Dead By Daylight is in horrible state right now...

Today we received Bug Fix 8.1.1 and it didn't help at all.
- Lobby crushes too many times
- Some weird invisible walls or floors on Suffo Pit
- Azarov R. Place is completely broken
- Garden is broken with some bugs again.
- And more more & more…
Basically - everything is bugged and DbD needs a quick and effective Bug Fix… Not in 1 or 2 weeks - it should take max 2 days…
oh god. What am I going to be coming home to today.
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A big health patch is needed.
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This is not a hot fix, it is another nail on the coffin.
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They don't think it's necessary. Everyone else disagrees xD.
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It's not necessary because well, they simply don't want to use resources that they could use to release the next DLC lol. All joking aside, a huge health chaper is needed- It is totally unacceptable that release after release, more and more bugs creep in and hotfixes (!) do more damage instead of fixing things. The team has to find a stable solution, they really can't ensure that things continue like this in the future..
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BHVR, b i g h e a l t h p a t c h n e e d e d, n o w.
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It is paradoxical that the game creates more bugs with a hotfix patch than it fixes, but it is also embarrassing considering that people invest money and time on this game.
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Basically - everything is bugged and DbD needs a quick and effective Bug Fix… Not in 1 or 2 weeks - it should take max 2 days…
Wow I cannot wait to see what incredible programming hack you have unlocked to magically fix bugs in a much faster timeframe. These things take time.
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I mean crazy idea here but every bug fix why don't they actually test them rather than just push them to live? I'm sure all devs will say "we test every patch before launch but some things do fall thru the cracks" but come on the latest round of bugs are game breaking and so obvious that its there it shows no testing was done at all.
Legit suggestion. Have more PTB's. Every time you do a PTB you make changes afterwards and that's fine. But once you have made your changes throw out another PTB with these changes for like 24 or 48 hours and ask players to just test it. You don't even have to change anything gameplay wise from this new PTB you simply have to check for game breaking bugs. This will ensure that what goes live has been tested by the player base and its not tested on live servers.
Of course some bugs are so unique that its not always possible to spot them when testing the update but a massive hole in the side of a map….thats kinda easy to spot if you tested the update before live.5 -
Can't wait for the 2v8 bugs
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i hope my ps5 don't blowup.
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99 bugs found
fix 2 bugs
120 bugs found
Ah, classic...
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Maybe if they'd, I don't know, have more PTBs and also let the other half of their player base (console players) participate in those PTBs instead of constantly treating us like second class citizens (despite eagerly vacuuming up our first class dollars), they'd catch more bugs before pushing out subpar updates.
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Imagine thinking the PTB was done not on Consoles by choice, rather than on Playstations' and Xbox' store guidelines that don't allow test builds to be pushed.
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Pretty sure there are multiple PTB's on console.
There's also ways to get around that as well.
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Yep, they know how to get around it. Release content on Console when its not experimental and therefore meets the Guidelines of those platforms.
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Pretty sure PUBG, Sea of Thieves and OW all have either PTR's or Experimental modes to try out new changes
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Not sure on the other two, but OW does not. It's official website states that actual features in testing are only rolled out to servers on PC.
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Every different single game can fix gamebreaking bugs in few hours… BHVR needs 1 week and afterall they make it even worse… Like cmon man…
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I mean that just obviously isn't true.
Every fandom of every game thinks their devs are actually the worst devs to ever exist and all they do is break the game. SMITE has had a five year bug where switching audio device at any time whilst the application is open can completely brick your PC, the CINN developers not only were unable to fix bugs in their game for a prolonged period of time, but specifically published an announcement they were abandoning all development on it because they can't patch up the bugs, PA2 and CS2 were both delayed for months because they could not crash out bugs, PA2 is still not released whilst they perform bug fixes and optimisation. I could go on.
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Imagine making an ill informed comment that implies experimental builds aren't allowed on consoles when they actually are. Run along now.