Please! End the match making timer!

Stop this wait time for our own lobbies. Please...we all know there are people ready within 15 seconds to join in with us and get the game started...why is everyone being punished especially killers, which are the holders for the game to begin... We know survivors are there. We know we don't need to wait up to 6 minutes(longer for some others) for a match to be made. Why are you punishing everyone? This is im sure dropping the amount of people playing. I swear I'm on the edge of quiting until it reverts back to instant lobbies. Even if the rumors are true, about this stopping lobby dodging...lobbies didn't take more than 2 minutes, even if they were dodged, to get a game started. Whoever came up with this idea needs to be let go.
I'm sorry but is this really that big of an issue for you?
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You don't get it. You're queuing up to be matched with other people, just as if you'd opened a lobby. It's a UI change.
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What actually would be useful... as a survivor and killer is more indication when the host is communicating to the MM about missing people in the lobby.
You queue... get into a lobby and bam someone leaves.. then everyone sits there wondering... is that 4th spot gonna fill or is it still bugged lobbies.
Knowing if the host communicated out when the person left requesting another player and the estimated time on that.. is more important to me than knowing when I'm gonna be placed into a lobby for the 2nd wait to begin.
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Its funny cause its like please wait killer while we find people wait 5 min enters lobby no people yep good job devs
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i like the new match making timer...and is getting quicker lobbies too for survs is pleased with this and glad the button to change chars has been changed
9 - don't get it. I don't need a 5 minute timer, when i used to have a create a lobby button that instantly brought me into my own lobby, and 15 seconds later i had 4 survivors ready to go...
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it's actually longer for survivors and even more longer for killers. idk why you think its quicker.
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The point is to reduce the overall wait time, as opposed to having some people with full lobbies almost instantly and others having to wait several minutes. This is the best option for everyone.
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It's not. at all. now everyone waits longer. 6 minute wait? whats almost half a match. you kidding me? then you get people with high pings leaving and you are waiting another 3 minutes until everyone is ready. You are full of air.
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No, now you wait longer. Some people had queues of several minutes. Maybe try to look at the overall picture rather than focus on your own tiny little corner and pretend that you're all that matters in the universe.
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I'm talking for everyone i have interacted with so far as well as myself. I'm speaking on behalf of the community. Get out of here if you aren't contributing anything but blanks and what you think is correct.
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You're speaking on behalf of you and the people you've interacted with. I've read enough threads to know that those queue times were not the norm for everyone, which is why the devs created the new system, to lower queue times on the edge cases. It's all right there in the patch notes.
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Before that crap my lobbies had been filled up and already started.
I rarely had to wait for 4 minutes to fill my lobby.
So this new system is not just an UI change, it makes my lobbies slower.
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Not opening a lobby right away is a UI change, but there were some changes to the matchmaking to reduce overall lobby times.
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Dude, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
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I play on console (PS4) and I find lobbies within a few minutes at the moment now. At least within 1-2 minutes.
I wish it was like PC where you can instantly join in a lobby or create one like that. That was amazing to me, and I envy it.
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For me as well, but the overall picture has improved.
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As a survivor on PS4 who used to wait 5+ minutes regularly, now I wait less than a minute. As a killer it used to be 30 seconds and now it's about a minute to 90 seconds. I'll take that trade off.
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😆 [1] LOL!
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I assume the idea is if they only allow ex. . .
50 killer lobbies open at a time
fill all those lobbies with searching survivors (regardless of rank)
then allow 50 new killer lobbies for those cued to create a lobby
Supposedly that fixes the wait times. Maybe it does for some people, but I have longer wait times now.
And lumping various ranks together only to fill lobbies faster was brilliant. /sarcasm
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Go back to the old match making. This is so frustrating. Used to be insta que on both sides. Now, 3-5 minute waits for high ping and horrible match making.
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Poor guy needs entire game changed because he's losing precious Minutes... And I qoute.. "MINUTES".. This change made it fair for EVERYONE, you know, the other people that live on this planet. Because some lobbies would fill up instantly and other sit with missing players for several minutes. But I forgot, you are the only important player apparently...
