplayed a lot? Obviously playing with your buds is a more enjoyable experience and it's brought up all the time.

  • Member Posts: 5,784

    Only the last one

    People think oh it will be lobby dodge simulator but thats just catastrophizing as per dbd usual

    Being able to see the lobby so you can better prep or get into a different mindset is 100% better than being quashed mid match because you realized it was a team too late to change playstyle enough to have an impact. Its better to incentivize more fair mindsets then it is to give swf free wins against people who don't get to prepare or go into a match with the wrong expectations. Teams get stronger matches simple as.

  • Member Posts: 29

    the main problem with DBD:

    1.) solo queue players are playing a game of checkers

    2.) SWF players are playing a game of chess

    3.) you can only balance the killer around checkers or chess

    4.) but you can give solo queue buffs that make them stronger

    5.) or you can nerf SWF that make them weaker

    6.) and before you say "any buff to solo queue is a buff to SWF" that's not true at all. not if we gave solo queue more perks, or took away perks from SWF, or added in similar modifiers that altered the game for one but not the other.

  • Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2024

    Is your goal to get people to quit playing DBD? Why would you ever make it a worse experience to play with your friends?

    There is nothing to do to buff solo queue besides letting us see everyone's builds. When they updated the UI to let us see what everyone is doing, it gave us 90% of the information we need to be successful. The problem isn't the game. The problem is the players, and it's pretty much an impossible problem to fix.

    The biggest buff they could give solo queue would be to eliminate the DC penalty. Players giving up is by far the biggest problem. More bots is way more preferable than every other game being 1v3 after the first survivor is downed. Is buffing solo queue going to stop players from crouch walking around the edges of the map whenever someone is getting chased or stop players from all immediately bum rushing the hook to fight over the unhook?

  • Member Posts: 4,686

    Maybe put your effort into addressing bully squads, not swiffers in general.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    I don't think SWF should be limited at all.

    However I do think SoloQ Survivors should have a permanently in place 25-50% BP bonus. Just a small incentive for playing DBD authentically in the harder way to play it.

    Could even look at killers a flat bonus at the end for facing a SWF. Just something like 1k for each 2-man, 2.5k for each 3 man, 4k for each 4-man. A flat bonus means they don't just tunnel or play hard ball to win to get more points on a multiplyer, they get it regardless.

    That way everyone is happy.

    • SoloQ makes up some extra BPs even if the game is a little rough, it encourages them not to leave.
    • Newer Killers have a silver lining when facing SWFs so less likely to salty/toxic and actually try rather than just give up.
    • Fun SWFs know they're giving everyone else BP bonuses and helping the community.
    • Toxic SWFs trying to bully the solo random or the killer fail to do so, cause they get a bonus anyway, so you achieve nothing.
  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I'll leave my two cents on the matter. Facing a good and coordinated SWF can be one of the most dismal experience in DBD, if feels like your work is cut out for you at every turn, wherever you turn to, the survivors are already pre-running and the moment you do so, someone jumps on the gen on your back, putting extreme pressure on you.

    And when you try to pick someone up, someone runs with background Player from out of Nowhere to flashbang you and you never feel save, or you get send to a map with brutal locker setups and 4 Head Ons, etc.

    But (here comes to positive but) this aren't the norm of SWFs. You so often have duos that ate clearly marked as such, like having matching names or cosmetics and they often go out of their way to protect one another, playing suboptimal just to see their mate to safety and when one dies the other might give up, to follow them.

    Me and my own SWFs, we are definitely not comp team level, we fool around a lot, slap each others butt's while on gens or whatever. We get the occasional save, but we aren't that super oppressive most of the time.

    I would love if we could somehow limit the power of be comp team SWFs while leaving he others alone, and I think I have an idea how to do that. Mind you, limiting something is so often equaled to "punishing people to play with their friends", but so many multiplayer games impose certain limitations that aren't seen as "punishment". I think because it was unchecked since forever people are unreasonable allergic to any ideas.

    Imagine if in a squad shooter like Overwatch you could run 5 tanks, that would be effective but probably also unfun and unbalanced to face, so that's limited.

    And in the same vein, I would limit SWFs power a bit, without being unreasonable. What if we would limit perks to one or max. 2 per team? The hallmarks of a comp team are the plan and often repeated perks, like 4 Resilience, 4 Unbreakable, 4 DHs. If you limited the copies of the same perks by premades you would reign in the comp teams a little bit, but normal casual SWFs would not feel it at all or maybe just a little bit.

    In my own regular SWF we have someone with Blastmine and Headon/Quick n Quiet, another one with Flashbang and some healing perk, another sirh some unhooking perks. Everyone has their own fun thing to do and we got really double perks. Just a thought.

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