New Killer Mechanic

This is more of a little thought nothing to take seriously really. What if killers could feint an attack?

They can whiff the attack and the cooldown would be half the value of a missed attack.

It could be used for more mind games on the survivors and to bait the use of dead hard.



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    On paper, I like the idea, but how would this work, in practice? Killers don't exactly have that many buttons.

  • BlowHard74728
    BlowHard74728 Member Posts: 60

    I'm a big fan of for honor and the way they have it work is you press the attack button and shortly after and press O on controller to cancel the attack.

    But to keep it all in one output the button to drop a survivor can be used seeing as how it is not used in a chase.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    You can already bait deadhard out by waiting to swing though. It doesnt seem very useful, maybe if there was zero cooldown it could be used to bait 360s which are in fact a problem on console.

  • BlowHard74728
    BlowHard74728 Member Posts: 60

    It could still be used for mind games at pallets to either bait the pallet or to give the survivor a false sense of security so they do not throw it down and you can catch them.

    It would have its uses other than baiting dead hard and 360s.