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the entire game changed and now makes everyone wait. I'm talking on behalf of what myself and others absolutely hate about the change in match making. Who wants to wait 5 minutes when they used to wait 15 seconds, and then get a que with people across the world with bad ping that want to stay in your lobby, so you back out and wait another 5 minutes? This isnt about me its about the terrible change that is effecting everyone. why do you insist on making it about me?
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Yeah, I feel like I'm on another planet where I used to wait 15 seconds to create a lobby + get it filled and now I have to wait 5 minutes and 15 seconds for the same thing.
I know it sounds like it's "just minutes" but when we're talking about playing multiple games, that can easily add up to an hour or more. This really sucks since I play mostly solo games but I can see how this would improve wait times for 4 man SWF.
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Rank mismatching happens more often with these changes than ever. How is it fair to everyone when rank 17 killers are going against red rank SWFs, or a group of rank 12-16's are being paired with rank 1 nurses? Not even mentioning regional and ping related mismatching?
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bruh. the match making is on and off with survivors. mostly off. some times you're loaded into the game within a min. other times u have to wait like 10 mins for missing players to join. and killer matchmaking times r just bad overall. u have to wait 3 mins for the system to find u survivors and when it cant it puts u in a lobby and then u gotta wait another 10 mins for people to join. plus i see killers leave lobbies more often now cause of how long it takes, so then the survivors gotta start all over. it was way faster before, but i guess we'll see how it works out.
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It definitely takes longer as Killer. 5 minutes for me. Compared to >1 minute as Survivor. It might just be the new chapter hype and everyone playing Plague (tons of them, by the way), but I also experienced this before when they were testing it out.
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I think the new que method for killers is hilarious(and should be done away with immediately). Killers now have to wait longer than it takes for all survivors to gen rush just to get a game started. LOL! Anyone whose a killer main now will have most of their time racked up just waiting as opposed to actually playing. No one will have time to be a red rank killer no more if it stays like it is indefinitely. I am hoping it does not, but then that begs the question of how long do we have to wait for it to be fixed. I am about ready to put this game down because the wait just ain't worth it as killer. And playing survivor sucks cause my teammates are often much lower a rank than me and under skilled for the high rank killer we get. Or! I get a neverending succession of spawning into killer lobbies with very high pings. If it gonna take so long just to play a single match no matter which role I play, I might as well not play at all.
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I've noticed that since the patch I'm finding matches really fast on PS4. My timer constantly says I have only a 1 minute wait, which is nothing. It was taking far too long to find matches during the last event, so I'm personally really happy with how things are running at the minute. I had no idea this change was effecting people negatively. Also I'm talking about when I play as BOTH survivor and killer. It's never a long wait on my end...
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@TheLastGreatStar PS4 que times are good you say? Hmm...I wonder if the issue is for the PC players only than(havent read anyting for xbox players about it yet). But that still sucks. The matchmaking system should help people across all platforms regardless. So, this system is still flawed for sure.
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@inutilem It's been really good for me. I normally find matches fast, but since the last event PS4 has been awful. Normally only SWF lobbies were slow for me, but I was even finding the solo lobbies took ages to find a game and then when I did find one, it had red ping and I had to back out and restart the whole process again. Since the patch dropped on Tuesday I've been finding matches within seconds again. So I'm not sure what's happening with PC?
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@TheLastGreatStar I don't know what the issue is either. Before the new matchmaking went live for me, my lobbies were instant and more often than not I had green pinged survivors as killer and green ping lobbies as survivor and always got paired with other players my rank(unless they were swf). Now with this..nothing is good for my end.
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@inutilem Seems as though what you're getting post-patch is what I was getting pre-patch. So that's really strange. Hopefully it starts running more smoothly for you soon!
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For me it is like @inutilem said:
"Before the new matchmaking went live for me, my lobbies were instant and more often than not I had green pinged survivors as killer and green ping lobbies as survivor and always got paired with other players my rank(unless they were swf). Now with this..nothing is good for my end."
Longer waiting time... terrible pings.
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To me, this seems like the preparations for dedicated servers.
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@Saint_Ukraine I did consider that possibility. But dedicated servers aren't due to be released for..atleast 3 months(or more) from now. And that's a long time. Plenty long enough to do some damage to the player base for sure. I hope I am wrong.