Stridor has not changed
did I install the wrong update or does stridor not affect 0% of the sounds in any way? nothing has changed at all and the description of the perk is old.
- The bonuses granted by the perk are additive. (was multiplicative)??? shouldn't this change have exceeded 0%?
They basically made Stridor counter Iron Will (and Off the Record) again.
Before, Iron Will would counter Stridor when it used to be 100 % because 0 % x 50 % equals 0 %
Now it's 50 % on top of 0 % sound, now your grunts of pain sounds will be at 50 % volume. Basically a slight buff for Spirit against Iron Will users, still wouldn't use it on Spirit.
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I figured it out, the problem is that it didn't change anything. There are still no pain sounds
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Must be bugged then, cause it worked fine last weeks update
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I've tested it in a custom game (same survivor on the same map): If the survivor has either Off The Record or Iron Will active and the killer has Stridor, then you still don't hear any grunts of pain from the survivor. However, the updated Stridor works: The breathing sounds and grunts of pain are louder and work different then before the update but Stridor neither counter Off The Record or Iron Will.
I cannot say if this is intended or a bug that Stridor does not increase the grunts of pain from IW/OTR users. I really don't know what the developers do or how they come up with such ideas, but they have to stop. Stridor is still a useless Perk and needs a rework while Iron Will needs a different buff but not this one.
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Stridor is supposed to work on iron will and off the record, even if they are used at the same time.
The game SHOULD be calculating Stridor last, because it’s additive.
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I've tested it with Iron Will, then with Off The Record, and then without both of them while using Stridor. I still don't hear any grunts of pain when the survivor is injured and has one of those perks. But when the survivor has no Iron Will or Off The Record or is healthy and I use Stridor then yes the survivor's sounds are slightly louder but not like before - iirc, I've never used Stridor before.
I know the developers told us in their dev update that the updated Stridor is suppose to counter these two perks (which is already stupid) but I does not. So either it is a bug or it is intended because they changed their plans or there was a miscommunication.
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The probably made the perk additive, but forgot that Stridor needs to be calculated AFTER all of the survivor sound perks.
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The lack of a change is probably a bug, given that the devs seem to want Stridor to act as a counter to Iron Will and OTR.
In the meantime, though, I'm going to try Vecna's crow perk on Spirit. Since Spirit will probably have a survivor in her terror radius at some point during a chase, scaring a crow will disable both Iron Will and any exhaustion perk they have equipped.
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Something has already been reported in the forum under the heading “Error”. I hope the developers will take another look at it.